Hot Mess 04 by Stormy Glenn

Stormy Glenn - Hot Mess 4 CoverTitle: Hot Mess 4

Series: Hot Mess 04

Author: Stormy Glenn

Genre: Contemporary 

Length: Novella (168 Pages)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (March 9, 2017)   

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Lany
I had once thought that my life was the comic relief for the universe. Today, I was positive I had been right in my line of thinking. It was the only way to explain how I ended up sitting on the floor of my favorite Thai restaurant, surrounded by armed men and hostages.
It was my anniversary after all.

I wanted to go to Lany the moment I stepped into the Thai Rose and saw him kneeling on the floor next to Eddie, but dealing with the people threatening him with guns came first. I didn’t want him in the line of fire if trouble started. Of course, knowing Lany’s luck, just being on the same city block put him in the line of fire.
He was a hot mess.

ISBN: 978-1-64010-210-1

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Hot Mess collection features our very own sexy duo, Lany and Sal. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.   

I came across Stormy Glenn a few years ago and have been amazed by her stories.  I am always on the lookout for when she has a new one coming out.  Now I have to admit that I am not a fan of all her stories, but this series rocks.  I love the characters quite a bit and they are probably the only couple that I can read in different books. I have never been a fan of the same character in multiple books.  For some reason they just get boring and dull, but Lany never could do that.

Once again it is our fascinating duo’s anniversary coming up.  However this time Lany is not taking any chances.  However for Lany trouble always seems to find him.  Thank goodness for his sexy swat husband coming to the rescue.  Although I am not sure of the elephant, he might have asked for that one.  

It is a very entertaining tale that just keeps giving me laughter.  It is the perfect story to brighten your day and let’s face it there is nothing hotter than a man with a gun, well one on the right side that is.  He has the bad boy looks, a fierce love for Lany, speaks sexy Italian and can’t cook.  What more could a guy ask for.  Well let’s see hostage situations, the mob saving the day, a sexy cop, two best friends and a couple of cute baby girls.  

I love reading this series and cannot wait to see what trouble Lany gets into next.  I would definitely recommend reading this series.  Trust me you will get a kick out of it.

Insight by Santino Hassell Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

Santino Hassell - Insight Header Banner

Hi peeps, we have Santino Hassell stopping by today with his new release Insight, we have a great excerpt, a fantastic giveaway and Aerin’s review, so check out the post and leave a comment to enter the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~

Santino Hassell - Insight Cover


(The Community 01)

Santino Hassell

Growing up the outcast in an infamous family of psychics, Nate Black never learned how to control his empath abilities. Then after five years without contact, his estranged twin turns up dead in New York City. The claim of suicide doesn’t ring true, especially when a mysterious vision tells Nate it was murder. Now his long-hated gift is his only tool to investigate. 

Hitching from his tiny Texas town, Nate is picked up by Trent, a gorgeous engineer who thrives on sarcasm and skepticism. The heat that sparks between them is instant and intense, and Nate ends up trusting Trent with his secrets—something he’s never done before. But once they arrive in the city, the secrets multiply when Nate discovers an underground supernatural community, more missing psychics, and frightening information about his own talent.

Nate is left questioning his connection with Trent. Are their feelings real, or are they being propelled by abilities Nate didn’t realize he had? His fear of his power grows, but Nate must overcome it to find his brother’s killer and trust himself with Trent’s heart.

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Cowboys Don't Ride Unicorns by Tara Lain Guest Post & Excerpt!

Tara Lain - Cowboys Don't Ride Unicorns Banner

Hi guys, we have Tara Lain visiting today with her upcoming release Cowboys Don’t Ride Unicorns, we have a brilliant guest post and a great new excerpt for you to peek at, so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Tara Lain - Cowboys Don't Ride Unicorns Cover

Cowboys Don’t Ride Unicorns

(Cowboys Don’t 02)

Tara Lain

Cowboy Danny Boone—a name he made up one drunken night and has regretted ever since—harbors a big past and yearns for a small future. A short, bright career as a champion bull rider almost ended in his death when his homophobic father discovered Danny was gay. Now Danny longs for a plot of land he can build a ranch house on and enough money to make up for some of the education he missed.

Danny also hides a preference for beautiful femmes who like to top—a combo rarer than a unicorn. Then onto the guest ranch where Danny works drives San Francisco decorator Laurie Belmont, a young man so gorgeous he makes horses gasp, and so ballsy he almost kills Danny’s attacker.

Laurie’s trying to find his way out from under the thumb of a domineering mother, helpless father, and rich, privileged boyfriend. But no matter the attraction, their lives are worlds apart, and cowboys don’t ride unicorns.

Release date: 22nd March 2017

No Regrets by Nicky James Release Blitz, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Nicky James - nO rEGRETS Banner

Hi guys, we have Nicky James stopping by today with her new release No Regrets, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Nicky James - No Regrets Cover

No Regrets


Nicky James

Life makes no promises, and sometimes, you draw the short straw.

Landon Johnston’s life came to a grinding halt seven months ago, when he was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

With the encouragement of his grandmother, Landon works his way out of his slump and tries to live life while he still can.

Deciding he doesn’t want to drag anyone else down his morbid path, Landon gives up all friendships and denies himself love. It’s better this way, because all he has to offer is eventual heartache and sadness.

While traveling the world, Landon meets Abel Matheson, a free-spirited, unedited, and nerve-grating man who was supposed to only be a one-night-stand.

Despite Landon’s insistence that he can’t form a relationship with his current diagnoses, Abel is persistent and will not be ignored.

Fighting against all his ingrained urges to run, Landon finds himself drawn down the road he swore he’d never take.

Intimacy grows and bonds form…

Only… Abel doesn’t know Landon is sick.

How can anyone love a man with no future?

Telling him might cause him to run, but staying silent means living a lie. A lie which will only reveal itself in time.

Note: This story is a HFN or bitter sweet HEA read. It contains potential triggers for people who may be affected by cancer and its effects.

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Fangs Like Me by Lyssa Dering Blog Tour, Character Bio, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Lyssa Dering - Fangs Like Me Banner

Hi peeps, we have Lyssa Dering popping in today with the tour for her new release Fangs Like Me, we have a brilliant character bio,  a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Lyssa Dering - Fangs Like Me Cover

Fangs Like Me


Lyssa Dering

Lane, a newborn vampire, still feels the pain of betrayal. Two years ago, a faithless boyfriend took his life, and now, Lane’s Maker has also left him behind. The pain of separation burns strong when all Lane wants are arms to hold him and enough warm blood to satisfy his voracious appetite. At a shifter party, Lane is drawn to a hunky Alpha werewolf who tries to console him.

Parker is more than a thoughtless hookup. Since his family disowned him for finding boys just as hot as girls, all he wants is someone to love and look after. The sweet little vamp calls to his protective instincts, but he sure is jumpy. Cuddling with boys is new and delicious, but when this boy also wants him as a food source, things get complicated.

Vampires and shifters aren’t supposed to get along, and Parker’s rough dominance triggers bad memories for Lane. But Parker’s wolf wants Lane, and he knows he can give Lane what he needs. Can Lane learn to navigate his past and give the thing growing between them a chance? Or will the very real possibilities of heartache, abandonment, and even death, keep them apart?

Continue reading “Fangs Like Me by Lyssa Dering Blog Tour, Character Bio, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

There's This Guy by Rhys Ford Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Rhys Ford - There's This Guy Banner

Hi guys, we have Rhys Ford popping in today with the tour for her upcoming release There’s This Guy, we have a fantastic guest post, a great excerpt and an awesome giveaway, so check out the post, take part in the giveaway and then leave a comment to enter the bonus giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~ 

Rhys Ford - There's This Guy Cover

There’s This Guy


Rhys Ford

How do you save a drowning man when that drowning man is you?

Jake Moore’s world fits too tightly around him. Every penny he makes as a welder goes to care for his dying father, an abusive, controlling man who’s the only family Jake has left. Because of a promise to his dead mother, Jake resists his desire for other men, but it leaves him consumed by darkness.

It takes all of Dallas Yates’s imagination to see the possibilities in the fatigued Art Deco building on the WeHo’s outskirts, but what seals the deal is a shy smile from the handsome metal worker across the street. Their friendship deepens while Dallas peels back the hardened layers strangling Jake’s soul. It’s easy to love the artistic, sweet man hidden behind Jake’s shattered exterior, but Dallas knows Jake needs to first learn to love himself.

When Jake’s world crumbles, he reaches for Dallas, the man he’s learned to lean on. It’s only a matter of time before he’s left to drift in a life he never wanted to lead and while he wants more, Jake’s past haunts him, making him doubt he’s worth the love Dallas is so desperate to give him.

Release date: 17th March 2017

Continue reading “There's This Guy by Rhys Ford Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

New Addiction by April Kelley

April Kelley - New Addiction CoverTitle: New Addiction

Series: Wingspan #1

Author: April Kelley

Genre: Paranormal

Length: Novella (122 Pages)

Publisher: Hard Rose Publishing (February 1, 2017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: The first time Caerwyn meets his mate, it ends with rejection, growling, and bear shifters…oh, my!

After his parents die in a tragic car accident, dragon shifter Caerwyn Lewis doesn’t know how to grieve properly, not that he really has time. He has siblings that are relying on him to pay off the debt their parents incurred on the farm. Also, he has a brother who isn’t taking their parents’ death well. The last thing he needs is a distraction, but that’s what he gets when his Alpha calls him in to help another neighboring shifter town. The distraction comes in the form of a handsome but grumpy bear shifter named Rory. 


Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Wingspan collection features a different romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.  This series is connected to A Saint Lakes series so I would suggest reading those first.

Every once in a while you find an author that can give you a world that would be perfect to live in. I came across April awhile back when she had written the first book.  I knew from that moment that she was going to be one of my favorite authors of all time, if not the top one. There is something about the way that she writes that not only draw you in but keeps you there.  They are not only the perfect length for me, but they are so full of detail that it feels like you are right there with them. They not only entertain you but captivate you throughout the whole story. For me once I start reading I can’t move until I find out how they end. Her characters are also very fascinating and unique to me.

The characters are beautifully written with big hearts, however if you cross them, they have no problem putting you down. To me there is nothing better than a good old paranormal love story.  There is just something about them, that even though they are not possible one would think different.   

Caerwyn is having a difficult time with things.  His parents died five months ago leaving him a ranch that was in debt, a brother who was in trouble and a mate that didn’t want him.  What was a dragon to do, well he had to let go for one.  When he was asked to go to Saint Lakes to help them out, he had not expected to see his mate, nor for his mate to run.  

Rory is a bear shifter who loves to be alone.  After his first shift, he had left his mother to make his own way.  Now he has seen his mate, and his damn ass was going to have to make a decision.  

I can honestly tell you that this is going to be one of those types of series that you can’t put down and have to read more than once. It is the perfect story for me and gave me all that I needed. I love the way all the feelings they felt was involved in this story. I had a blast reading it and I can’t wait to read the next story.

Little Wolf by R. Cooper ~ Audiobook

R. Cooper - Little Wolf COverTitle: Little Wolf

Series:  Being(s) in Love 04

Author: R Cooper

Narrator: Robert Nieman

Genre: Paranormal

Length: 18 hrs, 54 mins

Publisher: Dreampsinner Press LLC (2nd May 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.5 Hearts

Blurb: On the run from his old-blood werewolf family, Tim Dirus finds himself in Wolf’s Paw, one of the last surviving refuges from the days when werewolves were hunted by humans and one of the last places Tim wants to be. Kept away from other wolves by his uncle, Tim knows almost nothing about his own kind except that alpha werewolves only want to control and dominate a scrawny wolf like him.

Tim isn’t in Wolf’s Paw an hour before he draws the attention of Sheriff Nathaniel Neri, the alpha-est alpha in a town full of alphas. Powerful, intimidating, and the most beautiful wolf Tim has ever seen, Nathaniel makes Tim feel safe for reasons Tim doesn’t understand. For five years he’s lived on the run, in fear of his family and other wolves. Everything about Wolf’s Paw is contrary to what he thought he knew, and he is terrified. Fearing his mate will run, Sheriff Nathaniel must calm his little wolf and show him he’s more than a match for this big, bad alpha.

Product Link: Audible US | Audible UK

Reviewer: Prime

Review: Upfront I’m going to say that Little Wolf is a very long audio and you will need the patience to listen. This is book 4 in R Cooper’s series, but the books work as standalone stories too. I have only heard/read the previous book in the series, A Beginner’s Guide to Wooing Your Mate, which despite it being predicated on mates who met in high school and a massive miscommunication, I found quite enjoyable.

The story is about Tim Dirus, who is on the run but was able to settle in Wolf’s Paw for a spell (not literally, well, maybe). Tim is the titular Little Wolf. He also happens to be half human and is hiding a massive secret from his mate and his new friends in Wolf’s Paw. Then there is the town’s sexy sheriff Nathaniel Neri. He instantly knows that Tim is his mate, but is forced to wait for his wary mate, who does not know much about being shifter, while Tim learns about were (though some would say he is quite unwilling).

I know that there will be a lot of people like me – they don’t mind a book which is based off of miscommunication and a rebellious runaway who refuses to get close to anyone, let alone the man that he doesn’t realize is his mate. However, at the same time, like me, there will be plenty of people that find that the plot drags along fairly slowly. It annoyed me to the point I sped up the audio because I couldn’t handle the thought of not finishing. Luckily I did a lot of listening while doing edits on my thesis so things weren’t so bad.

However, there is something I know will annoy a lot of fans of the shifter theme – that’s when one of the main characters sort of/maybe cheats on his mate (even if in this case Nathaniel basically pushed Tim to be with the other wolf if only for experience or to understand his feelings). Tim’s thoughts tend to go around in a lot of circles, which is a major reason why the story seems to drag so long.

But all in all, I have to say I still did enjoy the book. It does have all the elements of enjoyable romance. Not only that, Nathaniel and Tim work well together. I love a good paranormal/shifter romance and this certainly delivers, if only the plot and character development is slow. The other saving grace for the book is Robert Nieman’s wonderful narration.

Grayson's Mate by Tamsin Baker

Tamsin Baker - Grayson's Mate CoverTitle: Grayson’s Mate

Series:  The Borough Boys # 1

Author: Tamsin Baker

Genre: Paranormal

Length: Novella (105pgs)

Publisher: Tamsin Baker (December 27, 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.75 Hearts

Blurb: At thirty-five, Grayson Nox is the business manager for his werewolf pack. He’s good at his job. Too bad he’s not as successful at finding his destined mate. He’ll know her by a distinctive birth mark, but he’s getting tired of searching. 

But the night Grayson finally sees his mark, it’s not on a woman. It’s on a gorgeous guy who wrecked his car near pack headquarters. Grayson brings the beguiling stranger home to heal … and to try and make sense of this strange twist of fate.

Medical student Reagan Forster has studied for ten years at University in Melbourne. At last he’s ready to sit his final exams and head out into the world to heal people. But when he foolishly tries to drive home after a thirty-six-hour hospital shift, Reagan passes out behind the wheel. 

He wakes in an unknown world, tucked away in the mountains of Greensborough, with the hottest guy he’s ever met at his bedside. Their mating starts a fire hotter than either werewolf or man has ever known. 

But they must make their relationship work against the backdrop of conflict, as Regan struggles to find his place in this new world, and the pack battles the Rogue werewolves who are a constant threat. 

When the spoils are counted in the end … can Grayson and Reagan both be victors? 

ISBN: B01M17P1U2

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Grayson has been searching for the woman who is to be his mate and is shocked when it is apparent it’s a man named Reagan instead. They meet when Reagan falls asleep at the wheel of his car and gets in an accident. Grayson takes him home to patch him up. From the beginning Reagan feels something is different. 

Now I liked the story but I would have liked further details regarding the mating marks and the background on the couple who started it all. I felt Grayson should have informed Reagan about himself “before” sleeping with the man and mating him.

Overall it was a good beginning to a series and nice set up interwoven for the next book. Good read.

Mended by Olivia Black

Olivia Black - Mended CoverTitle: Mended

Series: Federal Paranormal Agency #9

Author: Olivia Black

Genre: Paranormal

Length: Novella (134 Pages)

Publisher: Siren Publishing (November 18, 2016)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: You have to be the best to go to war with the worst. That’s the motto the agents of the Federal Paranormal Agency live by. They hunt down rogues and deliver justice to those that break the law. They are the enforcers of the paranormal world.

Max Lumeria is a snake shifter with the FPA. When the International Criminal Investigation Unit calls and asks for help, Max gets on a plane to London. He’s excited to work with the unit, a group of agents that solve cross-border crimes in Europe. As soon as his plane lands, Max is given the task of assuming the identity of Patryk Walicki, a member of the ICIU.

Tommy McConnell was a detective in Northern Ireland before being recruited to join the ICIU. He isn’t exactly thrilled when Max is brought in to pose as one of their own. But, after spending some time with Max, Tommy quickly realizes that he likes the shifter.

Even though Max is drawn to Tommy, he’s still cautious. This human is special because he might be Max’s second chance at having a mate.  

ISBN:  978-1-78651-470-7    

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review:  Each book in the Federal Paranormal Agency collection features a different romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order. This is actually Branched off from her Silver Bullet series so I would suggest starting with that series first.

Max lost his mate some time ago in the war, from that point on he lost himself into the bodies of others.  It didn’t however bring him pleasure but made him miss his mate.  Then he was sent to find out what truly happened to a member of the ICIU.  He had not expected to find another mate.

Tommy was a detective for Northern Ireland before being recruited to the ICIU.  They are paired up in more than one way.  Neither might be ready for the answers of what happened but damn their mating might just rock.  If you want to know what really happened, read the book.

I had a blast reading this story however it just felt a bit off. Not enough to make me not like the story but it just felt a bit rushed. Other than that issue, this story is perfect for when you are trying to take a break or when you just need the sun to shine for you. It caught my attention from the moment I started reading and kept it all the way to the end. It also gave me everything I could want in a book.

Noble Intentions by Andrew Grey

Andrew Grey - Noble Intentions CoverTitle: Noble Intentions

Author: Andrew Grey

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (200 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (12 Dec 2016)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Robert Morton is in for the surprise of a lifetime. His mother, a bit of a rebel, raised him away from the rest of the family, and it’s not until he’s contacted by his lawyer about an inheritance that he learns who he truly is: the new Earl of Hantford. His legacy includes ownership of the historic Ashton Park Estate—which needs repairs Robert cannot afford. He’ll simply do what the nobility has done for centuries when in need of money. He’ll marry it.

Tech wizard Daniel Fabian is wealthy and successful. In fact, he has almost everything—except a title to make him worthy in the eyes of the old-money snobs he went to prep school with. His high school reunion is looming, and he’s determined to attend it as a member of the aristocracy.

That’s where Robert comes in.

Daniel has the money, Robert has the name, and both of them know they can help each other out. But their marriage of convenience has the potential to become a real love match—unless a threat to Daniel’s business ruins everything.

ISBN: 978-1-63533-123-3

Product Link:

Reviewer: Prime

Review: I love nothing more than reading a sweet story by Andrew Grey. The guy knows how to pull at the heart strings and make you cry at least once within a story. The fact that this story is based around the English aristocracy with a marriage of convenience becoming something more, I knew that this was the book for me (albeit a modern tale, I do have a penchant for historical MF Georgian period romances every once in a while).

The story itself is very simple. Heck, I’ve already done the summary a couple sentences ago. While I wish there had been either a bit more plot development that lead to the “I love you”, or more character development, or both – I loved reading this story for what it is.

Robert Morton is a Cornish barrister who leads a quiet life, happily working in his country law practice, close to his widowed mother. Then his life changes when he finds out that not only did his mother have a family – she had a brother who was an Earl and had not approved of his sister marrying a “commoner”. As I said, for those into stories with Earls and Dukes, this is kind of the usual trope.

Over on the other side of the Atlantic is New York businessman and someone who is very much looked down by the old money of New York society, Daniel Fabian. These feelings are made even stronger when we receives an invitation for his high school reunion – a place that wasn’t exactly welcoming since he was a scholarship holder in an elite school for the kids of the rich and powerful.

For both men a marriage of convenience will be a simple solution so that they can be what society expects of them.

I found that the point in the story where love conquers all was too rushed for me, but I loved everything else about the book.

Resuscitating Love by Devon Rhodes

Devon Rhodes - Resuscitating Love CoverTitle: Resuscitating Love

Author: Devon Rhodes

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Short (40 Pages)

Publisher: Pride Publishing (31st January 2017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Blurb: If Hill keeps putting cowboys ahead of his marriage, even being a cardiologist won’t help David fix their broken hearts.

Hillard ‘Hill’ Pearson, the new events director of the American Royal, has worked hard to get to where he is. This is his first year as director, and the huge responsibility of the more visible position has taken over his life. Yes, he could be considered a workaholic, but he’s put fifteen years into the event he’s loved since he was a kid, and now is his chance to shine.

When David Weinstein finally convinced his long-time partner, Hill, to marry him, he thought it would bring them closer together. Instead, they’re not even to their first anniversary and their relationship is suffering. David’s finally at a stage in his medical career where he has regular hours, but he can’t seem to connect with his husband when he’s free. Now, with the event that he’s sick of hearing about underway, he feels like he’s making all the effort with no return.

Can Hill and David resuscitate their love before David gives up on the promise of forever?

ISBN: 9781786515056

Product Link:

Reviewer: Veronica

Review: Who doesn’t to read about Cowboys? The Boots, the snug jeans and the swagger in their walk. David and Hillard, ‘Hill’ has been together for about fifteen years, but married only one year. As much as they love each other, they’re drifting apart, and David wants to do anything that he can to stop that. Hill was promoted in his job and he is now the Events Director, and the job is so time consuming, that he misses lots of important dates with his husband David. On this particular day, David is waiting for Hill, way past the time that they had agreed upon. David wants to celebrate the anniversary of their first date, but Hill forgets, and therein lies the distance that David feels is growing between them.

 Yes, Hill loves his job, and has worked very hard for his position in the company, and he doesn’t want to do anything that can jeopardize it, but he have to compromise or he will lose the best thing in his life and it isn’t his job. Will a talk from his Boss convince him to pull up his boots, and find his priorities where his husband is concerned, or will he lose his husband to his work?

I love this author’s work, and I would recommend this story to anyone that wants a quick read about a couple and the heartfelt emotions the author showed in this story.

The Bisti Business by Don Travis Guest Post & Excerpt!

Don Travis - The Bisti Business Banner

Hi guys, we have Don Travis popping in today with his upcoming release The Bisti Business, we have a brilliant guest post and a great excerpt, so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Don Travis - The Bisti Business Cover

The Bisti Business

(BJ Vinson Mystery 02)

Don Travis

Although repulsed by his client, an overbearing, homophobic California wine mogul, confidential investigator B. J. Vinson agrees to search for Anthony Alfano’s missing son, Lando, and his traveling companion—strictly for the benefit of the young men. As BJ chases an orange Porsche Boxster all over New Mexico, he soon becomes aware he is not the only one looking for the distinctive car. Every time BJ finds a clue, someone has been there before him. He arrives in Taos just in time to see the car plunge into the 650-foot-deep Rio Grande Gorge. Has he failed in his mission?

Lando’s brother, Aggie, arrives to help with BJ’s investigation, but BJ isn’t sure he trusts Aggie’s motives. He seems to hold power in his father’s business and has a personal stake in his brother’s fate that goes beyond familial bonds. Together they follow the clues scattered across the Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness area and learn the bloodshed didn’t end with the car crash. As they get closer to solving the mystery, BJ must decide whether finding Lando will rescue the young man or place him directly in the path of those who want to harm him.

Release date: 21st March 2017

Continue reading “The Bisti Business by Don Travis Guest Post & Excerpt!”

All You Need Is Love by Russell J. Sanders Guest Post & Excerpt!

Russell J. Sanders - All You Need Is Love Banner

Hi guys, we have Russell J. Sanders popping in today with his upcoming release All You Need Is Love, we have a brilliant guest post and a great excerpt, so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Russell J. Sanders - All You Need Is Love Cover

All You Need Is Love


Russell J. Sanders

It is 1969 when Dewey Snodgress, high school theater star, meets irrepressible hippie Jeep Brickthorn, who quickly inserts himself into Dewey’s life—and eventually, into his heart. Meanwhile, Dewey prepares to appear in a production across town, a play about protestors of the Vietnam War, where he befriends the wild and wonderful Lucretia “LuLu” Belton, who is also determined to follow her dreams and become an actress—whether her parents approve or not.

 The show has a profound effect, especially on Dewey’s father, who reconsiders his approval of the war after his son’s performance. But Dewey knows his dad won’t be so accepting if he reveals the love he’s developing for Jeep, so he fights to push his feelings away and keep the peace in his family.

 Still, Dewey can’t ignore the ripples moving through society—from the impending Woodstock Festival to the Stonewall Riots—and he begins to see that the road to happiness and acceptance for him and Jeep might lead them away from conservative Fort Worth, Texas—and Dewey’s dad.

Release date: 21st March 2017

Continue reading “All You Need Is Love by Russell J. Sanders Guest Post & Excerpt!”

Sight Unseen by Susan Mac Nicol with Nicolas Downs Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Susan Mac Nicol Sight Unseen BT Banner

Hi guys, we have Susan Mac Nicol with Nicolas Downs popping in today with the tour for her new release Sight Unseen, we have a brilliant guest post from Susan, a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Susan Mac Nicol - Sight Unseen Cover

Sight Unseen


Susan Mac Nicol with Nicolas Downs

Sometimes we don’t see love coming

Tragedy brings together a reserved but brilliant sculptor and an outgoing gallery owner, friends whose love was sidetracked but was always meant to be deeper.


SoCal natives, Nate and Cody have been friends since childhood. Both knew they were different—and the same. At seventeen, a stolen weekend in the Florida Keys drove their connection deeper and hotter than either could imagine. They were meant to be together. Then, for reasons only Nate knows, suddenly they weren’t.

They’re still friends. Best friends. But they’ve moved on and found other partners. The yearning remains, however, despite the long-ago secret that drove them apart, when tragedy strikes, both men find themselves in the dark. They must grope their way back to who and what they are…which they will find in each other’s arms. Sometimes, losing one’s sight can open one’s eyes—and heart.

Based on an idea from L.A. producer and actor, Nicholas Downs, Susan and Nicholas have developed a story straight from the heart.

In a gripping tale of lovers fighting against the odds comes a story of universal appeal about rejection and acceptance and finally finding what is real and true.

Continue reading “Sight Unseen by Susan Mac Nicol with Nicolas Downs Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

Purring With His Mate by Shea Balik

Shea Balik - Purring With His Mate CoverTitle: Purring with His Mate

Series:  Miracle #1

Author: Shea Balik

Genre: Paranormal

Length: Novella (156 Pages)

Publisher: Shea Balik (February 20, 3017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: In a world where everyone was against them, they needed a Miracle. What no one had expected was to find their salvation in an abandoned town that was ready to collapse. Yet, that is exactly what happened when they moved to the town of Miracle, Oregon.

Edrick Rapp, a mountain lion shifter, wanted to kick himself for not moving he and his friends far from their former pack years earlier. It wasn’t until he came upon one of his friends being beaten to death for their sins that he realized his mistake.

Mouse shifter, Nole Hayward, had been punished by his Alpha. Left for dead, he barely managed to crawl away with his life. He ends up hiding out in Miracle, Oregon until a group of mountain lion shifters show up. Before he could get away he ends up with a building collapsing down around him and his mate rescuing him.

Can Edrick and Nole find love or will they let the ghosts of their pasts tear them apart?  


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Reviewer: Lisa

Review:  Each book in the Miracle collection features a different romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.   

Edrick and his friends had left the pride to stay alive.  They should have left many years ago when they realized they were all gay.  But they had just tried to hide it, that is until one of his friends was caught and his father was going to kill him.  Buying a rundown town sounded good, but with the ones who wanted them all dead hunting them, it might not be enough.  Then to top it off he has found his mate.

Nole had left his home because he was gay.  He knew if he didn’t that they would kill him.  They were out there hunting him for god sakes.  Then the home he found to hide in was over taken by a bunch of cats, he figured his little mouse ass should get the hell out of there.  However that meant he would not be with his mate.  If you want to know what happens, read the book.

I can honestly tell you that this is going to be one of those types of series that you can’t put down and have to read more than once. It is the perfect story for me and gave me all that I needed. I love the way all the feelings they felt was involved in this story. I had a blast reading it and I can’t wait to read the next story. 

Dinner at the Blue Moon Cafe by Rick R. Reed (2nd Edition)

Rick R. Reed - Dinner at the Blue Moon Cafe CoverTitle: Dinner At The Blue Moon Cafe (2nd Edition)

Author: Rick R. Reed

Genre: Paranormal, Mystery, Suspense 

Length: Novel (200 Pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (March 13, 2017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: A monster moves through the night, hidden by the darkness, taking men, one by one, from Seattle’s gay gathering areas.

Amid an atmosphere of crippling fear, Thad Matthews finds his first true love working in an Italian restaurant called the Blue Moon Café. Sam Lupino is everything Thad has ever hoped for in a man: virile, sexy as hell, kind, and… he can cook!

As their romance heats up, the questions pile up. Who is the killer preying on Seattle’s gay men? What secrets is Sam’s Sicilian family hiding? And more importantly, why do Sam’s unexplained disappearances always coincide with the full moon?

The strength of Thad and Sam’s love will face the ultimate test when horrific revelations come to light beneath the full moon.  

ISBN: 978-1-63533-296-6

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: I chose this book because I definitely thought it was a mystery, and it was however I wasn’t really paying attention to the werewolf part to much.  So you can imagine my surprise when I started reading it.  I have read a couple of books by this author, and have to say that he has a top notch imagination, and wonderful for us because that imagination gives us a good book. Although I do admit, this one leaves me on the edge. I can’t decide if I liked it or if I hated it.

Thad is a sweet young man who gives him time getting things together for ones who have AIDS.  He has a gentle soul and a big heart.  When Thad walks into the Blue Moon Cafe, his heart starts beating and his hands start sweating.  He has found the man of his dreams.  That man of his dreams has a secret that is deadly though.

Sam is one hell of a sexy Sicilian.  He can cook like no man can.  One night with Thad, and he wants more but his family is a very difficult family.  Then the murders of gay men start happening, and Thad’s best friend found the answer.  Now Sam’s disappearance around the full moon just so happens to be the same time as the murders.  Thad is going to find out what is going on, and if you want to know more then read the book.

Now I have to admit that I am more romance and paranormal, then creepy paranormal.  Also I am stuck with the werewolf in the city idea, which for most would be odd.  Werewolves and the city just don’t mix.  One would think that they would pick more Montana, Wyoming and even Alaska, then a city in Washington.  So it seemed to stick with me throughout the book.  Then there was the way they are together, and sudden love just doesn’t work for me.  I don’t know, the whole book just felt rushed and didn’t come together like I wanted it to.  Now, even though those are my feelings on the book, it is well written with some juicy parts in it. 

The action pack, suspenseful story mixed in with a romance is just a part of what is in this book. 

Forgiving His Mate by Shea Balik

Shea Balik - Forgiving the Enemy CoverTitle: Forgiving the Enemy

Series: Miracle #2

Author: Shea Balik

Genre: Paranormal

Length: Novella (143 Pages)

Publisher: Shea Balik (March 6, 3017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: In a world where everyone was against them, they needed a Miracle. What no one had expected was to find their salvation in an abandoned town that was ready to collapse. Yet, that is exactly what happened when they moved to the town of Miracle, Oregon.

Lucca had always felt trust was something only fools allowed themselves to experience. Since the age of five, he’d learned that not even family could be trusted to keep him safe from the cruel reality of life. That point was driven home when he and his friends were forced to flee their pack for fear of death for no other reason than who they loved.

Jari had lived in hell since he was nineteen years old and he’d been naïve enough to believe his Alpha’s claim they were mates. Now he existed in a world of lies and betrayal that had him trapped and miserable. Just when he thought his life couldn’t get worse, he was caught leading his best friend to his death. A part of him had been glad he hadn’t succeeded and was ready to die for his crime, but life was never that easy, for the man who’d captured him was none other than his real mate.

Can Lucca find a way to trust his mate or will the sins of their pasts keep them from finding their happily ever after?  


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Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Miracle collection features a different romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.   

Every once in a while you find an author that can give you a world that would be perfect to live in. I came across Shea awhile back when she had written the first book.  I knew from that moment that she was going to be one of my favorite authors of all time, if not the top one. There is something about the way that she writes that not only draw you in but keeps you there. She gives you hot sex, lots of love and tenderness, mixed in with excitement, adventure and lots of dangerous situations. 

They are not only the perfect length for me, but they are so full of detail that it feels like you are right there with them. They not only entertain you but captivate you throughout the whole story. For me once I start reading I can’t move until I find out how they end. Her characters are also very fascinating and unique to me.

The characters are beautifully written with big hearts, however if you cross them, they have no problem putting you down. To me there is nothing better than a good old paranormal love story.  There is just something about them, that even though they are not possible one would think different.   

Jari had been friends with Nole at one time, that was until the alpha fooled him.  He realized that he was being played when the alpha killed his cousin in front of him.  He didn’t know away out.  Then his alpha planned on using him to find Nole and he was screwed.  He would either die or be captured.  Then the unexpected happened, he found his mate.  

Lucca wasn’t too sure if he could trust the little mouse, but he knew he wanted him.  Too bad the ones after them all wanted them dead, and he knew he would protect this sexy little man.  It does get real juicy but you’re going to have to read the book to find out.

I can honestly tell you that this is going to be one of those types of series that you can’t put down and have to read more than once. It is the perfect story for me and gave me all that I needed. I love the way all the feelings they felt was involved in this story. I had a blast reading it and I can’t wait to read the next story.  

Dawn and Dusk by Dirk Greyson

Dirk Greyson - Dusk and Dawn CoverTitle: Dawn and Dusk 

Series: Day and Knight 03

Author: Dirk Greyson

Genre: Mystery, Suspense

Length: Novel (200 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (May, 6, 2016)

Heat Level: Low – Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: For Scorpion agents Day and Knight, their relationship is slow to develop, and trust is hard to build. Then Day’s brother, Stephen, goes missing, and Day finds out more about him than he ever dreamed. Day’s first reaction to Stephen’s disappearance is to try to get to him as fast as possible.

Knight initially holds him back so they can attempt to find out what they’re walking into. But when Knight sees Day’s desperation, he steps in to help and tries to calm the man he’s growing to care about, even though the trail is cold and clues are scarce.

When Day witnesses his brother being shot live on television, he loses the last of his control. Despite the lack of answers, Day is more determined than ever to find out what happened. Stephen was all the family he had left.

Bone-deep fear and adversity threaten to tear Day and Knight apart, but facing unimaginable hardship together might finally cement the bond between them.

ISBN-13: 978-1-63477-279-2

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Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: This is the third book in the Day and Knight series and is best read in order.

Day’s brother Stephen has gone missing and Day is desperate to find him. Knight eventually helps him and what they uncover is far more than they bargained for. 

At the same time, the two men are dealing with issues they each have as well as growing closer to each other. I loved the dynamics of the story. These characters interact and work together well as they traverse their lives and the disappearance. 

I liked the fact that instead of rushing to fill the story with details of the relationship between Day and Knight the author has taken things slowly. It makes for a more believable progression of the two men. 

An amazing story that blends mystery with drama and keeps the reader very engaged to the end. Highly recommended.

Learning the Hard Way by H.P. Caledon

H.P. Caledon - Learning the Hard Way CoverTitle: Learning the Hard Way

Series: Learning the Hard Way # 1

Author: HP Caledon

Genre: Science Fiction, Thriller

Length: Novella (170 pages)

Publisher:  Devine Destinies (January 20, 2017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Some lessons in life are learned the hard way.

Mike and Keelan meet each other as opposites in a prison where violence, murder, and power games are everyday life. To survive they make a pact. They stand together against the rough life in a hell where the prisoners are nothing more than numbers in a book and left to their own fates—a fate where one’s place in a twisted hierarchy is paramount for survival.

But can a mercenary, who worked for the law, trust a murderer?

Can that murderer trust the mercenary?

ISBN: 978-1-4874-0983-8

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Mercenary Mike Marshall is sent to prison for a costly mistake he made during a contract. While there he becomes a pawn in every sense of the word to the inmates of the pecking order. He is given to another inmate keelan in exchange for Keelan’s protection he gives up the knowledge he knows about Merc’s. 

The politics in prison are brutal. He see’s first-hand how Keelan is under orders from the boss in the prison, Rainer. After numerous huts Rainer puts out on competition Keelan disappears and this leads to Mike being lied to and sold to others for sport. Damaged and beaten Mike’s finally released only to realise all is not what it seems as he learns about trust, deceit, and cruelty while trying to deal with what he’s been through at the whim of others. 

I did not get the Science fiction aspect of the book except for the mentions of spaceships they were on and the names of species. Would have liked more details to those. But other than that it was great story with murder, bloodshed, brutality, suspense and horrifying situations that change Mike. I looked forward to the continuation of Mike and Keelan’s story to see what happens between the two next.

Great read.