From Scratch by April Kelley

Title: From Scratch

Series: Fountain Village Mysteries 01

Author: April Kelley

Genre: Mystery, Paranormal

Length: Novella (138 Pages)

Publisher: April Kelley (July 15, 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Finding a mate is supposed to be one of the most magical moments of a bat shifter’s life. For poor Lake Truman, it’s a disaster. His mate’s rejection would have killed the magic all by itself, but the dead body cinches the whole thing.

Bryson Caill just ended a long-term relationship and moved back to his childhood home. He wants to put the pieces of his life back together before entering another relationship. But what he wants and what he gets are two very different things.

ISBN: B07DK45349

Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: This series is a spin-off of Finding Happy, which is part of the Wingspan series, book two. The events in this book follows the same time line as those in Finding Happy.

Bat shifters are a strange breed. When they first meet their mates it makes the bat shifter blind until they get it on and mate. So when Lake finds his mate he knew what to expect. Lake, his brother and best friend snuck out of their home to go drinking. He had not expected to find his mate before even walking into the building. Nor had he expected his mate to act the way he did.

Bryson is a human raised by bat shifter moms and pretty much knew all that happened with being a bat shifter. He had just moved back home after a disaster of a relationship and had not expected to find out that he is a mate. He was still in love with his ex, or so he thinks. With that going on and the murders it looks like their little town just got a new deputy. Now if only he can figure out his mating.

I have always loved April’s stories ever since she put out her first book. I am amazed at the worlds she creates and the characters just make the book rock. They are quirky and charming, even the humans. You get adventure, danger, excitement and maybe some sexy times in this book and so much more.

I had a blast reading it and can’t wait to get my hands on the next book.

Thunder and Lightning by Patricia Logan

Title: Thunder and Lightning
Series:  Death and Destruction 06
Author: Patricia Logan
Genre: Mystery, Action, Romantic Suspense
Length: Novel (320 pages)
Publisher: Westburg Publishing (July 25, 2017)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts
Blurb: .Jarrett Evans and Thayne Wolfe have been partnered in the ATF for nearly two years and their love and commitment to each other has grown over time. Now faced with one final challenge, the boys are headed to Arizona to help Thayne’s mom, stumbling headfirst into a brand new case. When a man is shot on Dot’s sister’s ranch, their informal investigation leads to the Native American reservation bordering the property.
Juggling tricky tribal politics isn’t something Jarrett and Thayne are accustomed to but, as with most things in their lives, nothing is ever uncomplicated. When a surprise sighting shakes Thayne to his very foundation, they call out for help and their colleagues ride to the rescue along with a little help from the FBI. The mystery on the reservation only deepens when they start putting two and two together. Questionable cigarettes at the Ahtunowhiho Trading Post may be the least of their worries.
From the mean streets of Los Angeles to the vast deserts of Arizona, Thayne and Jarrett once again brave the minefields of bad guys, bigshots, and a vicious betrayal that kicks them in the ass. But one thing is certain. Thru thunder and lightning, Jarrett and Thayne are never alone. They’ll fight for each other down to the last man standing, even if it costs them their very lives.
ISBN: B0748KR5Y1
Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK
Reviewer: Shorty 
Review: I will not give away too much in the way of details but will say this: This series is a fantastic roller coaster ride of mystery, suspense, romance, twists and turns that just kept coming. Jarrett and Thayne are back again in this exciting installment.
Their mission is to investigate a murder. I found myself fully absorbed in the story and was fascinated by how well it flowed. Questions were answered that remained unanswered in previous books.
Mills Lang also made an appearance and ran into trouble that he deserved. I simply loved this series with it’s breathtaking action scenes to the tender moments in between. If you love mystery and suspense with a huge helping of catching the bad guys this series is for you. 
Fantastic read and highly recommended.

The Stoker Connection by Jackson Marsh

Title: The Stoker Connection

Author: Jackson Marsh

Genre: Young Adult, Thriller, Mystery

Length: Novel (280pgs)

Publisher: Jackson Marsh (June 12, 2018)

Heat Level: Low – Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: What if you could prove that the greatest Gothic horror novel of all time was a true story?

Dexter and Morgan meet on their eighteenth birthday. The attraction is instant but confusing. As they deal with coming out, they are bound together by more than first love.

Both keep diaries, and each has the same goal – to prove that Stoker didn’t write ‘Dracula’. They are convinced that Harker, Van Helsing and the others existed and wrote the novel’s journals themselves. If Dex and Morgan can prove it, they will blow the lid off the vampire myth: Dracula existed.

As the two teenagers fall in love, so they fall into an adventure as thrilling as it is dangerous. They are being watched, and someone is willing to kill to stop them from making ‘The Stoker Connection.’

The Stoker Connection is an MM Romance treasure hunt thriller. It draws on the original text of ‘Dracula’, but it is not a story about vampires. It is a story of first love and the power of friendship. Sometimes funny, it is an intriguing and honest account compiled from Dex and Morgan’s original diaries.


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: I loved this story. It was different from any other I’ve read. Dex and Morgan’s journal entries showed an insight that was unique and refreshing as we get how both of them feel on different things happening in their lives. I found it interesting that both were born on the same date but that is not the only thing. There are many coincidences that cannot be discounted between the two.

The way the story is told is refreshing and invigorating. The story leads Dex and Morgan on an adventure to discover what they feel for one another, as well as what is truth and what is not regarding Dracula and the accounts that have been documented and told from various accounts.

It was fascinating to see the journey culminate in anticipation of what they do and don’t find, plus the element of danger as someone does not want them digging any further than they have. I was captivated from start to finish. I loved the entire book.

Fantastic story and highly recommended.

The Closer You Get by L.A. Witt Retro Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

L.A. Witt - The Closer You Get RRTBanner

Hi guys! We have L.A. Witt popping in today with The Closer You Get, we have a great excerpt, a brilliant giveaway and Artemis review so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

The Closer You Get

(Wildes 04)

L.A. Witt

The virgin isn’t the only one with something to lose…

Self-described manwhore Kieran Frost is loving the single life. Two years after moving to Seattle, he still has his friends with benefits, Rhett and Ethan, plus a never-ending supply of gorgeous, available men wandering through the bar where he works. A relationship? Spare him the drama and heartbreak. He’s got no complaints about his unattached lifestyle.

When Rhett’s daughter introduces him to newly-out-of-the-closet Alex Corbin, Kieran’s interest perks up. After all, the quiet ones are always the freaks in bed. But Alex isn’t just shy and reserved. He’s a virgin in every sense of the word, having never even kissed anyone else.

Kieran is no one’s teacher, and his first instinct is to run like hell in the other direction. But his conscience won’t let him throw the naïve kid to the wolves for someone else to take advantage of. The plan is to introduce Alex to his own sexuality, pull him out of his shell, then go their separate ways.

It’s the perfect, foolproof plan…assuming no one falls in love.

Continue reading “The Closer You Get by L.A. Witt Retro Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!”

Daniel by R.J. Scott

Title: Daniel

Series: The Third Legacy

Author: R.J. Scott

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (194pgs)

ISBN: 978-1-78564-127-5

Publisher: Love Lane Books (18th June 2018)

Heat Level: Low – Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Daniel worked hard at college, using coping strategies to shut himself off from any situation that might hurt. But, persistent nightmares and fears for his future drive him to revisit the past. Now Legacy might be the only place to give him a chance at peace.

After the tragic loss of his parents, Corey is head of the family now, and the welfare of his three younger sisters are what matters the most. Corey is desperate to find Daniel, tell him the truth and somehow convince him to keep secrets. Even if this leads to heartbreak.

When the world crumbles around Corey, and Daniel is running scared, Legacy ranch is their only hope.

A new story set in the world of Jack and Riley Campbell-Hayes and the Double D Ranch, Texas.

Purchase Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Review: Daniel is just getting through life like a ghost, just drifting through ignoring everything except finishing college because his past have left deep emotional scars that he doubts will ever begin to heal. Corey loses his parents and uncle in a shocking plane crash and he now has a business and his sisters to worry about, but a shocking secret has Corey seeking Daniel out determined to discover the truth and hopefully have Daniel swear never to out the truth so Corey can protect his sisters.

This is a wonderful story that really tears the guts out of a person. Daniel turned his back on the offer of aid from Legacy ranch; he wants nothing to do with anything that reminds him of the past so when a young man seeks him out looking for answers Daniel is torn in two.

Corey just wants to protect his sisters but meeting Daniel throws him for a loop, he doesn’t want to cause any harm to the other man but he needs answers. Daniel turns to Legacy ranch when he finds he can’t manage an office job, and meeting Corey yet again leaves Daniel reeling.

This isn’t an easy story as we dig into Daniel’s horrific past, we see the emotional fall out as a new abuser is unmasked and the boys of Legacy ranch decide what to do with the new information.

Corey’s story also pulls at your heart, he’s desperate to protect his sisters but he also doesn’t want anyone else hurt, he’s struggling with the death of his parents, taking over the business, taking care of his sisters, and finding out the truth of the secret he uncovered… I’m surprised the poor man didn’t cave under the pressure.

Legacy ranch unleashes it healing presence yet again as Corey and Daniel connect and begin to heal; Corey’s sisters also find solace at Legacy helping the family to re-connect.

Corey’s and Daniel’s relationship is a slow building one; they become friends and begin dating over a period of time. They connect well and are really good for each other; they make a great couple who have a bumpy ride.

The story flows well with all the characters fully coming to life, there are moments of angst and anger, panic and despair, love and hope, so we get a true run of emotions from Daniel and Corey.

I recommend this to those who love angst driven characters, who adore men who find love against the odds, who love plot driven storylines, and very happy endings.

A Family Affair by Lisa Oliver

Title: A Family Affair

Series: The Necromancer’s Smile 02

Author: Lisa Oliver

Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal

Length: Novella (178 Pages)

Publisher: (May 26, 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Necromancer Sy York and former Detective, Alpha wolf Dakar Rhodes are slowly learning to merge their lives together as true mates. With the steadfast Brock and loyal Brad, as well as Connor and Clive all sharing the estate with them, for the first time in his life, Sy feels as though he has a family around him.

But just as Sy’s starts to get used to his new life, an uninvited guest to his party brings trouble to the family group. Sy’s father has been scheming in the background for ten years and arrives complete with Sy’s new bride. Just as Sy remembers from when he was growing up, his father flatly refuses to accept Sy and Dakar’s mating and an angrily thrown power ball is just the start of the couple’s problems. To add mayhem to a volatile situation, Dakar isn’t handling the threat to his mating very well.

Dakar knew Sy was more powerful than him from the moment they met and has told himself a dozen times a day it didn’t matter. But a person’s inner thoughts have a way of exposing themselves, especially when magic users are involved. Angry and frustrated, Dakar lashes out – could this be the end of his and Sy’s mating before it even has time to settle down?

Ghostly grandfathers, scheming family members, new mates, and a meddling mother in law; this book has it all. Please note this is the second book in The Necromancer’s Smile trilogy. The Epilogue in this story is the prelude to book 3 and starts the thread of a new plot line. Because of this some might say that this does end on a cliffhanger although the story line in this book is resolved. You will need to read book one before reading this story.


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Cloverleah Pack collection features our sexy necromancer Sy and his wolf mate Dakar as well as Brock and his sexy bear shifter mate Brad. This story is a continuous of the first book so you really need to read the one first.

Sy’s family is starting their crap and things are going to heat up. It would seem his dear old dad has brought an evil twit female for our sexy necromancer to mate with. Too bad the old fart is going to have to come to terms with the fact that Sy is mated. The problem is he is not getting the message and wants Dakar dead.

To top it off something is seriously wrong with Dakar and boy his attitude sucks. They are going to need gramps to come back from the dead to help.

This is one of my favorite stories that involves necromancers. I have never been a fan of them but this author just draws you in with Sy. This story caught my attention from the start and kept it all the way to the end. It gave me everything I could possibly want in a book. Action packed, excitement, danger and some hot sexy times are just a few things you get.

I had a blast reading this and can’t wait to get my hands on the next book.

Point & Shoot by Patricia Logan

Title: Point and Shoot

Series: Death and Destruction 05

Author: Patricia Logan

Genre: Mystery, Action, Romantic Suspense

Length: Novel (460pgs)

Publisher: Westburg Publishing (April 15, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Thayne Wolfe and Jarrett Evans have been working together for nearly a year. Now, living together as well, their relationship has taken on a whole new meaning for both men. It seems that danger has always been a part of their lives in the ATF but when SAC Stanger sends them to a relatively routine crime scene, things quickly get complicated. Someone has been arming Los Angeles street gangs with automatic weapons missing their serial numbers. 

Lincoln Snow from the FBI’s LA field office, has a new partner, McBride M. McCallahan, a massive former Green Beret. The men are chasing a kidnapper, trying to rescue a child from an online sex ring. When their case intersects with the ATF’s through stolen weapons, Lincoln and Mac team up with Jarrett and Thayne to solve their case as well. 

From a desert hunting lodge for the insanely wealthy, to the gang-infested streets of Los Angeles, the men follow the guns to solve both their cases. In a race for time to save a little boy and keep themselves above ground long enough to find out who’s pulling the strings, all they want to do is put this case to bed. 


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK 

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Jarrett and Thayne are back in this exciting addition to the Death & Destruction series. They enlist the help of Cassidy Ryan, as they team up with FBI special agent Lincoln Snow and his partner Mac McCallahan to take down dirty L.A. cops, a gang mixed up in stolen guns and an online sex ring.

This story has a lot of action in and out of the bedroom. I loved the way all the men had one common goal: to take out the trash. I really liked how well they all worked well together in their quest. It was a journey to say the least.

I loved seeing how Jarrett and Thayne are when living together. It was certainly entertaining at times and thoughtful at others as they settle down. I love this series and am looking forward to the next installment.

Highly recommended.

The Stoker Connection by Jackson Marsh Blog Tour, Character Interview, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Hi guys, we have Jackson Marsh stopping by today with the tour for his newest release The Stoker Connection, we have a brilliant character interview, a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway where there’s two books (The Blake Inheritance, and Remotely) up for grabs, so guys, check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

The Stoker Connection


Jackson Marsh

What if you could prove that the greatest Gothic horror novel of all time was a true story?

Dexter and Morgan meet on their eighteenth birthday. The attraction is instant but confusing. As they deal with coming out, they are bound together by more than first love.

Both keep diaries, and each has the same goal – to prove that Stoker didn’t write ‘Dracula’. They are convinced that Harker, Van Helsing and the others existed and wrote the novel’s journals themselves. If Dex and Morgan can prove it, they will blow the lid off the vampire myth: Dracula existed.

As the two teenagers fall in love, so they fall into an adventure as thrilling as it is dangerous. They are being watched, and someone is willing to kill to stop them from making ‘The Stoker Connection.’

The Stoker Connection is an MM Romance treasure hunt thriller. It draws on the original text of ‘Dracula’, but it is not a story about vampires. It is a story of first love and the power of friendship. Sometimes funny, it is an intriguing and honest account compiled from Dex and Morgan’s original diaries.

Continue reading “The Stoker Connection by Jackson Marsh Blog Tour, Character Interview, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

Caledonia Destiny by Lexi Ander Cover Reveal, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Lexi Ander - Caledonia Destiny Banner

Hiya peeps! We have Lexi Ander visiting today with the cover to her upcoming release Caledonia Destiny, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant 3x $10 Amazon GC giveaway, so check out the cover, enjoy the excerpt, and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

Caledonia Destiny

(Blessed Bane 01)

Lexi Ander

A twist of fate changed both their destinies.

The wyrbears, once a long-lived species, were being lost to the forest in their prime. A people borne of a curse, their abilities not a gift but something wrongly taken, they nonetheless live in harmony with their animal spirits. But over time the curse they lived under changed, mutated, and now what once was a refuge from the world when they became too weary is culling mathan in their prime.

Ewen mhic Friscalach, the leader of his peoples, lost his father too early and is now a widower with four children. The vow he made as a youth to break the curse afflicting wyrbears has been buried by grief and responsibility.

Roi mhic Alric, a priest of Cerridwen and seer, watched his fellow priests slaughtered and his temple desecrated. The only thing that kept him going the last three horror-filled years was the vision Cerridwen had granted him of his emancipation. If freedom came at the cost of his life, well, he was more than ready for the Otherworld.

A fated meeting upon a bloody field of battle. A wrong done long ago. Their choices could save a people… or send them into extinction. Either way, their love will be legend.

**Caledonia Destiny started out as 31k short story that had a happy for now ending. Now, years later, I have rewritten and expanded the original to 111k.**

Release date: 9th July 2018

Continue reading “Caledonia Destiny by Lexi Ander Cover Reveal, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

Day Of Wrath by Anna Butler Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Anna Butler - Day Of Wrath BlogTour

Hi guys! We have Anna Butler stopping by today with the tour for her new release Day of Wrath, we have a fantastic guest post, a great excerpt, and we have Anna’s amazing giveaway where you could win a $25 (or equivalent) Amazon card, a signed copy of Taking Shield 01 : Gyrfalcon, or pick an eBook from Anna’s back catalogue, so guys check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

Day of Wrath

(Taking Shield 05)

Anna Butler

In less than a week, Bennet will finally return to the Shield Regiment, leaving behind the Gyrfalcon, his father, his friends… and Flynn. Promotion to Shield Major and being given command of a battle group despite the political fallout from Makepeace the year before is everything he thought he wanted. Everything he’s worked towards for the last three years. Except for leaving Flynn. He really doesn’t want to leave Flynn.

There’s time for one last flight together. A routine mission. Nothing too taxing, just savouring every moment with the best wingman, the best friend, he’s ever had. That’s the plan.

Bennet should know better than to trust to routine because what waits for them out there will change their lives forever.

Continue reading “Day Of Wrath by Anna Butler Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

BadLands by Morgan Brice Release Blast & Excerpt!

Hi guys! We have Morgan Price visiting today with her new release BadLands, we have a great excerpt so check out the post and enjoy! ❤ ~Pixie~



Morgan Brice

Simon Kincaide owns a boardwalk shop in Myrtle Beach where he runs ghost tours & does seances and private psychic readings, a fresh start after his abilities cost him his lover and his job as a folklore professor. Jaded cop Vic D’Amato saw something supernatural he couldn’t explain during a shootout several years ago in Pittsburgh and relocated to Myrtle Beach to leave the past behind, still skeptical about the paranormal. But when the search for a serial killer hits a dead end, Vic battles his skepticism to ask Simon for help. As the body count rises, Simon’s involvement makes him a target, and a suspect. But Simon can’t say no, even if it costs him his life and heart.

Continue reading “BadLands by Morgan Brice Release Blast & Excerpt!”

Love’s Magic by Janice Jarrell

Title: Love’s Magic

Series: Revolutionary Heart 01

Author: Janice Jarrell

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (256pgs)

Publisher: Janice Jarrell (May 8, 2018)

Heat Level: Low – Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3 1/2 Hearts

Blurb: If you love gay romance that contains both heated passion and steadfast love, Love’s Magic is for you!

Professor Nate Reese rushes to protect a female student and is severely injured at the hands of her assailant. Traumatized by the attack, Nate sets his feet on a no-holds-barred path of activism designed to force university officials into addressing the issue of on-campus assault. At the same time, terrified of losing his hard-won status at the university, his partner, David Gardener, a veteran of 12 years as a very popular Professor, is reluctant to support Nate’s militant efforts. Seemingly abandoned by his partner, Nate sees David’s aversion to his activism as indifference to the trauma he suffered. Day by day they watch as their relationship disintegrates, while still struggling to resolve the disruptive issues engulfing the school they love.

In the meantime, Irishman Colin Campbell, handsome and charismatic Sergeant for the campus police force, fights his own on-going war against campus assault. But behind his obsessive desire to gain justice for victims lies a devastating secret which could forever destroy his fiercely independent facade and expose his deepest fear. Ultimately, it is Colin’s powerful connection to a steady, dark-eyed Title IX consultant which threatens to tear down his defenses and shatter the barriers protecting his heart.

Cocky and irresistible, the dynamic police officer was everything Joshua Abrams had ever longed for in a man, but Colin simply didn’t ‘do’ relationships. Unless Joshua would settle for a one night stand, or a very short-term liaison, there was no room for him in Colin’s life. Yet even knowing this, he couldn’t keep himself from falling hopelessly in love with his ‘magic man’. Despite the passion between them, he knew his quiet, reclusive nature could never hope to entice the vibrant, freedom-loving Irishman, so eventually he begins to back slowly away.

Eventually, a disagreement over an oddly disturbing case causes Colin’s hot Irish temper to erupt and their relationship is irrevocably shattered. Heartbroken, and convinced that Colin is gone forever, Joshua flees Charlottesville without a word, leaving Colin adrift and inconsolable.

But Joshua Abrams hadn’t merely stepped over the indelible line Colin had drawn between his heart and the dangers of real love, he had burned through it like hot lava. Finally forced to acknowledge his love for Joshua and his desperate need to have the quiet, Jewish man by his side, Colin must now face the dark and long-suppressed memories which are irrevocably linked to his love for the handsome consultant. Without even a forwarding address to guide him, he vows to find Joshua and bring him home. Colin’s struggle to conquer his pride and fear in order to find the love of his life and achieve their happily ever after will touch your heart.

Four lives in turmoil fighting for the relationships they cherish, and at the heart of the struggle, a great university struggles to survive its most harrowing challenge.

Please Note: This book contains adult language & steamy adult activities, it is intended for 18+ Adults Only.


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: This story is about two couples, Nate and David and Colin and Joshua. Nate is attacked by a guy trying to hurt a female and is stabbed. Colin as campus police is called to investigate what happened. Joshua offers to help on Colin’s cases.

Both couples struggle with issues as the story progresses. I found that most of the story is drama based and about the couples issues and the way they deal with certain things. I really felt for both couples as one party in each have deeper things to deal with and at times they seem to push their other half away.

Although this was an emotional, drama driven book it was not for me. I found myself waiting for an action scene that never happened because I kept forgetting that I was reading a contemporary rather than a fantasy, sci-fi or paranormal story as I was asked to review this book. I think anyone who loves contemporary with deep issues and the aftermath of said issues will love this story.

However, for me it was not to my tastes and I found myself having to force myself to keep reading despite the fact that I wanted to stop altogether. Sorry but I did not care for it myself.

Rainbow Place by Jay Northcote

Title: Rainbow Place

Series: Rainbow Place 01

Author: Jay Northcote

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (208 Pages)

Publisher: Jaybird Press (June 15, 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.5 Hearts

Blurb: Can Jason find the courage he needs to be the man Seb deserves?

When Seb Radcliffe relocates to a seaside town in Cornwall, he feels like a fish out of water. He misses queer spaces and the sense of community he enjoyed when he was living in the city, and decides to open an LGBT-friendly cafe-bar.

Jason Dunn is the builder Seb hires to help renovate the rundown space where the cafe will be housed. Jason is also gay, but unlike Seb, he’s deep in the closet. He’s never had a relationship with another man–only allowing himself the occasional hook up with guys who are prepared to be discreet.

The attraction between the two men is instant and impossible to ignore. But while Seb is out and proud, Jason is terrified of being exposed. With the grand opening of Rainbow Place approaching, tension is growing among some locals who object to Seb’s plans. When things escalate, Jason is forced to choose whether to hide in the shadows and let Seb down, or to openly support the man he’s fallen so hard for.


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Seb is starting over in a small town, a small town where it seems like he is the only gay man out. His new best friends talk him into opening a cafe/bar that is more gay friendly then the people of town are used to. He meets Jason and hires him to help him build the dream he now has.

Jason is as gay as Seb but he hides it from everyone but his ex-wife and child. He is afraid of what will happen if he comes out. These two seem to hit it off, but too bad Jason is a scared little rabbit. Sex between them is hot but to bad it is only an arrangement with them, but well you can guess Jason’s reaction. Then the trouble in town starts up with Seb’s new business and lets see which direction Jason goes in.

I have read very few books by this author and he gives a pretty good story. However it is similar to so many more books out there that it just didn’t catch and keep my attention like it should have. I was bored right off the bat and it didn’t give me what I really wanted in a story. It is a well written story that has some pretty sweet characters in it as well as secondary characters that are supportive. You also have an ex-wife who is pretty amazing throughout the story and she supports her ex.

A hate crime happens and what does Jason do, well lets just say he fails all the way around. So I don’t really care for him at all, although in the end he redeems himself.

Like I said it is a well written and well rounded story but it is not unique and didn’t really do anything for me. The only positive side to it was that it felt like it was real and like it was the guys next door.

Locked & Loaded by Patricia Logan

Title: Locked and Loaded

Series:  Death and Destruction 04

Author: Patricia Logan

Genre:  Mystery, Action, Romantic Suspense

Length: (Novel 402pgs)

Publisher: Westburg Publishing (January 8, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: ATF agents Thayne Wolfe and Jarrett Evans are back and this time, they’ll be facing a familiar foe. International arms dealer, Mills Lang, has acquired a stolen cache of tabun, a powerful nerve agent, to sell to the highest bidder. The last thing either Thayne or Jarrett wants to do is get involved with the psychopath again but duty calls. Jarrett is sent in undercover as an Iranian who’s looking to trade cold hard cash to stop the deadly weapon’s sale only to learn he has to bid against the world’s nastiest scumbags. 

Thayne has spent countless nights lost in the nightmare of what happened when he’d been undercover in Lang’s organization. The time has come to face old demons and save thousands of lives, putting Lang down like the rabid animal he is. Unfortunately, the assignment requires Thayne to sit helplessly on the sidelines, forced to watch the man he loves put himself in the monster’s path. 

Jarrett has revenge on his mind. Holding Thayne when he’s woken screaming from nightmares, he wants the mad man responsible, behind bars or better yet, dead. Unfortunately, the assignment involves getting close to a former lover. Gorgeous Mossad agent, Adael Dayan, is Jarrett’s only way into Lang’s circle with Thayne forced to watch from the sidelines. Thayne and Jarrett have faced the Devil before, but always together. Will this case drive a wedge between them or will their love endure?

“Locked and Loaded” Contains an exciting excerpt from “Point and Shoot” (Death and Destruction Book 5)


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: A great addition to this series as Mills Lang, the evil arms dealer is back in this book and it is up to Jarrett and Thayne to stop him. Mills has a deadly nerve agent called Taban that he plans to sell to highest bidder. As with the other books this one has plenty of action.

A few scary scenes, a mystery man, plus a lot of hot action made for an outstanding read. I love the chemistry between Jarrett and Thayne. The secondary characters added to the appeal of the story. Jarrett’s ex is back and it causes Thayne to get jealous on top of everything else going on.

Twists and turns lead the reader on a journey of trying to stop an arms, figure out who the mystery man is and what he wants. It’s a roller coaster of emotions as well as a great book. I loved it.

Highly recommended.

Daniel by R.J. Scott Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

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Hi guys, we have R.J. Scott stopping by today with her new release Daniel, the Third book in her Legacy series. We have a fabulous excerpt and a fantastic $10 Amazon GC giveaway so check out the post and click that giveaway link! ❤ ~Pixie~


(The Third Legacy)

R.J. Scott

Daniel worked hard at college, using coping strategies to shut himself off from any situation that might hurt. But, persistent nightmares and fears for his future drive him to revisit the past. Now Legacy might be the only place to give him a chance at peace.

After the tragic loss of his parents, Corey is head of the family now, and the welfare of his three younger sisters are what matters the most. Corey is desperate to find Daniel, tell him the truth and somehow convince him to keep secrets. Even if this leads to heartbreak.

When the world crumbles around Corey, and Daniel is running scared, Legacy ranch is their only hope.

A new story set in the world of Jack and Riley Campbell-Hayes and the Double D Ranch, Texas.

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Leaning into Forever by Lane Hayes Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Lane Hayes - Leaning into Forever RB Banner

Hi peeps! We have Lane Hayes popping in today with her new release Leaning Into Forever, we have a great excerpt and a fantastic $25 Amazon GC giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

Leaning Into Forever

(Leaning Into… 07)

Lane Hayes

Geordie de la Rosa is a legend among wine lovers in Napa Valley. His ultra-fabulous style paired with a penchant for leading impromptu sing-a-longs has made him a star attraction at Conrad Winery. Co-owning a well-respected winery was never Geordie’s aspiration but he likes the niche he’s made for himself. He won’t deny that his job and his friends have helped ease his heartache and grief after the death of his longtime partner.

Levi Yeager excels at the art of reinventing himself. He’s been a minor league baseball player, a college coach and now a restaurant owner. The problem is he doesn’t know a thing about the food business. And when his chef quits unexpectedly, he’s afraid his new venture is doomed. But Levi isn’t a quitter. It may be the only thing he has in common with the beautiful, sassy man from the neighboring winery who agrees to help get his new business up and running. Neither man counts on their fast friendship or the wild attraction they feel for each other. However, they know they won’t stand a chance until they let go of the past and lean into forever.

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Love Me Louder by Christina Lee Release Blast & Excerpt!

Christina Lee - Love Me Louder RDB Banner

Hi guys! We have Christina Lee stopping by today with her new release Love Me Louder, we have a great excerpt so check out the post and enjoy! ❤ ~Pixie~

Love Me Louder


Christina Lee

Noah Dixon is damaged goods. After an accident leaves him physically scarred and emotionally vulnerable, dating isn’t in the cards, so he throws himself head-first into his retail job. When he’s obligated to attend his best friend’s engagement party on Fire Island, it dawns on him he’s about to spend yet another weekend feeling totally invisible and alone among a swarm of gorgeous men.

That’s when the idea of an escort comes in.

After Will Crossen was forced to put his theater major on hold in favor of two jobs to tackle his ailing mother’s hospital bills, he tells himself becoming an escort isn’t that big of a deal. It’s just another form of acting, right? He doesn’t expect his newest customer to be the cheery, overconfident sales associate he avoids like the plague at his day job. Talk about awkward.

But what happens on Fire Island stays on Fire Island…especially when a smoldering attraction sparks into flames. Will doesn’t feel so alone anymore, and for the first time, Noah realizes someone is seeing him behind all the scars. But between their jobs, Will’s massive familial responsibilities, and Noah’s vulnerabilities, they don’t stand a chance unless they find a way to let love speak louder than their demons.

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Entangled: The Omega and the Bounty Hunter

Title: Entangled: The Omega and the Bounty Hunter

Series: Briar Wood Pack 01

Author: Claire Cullen

Genre: Paranormal

Length: Novel (180 Pages)

Publisher: Claire Cullen (May 10, 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Blurb: He’s waited years for an alpha, then two come along at once.

Lonely omega Noah’s only escape from his boring life means finding a mate. Too bad he’s stuck looking after a boarding house that no one ever stays in. Nothing will change unless an alpha walks into his life. And even then, Noah is broken, scarred since childhood. What alpha would want an omega who can’t bond, who can’t give them a child?

Then, on one otherwise ordinary day, an alpha turns up on his doorstep, interrupting his humdrum life. Preston is everything Noah could have imagined in an alpha; breathtakingly handsome, charming, compatible. And willing to look past Noah’s scars to the omega beneath. Noah’s starting to believe his luck has finally turned around.

Enter Ronan, the dark, dangerous alpha on Preston’s trail, and Noah’s world is turned upside down for the second time in two days. Is Ronan the bad guy he appears to be? Or is Preston too good to be true?


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Noah was a scarred omega that pretty much had a worthless pack. They stuck him by himself to watch over the boarder house. All he wanted was an alpha to want him. The problem was his scars prevented him from mating and producing pups. Then a man shows up and charms him, only to turn out to be the worst idea ever. So when Ronan came looking for that alpha, Noah wasn’t to sure what to do, but to trust him.

Ronan comes from an unusual pack where an omega leads. He wants Noah and will do everything he can to show him, that he is the one for him. Things happen and your going to just have to read the book to find out.

Interesting tale, danger and a bit of surprise coming in for the omega is a bit what you get in this book. It is a very unique type of story with great potential. However the problem was that it is a very dry and dark toned story. As well as being very slow moving and didn’t really do anything for me, except confuse me. It starts off with Noah and his story, but it doesn’t go into details right off the bat and makes you wonder. The story was missing quite a bit to make it stand out and keep my attention.

I actually found it hard to get into and follow parts of it. I always give the first book a chance and hope that the next book will be better, so will wait and see.

For now it is like I said an interesting tale, but not really my kind of book.

The Dragon’s Second Chance Omega by Connor Crowe

Title: The Dragon’s Second Chance Omega

Series: Darkvale Dragons 02

Author: Connor Crowe

Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy, Military

Length: Novel (244pgs)

Publisher: Fated Fire Foundry (March 14, 2018)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: An Omega With A Secret…

Nikolas Lastir remembers. A night of passion with his lover turned into an inferno of fire and death. In the chaos he was separated from his partner and imprisoned by the enemy. What neither of them expected was for their midnight tryst to leave Nik with a secret baby. Raising a child alone is hard. Reuniting with his lost lover who doesn’t know he’s the father? That might be even harder.

A Battle-hardened Alpha…

Peter Marlowe has been through hell and back. He lives on blood and battle to numb out his past, but the past has a way of catching up. Returning home after five long years, he comes face-to-face with the life–and the mate–he left behind. But the war isn’t over yet. As a mysterious new threat looms, can they find their way back to one another?

Can love bloom a second time?

The Dragon’s Second-Chance Omega is the second book in the Darkvale Dragons series. Each book follows a different couple but should be read in order for maximum enjoyment. You’ll find within these pages smoking-hot dragons, second chances, knotting, flower crowns, and the most awkward intimate moment ever witnessed by a nurse. If you like your mpreg with spice, danger, and a rich fantasy world, clear your calendar and click ‘buy now’–you’ll be turning pages until the end.


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: For five years Marlowe has not known what happened to his mate Nik when the enemy took over Dragonvale. Now Marlowe and his clan battle to take back what was theirs. After the dust settles they realize there are homes enchanted to keep people prisoner. In one he discovers his mate. Not only that he also has a daughter.

Nik is bitter and angry that Marlowe never came for him. What I did not understand was why Marlowe cut off his link to Nik after Darkvale was attacked. Maybe if he didn’t he would have known Nik was alive and a prisoner.

I liked that Nik took his time to sort out his anger and angst at Marlowe. Aside from these men reuniting they discover a tunnel connected to Darkvale that is not part of the original ventilation system.

Drama, action, suspense and mystery are all in abundance in this intriguing addition.

Day Of Wrath by Anna Butler Release Blast & Giveaway!

Anna Butler - Day Of Wrath RBBanner

Hi guys! We have Anna Butler stopping by today with her new release Day of Wrath, we have Anna’s amazing giveaway where you could win a $25 (or equivalent) Amazon card, a signed copy Taking Shield 01 : Gyrfalcon, or pick an eBook from Anna’s back catalogue, so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

Day of Wrath

(Taking Shield 05)

Anna Butler

In less than a week, Bennet will finally return to the Shield Regiment, leaving behind the Gyrfalcon, his father, his friends… and Flynn. Promotion to Shield Major and being given command of a battle group despite the political fallout from Makepeace the year before is everything he thought he wanted. Everything he’s worked towards for the last three years. Except for leaving Flynn. He really doesn’t want to leave Flynn.

There’s time for one last flight together. A routine mission. Nothing too taxing, just savouring every moment with the best wingman, the best friend, he’s ever had. That’s the plan.

Bennet should know better than to trust to routine because what waits for them out there will change their lives forever.

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