Shadow Fray by Bradley Lloyd Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Bradley Lloyd - Shadow Fray Banner

Hi peeps! We have Bradley Lloyd visiting today on the first day of the tour for his upcoming debut novel Shadow Fray, we have an awesome guest post, a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway, so guys, check out the post and leave a comment to enter the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~

Bradley Lloyd - Shadow Fray Cover

Shadow Fray

(Shadow Fray: Round One)

Bradley Lloyd

Family is worth fighting for—and family doesn’t always mean blood.

No one knows what calamity poisoned the earth and decimated the human population, but living close to the toxic ground means illness and death. Justin is determined to keep his twin sister and younger brother from that fate—no matter what he has to do. To earn enough to keep his family safe in a high-rise, Justin enlists in a deadly sport called Shadow Fray. He quickly finds himself in over his head, especially when he is scheduled to face the most dangerous player.

Hale—who competes as Black Jim—knows he won’t be on top forever, despite his skills. He fights for a better life for his daughter, but his time is running out as Shadow Fray becomes increasingly lethal. Something about the newest fighter intrigues him, but does he dare defy his masters to investigate? Justin and Hale will clash in the ring, while beyond it the powerful elite and the crumbling world seem determined to keep them apart. If they can find common ground, they might have a chance to fight for their futures.

Release date: 30th May 2017

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Summerwode by J. Tullos Hennig Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!

J Tullos - Summerwode Banner

Hi peeps, we have J Tullos Hennig popping in today with her upcoming release Summerwode, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway, so check out the post and leave a comment to enter the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~

J. Tullos Hennig - Summerwode Cover


(Wode 04)

J. Tullos Hennig

The Summer King has come to the Wode…

Yet to which oath, head or heart, shall he hold?

Once known as the Templar assassin Guy de Gisbourne, dispossessed noble Gamelyn Boundys has come to Sherwood Forest with conflicted oaths. One is of duty: demanding he tame the forest’s druidic secrets and bring them back to his Templar Masters. The other oath is of heat and heart: given to the outlaw Robyn Hood, avatar of the Horned Lord, and the Maiden Marion, embodiment of the Lady Huntress. The three of them—Summerlord, Winter King, and Maiden of the Spring—are bound by yet another promise, that of fate: to wield the covenant of the Shire Wode and the power of the Ceugant, the magical trine of all worlds. In this last, also, is Gamelyn conflicted; spectres of sacrifice and death haunt him.

Uneasy oaths begin a collision course when not only Gamelyn, but Robyn and Marion are summoned to the siege of Nottingham by the Queen. Her promise is that Gamelyn will regain his noble family’s honour of Tickhill, and the outlaws of the Shire Wode will have a royal pardon.

But King Richard has returned to England, and the price of his mercy might well be more than any of them can afford…

Release date: 16th May 2017
Pre-order: DSP Publications | Kobo | B&N | Amazon

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Recovery by Amy Rae Durreson Guest Post & Excerpt!

Amy Rae Durreson - Recovery Banner

Hiya guys! We have Amy Rae Durreson visiting today with her upcoming release Recovery, we have a fantastic guest post from Amy where she tells us how the Reawakening series came about and she shares a brilliant excerpt, so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Amy Rae Durreson - Recovery Cover


(Reawakening 03)

Amy Rae Durreson

Resistance, exile, plague. Raif has survived them all, but now he finds himself in search of a new purpose. Traveling north to wake the dragon Arden, he hopes he has finally found a leader worthy of his loyalty, but Arden turns out to be more of a frivolous annoyance than an almighty spirit lord. Now bound to Arden’s side despite his frustration, Raif follows the dragon to the rich and influential lagoon city of Aliann, chasing rumors of the Shadow that once cursed his homeland.

With the election of a new duke at stake, Raif struggles to make sense of the challenges he meets in Aliann: a conspiracy of nixies and pirates, selkie refugees in desperate need of a champion, a monster that devours souls, a flirtatious pirate prince, and a machine that could change the world. For nothing in the city of masks is what it seems, from the new friends Raif makes to the dragon he follows—or even himself.

Release date: 9th May 2017

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Quickening Vol 1 by Amy Lane Blog Tour, Guest Post & Excerpt!

Amy Lany - Quickening Vol 01 Banner

Hi peeps! We have Amy Lane popping in today with her upcoming release Quickening Vol 1, we have a fantastic guest post from Amy and a great excerpt, so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Amy Lane - Quickening Vol 01 Cover

Quickening, Vol 1

(Little Goddess book 05)

Amy Lane

Cory thought she’d found balance on Green’s hill—sorceress, student, queen of the vampires, wife to three men—she had it down! But establishing her right to risk herself with Green and Bracken had more than one consequence, and now she’s facing the world’s scariest job title: mother. 

But getting the news that she’s knocked up takes a backseat when a half-elf hunts them down for help. Her arrival brings news that the werewolf threat, which has been haunting them for over a year, has finally arrived on their doorstep—and it’s bigger and more frightening than they’d ever imagined. 

Cory throws herself into this new battle with everything she’s got—and her men let her do it. Because they all know that whether they defeat this enemy now or later, the thing she’s most afraid of is arriving on a set schedule, and not even Cory can avoid it. The trick is getting her to acknowledge she’s pregnant before she gives birth—or kills herself in denial.

Release date: 2nd May 2017

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Pandora by Marguerite Labbe Guest Post & Excerpt!

Marguerite Labbe - Pandora Banner

Hi guys! We have Marguerite Labbe popping in today with her upcoming re-release Pandora, we have a fantastic guest post from Marguerite and a great excerpt so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Marguerite Labbe - Pandora Cover



Marguerite Labbe

Haunted by the screams of the men he murdered, ex-Marine medic Riff Khora is serving a life sentence on board a prison ship. Seeking more punishment for his crime, he strikes a deal with the corrupt Captain Vidal—an exchange of pleasure and pain—and forges a new life leading the team that surveys space wreckage for salvage.

Ship engineer Zed Jakobsen’s psychometric abilities make prison a sentence worse than death, and the barrage of emotional stimuli is an unending torment. His only regret is that he didn’t kill the monster who sent him to prison, and only a glimmer of hope to escape a judgment he doesn’t deserve keeps him clinging to a brutal existence.

When they board derelict ship Pandora and discover a lone survivor, the hell of prison life plunges into abject horror. An epidemic of violence and insanity consumes their ship, driving the crew to murder and destruction. Mutual need draws Riff and Zed together, and their bond gives them the strength to fight a reality they cannot trust. But Vidal possesses the only means of escape from the nightmare, and he’s not letting anyone leave alive.

First Edition published as Pandora in the Deep Into Darkness: Aliens, Alphas and Antiheroes Anthology by Smashwords, 2015.

Release date: 25th April 2017

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Unearthed by B.A. Tortuga (2nd Edition)

B.A. Tortuga - Unearthed CoverTitle: Unearthed (2nd edition)

Author: B.A. Tortuga

Genre: Horror, Paranormal

Length: Novel (200 pages)

Publisher: DSP Publications (January 10, 2017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.75 Hearts

Blurb: Some ancient secrets are better left buried….

When Jacob Keys gets the call every man dreads, he leaves his Wyoming home to find his mother’s killer. A whole archaeological team in Sardinia is dead, all of the bodies accounted for—all but Caleb Paulsen, consummate scholar and Jacob’s former lover. In Italy, Jacob sets out to discover the cause of the tragedy. And to find Caleb.

Meanwhile, a shipment arrives for Jacob in Wyoming. Jacob’s friend, Ben Walking Turtle, and his partner, Sam MacDougal, retrieve the box… and with it, a ruthless and cunning entity that’s been biding its time.

From Sardinia to Wyoming, Phoenix to Denver, this lethal ancient evil travels toward its bitter last stand, leaving death and destruction in its wake.

None of the men who touch it will ever be the same.

First Edition published as Diggers by Dallas Coleman, from Torquere Press, 2008.

ISBN: 978-1-63533-257-5

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: A man on a mission, Jacob sets out to Italy to discover what happened to his mother and Caleb. Unbeknownst to him an ancient evil is about to invade Ben’s lover Sam and cut down all in its path in brutal fashion. While I love horror stories this one was confusing at times. 

There some confusion on my part at times to where exactly the location was referring to as it changed suddenly with no warning. As with all horror books there is a lot of death in brutal fashions throughout. 

There were also a lot of POV’s throughout the story. Some I felt were unnecessary to have. Sam was super scary at times in his possession but he also confused me before he was possessed. Ben was sweet and seemed to care for Sam a lot. 

I really liked the plot of this story but the delivery was a little wrong to me so it made it impossible for me to enjoy it as much as I should have. It was an ok read.

The Bisti Business by Don Travis Guest Post & Excerpt!

Don Travis - The Bisti Business Banner

Hi guys, we have Don Travis popping in today with his upcoming release The Bisti Business, we have a brilliant guest post and a great excerpt, so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Don Travis - The Bisti Business Cover

The Bisti Business

(BJ Vinson Mystery 02)

Don Travis

Although repulsed by his client, an overbearing, homophobic California wine mogul, confidential investigator B. J. Vinson agrees to search for Anthony Alfano’s missing son, Lando, and his traveling companion—strictly for the benefit of the young men. As BJ chases an orange Porsche Boxster all over New Mexico, he soon becomes aware he is not the only one looking for the distinctive car. Every time BJ finds a clue, someone has been there before him. He arrives in Taos just in time to see the car plunge into the 650-foot-deep Rio Grande Gorge. Has he failed in his mission?

Lando’s brother, Aggie, arrives to help with BJ’s investigation, but BJ isn’t sure he trusts Aggie’s motives. He seems to hold power in his father’s business and has a personal stake in his brother’s fate that goes beyond familial bonds. Together they follow the clues scattered across the Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness area and learn the bloodshed didn’t end with the car crash. As they get closer to solving the mystery, BJ must decide whether finding Lando will rescue the young man or place him directly in the path of those who want to harm him.

Release date: 21st March 2017

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Countermind by Adrian Randall Guest Post & Excerpt!

Adrian Randall - Countermind Banner

Hi guys! We have debut author Adrian Randall stopping in for a visit today with his upcoming debut release Countermind, we have a fantastic guest post from Adrian and we have a great excerpt, so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Adrian Randall - Countermind Cover



Adrian Randall

In a postprivacy future, secrets are illegal and all communication is supervised. Telepaths are registered and recruited by a government with no qualms about invading the minds of its citizens. Fugitive psychics are hunted by the Bureau of Counterpsychic Affairs, or Countermind.

Alan Izaki is one such fugitive, as well as a hacker, grifter, and thief.

Countermind agent Jack Smith is hunting him through the twisted underbelly of Hong Kong.

But Alan possesses a secret so dangerous and profound it will not only shake Smith’s loyalties, but the foundations of their society.

And Alan isn’t the only one on the run. Rogue psychic Arissa binti Noor escapes Countermind, in search of brilliant game designer Feng Huang. She hopes that together, they can destroy the government’s intrusive Senex monitoring system.

Their goals seem at odds, and their lives are destined to collide. When they do, three very different people must question their alliances and their future, because everything is about to change.

Release date: 28th February 2017

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Warlock in Training by T.J. Nichols

T.J. Nichols - Warlock In Training CoverTitle: Warlock in Training 

Series: Studies in Demonology # 1 

Author: T.J. Nichols

Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal

Length: Novel (226 pages)

Publisher: DSP Publications (February 14, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Angus Donohue doesn’t want to be a warlock. He believes draining demons for magic is evil, but it’s a dangerous opinion to have—his father is a powerful and well-connected warlock, and Angus is expected to follow the family tradition.

His only way out is to fail the demon summoning class. Failure means expulsion from the Warlock College. Despite Angus’s best efforts to fumble the summoning, it works. Although not the way anyone expects.

Angus’s demon, Saka, is a powerful mage with his own need for a warlock.

Saka wants to use Angus in a ritual to rebalance the magic that is being stripped from Demonside by warlocks. If Angus survives his demon’s desires and the perils of Demonside, he’ll have to face the Warlock College and their demands.

Angus must choose: obey the College and forget about Demonside or trust Saka and try to fix the damage before it’s too late. Whatever he does, he is in the middle of a war he isn’t qualified to fight.

ISBN-13: 978-1-63533-267-4 

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Demonside and Humanside are in trouble. Both dimensions are changing at a rapid pace due to too much magic being taken from demonside and none being given back. Demonside is becoming hotter while humanside is becoming colder. The warlock’s in training at the college are being lied to by someone wanting power no matter the cost.

Saka is a mage demon. He is angry that his lover Kitu was taken, never to return. Saka has waited a long time to be able to cross the void and take a warlock to his side as the demons cannot open the void from demonside. The day comes when Angus opens it. Angus does not want to be a warlock. But his father has pushed him to go to the college. His only chance is by failing the test which goes horribly wrong and results in him being taken to demonside.

Once there Angus learns what has been happening and agrees to help as much as he can. Amid lies, deception and deceit on the warlock’s side there comes danger at every turn. Not knowing who to trust in a world full of people hell-bent on keeping secrets no matter the cost. The whole story intrigued me. I found myself swept up in a story that I thought would be a good read but was so much more.

Passion, deception, betrayal, mystery, suspense are all throughout this riveting story of two men wanting to save two worlds and those that would stop them to keep all the power for themselves. I am looking forward to seeing what else happens as the series progresses.

Highly recommended.

As It Should Be by Sean Michael (2nd Edition)

Sean Michael - As It Should Be CoverTitle: As It Should Be (2nd edition)

Series:  Windbrothers # 2

Author: Sean Michael

Genre: Fantasy

Length: Novella (164 pages)

Publisher: DSP Publications (December 6, 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4 – 4 ½ Hearts (Overall)

Blurb: Set in the sweeping Windbrothers’ world, where magic users and their sworn mates find each other through a process of trial and error, these stories, which take place long before the events in Desert, explore the different ways that ba’chi and hi’icha come together to become ki’ita. For every magic user, there is a grounding force to steady him, and neither half of the pair feels whole until he finds his destined lover.

Some mates discover each other with relative ease, while others have a harder time uniting with their designated partners, and the world they live in can be accepting, cruel, or even indifferent. From a shape-shifter with a secret to a pair of twins who think they’ll never find their lover, Sean Michael gives us a lot to love, just as it should be, in these stories sure to tug at your heart.

First Edition published by Torquere Press, 2006.

ISBN-13: 978-1-63477-745-2

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 


Coming Home ~ Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Bren has never had a real home because of the secret he carries. When he is caught stealing from Iral he thinks he has met his end. But the sexy man takes him into his home. When an accident forces Bren to reveal his ability he thinks he has lost what happiness he has. 

I loved this sweet story of Bren and Iral. I felt so bad for Bren and the life he had lived. Iral was kind and caring. I was very happy that Bren finally found a family to call his own.

Turtle ~ Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Satta meets two identical brothers in the woods who are mischiveous and playfull. So’ and Du’ have been wandering since their grandmothers passing when they find Satta. The three begin a passionate romance and end up bonding. However Satta’s tribe does not approve and wants him to bring the two young men to them for trial.

I loved the interactions between these men especially after what Satta’s elders did to him. It broke my heart that people could be so evil and uncaring of how others feel. 

The Winds Will ~ Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.75 Hearts

Benik wins a challenge for the shy Semon. As they get to know one another Semon becomes more confident. Sweet and short story.

Blown Together by the Wind Heart ~ Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3 ½ Hearts

Delen and Unar are two men who find each other with the winds help. Delen trades food for food while Unar sleeps until one night he is hurt in the process and so begins their romance and travels. It was a sweet story.

A Face Without A Heart by Rick R. Reed (4th Edition)

Rick R. Reed - A Face Without A Heart CoverTitle: A Face without a Heart (4th Edition)

Author: Rick R. Reed

Genre: Fantasy, Horror

Length: Novel (200 pages)

Publisher: DSP Publications (January 31, 2017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: A modern-day and thought-provoking retelling of Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray that esteemed horror magazine Fangoria called “…abook that is brutally honest with its reader and doesn’t flinch in the areas where Wilde had to look away…. A rarity: a really well-done update that’s as good as its source material.” 

A beautiful young man bargains his soul away to remain young and handsome forever, while his holographic portrait mirrors his aging and decay and reflects every sin and each nightmarish step deeper into depravity… even cold-blooded murder. Prepare yourself for a compelling tour of the darkest sides of greed, lust, addiction, and violence.

First Edition paperback published by Design Image Group, 2000.

Second Edition paperback published by iUniverse/Back in Print, 2006.

First Edition eBook published by Bristlecone Press, 2009.

ISBN-13:  978-1-63533-263-6

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Having read the story and seen the movies about Dorian Gray I was not sure what to expect with this book. It was thought provoking and intriguing as we learn Liam is the artist that paints the picture that ages. Liam was intriguing yet at times seemed a little to absorbed in his own world which I expected. Upon meeting Gary, someone who I didn’t like to begin with, he insists on painting his portrait.

Gary is what I would call self centered and arrogant. He knows he looks good. When he sells his soul in order to stay young his life takes a downhill turn. Drugs, murder, mayhem and mystery surround Gary as we follow him down his own rabbit hole. 

The details of the different scenes throughout were well written and thought out. I felt as though I was actually there witnessing what was happening. The story grabs the reader from the start and does not let go until the very end. It was a fantastic story that I enjoyed very much.

Quarry by Elizabeth Noble

elizabeth-noble-quarry-cover-sTitle: Quarry 

Series: The Vampire Guard # 2

Author: Elizabeth Noble

Genre: Mystery, Suspense, Paranormal

Length: Novel (200 pages)

Publisher: DSP Publications (January 17, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: The members of the Vampire Guard—Jonas Forge, spy and soldier turned cop; computer hacker extraordinaire Blair Turner; Declan, thief, con man, and ex-pirate; and medical examiner and werewolf Dr. Lucas Coate—face a dangerous and elusive enemy.

And this time, it’s personal.

Over the course of three hundred years, a man has touched each of their lives in ways they are only just realizing. When a hunt for a psychotic killer in the present resurrects memories and clues from the past, they discover how they have been affected and are bound by the existence of a ruthless vampire criminal. Now, while preventing a heist at a high-tech art show and thwarting several large-scale explosions, the team must employ their unique blend of science and supernatural abilities to put an end to the machinations of the man toying with their lives.

This time, he won’t slip through their fingers.

This time, it’s more than a case. It’s a hunt, and Forge, Blair, Declan, and Lucas won’t stop until they’ve captured their quarry.

ISBN-13: 978-1-63533-259-9

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: The gang is on a mission to discover the whereabouts of a vicious criminal. In the process of tracking him down we get a glimpse of the characters met and the circumstances in some cases. The nature of the crimes is devious yet brilliant and the culprit came as no shock to me. However his connection to some in the group did.

I was stunned speechless by how well written, intriguing and thoroughly captivating this addition was. The characters were all engaging, determined and hell-bent on finding the man responsible for so much mayhem. The investigation itself and how Blair, Jonas, Declan and Lucas discovered who was behind the acts was mind blowing.

I loved how well these men worked together and protected one another in the face of danger. Chocked full of suspense, mystery, danger and drama this book packed a punch until the very end. I am highly anticipating more in this entertaining and riveting series as I can’t get enough of this series. 

I highly recommend this story and series for all to read.

Hearts of Darkness by Andrea Speed

Andrea Speed - Hearts of Darkness CoverTitle: Hearts of Darkness

Author: Andrea Speed

Genre: Fantasy, Science Fiction

Length: Novel (200 pages)

Publisher: DSP Publications (November 8, 2016)

Heat Level: Low – Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4 ½ Hearts

Blurb: Kaede Hiyashi is sick and tired of living in the shadow of his father, supervillain Doctor Terror. Brilliant but crazy, Doctor Terror sends his son to Corwyn, California, for reasons Kaede can’t imagine. Sent to accompany and protect him is Ash, a genetically modified supersoldier raised and trained by an infamous death cult.

Corwyn is lousy with superheroes, led by the obnoxious Dark Justice. Kaede finds himself dancing around Dark Justice as he digs into his father’s mysterious business and teaches his socially awkward—but physically lethal—bodyguard to acclimate to “normal” life. Can these two wacky supervillains figure out what Doctor Terror wants them to do, solve the riddle of the villain known as Black Hand, and keep Dark Justice from raining on their bloody parade? The course of love—and world domination—never did run smooth.

ISBN-13: 978-1-63477-549-6

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Kaede Hiyashi is the son of supervillian Doctor Terror. With the numerous enemies the villain has Kaede has been training for all different scenarios when his father assigns him a genetically enhanced bodyguard, Ash Burn. Both of these are by no means perfect and each have their own struggles to deal with but amid all the chaos they lean toward one another.

I loved the fact that just because you were in the superhero category did not necessarily mean you were one. There is battles and death throughout as is expected in this type of book. I found myself enthralled with the twists and turns that emerged in this story as I followed the two men throughout their journey.

The characters in this story were well detailed with a hint of mystery to them that added to their appeal. The overall feel of the book was never knowing what to expect in regards to certain characters like Doctor Terror, Dark Justice and Black Hand. I love when an author takes me by surprise in a story.

Great read.

Warlock In Training by T.J. Nichols Guest Post & Excerpt!

T.J. Nichols - Warlock In Training Banner

Hi peeps, we have T.J. Nichols popping in today with his upcoming release Warlock In Training, we have a brilliant guest post from T.J. and we have a great excerpt so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

T.J. Nichols - Warlock In Training Cover

Warlock In Training

(Studies in Demonology 01)

T.J. Nichols

Angus Donohue doesn’t want to be a warlock. He believes draining demons for magic is evil, but it’s a dangerous opinion to have—his father is a powerful and well-connected warlock, and Angus is expected to follow the family tradition.

His only way out is to fail the demon summoning class. Failure means expulsion from the Warlock College. Despite Angus’s best efforts to fumble the summoning, it works. Although not the way anyone expects.

Angus’s demon, Saka, is a powerful mage with his own need for a warlock.

Saka wants to use Angus in a ritual to rebalance the magic that is being stripped from Demonside by warlocks. If Angus survives his demon’s desires and the perils of Demonside, he’ll have to face the Warlock College and their demands.

Angus must choose: obey the College and forget about Demonside or trust Saka and try to fix the damage before it’s too late. Whatever he does, he is in the middle of a war he isn’t qualified to fight.

Release date 14th February 2017

Continue reading “Warlock In Training by T.J. Nichols Guest Post & Excerpt!”

A Face Without A Heart by Rick R. Reed Release Blast, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

Rick R. Reed - A Face Without A Heart RD Banner

Hi peeps, we have Rick R. Reed popping in today to celebrate his new re-release A Face Without A Heart, we have a great excerpt, a fantastic giveaway and Shorty’s review, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Rick R. Reed - A Face Without A Heart Cover

A Face Without A Heart


Rick R. Reed

A modern-day and thought-provoking retelling of Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray that esteemed horror magazine Fangoria called “…a book that is brutally honest with its reader and doesn’t flinch in the areas where Wilde had to look away…. A rarity: a really well-done update that’s as good as its source material.”

A beautiful young man bargains his soul away to remain young and handsome forever, while his holographic portrait mirrors his aging and decay and reflects every sin and each nightmarish step deeper into depravity… even cold-blooded murder. Prepare yourself for a compelling tour of the darkest sides of greed, lust, addiction, and violence.

Continue reading “A Face Without A Heart by Rick R. Reed Release Blast, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!”

Quarry by Elizabeth Noble Guest Post, Excerpt & Review!

Elizabeth Noble - Quarry Banner

Hi peeps, we have Elizabeth Noble popping in today with her new release Quarry, we have a brilliant guest post, a great excerpt and Shorty’s review, so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~



(The Vampire Guard 02)

Elizabeth Noble

The members of the Vampire Guard—Jonas Forge, spy and soldier turned cop; computer hacker extraordinaire Blair Turner; Declan, thief, con man, and ex-pirate; and medical examiner and werewolf Dr. Lucas Coate—face a dangerous and elusive enemy.

And this time, it’s personal.

Over the course of three hundred years, a man has touched each of their lives in ways they are only just realizing. When a hunt for a psychotic killer in the present resurrects memories and clues from the past, they discover how they have been affected and are bound by the existence of a ruthless vampire criminal. Now, while preventing a heist at a high-tech art show and thwarting several large-scale explosions, the team must employ their unique blend of science and supernatural abilities to put an end to the machinations of the man toying with their lives.

This time, he won’t slip through their fingers.

This time, it’s more than a case. It’s a hunt, and Forge, Blair, Declan, and Lucas won’t stop until they’ve captured their quarry.

DSP Publications and Dreamspinner Press have graciously given me a discount coupon to offer readers. Use the coupon code ElizabethNoble for 30% off any of my ebook titles on DSP Publications and Dreamspinner Press store. This coupon expires  1/31 at 11:59pm ET.

Continue reading “Quarry by Elizabeth Noble Guest Post, Excerpt & Review!”

Exile by Caleb James Guest Post & Excerpt!

Caleb James - Exile Banner

Hi guys, we have Caleb James popping in today with his upcoming release Exile, we have a guest post from Caleb where he chats about the Haffling series, and we have a great excerpt, so guys check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Caleb James - Exile Cover


(Haffling 02)

Caleb James

Liam Summer, with the face of an angel and the body of an underwear model, has done bad things. Raised as the cat’s paw of a murderous fairy queen, his beauty has ruined many. When Queen May’s plot to unite and rule the fairy and human realms fails, Liam wakes naked and alone in a burning Manhattan building. Unaware the blaze is arson and he its intended victim, Liam prepares to die.

Enter ax-wielding FDNY firefighter Charlie Fitzpatrick, who Liam mistakes for an ogre assassin. As Charlie rescues Liam, he realizes the handsome blond has nowhere to go. So he does what he and his family have always done… he helps.

As for Queen May, trapped in the body of a flame-throwing salamander, she may be down, but she’s not out. Yes, she failed the last time, but Liam and others will pay. She knows what must be done—possess a haffling, cross into the human world engorged with magic, and become queen and Goddess over all.

As Liam realizes the danger they all face, he discovers unexpected truths—hat even the most wicked are not beyond redemption and that love—true love—is a gift that even he can receive.

Release date: 24th January 2017

Continue reading “Exile by Caleb James Guest Post & Excerpt!”

Winter Duet by Anne Barwell Guest Post & Excerpt!

Anne Barwell - Winter Duet Banner

Hiya guys! We have Anne Barwell popping in today with her upcoming release Winter Duet, we have a wonderful guest post from Anne and she also lets us have a quick peek at an excerpt. So guys check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Anne Barwell - Winter Duet Cover

Winter Duet

(Echoes Rising 02)

Anne Barwell

Germany 1944

Hunted for treason and the information Kristopher carries, he and Michel leave the security of their safe house to journey across Germany toward Switzerland. Caught in a series of Allied bombings, they stop to help civilians and narrowly escape capture by German forces.

While investigating a downed aircraft in the Black Forest, the two men discover an injured RAF pilot.  After they are separated, Kristopher and the pilot are discovered by a German officer who claims he is not who he appears to be. Determined to find Michel again, Kristopher has to trust the stranger and hope he is not connected to those searching for him and the information he carries. Meanwhile Michel is intercepted by one of the Allied soldiers he met in Berlin. His help is needed to save one of their own.

Time quickly runs out. Loyalties are tested and betrayed as the Gestapo closes in. Michel can only hope they can reach safety before information is revealed that could compromise not only his and Kristopher’s lives, but those of the remaining members of their team—if it is not already too late.

Release date: 27th December 2016

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The Alpha's Weave by C.M. Torrens

C.M. Torrens - The Alpha's Weave Cover sTitle: The Alpha’s Weave

Series:  Pack Born 01

Author: C.M. Torrens

Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal

Length: Novel (270 pages)

Publisher: DSP Publications (October 25, 2016)

Heat Level: Low – Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: After years of abuse in his old shifter pack, Dante found a new life with Alpha Victor. He would do anything for Victor. Anything but stay away from Jesse, the half-blood stray. But when Victor names Dante his heir, he has no choice but to accept the duties given to him even if it means relinquishing the possibility of love. He owes his life and sanity to Victor, and that’s a debt Dante can never fully repay.

But Dante should have known the good life couldn’t last. His former alpha, Caster, is not a male who lets anything of value slip through his grasp. When rumors fly of Caster’s return, Dante knows the man will stop at nothing to possess him and his talent once again. When Jesse is kidnapped and Victor falls victim to an untimely death, his worst fears are realized. His old alpha has finally returned to reclaim him. Dante must use his fears and nightmares to save Jesse and his pack, even if it means sacrificing himself.

ISBN-13:  978-1-63477-184-9

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Dante has been abused by Caster for most of his youth and made into a killer. He has been through things most would have died from. Alpha Victor steals him away and shows him there are other ways to live. 

Dante is a man who struggles with nightmares from his past but guidance from Victor turns into an exceptional man. His talent is rare as he take away an alpha’s strength and give it to someone else. His twin August was left behind when he fled. In my opinion August is lost to him now. 

Jesse is a stray. Strays are seen as abominations as they sometimes go mad. Jesse is anything but mad. He is also doing something extremely dangerous. If found out he could be killed. Jesse loves Dante with all his heart. When things come to pass he knows he must warn Dante.

Caster is a cruel, evil, despicable man. I truly hated him and the things he did. He ruled by fear and pain. The things he and his pack did to others were heart-breaking. This man causes chaos wherever he goes. August works with him as they have secret plans of their own to accomplish by any means necessary. They will take out anyone in their way.

What does Caster want? Dante back of course. A wonderful story from start to finish. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. I was horrified by the lengths these men went to to get what they wanted. By the end of the book I wanted the story to continue. 

There is a romance but yet not the focus of the story which I liked. Dante has to make sure Caster does not hurt anyone else when the man comes for him. There is action, drama, horrifying scenes and a wide range of characters that keep the reader invested in the story. 

This is a new author for me and I will definitely be reading more from them. Highly recommended.

Equipoise by Kim Fielding (2nd Edition)

Kim Fielding - Equipoise CoverTitle: Equipoise (2nd Edition) 

Series:  Ennek 03

Author: Kim Fielding

Genre: Fantasy

Length: Novel (204 pages)

Publisher: DSP Publications (November 29, 2016)

Heat Level: Low – Moderate

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Ennek, the son of the Chief, and Miner, a former slave, have escaped the totalitarian city-state of Praesidium and remain fugitives. Having defeated two mighty wizards, they begin to realize complete freedom can be as dangerous as absolute power. Now Ennek and Miner must face battles, corruption, and further journeys through lands both new and familiar.

As they grow more secure in their relationship, they learn the greatest challenges sometimes come from very close to the heart and everything of value has a price. With the help of a few allies, they seek equipoise—a balance for themselves and for their world.

ISBN: 978-1-63477-188-7

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: This is the third book in the Ennek series. Ennek and Miner have finally come home. Only to find things have changed since they have been gone. It is a struggle to accept the changes of this new society while at the same time dealing with their own fears.

It was a wonderfully written, if not slow, ending to an intriguing story. I loved seeing how both the MC’s interacted with each other and others. They faced foes head-on and struggled to make a life for their selves in a world where nothing is certain.

As the story progressed I hoped for Ennek and Miner’s chance to live a peaceful life without all the drama that usually ended up happening. All in all it was a great ending to a really good trilogy.

Great read.