Between Loathing and Love by Andrew Grey ~ Audiobook

Andrew Grey - Between Loathing and Love Cover AudioTitle: Between Loathing and Love

Author: Andrew Grey

Narrator: Tristan James

Genre: Contemporary, Arts

Length: 5 hrs, 58 mins

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press LLC (19 Sept 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Theatrical agent Payton Gowan meets with former classmate – and prospective client – Beckett Huntington, with every intention of brushing him off. Beckett not only made high school a living hell for Payton, but he was also responsible for dashing Payton’s dreams of becoming a Broadway star.

Aspiring actor Beckett Huntington arrives in New York City on a wing and a prayer, struggling to land his first gig. He knows scoring Payton Gowan as an agent would be a great way to get his foot in the door, but with their history, getting the chance is going to be a tough sell.

Against Payton’s better judgment, he agrees to give Beckett a chance, only to discover – to his amazement – that Beckett actually does have talent.

Payton signs Beckett but can’t trust him – until Payton’s best friend, Val, is attacked. When Beckett is there for him, Payton begins to see another side to his former bully. Amidst attempts by a jealous agent to sabotage Beckett’s career and tear apart their blossoming love, Payton and Beckett must learn to let go of the past if they have any chance at playing out a future together.

Product Link: Audible US | Audible UK

Reviewer: Prime

Review: I love enemies in high school to lovers as adults’ type of book – I love that sometimes there was a reason for being “enemies” or like in the case of Between Loathing and Love, the two MCs were enemies through a misunderstanding and teenaged lack of communication. For me Andrew Grey is an automatic read/audio. I know that automatically I will have something that I will enjoy, though rating will be between 3 and 5.

Between Loathing and Love features Payton Gowan, a theatrical agent in New York after he quickly realized as a younger man that he was not good enough to make it as an actor. One day while at the gym with his best friend, Payton bumps into the man that made high school hell for him, Beckett Huntington. Then, because this is a book and this is what usually happens, Payton meets Beckett again, this time as a potential client at the agency where he works.

The story itself is simple. The guys need to get over their past. Payton needs to be able to juggle his career, his job at the agency, with the new budding relationship he has with Beckett. Throw in an awesome best friend, a voice of reason from another experienced agent and another agent who is jealous of Payton’s success and you have a recipe for an enjoyable book.

I have to also give a special shout out to the narration by Tristan James. Tristan James is a new narrator to me (I’m pretty sure he is anyway), but it was wonderful to hear his voice. He nailed Payton and Beckett, as well as doing a great job on the minor characters, especially Val. He deals really well with the emotion from Val after he is attacked and Payton steps in, along with Beckett.

Runaway by Nic Starr

Nic Starr - Runaway CoverTitle: Runaway

Series: World of Love 07: New South Wales Australia

Author: Nic Starr

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novella (86pgs)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (12th April 2017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.5 Hearts

Blurb: Dr. Nathan Powell is ready to settle down near his family, and hopefully find the man of his dreams. He returns to the small coastal town where he grew up, but while life is simpler than it was in the city, there are also complications—like patients’ reactions to an openly gay doctor. And like running into Nate’s first love, Damien, an out-and-proud local business owner who is unwilling to be any man’s dirty secret. The reunion reignites old desire even while it stirs up Nate’s guilt over the way things ended with Damien.

When Nate’s nephew runs away, Damien accompanies Nate on his mission to find the young man. The drive to Sydney, and the search of the city, gives Nate time to reconnect with Damien—and to wonder if he made the right decision years ago—when he determined a future for them was impossible. Is a fresh start realistic for two men in their forties? But before he can ponder the second chance they’ve been given, Nate must locate his nephew.

ISBN: 978-1-63533-410-4

Product Link:

Reviewer: Veronica

Review: This is a first time for me reading from this author, and I love how this book was well written and very enjoyable. I love that the characters knew one another already. Nathan knew from a young age that he was gay, and one afternoon while babysitting his little sister, he was caught kissing his boyfriend Damien at the Park. After that encounter, he decides that he’ll go away to Uni.

Years later, he moves back home to take over the position as a Doctor in the clinic where his Dad use to work. When he was living in the city, he was out and proud, but back in the small town, no one knows his orientation and he wants it kept like that, because he doesn’t want any trouble where the patients are concern.

Secure in his job, and reconnecting with friends, and with Damien, Nathan thought that he can just be friends with Damien again, but for him the old feelings are resurfacing, and he thinks that he might’ve made a mistake in running away years ago. When his nephew runs away to the city, Nate and Damien goes to Sydney to search for him. While there, they talk and end up reexamining their relationship. I’m sorry that this story didn’t have at least one or two more chapters to it. But it is a great story and I would recommend to anyone looking for a short read.

Leaning Into The Fall by Lane Hayes

Lane Hayes - Leaning Into the Fall CoverTitle: Leaning into the Fall 

Series: Leaning into # 2

Author: Lane Hayes

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (210 pages)

Publisher: Lane Hayes (March 12, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.75 Hearts

Blurb: Nick Jorgensen is a quirky genius. He’s made a fortune in the competitive high tech field with his quick mind and attention to detail. He believes in hard work and trusting his gut. And he believes in karma. It’s the only thing that makes sense. People are difficult, but numbers never lie. In the disastrous wake of a broken engagement to an investor’s daughter, Nick is more certain than ever he isn’t relationship material. 

Wes Conrad owns a thriving winery in Napa Valley. The relaxed atmosphere is a welcome departure from his former career as a high-rolling businessman. Wes’s laid-back nature is laced with a fierceness that appeals to Nick. In spite of his best intention to steer clear of complications, Nick can’t fight his growing attraction to the sexy older man who seems to understand him. Even the broken parts he doesn’t get himself. However, when Wes’s past collides with Nick’s present, both men will have to have to decide if they’re ready to lean into theultimate fall. 


Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Nick is a numbers guy. Always has been. That makes him come off as a bit calculated at times. In this story he meets older guy Wes. Laid back, successful and pretty a good guy. The sparks flew between these two from the start. I thought they were a good mix together and meshed well. 

The chemistry was great. I loved how Wes figured Nick out and began to reel him in so to speak without spooking him. I understood how Nick thought but also realized that sometimes numbers aren’t everything and you have to take a chance when the opportunity presents itself.

Wes was awesome. I completely fell for him. He was so smart, patient and understanding to a degree. I was cheering both of these characters on the further I read.

Really good read.

Freckles by Amy Lane

Amy Lane - Freckles Cover mTitle: Freckles

Series: 2016 Holiday Charity Bundle

Author: Amy Lane

Genre: Contemporary, Holiday

Length: Novella (170 pages)

Publisher: Riptide Publishing (November 14th 2016)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 hearts

Blurb: Carter Embree has always hoped to be rescued from his productive, tragically boring, and (slightly) ethically compromised life. But when an urchin at a grocery store shoves a bundle of fluff into his hands, Carter goes from rescuee to rescuer—and he needs a little help.

Sandy Corrigan, the vet tech who helps ease Carter into the world of dog ownership, first assumes that Carter is a crazy-pants client who just needs to relax. But as Sandy gets a glimpse into the funny, kind, sexy man under Carter’s mild-mannered exterior, he sees that with a little care and feeding, Carter might be Super-Pet Owner—and decent boyfriend material to boot.

But Carter needs to see himself as a hero first. As he says good-bye to his pristine house and hello to carpet treatments and dog walkers, he finds that there really is more to himself than a researching drudge without a backbone. A Carter Embree can rate a Sandy Corrigan. He can be supportive, he can be a hero, he can be a man who stands up for his principles!

He can be the owner of a small dog.

ISBN: 9781626495036

Product Link:

Reviewer: Aerin

Review: If you ever doubted the fact that Amy Lane can write pure fluff, then Freckles is your proof and you have to read it just to convince yourself. This book is full of fluffy feeling, doggy kisses, and heartfelt puppy love! It should be perfect, right? It wasn’t, but I still liked this book for the lack of drama and for Freckles.

Carter is an attorney in his early 30’s who loves his job but hates his place of employment and his ethically impaired boss. His boring and workaholic life is suddenly turned upside down when a flea-infested fluff ball is thrown in his arms. Carter has never imagined raising a puppy and he has basically no knowledge about it, but Freckles is exactly what he needed. A trip to the local vet clinic gives Carter some peace of mind and puts Sandy in Carter’s path.

Sandy is a 33 years old vet tech who’s going to college to become a veterinarian. Sandy is mostly happy and has a great family, but he yearns for someone to love and share his life with. Sandy’s first impressions of Carter is that he’s a bit of a nut, but Carter’s obvious worry and love for Freckles makes Sandy see him in a different light.

And here starts the cute story of raising a puppy when you have no clue what you’re doing. I love dogs and I’m a proud dog parent myself, but Freckles’s habit of pooping and peeing everywhere kinda cast a shadow on the slow developing feelings between Carter and Sandy. The whole story is so drama free, cute, and tame, that I expected Carter and Sandy to burn the sheets… this girl right here needs some excitement in her books. While there were plenty of moments full of feels and cuddles, the steamy scenes barely made an appearance. I guess I prefer Amy Lane’s angsty books, the ones that rip my heart out and put baseball-sized lumps in my throat. I like books that make me FEEL and the only thing his book made me feel is cuteness overload.

The ending is a tentative HEA which was definitely sweet and our guys deserved it. Freckles is a super-cute holiday read and I definitely recommend it to those who are not fans of Amy Lane’s special brand of angst.

Chiseled Wood by Shea Balik

Shea Balik - Chiseled Wood CoverTitle: Chiseled Wood   

Series: Cedar Falls #19   

Author: Shea Balik

Genre: Contemporary

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (May 4, 2017)

Length: Novella (148pgs)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Welcome to Cedar Falls, a small North Carolina town nestled amongst the Smokey Mountains. Where the people are friendly and the men are hot.

Kyler Prince is determined to find his place in this world. But with only the sheltered commune he grew up in as experience, his hope of finding somewhere he could fit in seems impossible. That is, until he ended up in Cedar Falls.

Aaron Garnett has dark desires. After he meets Kyler, he fears the innocent man would run if Aaron ever showed him what he truly wanted in a lover. But Aaron’s just not sure he has the strength to stay away from Kyler.

Can Kyler convince Aaron that his desires run just as dark, or will Aaron feel the risk is too high to give him a chance?    

ISBN: 978-1-64010-302-3

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review:  Each book in the Cedar Falls collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order. 

I love the way this author can put together a book that not only fascinates you but draws you in. I had a blast reading this and look forward to reading more by this amazing author. This is one of those types that even after you have read the whole book you just want to go back and read it again.  

Kyler was raised in a commune his entire life.  There are many things he doesn’t understand out in the wild and crazy world.  When you add Jesse and his friends, well you can see how this poor guy can get lost.  He spent everything he had to get to Cedar Falls just praying he got a job.   This is one guy that needs as many friends as he can get, and to top it all off he is living out of his car.  Then he meets the sexy Aaron.

Aaron is a Dom and one look at Kyler tells him that this man is a true innocent.  Trying to stay away from him might just back fire on him.  He sees the beauty in the man’s smile that just draws him in even more.  Take that chance and jump, now if you want to know the down and juicy well you’re just going to have to pick up this book.

I love how it has that serious tone to it but there is so much humor in it that your attention is captivated throughout it all. I loved the cover and that was what caught my attention first. Although to be honest any book that Shea writes is automatically bought by me. I just can’t seem to get enough of this series. There is something about the way that Shea more than likely have you laughing your ass off at parts of it. Especially Jesse, and now you are going to meet the mini-Jesse. The characters are beautifully written with big hearts, however if you cross them, they have no problem putting you down. They will protect their friends and family with their entire lives. I had a blast reading this story.

This story is perfect for when you are trying to take a break or when you just need the sun to shine for you. It caught my attention from the moment I started reading and kept it all the way to the end. It also gave me everything I could want in a book. I can honestly tell you that this is going to be one of those types of series. One that I will have to read over and over. I love the way all the feelings they felt was involved in this story. It was the perfect story for me and I loved it. I can’t wait to read the next story. 

Lion’s Mate by Shannon West & T.S. McKinney

Shannon West & T.S. McKinney - Lion's Mate CoverTitle: Lion’s Mate  

Series: Hell’s Creek 01   

Author: Shannon West & T.S. McKinney

Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal

Publisher: Painted Hearts Publishing (May 9, 2017)

Length: Novella (103pgs)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Blurb: When Julian Montague rolls into a small mill town on the back side of nowhere, he isn’t looking for any trouble. He’s broke and fallen on hard times—but his idea to run from a license check on a main highway has backfired. He went off road on his motorcycle and now he’s hopelessly lost and almost out of gas. Stopping at the only station in town, he’s confronted by bullies with a gun who insist he’s on the “wrong side of the line” and then proceed to attack him. Fighting them off, he heads for the dubious safety of the “other side” when he’s attacked by a wild animal and crashes, almost killing himself. Waking up tied to a bed, he’s startled to find his injuries are being tended by a large, handsome man named Leo who bosses him around, showers him with affection and insists on calling him kitty. Something is going on in this strange town called Hell’s Creek, involving the large paper mill and the strange inhabitants who live in separate territories and answer only to the Company. Julian needs to find out what it is before he finds himself the “mate” of another man—and the main problem with that is that he’s beginning to like the idea way too much.

ISBN: 978-1-946379-25-2

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: I came across this author a couple of years ago and found her stories intriguing.  However I also remember that they didn’t stand out in my head like they should have.  So when I was given this story, I was interested in seeing how the author’s work had grown.  

When Julian was five years old his parents had been killed and he was raised in foster care.  Now if you know about foster care they take care of certain needs but not a lot of love goes around.  When he decides to take off, there are many obstacles for him to get through.  He is flat broke and his bike doesn’t have the proper tags.  So trying to get away from a road block leads him right into Hell’s Creek.  It actually takes him right into Dogtown.  What he doesn’t know or understand is that Dogtown is actually a town full of canine shifters whereas Cat’s town is for Felines.  His life is about to be torn into and twisted.

Leo is the leader of the felines but life is not as calm as one would think.  There is much fighting between the felines and canines.  He was to mate with another, but to his surprise Julian is his true fated mate.  The problem is the man has no clue what is going on, nor what he really is.  Things are about to get interesting.

Now the story has great potential and the characters are strong enough to keep the fight going on.  However for me, this story was more detail and descriptions, which is a drag.  Leo might be the leader but in fact he doesn’t really seem like it.  The reason for these two towns and the separation is because of some company.  For me an alpha would not listen to the company but take care of his pride or pack.  The connection between these two men is somewhat questionable.  There is heat there but something is really off about them both.  It is a long winded story that just did the opposite of what it should have done.  As a reader my attention waivered quite a bit with the story. 

Like I said above the story had great potential but for me failed to deliver.  I normally won’t read the next books because I don’t have a great reaction to the first book, however I am interested enough to see what the next story will be like.  I just could have done without the amount of descriptions and the use of kitten.  So far this story is not giving me a great impression, but will leave my final feelings for the next book.

Ellery Mountain 1, 2 & 3 by R.J. Scott Blog Tour, Excerpt, Reviews & Giveaway!

R.J. Scott - Ellery Mountain 1,2,3 RT Banner

Hi guys, we have R.J. Scott popping in today with the tour for her new re-releases The Fireman & the CopThe Teacher & the Soldier and The Carpenter and the Actor, we have excerpts from each book, a brilliant giveaway and my reviews, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

R.J. Scott - The Fireman and the Cop Cover

The Fireman and the Cop

(Ellery Mountain 01)

R.J. Scott

Rescuing cop Finn Ryan from a burning precinct was easy; it’s keeping him alive Max Harrison finds difficult.

Firefighter, Max Harrison, is running from the city and finds peace in the sleepy Smoky Mountains town of Ellery. Finn Ryan is one of only three cops in Ellery, and someone is out to hurt him. Can Max find the arsonist, and keep Finn alive?


R.J. Scott - The Teacher and the Soldier Cover

The Teacher and the Soldier

Ellery Mountain 02

How can Daniel convince the man he loves, to stay with him in Ellery?

Luke Fitzgerald left Ellery Mountain for college and vowed never to return, but with his father murdered, he has no choice but to return. Luke only goes home to sell off his share of the Ellery Mountain Cabins, but everything changes when he meets the son of the other owner. 

Daniel Skylar is an ex-soldier who lives every day to the limit and sees a future in Luke. It doesn’t matter what Daniel says, or how much he needs Luke; Luke isn’t staying once everything is sold off. Surely Daniel can understand that?


R.J. Scott - The Carpenter and the Actor Cover

The Carpenter and the Actor

Ellery Mountain 03

 Jason McInnery, hounded by the paparazzi after his brother’s death, runs to the one place where he hopes people will not sell him out. The place where he was born.

Hiding in the tourist cabins at Ellery Mountain Resort out of season he thinks he finally has room to breathe. 

If only Kieran Dexter, a man ten years his junior, would stop fixing stuff and causing ripples in Jason’s peaceful space.


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The Sun Still Rises by Laura Bailo Guest Post & Excerpt!

Laura Bailo - The Sun Still Rises Banner

Hi guys! We have debut author Laura Bailo stopping by today with her upcoming debut novella The Sun Still Rises, we have an awesome guest post from Laura and a great excerpt, so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Laura Bailo - The Sun Still Rises Cover

The Sun Still Rises

(World of Love 10: Spain)

Laura Bailo

Erik’s father lived for Pamplona’s yearly festival and the running of the bulls. Now he’s gone, and Erik flies to Pamplona on a whim to see the festival his father loved—without booking a room first. He’s looking at sleeping on the ground until friendly David from the tourism office offers to share his home.

When Erik realizes he trusts David, that he might even be willing to face his anxiety to get to know David better, he begins to understand what this trip could mean. Pamplona is even more beautiful when seen through David’s eyes, and Erik might have traveled around the world just to find himself. But can he hold on to his newfound confidence—and to David—when it’s time to go home?

World of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.

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Sex Ed by Z.B. Heller Cover Reveal & Teasers!

Z.B. Heller - Sex Ed CR Banner

Hi guys, we have Z.B. Heller popping in today with the cover to her upcoming release Sex Ed, we have a the great cover for you to admire and some cheeky funny teasers for you to check out, so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Z.B. Heller - Sex Ed Cover

Sex Ed


Z.B. Heller

Jaxson Dane is harboring a secret.

Not the fact that he’s a geeky comic book lover, or that he secretly draws his own comic, Bunny Fu Ninja Warrior. It’s not even classified information that he’s out and proud!

 His secret is the shame that he’s a twenty-three-year-old virgin.

Jaxson isn’t waiting for marriage or even afraid of taking that step, he just hasn’t found the one guy who will accept all of his adorkable qualities. Due to an unfortunate mishap with a self-pleasuring apparatus and his favorite appendage, Jaxson meets Tyler Mason. The emerald-green-eyed nurse is a witness to the mortifying incident, leaving Jaxon both grateful and disappointed in their one-time meeting.

And then Tyler somehow shows up at Jaxon’s family dinner.

The very dinner at which Jaxson’s hidden virginity is revealed to everyone, including the captivating nurse.

Even though he secretly found the ER situation hilarious, Tyler is also able to look past it to see Jaxson’s genuine nature and is drawn to the charming and hapless comic book artist. He’s tempted to pursue the inexperienced Jaxson, but a recent and life-altering decision puts a damper on his wants and desires. However, the more time they spent together, the more willing he is to take the risk of juggling his new commitments and winning Jaxon’s affections.

A large, insane, and meddlesome family, two prying co-workers, and a sexy nurse are all trying to give Jaxson a crash course in Sex Ed. Will he pass?

Release date: 31st May 2017

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Nine-Tenths of the Law by L.A. Witt Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

L.A. Witt - Nine-Tenths of the Law RT Banner

Hi peeps, we have L.A. Witt popping in today with her re-release Nine-Tenths of the Law, we have a great excerpt, a brilliant giveaway and my review, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

L.A. Witt - Nine-Tenths of the Law Cover

Nine-Tenths of the Law


L.A. Witt

Without trust, common ground can get pretty shaky…

“I believe you have something of mine, Zach.”

The stranger’s accusation throws Zach Owens for a loop. He’s never seen this man in his life, and he’s not prepared when he finds out what they have in common—their boyfriend, Jake.

Make that ex-boyfriend. With the jerk out of the picture, Zach hurries after the stranger to apologize… which quickly leads to some sizzling hot revenge sex.

Despite starting on the wrong foot, Nathan Forrester can’t get enough of the sexy movie theater owner. Still, he’s jaded and distrustful—especially when Jake keeps materializing in Zach’s presence despite Zach insisting that relationship is over.

With a devious ex-boyfriend trying to sabotage their fledgling relationship, Zach and Nathan need to learn to trust each other, or they’ll both wind up with nothing.

This 61,000 word novel was previously published, and has been revised to include an extended ending.

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Salvation’s Song by Pearl Love Guest Post & Excerpt!

Pearl Love - Salvation's Song Banner

Hi guys! We have Pearl Love popping in today with her upcoming young adult urban fantasy Salvation’s Song, we have a brilliant guest post where Pearl talks about the inspiration for the story and we have a great excerpt, so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Pearl Love - Salvation's Song Cover

Salvation’s Song


Pearl Love

Only a chosen few can prevent an ancient evil from overtaking the world: the Singers, the Seekers, and the Saviors….

Tyrell Hughes and Jeremy Michalak are both juniors at Winton Yowell High School in Chicago, and aside from sharing a homeroom, they couldn’t be more different. Tyrell is well-liked, surrounded by friends, popular with girls, and looking forward to a bright future. Jeremy transfers to Winton Yowell to escape the troubles of his past. He’s hoping to survive his last two years of high school by flying under his new classmates’ gaydar and indulging in his passion: playing clarinet.

Tyrell and Jeremy struggle to ignore their attraction to each other. But that becomes increasingly difficult as young people across the city start dying. Both teens realize they alone know the true cause of the tragedies—and have the ability to put a stop to them. They’re the city’s only chance to defeat the dark forces threatening it, but to succeed, they’ll need to find common ground and reconcile the desires they’re trying to deny.

Release date: 16th May 2017
25% off storewide at Harmony Ink Press *at time of posting

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Readers & Writers for LGBT Chechens with Dianne Hartsock & Kim Fielding!

Chechnya Blog TourReaders & Writers for LGBT Chechens is a group of people raising money for organizations working directly with gay men and other persecuted LGBT people from Chechnya and the northern Caucasus. We do this through direct donations, donating royalties to these charitable organizations, and an online auction to be held May 5–13.

The group started out with a Facebook conversation between authors Dale Cameron Lowry and Olivia Helling in mid-April, after news of the targeted imprisonment, torture and executions of gay men started coming out of Chechnya. Other authors quickly got involved, and the effort snowballed from there.

Chechnya bt 1

Dianne Hartsock, a romance and speculative fiction author, has donated a set of two signed paperbacks to the charity auction. Here, she talks about why she decided to get involved:

“As a believer in human rights for all, I was horrified and heartbroken to realize what is happening in Chechnya. At first I was shocked, which quickly turned to a feeling of grief and helplessness. Participating in Readers & Writers for LGBT Chechens has given me the opportunity to help in a small way. If all of us take part, we can make a difference.”

Author Kim Fielding, who donated a set of three paperbacks and a t-shirt to the auction, adds,

“I got involved because it’s a small way I can contribute to the fight against brutality. As part of my day job, I’ve been studying hate crime for over two decades, and I’m well aware of how bad things can get. I think the fight against bias and violence is eternal, but every battle counts.”

Chechyan BT2

Ways to Get Involved


If you are a reader who would like to learn more about the situation in Chechnya — including news updates and how to make a direct donation to a designated charity, buy a book whose proceeds go to a designated charity, or bid in the auction — please visit Readers & Writers for LGBT Chechens.

Authors, Publishers and Artists

If you’re an author or artist who would like help out, please sign up at Authors & Publishers for LGBT Chechens. There, you can also find answers to frequently asked questions about royalty donations, the charitable organizations that are helping out LGBT Chechens, and more.


Please RSVP to our Facebook event and invite friends. It’s a great way to keep up-to-date.

Chechnya BT3

Dianne Hartsock is the author of paranormal/suspense, fantasy adventure, m/m romance, and anything else that comes to mind. Oh, and a floral designer, which is the perfect job for her. When not writing, she can express herself through the rich colors and textures of flowers and foliage.

Kim Fielding is the bestselling author of numerous m/m romance novels, novellas, and short stories. Like Kim herself, her work is eclectic, spanning genres such as contemporary, fantasy, paranormal, and historical. Her stories are set in alternate worlds, in 15th century Bosnia, in modern-day Oregon. Her heroes are hipster architect werewolves, housekeepers, maimed giants, and conflicted graduate students. They’re usually flawed, they often encounter terrible obstacles, but they always find love.

Chechnya BT4

Bend by Nancy J. Hedin Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Nancy J. Hedin - Bend Header Banner

Hiya peeps! We have debut author Nancy J. Hedin popping in today with her debut release Bend, we have a short guest post, a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway, so check out the post and leave a comment to enter the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~

Nancy J. Hedin - Bend Cover



Nancy J. Hedin

Lorraine Tyler is the only queer person in Bend, Minnesota. Or at least that’s what it feels like when the local church preaches so sternly against homosexuality. Which is why she’s fighting so hard to win the McGerber scholarship—her ticket out of Bend—even though her biggest competition is her twin sister, Becky. And even though she’s got no real hope—not with the scholarship’s morality clause and that one time she kissed the preacher’s daughter.

Everything changes when a new girl comes to town. Charity is mysterious, passionate, and—to Lorraine’s delighted surprise—queer too. Now Lorraine may have a chance at freedom and real love.

But then Becky disappears, and Lorraine uncovers an old, painful secret that could tear the family apart. They need each other more than ever now, and somehow it’s Lorraine—the sinner, the black sheep—who holds the power to bring them together. But only if she herself can learn to bend.

Continue reading “Bend by Nancy J. Hedin Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

Past the Breakers by Lucie Archer Blog Tour, Intro, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Lucie Archer - Past The Breakers Banner

Hi guys! We have Lucie Archer stopping by today with the tour for her upcoming release Past the Breakers, we have a short intro, a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Lucie Archer - Past the Breakers Cover

Past the Breakers


Lucie Archer

Casey North lost everything when his restaurant burned to the ground: his hopes, his dreams, his reason for living. With nothing tying him to LA, he packs up and moves back to his hometown of Land’s End. He takes up residence in a beach house and attempts to shake the depression he’s fallen into after his life collapsed. There’s just one tiny problem: the ghost haunting his kitchen.

Myles Taylor wasn’t always trapped in the Between. One minute, he was about to propose to his boyfriend of five years as they sat out on their surfboards, and the next, he woke up on the beach to find his long-dead uncle walking toward him. After his shock fades, he must learn to navigate his new reality as he searches for a way to move into the Great Beyond. But first he must deal with the man who’s invaded his territory.

With Myles tied to the beach house and Casey unwilling to leave it, the two must learn to cohabitate as the lines separating them begin to blur. They grow closer than either expected, but what will become of them once Myles finally escapes the Between?

Release date: 15th May 2017

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Liar, Liar by T.A. Moore Blog Tour, Guest Post & Exclusive Extract!

T.A. Moore - Liar, Liar Banner

Hi guys, we have T.A. Moore popping in today with her upcoming release Liar, Liar, we have a brilliant guest post and a exclusive extract, so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

T.A. Moore - Liar, Liar Cover

Liar, Liar


T.A. Moore

Just another day at the office.

For some people that means spreadsheets, and for others it’s stitching endless hems. For Jacob Archer a day at the office is stealing proprietary information from a bioengineering firm for a paranoid software billionaire. He’s a liar and a thief, parlaying a glib tongue and a facile conscience into a lucrative career. He just has one rule—never get involved with a mark.

Well, had one rule. To be fair, though, Simon Ramsey is dark, dangerous, and has shoulders like a Greek statue. Besides, it’s not as though Jacob’s even really stealing from Simon… just his boss and his brother-in-law. Simon didn’t buy that excuse either after he caught Jacob breaking into the company’s computer network.

That would have been that—one messy breakup, one ticket to Bali booked—but it turns out that the stolen information is worth more than Jacob thought. With his life—and his ribs—threatened, Jacob needs Simon to help him out. Or maybe he just needs Simon.

Release date: 10th May 2017

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Seven Minutes by Grace Kilian Delaney

Grace Kilian Delaney - Seven Minutes CoverTitle: Seven Minutes

Author: Grace Kilian Delaney

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Short (55 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (7 Dec 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Can love be found in seven minutes?

Heavy metal singer Stone Manson never acknowledged his attraction to men. But when he meets sexy cross-dresser Devon at a party and spends Seven Minutes in Heaven with him, he can’t deny his reaction. His confusion leads him to mess up—big time—with Devon, but after some soul-searching, Stone decides to do whatever it takes to show Devon he’s worth the risk.

Devon’s got a thing for hot, tattooed rock stars—just not the sexually conflicted and closeted ones. Stone’s persistence has Devon warming up to the idea of the singer in his bed, and maybe even in his life, until a threat emerges from Devon’s past. Now it’s Devon’s turn to trust Stone or both their lives could be in jeopardy.

ISBN: 978-1-63477-817-6

Product Link:

Reviewer: Prime

Review: If you’re like me and love to read a story featuring a rocker bad boy, then this is the book for you. I didn’t know what to expect as this is the first book I’ve read by Grace Kilian Delaney but I was pleasantly surprised.

Stone Mason is a heavy metal singer, though despite being tattooed he really isn’t a rocker bad boy at heart. In fact when he first started the band with his best friend, he was a somewhat dorky looking kind of teen. On a brief break from touring he meets Devon at a party. Stone has never truly thought that he was gay or bi until he meets Devon (this is definitely not a gay for you, more a self discovery type story). Devon is definitely gay and a cross dresser. The two of them click instantly and the chemistry between them is burning hot from the start. I found that the terminology was really well dealt with. In a book that is so short I was concerned that either too big a deal would be made of their sexualities and preferences, or it would only be glossed over.

The only note of warning I have to give, even though it is clear from the title, there is some degree of insta-love, though Stone does screw up that first night with Devon and does need to work to gain Devon’s attention again.

The Longest Night by A.J. Marcus

A.J. Marcus - The Longest Night CoverTitle: The Longest Night

Series: Stocking Stuffer

Author: AJ Marcus

Genre: Holiday, Paranormal

Length: Short (21 pages)

Publisher: eXtasy Books (12 Dec 2016)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4

Blurb: Holidays can be lonely, when a shifter is immortal, it can be even lonelier. Two shifters come together on the longest night and find a way to be together.

Bran Coffee finds himself stranded in a blizzard on the way to his clan’s Yule gathering. As a bear he likes to sleep the longest night away, so he finds himself a spot out of the wind where he’ll be safe. When he wakes, he finds a stranger waiting for him, but before he’ll find his clan, he’ll discover new love and break the lonely chains binding a dragon from the world he’s forsaken.

ISBN: 978-1-4874-0935-7

Product Link:

Reviewer: Prime  

Review: This is a sweet and sexy short by AJ Marcus. Of course it is a Christmas story but who cares, even at Easter there is nothing as charming as getting lost in a Christmas story. So many come out at Christmas it’s impossible to read them all anyway.

Bear shifter, Bran Coffee is stranded in a snow storm on his way to his clan’s Christmas festivities. Being a bear he wants nothing more than to hibernate a few days during the cold. When he stumbles across a cave, the perfect place for a nap, he meets the hot and sexy dragon shifter Sly Draco. He’s a hermit and although very lonely doesn’t really realize that what he wants is love.

Totally satisfying – totally charming – lots of fun – and very sexy!

Playing With Fire by Dirk Greyson

dirk-greyson-playing-with-fire-cover-sTitle: Playing With Fire

Author: Dirk Greyson

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (199 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (November 4th, 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Ratings: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Jim Crawford was born wealthy, but he turned his back on it to become a police officer. Add that to his being gay, and he’s definitely the black sheep of the family. 

Dr. Barty Halloran grew up with lessons instead of friends and toys and, as a result, became a gifted psychologist… with only an academic understanding of people and emotions. 

When Jim’s pursuit of a serial killer goes nowhere, he turns to Dr. Halloran for help, and Barty thinks he can get inside the shooter’s mind. In many ways, they’re two sides of the same coin, which both scares and intrigues him. Together, Jim and Barty make progress on the case—until the stakes shoot higher when the killer turns his attention toward Barty. 

To protect Barty, Jim offers to let Barty stay with him, where he discovers the doctor has a heart to go along with his brilliant mind after all. But as they close in on their suspect, the killer becomes desperate, and he’ll do anything to elude capture—even threaten those closest to Jim.

ISBN: 978-1-63477-910-4

Product Link:

Reviewer: Veronica

Review: A Cop, a Psychologist and a Serial Shooter. Jim the Cop is on the hunt for a crazed killer that is shooting people from roof tops. With all the evidence and clues that he’s collected from each victim at the Crime scenes, he’s hit a snag in the case and asks his captain if he can bring in a Psychologist that can help to Profile the shooter. Dr. Bartholomew Halloran, the Psychologist is a Professor at the College where he teaches. His field is studying behavior and how people think. Others say that he’s brilliant and is a genius, but completely clueless when it comes to people. He wakes, goes to work to gives his lectures and after work, he goes home to his cat Penelope.

Barty has brought a lot of insight into the killer’s mind and the case. When they’ve gotten closer as to finding out who the Shooter is, he leaves a voicemail message for Jim at the Police station and even mentions Barty’s name. Jim have to protect Barty, so he takes him home to stay with him to protect him. He doesn’t want Barty as the next victim. With Barty staying with Jim, he finds Barty very attractive and realize that Barty is his weakness: he’s in the academic field, he’s a geek, he’s tall and he wears glasses. Jim is trying to guard his heart from another heartbreak from his last relationship that didn’t end too well. But Barty wears him down. Barty has never been in any kind of relationship with anyone. He’s having these `weird feelings` as he calls them, every time he looks at Jim and is trying to figure them out. 

When working together pushes Jim and Barty closer, will they and the Police force find and apprehend this Serial Shooter before someone else becomes the next victim, and what happen when this pushes the Shooter closer to Jim’s family?

I absolutely love this book and I highly recommend it to anyone who loves suspense along with romance.

Strays by Garrett Leigh

Garrett Leigh - Strays CoverTitle: Strays

Series: Urban Soul #2

Author: Garrett Leigh

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (249 pages)

Publisher: Riptide Publishing (March 27th 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Work, sleep, work, repeat. Nero’s lonely life suits him just fine until his best friend, Cass, asks him to take on a new apprentice—a beautiful young man who’s never set foot in a professional kitchen. Despite his irritation and his lifelong ability to shut the world out, Nero is mesmerised by the vibrant stray, especially when he learns what drove him to seek sanctuary on Nero’s battered old couch.

Lenny Mitchell is living under a cloud of fear. Pursued by a stalker, he has nowhere left to run until Nero offers him a port in a storm—a job at the hottest restaurant in Shepherd’s Bush. Kitchen life proves heady and addictive, and it’s not long before he finds himself falling hard and fast for the man who has taken him in.

Fast-forward a month and a neither man can imagine life without the other, but one thing stands in their way: a lifetime of horrors Nero can’t bring himself to share with Lenny. Or can he? For the first time ever, happiness is there for the taking, and Nero must learn to embrace it before fate steps in and rips it away.

ISBN: 9781626494787

Product Link:

Reviewer: Aerin

Review: For me Garrett Leigh is the author I go to when I need a dark, angsty read, because she never fails to deliver. It takes a lot of talent to write angst with taste’ and without melodrama, but Leigh knocks it out of the park every single time. Strays is a beautiful and dark love story with a constant edge of danger that is anticipated but not overwhelming.

The focus stays on Nero and Lenny, and the slow and steady chemistry that’s building between them, regardless of the element of danger. Nero is dark and broody and remains mysterious for the better part of the book. We know that he’s been to jail and that he’s missing a finger, but it takes a while for Nero to unveil that part of his past. Nero’s nights are plagued by nightmares, and he spends his days trying to keep people away; nothing screams ‘stay the fuck away from me’ more than Nero’s dark looks and constantly pissed off mood.

Lenny is a scared little rabbit when he comes to hide in Nero’s living room and restaurant; a deranged stalker has been tormenting Lenny for a long time now, and it doesn’t look like the cops will do anything to stop him. Staying with Nero does Lenny a world of good, because little by little Nero brings Lenny out of his shell. The chemistry between them is slow burn and delicious as hell, and the sex is much anticipated throughout the book. The sex, when it happens, is steamy and passionate and emotionally fulfilling.

What I loved the most about Lenny and Nero together was the reassurance I got that they’re a solid couple; nothing about their relationship read as fleeting to me, just a sweet affair that weathered the storm and was made stronger because of it. If you haven’t read Misfits yet don’t hesitate to do it, because not only is it an amazing book, but the guys make a lot of appearances in this book and play a very important supportive role.

I hope for more books in this series, but if this is the end, I’m perfectly content.

Make Someone Happy by Hank Fielder

hank-fielder-make-someone-happy-cover-sTitle: Make Someone Happy

Author: Hank Fielder

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Short (68pgs)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (October 26th 2016)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.5 Hearts

Blurb: Massage therapist Joe Wells is in a little over his head with his first job at the posh Magic Touch Sports Spa. He’s also secretly falling for his friendly, sexy coworker, the top-notch masseur Andre Swift. All the clients clamor for Andre, and so far none have taken to Joe.

On the verge of being fired, Joe saves the life of a mysterious kitten belonging to a white witch, who grants him a wish: a magic touch that could save his job and maybe even win him Andre’s love and respect. As Joe’s stock at the spa rises to crazy and barely manageable levels of success, demand for Andre’s services drops off. Will Joe lose Andre to an out-of-control spell? Or worse—Andre’s love might prove to be only a result of the magic, just like Joe’s sudden talent. 

ISBN:  9781634778558

Product Link:

Reviewer: Veronica

Review: Love or Magic, which one can you believe in more?

Joe has only been out of Massage school for a short while and is now working as a massage therapist at Magic Touch Sports Spa. He wants to succeed at his new job, but with the demanding customers and his huge crush on Andre, the other massage therapist, it is becoming very difficult to do his job and to satisfy the customers. When one of the customers have had it with Joe’s massage and complains to his boss, Joe is given a ‘do better or else’ he knows that he will be fired if he doesn’t improve.

After work Andre promises to give Joe a few pointers to help improve his techniques. At the apartment, things get embarrassing for Joe and he leaves. On his way home he rescues a cat and the owner wants to reward Joe. Joe tells the lady about his failures at work, about his crush, and about his insecurities. The lady grants Joe one wish, and things start going great for Joe, his relationship is Andre, and his clients are praising him for his massages and booking him for repeats in advance.

Joe is wondering is all of this is happening because of one magic spell. I love this story and recommend it to anyone who want a short read.