Jaeger by Evelise Archer

Evelise Archer - Jaeger CoverTitle: Jaeger

Series: Order of the Black Knights # 4

Author: Evelise Archer

Genre: Mystery, Suspense, Urban Fantasy

Length: Novel (200 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (February 10, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4 ½ Hearts

Blurb: US Marshal Jaeger Tripp is assigned to the Federal Witness Protection Program. The hurt and destruction he’s seen—along with protecting criminals who are only cooperating with the authorities to keep themselves out of jail—have left him with a bleak and jaded view of both life and people. His current assignment is Wren O’Riley, a computer wizard who witnessed a high-profile cartel hit.

To Jaeger, Wren is the same as any other job. He must protect him long enough to get him to testify at trial, and his personal feelings have no place in his work and must be set aside. But that’s easier said than done. On the run and fighting for their lives, Jaeger and Wren can’t help but grow closer. And Jaeger can’t help seeing beyond Wren’s nerdy exterior to a man who might be just what Jaeger needs to settle his soul and capture his heart—if they survive long enough to get that chance.

ISBN-13: 978-1-63533-301-5

Product Link: https://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/books/jaeger-by-evelise-archer-8133-b

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: We have another of Moriel’s Order of the Black Knights in this installment. US Marshal Jaeger Tripp is tough, knows his assignments and carries them out. Lately he is feeling like something is missing. His current assignment is to protect a witness and get him to trial. He hates it. He does not like protecting those he feels is a criminal.

Wren is more than he appears. He is also innocent unlike his family. What has been put in motion is so devious that it blew my mind when it all came to light.

I was impressed with the lengths and details the story went to. Well written and action packed with danger and suspense all throughout. This story will have you on the edge of your seat. 

Great installment to an already good series.

Dinner at the Blue Moon Cafe by Rick R. Reed Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Rick R. Reed - Dinner at the Blue Moon Cafe RB Banner

Hi peeps, we have Rick R. Reed stopping by with his upcoming re-release Dinner at the Blue Moon Cafe, we have a brilliant exclusive excerpt and a fantastic giveaway, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Rick R. Reed - Dinner at the Blue Moon Cafe Cover

Dinner at the Blue Moon Cafe


Rick R. Reed

A monster moves through the night, hidden by the darkness, taking men, one by one, from Seattle’s gay gathering areas.

Amid an atmosphere of crippling fear, Thad Matthews finds his first true love working in an Italian restaurant called the Blue Moon Café. Sam Lupino is everything Thad has ever hoped for in a man: virile, sexy as hell, kind, and… he can cook!

As their romance heats up, the questions pile up. Who is the killer preying on Seattle’s gay men? What secrets is Sam’s Sicilian family hiding? And more importantly, why do Sam’s unexplained disappearances always coincide with the full moon?

The strength of Thad and Sam’s love will face the ultimate test when horrific revelations come to light beneath the full moon.

First Edition published as The Blue Moon Cafe by Amber Quill Press/Amber Allure, 2010.

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Step by Step by K.C. Wells Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway!

K.C. Wells - Step by Step RB Banner

Hi guys, we have K.C. Wells popping in today with her new release Step by Step, we have a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

K.C. Wells - Step by Step Cover

Step by Step


K.C. Wells

Jamie’s life is one big financial mess, and it really isn’t his fault. However, the last thing he expected to find in the library was a Good Samaritan. He might have been suspicious of Guy’s motives at first, but it soon becomes apparent that his savior is a good man who has been lucky in life and is looking to pay it forward. Guy being gay is not a problem. Jamie’s not interested… or so he thinks.

Guy is happy to help Jamie, and the two men get along fine. But when Jamie’s curiosity leads him from one thing to another, Guy finds himself looking at the younger man with new eyes. What started out as a hand up is now something completely different….

Continue reading “Step by Step by K.C. Wells Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

Shaper by Christine Danse Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Christine Danse - Shaper Banner

Hi guys, we have Christine Danse popping in today with her new lesbian release Shaper, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Christine Danse - Shaper Cover


(The Mi’hani Wards 01)

Christine Danse

Nameless and without an identity, she wakes on the streets of Shapertown, an abandoned city that defies the laws of physics. She’s fleeing a threat she can’t remember. One woman holds the key to unlocking her memories and the dangerous truth: She is the threat.

Continue reading “Shaper by Christine Danse Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

Unspeakable Words by Sarah Madison (2nd Edition)

Sarah Madison - Unspeakable Words CoverTitle: Unspeakable Words (2nd Edition)

Series: The Sixth Sense 01

Author: Sarah Madison

Genre: Contemporary, Other Paranormal, Mystery, Suspense

Length: Novel (200pgs)

ISBN: 978-1-63533-335-0

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (10th March 2017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4 ½ – 5 Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Special Agent John Flynn is everything Jerry Parker is not: dangerously handsome, coolly charismatic, and respected by his peers. Special Agent Parker is dedicated and meticulous, but his abrasive personality has given him a reputation for being difficult. When new information on a cold case appears, Parker is assigned to work with Flynn, and the sparks fly as their investigative styles clash. Contact with a strange artifact changes everything when it bestows unusual and unpredictable powers on Flynn… and the two men must learn to trust each other before a killer strikes again.

First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2010.

Purchase Link: https://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/books/unspeakable-words-by-sarah-madison-8275-b

Review: This story is a 2nd Edition and has been expanded to novel length.

Jerry Parker is used to being passed from pillar to post, going from case to case where he’s needed, but that doesn’t mean that he’s not silently seething with bitter resentment about being used for his expertise and then shipped off to a new case before an arrest is even made. John Flynn is the golden boy of the FBI his solve rate is through the roof and his easy charm and good looks means everyone loves working with him, but his past is what drives him and he’s haunted by that past.

Jerry and John are thrown together when a prospective witness comes forward on a serial killer case, The Grimm Fairy Tales Killer, but it leads to much more than that when the witness seems to be the killer’s new victim and a strange artifact complicates their lives.  

Sarah Madison couldn’t have given us two characters who are so different that they should be the anathema of each other, but who actually make a tenuous connection that works for them. Their circumstances leads to a fascinating story that would have been brilliant just from the case and their slowly developing relationship, but add in the unusual paranormal aspects and holy hell it takes it to another level altogether! 

The story is from Jerry’s POV but there are certain times during the story that I would have loved to be in John’s head, that would have been awesome… don’t get me wrong Jerry is awesome in his own right, but the things happening to John wow.

Unspeakable Words is a fantastic contemporary FBI story that has the added bonus of paranormal aspects, it gives the author more to play with and this author hit it just right. We have a fascinating case, characters who struggle with new developments and a tentative budding relationship… there’s also a dash of danger as John uses his new ability to hunt down Jerry when he vanishes.

I recommend this story to those who love difficult characters, a dash of paranormal in their contemporary, some serious teasing and hot sex, and great characters who bring a great story to life.

Coming Back Home by Megan Linden

Megan Linden - Coming Back Home CoverTitle: Coming Back Home

Series: Harrington Hills  #3

Author: Megan Linden

Genre: Paranormal

Length: Novella (85 Pages)

Publisher:  Pride Publishing (February 14, 2016)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4.5 Hearts

Blurb: He thought his mate would never come back. He was wrong.

Jack Harrington told everyone who asked that he’d gotten over Connor a long time ago. And while he still hasn’t managed to convince himself, he moves on with his life. He doesn’t have a choice. Connor is gone for good.

Or is he?

Connor Warden didn’t plan to ever come back to Harrington Hills, but with an infant in tow, that is exactly what he does. His daughter needs a pack and he is going to give it to her.

When Jack and Connor’s lives literally collide again, will they be able to go back to what had been and find their connection once more? Or is the divide between them too deep to ever fully get over? 

ISBN:  978-1-78651-527-8

Product Link: https://www.pride-publishing.com/book/coming-back-home

Reviewer: Lisa

Review:  Each book in the Harington Hill’s collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.  

 Connor and Jack had something back when they were kids, but then Connor decided he really didn’t want to live in Harrington Hill’s any longer.  It had broken Jack’s heart and left him reeling.  He had always thought Connor was his mate, but now he didn’t know heads or tails.  Now that Connor was back and with a baby in tow, he was thrown for a loop.  

Connor loved his mother but when she passed, things got tough with his father.  He wanted out and away from the man, even if it meant leaving Jack behind.  He had not known to even ask the man if he wanted to go with him, he just ran.  Then a one night stand left him with a daughter and he knew he had to go home.  

Things between these two are strange but how it is actually told leaves quite a bit out.  It felt like something was missing from the story.  Even with that being said, it is still an enjoyable read.  The build-up between these two actually goes smoother than one would expect and maybe that was what was wrong.  There was no arguing or letting his feelings really come out with Jack.  I think that it went too easy for Connor and even though he wasn’t a bad wolf, it just didn’t roll like I wanted it to.  It did give me an ending that was close to perfect, it just felt off.  Other than my issues with it, the story is a fun one.  

I enjoyed reading it and can’t wait to see what the next book will bring, or at least I hope there is another story coming.  It would be great to see what is going to happen with the guys in the future.  

Spoil of War by Helena Maeve

Helena Maeve - Spoil of War CoverTitle: Spoil of War

Series:  Brothers in Arms Anthology

Author: Helena Mauve

Genre: Futuristic, Science Fiction, Ménage / Mutiple Partners

Length: Short (51 pages)

Publisher: Pride Publishing (February 28, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Blurb: One man’s prize is another’s nightmare.

When Briar’s partner Kai returns from the Federation’s latest skirmish with a handsome prisoner in tow, Briar is both envious and wary. It is common knowledge that the tribespeople of Ganymede are violent brutes who delight in murdering and enslaving their enemies, and Dallan can be no different.

As an officer with the Federation’s propaganda machine, Briar has produced plenty of material to substantiate the need to wage war in the asteroid belt. Kai, for his part, has slain many enemies while on active duty and watched just as many of his friends perish in combat.

For a foe to save rather than end his life is unusual in the extreme. Sparing him the horrors of a prison camp seems like a fair exchange, even if the only alternative he can offer is thralldom.

Publisher’s Note: This book has previously been released as part of the Brothers in Arms anthology with Pride Publishing.

ISBN: 978-1-78651-530-8

Product Link: https://www.pride-publishing.com/book/spoil-of-war

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Briar is not happy when when Kai comes back with a prisoner to keep. He’s jealous of Dallan and uncomfortable around the man. The thing I wanted more of was Kai’s background and more about how Dallan came to be Kai’s prisoner and what exactly happened. There’s hardly anything about him except for the basic stuff. So I was disappointed with that. 

I felt the book was too short for the information needed to make it a great read. Aside from that it was entertaining for a short story.

Maxi's Glass Heart by Maggie Walsh

Maggie Walsh - Maxi's Glass Heart CoverTitle: Maxi’s Glass Heart

Series:  Sanctuary 01

Author: Maggie Walsh

Genre: Ménage, Paranormal

Length: Novella (153 pages)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (February 9, 2017)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Maxi is a small shifter who has come to Sanctuary in hopes of starting a new life and to find his mates. He is happily surprised when, on the same day, he meets both of his mates: Valor, a very large, sexy fae warrior, and Travis, a gorgeous wolf shifter who is a trainee at the facility in Sanctuary.  

One passionate night together turns out to be a moment of pain for Maxi. Once his mates are done having their fun with him, they immediately take off without giving Maxi a second thought. After a week away, Valor and Travis return from a mission to try to talk to Maxi and apologize for leaving him, but they find that Maxi is not receptive to what they have to say. Maxi takes off, and Valor and Travis follow him.

But they are both confused when they find him and realize Maxi has no memory of them…

Note: This book contains double penetration.

ISBN: 978-1-68295-882-7

Product Link: http://www.bookstrand.com/book/maxis-glass-heart

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: I have yet to read the angel pack series that this series is connected to. But after reading this book I will read them as soon as possible. I loved this story. It was full of misunderstandings and heartbreak as well as love and changing the way someone treats others. Maxi wants to find his mates as well as stay away from the trouble that is following him. He is happy in sanctuary and meets Valor, a fae warrior and Travis, a wolf shifter, who is training to achieve his goal of becoming something more than what everyone else expects.

After a hot encounter between the three Travis and Valor do something that had me shaking my head in disgust. They both rush out the door right after as they’re summoned for a mission. They do not even bother to say goodbye to Maxi or reassure him that he is more to them than a one night stand. Maxi is heartbroken and vows never again. 

Really great story with the right amount of anger, love, suspense and I especially loved the way Travis and Valor grovelled to Maxi, and as well they should have. The mystery part of the book was outstanding.

I loved everything. Highly recommended.

Boston Bauble Party by Susan Laine

Susan Laine - Boston Bauble Party CoverTitle:  Boston Bauble Party

Author: Susan Laine

Genre: Contemporary, Ménage, Erotic

Length: Novella (106pgs)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand (28th June 2016)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.5 Hearts

Blurb: Liam feels sorely inadequate below the belt. To cheer him up, his roommate and best friend Troy scores for them a special invite to an exclusive and hush-hush Bauble Party held in a classy mansion in one of Boston’s upscale districts. When Liam discovers what the fancy soirée is actually about, he gets nervous and insecure, and wants to leave. Troy convinces him to stay by introducing him to Burton, a wealthy, self-made, clean-tech tycoon—who is also an experienced Dom befitting Liam’s submissive tendencies. It seems Liam and Burton are a match made in kink heaven. But where does that leave Troy with his secret and unrequited love for Liam? Perhaps an unusual party is exactly what these three men with big hearts need in order to learn that size isn’t everything and that they are better off with each other than without.

ISBN: 978-1-68295-367-9

Product Link: http://www.bookstrand.com/book/boston-bauble-party

Reviewer: Prime

Review: I feel I need to write some sort of disclaimer on this one.

If it’s romance you’re after, then this probably isn’t the book for. If you like to read about a sexually explicit night at a sex party, then this is the book for you. I love Susan Laine’s writing and have enjoyed most of her books. To some extent I also enjoyed this one, but for me this is something that you really need to be in the mood for since it is high on the sex and low on the romance.

Best friends Liam and Troy are heading off to an invite only sex party, which Troy is adamant that Liam needs to attend. Liam has major self esteem issues because of how his body looks “below the belt”, a.k.a. his balls, and is willing to go as far as considering cosmetic surgery. Troy, who secretly loves his friend, doesn’t want Liam to mar his perfect body. That is why he is taking Liam to a “bauble party” to meet Burton. Burton himself explains that saying bauble party is much better than hearing teabagging party. Burton has his own imperfections, which makes his particular kink difficult to indulge – until Troy presents the perfect solution in Liam. What ensues is a really kinky three-way.

The romantic in me would have liked fewer details on the sex and would have loved to know about threesome beyond their night together. There is talk of them trying to make a three way relationship work, I just would have liked to have seen it, or had an epilogue to give me a glimpse into possibilities.

Cleansing Flame by Andrew Grey

Andrew Grey - Cleansing Flame CoverTitle: Cleansing Flame

Series: Rekindled Flame 02

Author: Andrew Grey

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (200 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (10 March 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Life has been grinding Dayne Mills down almost for as long as he can remember. First he lost the love of his life in an accident that also left him with a permanent injury, and then his mother passed away a year later. When his house burns to the ground, it’s the last straw. He can’t take any more, and if it wasn’t for kind and handsome firefighter Lawson Martin offering him a hand up and a place to stay, he doesn’t know what he’d do. Dayne would love for his relationship with Lawson to evolve into something beyond charity, but he knows going after a man so far out of his league will only lead to yet more heartache. It’s best to just keep his mind on his research.

It’s that research that leads Dayne to an old student journal that not only provides clues to the Native American heritage Lawson has been searching for, but chronicles a century-old love story. The tale that unfolds might be just what Dayne and Lawson need to remind them that no matter how dark life becomes, love can find a way to shine through.

ISBN: 978-1-63533-488-3

Product Link: https://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/books/cleansing-flame-by-andrew-grey-8272-b

Reviewer: Prime

Review: This is one of those books where I went in expecting to love it. a) I love Andrew Grey’s writing: it is so easy for me to relate to his writing, even if I am a single, straight, female. I love how he does sweet romance is totally relatable, real life situations. I love he manages to make me both laugh and cry in the course of a single story. b) I knew I would enjoy this because I loved the first book, Rekindled Flame. c) Firemen, sexy firemen, are involved in the story, enough said there.

If you haven’t read book one, don’t worry, it’s not really a prerequisite. There is no overarching story line. However, I think it would be good to go back purely because we do get to see a glimpse of Morgan and Richard and it made me want to go back and reread Rekindled Flame.

The formula for Cleansing Flame, just as it was for Rekindled Flame: one fireman meets a broken man (both physically and mentally), meets him again at a fire when his life goes up in smoke, just to pile on the bad luck.

Here, Lawson is the fireman. He happens to meet Dayne, the broken man, when Lawson tries to do some research on his family history and Dayne is doing research for an assignment. Dayne has had a run of bad luck – a car accident killed the man he loved some years ago, his mother died the year before and only the same day he meets Lawson he loses the home that he and his mother had brought. On top of that, Dayne still has severe pain in his leg from the accident that killed his boyfriend. Now Dayne is determined to become a teacher, even if he feels a little odd for being, seemingly, the oldest guy at college.

Lawson becomes Dayne’s knight in shining armor. It is seriously sweet. The guys also have mutual friends – Morgan and Richard of book 1 – so it’s kind of expected that they would meet. Lawson proceeds to sweep Dayne off his feet and the guys get to know each other as they fall into a romance that makes you sigh happily.

Three Hearts by Grace R. Duncan Blog Tour, Exclusive Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

Grace R. Duncan - Three Hearts Banner

Hi guys, we have Grace R. Duncan stopping by today with the blog tour for her new release Three Hearts, we have a great exclusive excerpt, a fantastic giveaway and my review, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Grace R. Duncan - Three Hearts Cover

Three Hearts


Grace R. Duncan

Liam Scott is sick. That’s not supposed to be possible. As a wolf shifter, he’s supposed to be able to heal. The omega gene he was born with means he’s capable of carrying shifter young and Liam is worried that whatever is wrong will mean his one-day hope of having pups will be dashed. But despite the fears keeping him away from the doctor until now, he knows he needs to go.

It turns out the sickness is temporary, but the treatment causes a whole other problem.

Mason’s alpha gene means he’s one of very few wolves who can impregnate an omega male. For two years, he’d been watching Liam, but things kept getting in the way. When Liam shows up in heat, Mason recognizes the opportunity he needs and doesn’t hesitate make to Liam his mate and the father of his pups.

But Liam has old wounds and fears to work through which the pregnancy is only making worse, and Mason isn’t sure how to get past them to show he’s serious about making a life together as loving mates. It’s not until a female wolf decides Mason should be hers that Liam makes his biggest worry known—and Mason can finally put the fears to rest.

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A Matter of Duty by J.C. Long Release Blitz, Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!

J.C. Long - A Matter of Duty BT Banner

Hi peeps, we have J.C. Long popping in with the tour for his new release A Matter of Duty, we have a brilliant guest post, a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~ 

J.C. Long - A Matter of Duty Cover

A Matter of Duty

(Hong Kong Nights 01)

J.C. Long

Noah Potter has come to Hong Kong to find his missing sister, Lianne, who disappeared after leaving him a voice mail pleading for his help. Unfortunately the Hong Kong police are unwilling to help him, so Noah has to find her himself.

Noah’s search for his sister brings him across Wei Tseng, leader of the Dragons, a group of dedicated men and women willing to do whatever it takes to keep their district safe from the violence and triads that plague the rest of the city’s underworld. Wei is a man of violence but also one of incredible compassion, and his history is one that resonates with Noah, igniting a passion neither man expects.

Together they search for Lianne, a search that will lead right into a conflict with the Dragons’ greatest rivals in the city.

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Scarred by Mia Kerick Blog Tour, Exclusive Excerpt & Giveaway!

Mia Kerick - Scarred BT Banner

Hi peeps, we have Mia Kerick stopping by today with the blog tour for her new release Scarred, we have a great exclusive excerpt and a fantastic giveaway, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Mia Kerick - Scarred Cover



Mia Kerick

From bestselling author Mia Kerick comes a New Adult Gay Romance that will keep you up reading all night!

Matthew North waited ten years to heal from the devastating wounds inflicted by the man who abducted and abused him as a child. Living reclusively on a tropical island—with no company but his four cats—he merely avoids the lingering pain.

Wearing twisted ropes of mutilated skin on his back, Matt struggles with a profound hindrance—the scars that deaden his soul. However, on the night he meets lively Vedie Wilson, a local restaurant busboy who expresses his gender by wearing lipgloss and eyeliner along with his three-day beard, things change.

Gradually, Vedie and Mateo unite in friendship. Through a series of awkward encounters, the pair learns each other’s secrets. Vedie learns that an angelic face can front for a scarred soul. Matthew learns that the line between one’s masculine and feminine sides is blurred. Can they embrace the painful stories behind each other’s scars if they’re to find everlasting love? Or will surrendered love come to be yet another blemish on their souls?

Continue reading “Scarred by Mia Kerick Blog Tour, Exclusive Excerpt & Giveaway!”

Hot Mess 3 by Stormy Glenn

Stormy Glenn - Hot Mess 3 CoverTitle: Hot Mess 3

Series: Hot Mess 03

Author: Stormy Glenn

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novella (160 Pages)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (December 1, 2016)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Two years ago, to the night, my world changed when Lt. Salvador Delvecchio rescued me from a beat down and decided I belonged to him. A year ago, he changed my life once again when he asked me to marry him. We were soul mates, which was why I was so confused that Sal wasn’t there to celebrate our anniversary.

As I sat there alone, waiting on Sal, I had to wonder if the things in life I found important, were important to Sal.

Two years ago, to the night, I found the man of my dreams and rescued him from a beat down. I grabbed onto him and refused to let go. I knew he felt the same when he agreed to marry me a year later. Lany would do everything to be with me, which was why I was so confused when he didn’t come right to the hospital when he learned of my injuries.

As I sat there alone, waiting on Lany, I had to wonder if the things in life I found important, were important to Lany.

ISBN: 978-1-68295-745-5

Product Link: http://www.bookstrand.com/book/hot-mess-3

Reviewer: Lisa

Review:  Now seeing as this series is all about our sexy Lany and his Sal, I would suggest starting with book one.  Trust me you have got to find out how these two met, and how they got to be where they are at now.  Also see what trouble our cute Lany can get into, however do not let that man drive your car.

Lany and Sal have been together for two years, and it is their anniversary.  Now Lany has the night planned, but once again Sal is late.  Lany is going to kick his ass.  Well that is until he finds out that Sal is in the hospital.  You would think being a cop that the man would know how to duck or roll.  The moment going into the hospital gives him and Sal even more surprises that are in store for them.

Sexy men, a man with a gun, major drama, bad dudes, suspense and rescuing Lany is all in this book plus so much more.  A brother long ago lost to Sal due to his parents, a baby boy nephew he didn’t know he had and some evil parents, if I was them I would have ran for cover.  Just give Lany a good old fashion skillet, and if you want to know more pick up the book.

I love these guys, they are so much fun to read about it and the sass is always flowing from Lany.  Who needs a gun with this guy is around.  Trouble magnet and well you can guess what I was going to say next.  I had a lot of fun reading this and look forward to the next book.  I usually can’t stand a book where the main characters are the main characters throughout the series, but when it is these two guys I am going to be right there to grab it. 

Stormy is one hell of an amazing author.   

Dragon's Breath by Stephani Hecht

Stephani Hecht - Dragon's Breath CoverTitle: Dragon’s Breath

Series: Dragon’s Soul 03

Author: Stephani Hecht

Genre: Paranormal

Length: Short Story (62 Pages)

Publisher: Pride Publishing (January 3, 3017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Sometimes, to save another, you have to look at your own weaknesses first.

Ever since Nicholas saw the small Dragon in chains in the scrying bowl, he knew that he had to save him. For some reason Nicholas is drawn to the other man and he won’t rest until he knows he’s safe.

Tommy has been a captive from the day he was born. When he is rescued by Nicholas he feels an instant connection to him. But Tommy is afraid to let his guard down and let anybody get close to him.

Can Tommy overcome his abusive past? Or will it doom him and Nicholas from finding love?   

ISBN: 978-1-78651-518-6

Product Link: https://www.pride-publishing.com/book/dragons-breath

Reviewer: Lisa

Review:  Each book in the Dragon’s Soul collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.  

Over the years you come to cherish and love certain authors more than many others.  It is the way they tell a story that will have you wishing you were right there with them.  And sometimes you wished you were the one falling in love.  This author has moved up the line to be one of my top favorite authors and from the way her stories are told, she will probably stay there.

Her characters are quirky as hell; protective to the point of, well, you can guess that answer.  I still have my ultimate favorite ones but many start to work their way into my heart.  Her stories also are full of action, suspense and danger plus some hot sexy time for our guys.  They catch my attention the moment I start reading and keep it all the way to the very last word.  This story gave me everything I could ask for in a story and so much more.

Tommy is a beautiful dragon, whose mother sold him into slavery.  For dragons that is punishable with death.  Nicholas knew from the moment he saw him in the scrying bowl that this man was for him.  Now he just has to get Tommy to believe and trust.

This story is perfect for when you are trying to take a break or when you just need the sun to shine for you. It caught my attention from the moment I started reading and kept it all the way to the end. It also gave me everything I could want in a book.

I can honestly tell you that this is going to be one of those types of series. One that I will have to read over and over. I love the way all the feelings they felt was involved in this story. It was the perfect story for me and I loved it. I can’t wait to read the next story.

One Last Try by Kari Gregg

Kari Gregg - One Last Try CoverTitle: One Last Try

Author: Kari Gregg

Genre: Romance, Werewolves & Shifters

Length: Novella (155 pages)

Publisher: Kari Gregg (February 18, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: When Nox was fourteen, his brother Joth murdered their older brother, their mother, and a human girl. Nox survived, but the attack wrecked his womb. Shattered, Nox rejected the pack who fumbled helping a barren, grief-stricken omega cope. He built a new purpose for himself as a master craftsman. Mating? No thanks. He’s better off alone.

Humans studied Joth in prison until his father’s death ended the weekly visits. Joth demands Nox in their father’s stead in exchange for resuming therapy and tests… thereby risking the destruction of Nox’s carefully ordered world. Again.

The pack drafts alpha fixer Dio to untangle the mess. One sniff of the wary omega convinces him Nox is his mate. New medical treatments offer a slim possibility Nox could bear children, but if the past years taught shifters anything, it is an omega’s value is greater than his fertility. Reconciling Nox with his pack is more important. Laying to rest the ghosts haunting Nox is too. Learning to trust? Vital.

Dio just needs to coax Nox into one last try.

Content Warning: Omega mpreg and fertility themes, dubious consent, shifter knotting, an omega who rejects labels, and a bewildered alpha who wouldn’t have it any other way.


Product Link: https://www.amazon.com/One-Last-Try-Kari-Gregg-ebook/dp/B06WRWNWS8

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Wow, I must say I was sceptical about liking this book when I started reading it but I must say I was pleased with the way it progressed. Nox has been living in his own world since his brother Joth murdered his family and left Nox for dead at Fourteen. He has learned to trust no one and rely on himself with no interactions with the pack. I have to say I understood the reasoning when it comes out the pack went on a mission to hunt him down and kill him thinking he went rogue.

I felt someone should have tried to talk to him before it got to that point in the first place as after all he was a victim as well when Joth severely wounded him. Now I did take issue with the way Nox’s mate, Dio, handled Nox after his meeting with his brother. It seemed to me he forced Nox to have sex with him and hardly said a word to him. I realize he was unsure with how to deal with his mate but that certainly was not the way to have sex for the first time in my opinion. Aside from those little details it was a great story about one man who was destroyed by betrayal at the deepest level and how a man and his pack slowly helped him find his way out of the dark that he was in.

This story is truly impressive and thoughtful. Joth’s treatment was eye opening as was his attitude toward his brother at first. The pack seriously let Nox down when he was a teenager but attempted to turn things around for good in the end.

Fantastic read. Highly recommended.

The Craving by Z. Allora

Z. Allora - The Craving CoverTitle: The Craving 

Author: Z. Allora

Genre: Erotic Romance, Science Fiction

Length: Novel (280 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (February 3, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate – Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Blurb: The craving is an undeniable urge that drives K’Dane citizens to find their life mates—if only to sate their uncontrollable physical longings.

Thrilled at being named a Chosen, Phoenix Dotir leaves K’Dane to become an artist-monk who will create dimensional art capable of changing worlds. Living by the monastery’s Principles of Purity will surely help him overcome the craving. But he never accounted for star chaser Zadra Solav.

Zadra doesn’t believe in rules and makes his own future. Fate separates him from the man he loves, but one touch renders him helpless to his own desires. Bonding with a monk is forbidden, and Zadra’s family sends him to deep space to avoid disgrace. Unable to give up, Zadra must find a way to reunite with his Chosen.

Tormented by enforced separation, Initiate Riva Quinton struggles with his vow of chastity and risks all to rescue his lover. Together with his Eros, he stows away onboard a star craft to follow his heart.

Four men defy destiny and tradition for love… but their love is a crime punishable by death.

ISBN-13: 978-1-63477-905-0

Product Link: https://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/books/the-craving-by-z-allora-8120-b

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: I really wanted to love this story as I was taken in by the blurb but alas it fell flat for me.  I felt there was too much too soon in the way of details, yet, at other times too little. It made for a frustrating read to me. 

I did not get the incident about Nix getting his mark at fourteen when the story clearly stated it was not to happen until he was eighteen. There was a lot of character POV’s in this story. I felt bogged down at times trying to remember who was who. It honestly felt like several stories in one crammed into one book.

Aside from this the story was interesting as we meet four characters, Nix, Zandra, Riva and Eros not to mention Yoshio. That is a lot of characters all vying for their say and story in this book. I liked the interactions between each character though I felt at times that they tended to be drawn out and not know what they actually wanted. 

I will probably reread this story at some point in the hopes it makes better sense to me than it did. 

By My Side by Jennifer Wright

Jennifer Wright - By My Side CoverTitle: By My Side

Author: Jennifer Wright

Genre: Contemporary

Length: 55 Pages (short story)

Publisher: Pride Publishing (12 January 2016)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.5 Hearts

Blurb: Noah has suppressed his urges for other men for years, but when a sexy bartender comes crashing into his life, all bets are off.

Due to his career as a lawyer and his father’s strict ways, Noah has always ignored the side of him that craves the touch of another man, not wanting to upset the calm waters of his life. But when he’s out one night celebrating his friend’s first win in a courtroom, Noah is taken aback by the raw lust that consumes him when he meets Shea. He wants to ignore what he feels for the man, but when Shea introduces a tantalizing side of sex that Noah has been dreaming of, he finds it impossible to keep Shea out of his life.

Shea’s been heartbroken before by a man who wouldn’t come out of the closet for him, and he doesn’t think he can go through that again. Can Noah let go of his fears of coming out to the world? Will the pleasures Shea gives him in the bedroom have Noah seeing what really matters in the long run?

ISBN: 9781784309428

Product Link: https://www.pride-publishing.com/book/by-my-side

Reviewer: Veronica

Review: The author did a good job on this story, and I like it, but was somewhat puzzled, at the way the part of the BDSM section was just injected into the storyline, without it even being talked among them as it being a part of their sexual preference. Noah is attracted to men, and have been for years, but he doesn’t want anyone to know, so he hides behind the women that he hook up with, so his secret won’t be revealed. He was in a relationship with a guy in college, and when his dad found out about it, he was read the riot act, that with his family name and prestige, he shouldn’t be carrying on like that to sully the family’s name.

Noah and his best friend are out one night at a bar celebrating his friend’ first courtroom case, he’s at the bar waiting to order his drinks, when he sees the bartender, and has an instant attraction for the guy, but he tries to shrug it off. It doesn’t happen, as he secretly spies on him all during the night that he’s at the bar. Shea is an out and gay man, and he refuses to go back into the closet for anyone. He was in love with a guy years ago, and was hurt badly, when the guy denied they relationship.

Days go by, and Noah is still thinking about Shea, debating with himself, if he should go ahead and approach Shea, and what would happen when his family and best friend find out. Noah and Shea finally hook up, and the sex is steamy hot, and everything that Noah has been missing in his life. Will his feelings for Shea finally convince him to live his life without worrying about others opinions, or will he forever continue to live the rest of his life hiding who he is.

I would recommend this short story for anyone looking for a quick read with a little BDSM.

Bunkhouse Boys by Marie Piper

Marie Piper - Bunkhouse Boys CoverTitle: Bunkhouse Boys

Author: Marie Piper

Genre: Historical

Length: 18 Pages (short story)

Publisher: NineStar Press (4th April 2016)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Ratings: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Blurb: Kenny and Blue, two hands at the Tate Ranch, find distraction in each other from sleepless nights and days filled with hard work. Keeping their relationship a secret might be essential, but with their growing need for each other, it sure won’t be easy.

ISBN: 9781911153412

Product Link: https://ninestarpress.com/product/bunkhouse-boys/

Reviewer: Veronica

Review: The author did a good job on this story. There’s not much too this story as I read it in thirty minutes. Kenny and Blue are ranch hands sharing close sleeping quarters in a bunkhouse on the ranch where they live. Kenny has always been a terrible sleeper, you can even say that he’s an insomniac. On this particular night, he’s thinking about the guy that sleeps in the bunk beside him, Blue, when he walks in, returning from the saloon that he was at in town.

Blue gets comfortable in his bed, and starts to indulge in a bit of ‘self love’ while Kenny watches.  Blue isn’t a shy guy and doesn’t care who watches him. One thing leads to another and they both end up outside behind the Bunkhouse having sex. After, they both agree to keep it between them. However, as the days and nights go by, Kenny can’t forget the night that he and Blue were together, and wants a repeat performance.

He watches Blue during the day when he’s working and is feeling jealous when he sees him interacting with the other guys on the ranch. When working in an isolated area on the ranch, Kenny is cornered by Blue and he gets exactly what he’s been thinking of from Blue.

I’m sorry that that this story wasn’t a bit longer, but it is a good read. Anyone looking for a quick short cowboy story, I would surely recommend this one.

Bedside Banner by D.J. Jamison Release Blast & Giveaway!

D.J. Jamison - Bedside Manner RB Banner

Hi guys, we have D.J. Jamison stopping by today with her new release Bedside Manner, we have a fantastic giveaway so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

D.J. Jamison - Bedside Manner Cover

Bedside Manner

(Hearts and Health 01)

D.J. Jamison

Dr. Paul Johnston can’t get a set of dark, somber eyes out of his head, and the timing couldn’t be worse.

The last thing he needs is to fall for a patient. Not now, when he’s been put on paid leave pending review of a formal complaint. One that most likely accuses him of sexual harrassment or impropriety of some kind. It’s possible he let his newfound freedom as a divorced, out-of-the-closet gay man go to his head, but he’s certain — mostly — he didn’t do anything wrong. Now, he’s struggling to handle the reality that his job is in danger and the only guy he wants should be off-limits.

Zane Kavanaugh is floundering, and there’s only one man who soothes the storm inside him.

Reeling from an assault that landed him in the hospital and the painful estrangement from his family since coming out, Zane is trying to get his feet under him and find his independence. He moves in with a roommate and searches for a job, all while recovering from a fractured arm and cracked ribs. None of that hurts as much as the emotional damage he’s suffered. When he connects with Dr. Paul Johnston outside of the ER, he’s drawn to the man’s calm, collected manner. It doesn’t hurt that Paul’s lack of experience with men is sexy as hell, and so are his over-the-top responses when Zane gets his lips on him.

There’s no right time to fall in love.

Paul is afraid to start a relationship, and Zane can only handle so much more rejection. Will these two find their perfect moment, or will they realize you can’t choose when and how you fall in love? If Paul can’t take a risk, he may have to choose: the career he loves or the first man to capture his heart.

Bedside Manner is Book 1 of the Hearts & Health series. This is a spin-off series from the book Heart Trouble and includes characters from that novel, but it can be read as a standalone.

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