The Artist’s Touch by E.J. Russell Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!

E.J. Russell - The Artists Touch TourBanner

Hiya peeps! We have E.J. Russell popping in today with the tour for her newest release The Artist’s Touch, we have a great excerpt and an awesome giveaway, so check out the post and leave a comment to enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

The Artist’s Touch

(Art Medium 01)

E.J. Russell

Two men haunted by more than the past.

Painter Stefan Cobbe was homeless and debt-ridden after the death of his wealthy partner, but the worst loss of all was his artistic inspiration. After two years of nothing, he’s offered patronage by an eccentric gallery owner and starts to produce again, canvas after canvas. The only problem? He can’t remember painting any of them—not one single brushstroke.

Luke Morganstern’s reputation as an art-fraud investigator is in tatters. He can’t afford to turn down any job, even a lousy one for an anonymous client who sends him after an unidentified forger in a remote cabin in Oregon. When the alleged forger turns out to be Stefan, the man he never stopped loving, Luke’s professional ethics are stretched beyond the breaking point.

As the two men take tentative steps toward reconciliation, evidence begins to mount that they’re not alone in the woods. Someone—or something—is watching. Something with sinister plans for them both. To escape, Luke must overcome his suspicions and Stefan must trust Luke with his deepest fears. Otherwise they could forfeit their relationship, their sanity—and their lives.

Publisher’s note: This is a heavily revised and significantly expanded reprint of Northern Light. The second book in the Art Medium series, Tested In Fire, is a first edition. Both are sold together in both ebook and print collections.

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Infected: Throwaways by Andrea Speed Character Interview & Excerpt!

Andrea Speed - Infected Throwaways Banner

Hiya peeps! Today we have the brilliant Andrea Speed stopping by with her upcoming release in the amazing Infected universe Infected: Throwaways, we have a fantastic interview between Dee and Roan and a very tasty excerpt so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Infected: Throwaways

(Mean Streets 02)

Andrea Speed

Former prostitute and street kid turned private detective Holden Krause is asked to look into the murder of Burn, a black-market dealer, who turns up dead near the infamous homeless encampment known as the Jungle. It’s a place Holden is familiar with—and his memories of it aren’t entirely bad. The settlement has been taken over by sinister people but Holden isn’t afraid to take them on. A big part of his PI gig is cover for his more dangerous vigilante crusade: exacting justice for the people the system ignores, the throwaways—people just like the ones living in the Jungle.

It’s getting harder and harder for Holden’s partner, Chai Nayar, to look the other way while Holden searches out retribution beyond the confines of the law. When one of their associates is shot and Holden realizes—far too late—that he’s in over his head with this case, Chai is left to pick up the pieces and hopefully save their lives. He resorts to the only solution he can find and calls Roan, who is more lethal than ever. Will it be their saving grace, or a fatal mistake?

Release date: 13th February 2018
DSP Publications | Amazon US | Amazon UK

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Beneath this Mask by Victoria Sue Exclusive Excerpt & Giveaway!

Victoria Sue - Beneath the Mask Banner

Hi guys! We have Victoria Sue visiting today with her exciting new release Beneath This Mask, we have a fantastic exclusive excerpt and a brilliant giveaway, so check out the post and enter the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~

Beneath This Mask

(Enhanced World 03)

Victoria Sue

Gael Peterson has spent years hiding behind the enhanced abilities he wears like a mask, even though he is an important, confident member of the FBI’s exclusive H.E.R.O. team. The hurt and betrayal of his mom’s abandonment and his father’s fists are secrets buried deep beneath the ugly scars on his face, and he doesn’t trust Jake, his new regular human partner, with any of them. In a world where those with special abilities like Gael’s are regarded as freaks and monsters, it won’t be easy for him to rely on Jake to have his back, especially when the abilities of a vulnerable, enhanced, nonspeaking child make that child a murder suspect.

Tempers rise and loyalties are challenged, and when the serial killer targeting the enhanced finally sets his sights on Gael, not only will Gael have to trust Jake with his secrets, he might have to trust him to save his life.

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Life After Humanity by Gillian St. Kevern Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Gillian St. Kevern - Life After Humanity Tour Banner

Hi peeps! We have Gillian St. Kevern stopping by today with her new release Life After Humanity, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant $10 NineStar Press Gift code giveaway, so check out the post and enter the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~

Life After Humanity

(Thorns and Fangs 03)

Gillian St. Kevern

Ben is a recovering vampire determined to pick up the pieces of the life that came to a halt when he was murdered over a year ago—even if that means distancing himself from his few remaining friends. Nate, struggling to navigate his new identity as a Class 3 Unknown paranormal, knows it will take more than mastery of his affinity with plants to convince Ben they belong together.

When Ben’s application for human status is denied, he must fight to leave the paranormal world behind him while Nate’s generous impulses drag him into conflict with a werewolf pack with designs on ruling New Camden. As Ben’s vampire family draws closer to finding him, his vampire instinct awakens—throwing his continued existence into jeopardy. The hunt for the missing werewolf continues, and Nate and Ben become pawns in Councilor Wisner’s plans to take control of the city. Their only hope is each other—if they can see that before all is lost.

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Blood Drop by Jacob Z. Flores

Title: Blood Drop

Series: The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge 05

Author: Jacob Z. Flores

Genre: Mystery, Suspense, Urban Fantasy

Length: Novel (230 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (November 6, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: A single drop of blood might hold the key to the fate of the magical world, and Aiden Teine must choose between his bond of love and embracing the power to defeat his enemies.

Aiden’s adjustment to being the first vampyre fae hasn’t been easy, but his ties to warlock Thad Blackmoor prevent him from becoming a monster. With Thad, Aiden has a new family, a new purpose, and a new reason to live—though he’s technically undead. There’s one problem: Aiden’s control over his vampyre is weakening. He must learn what’s triggering his violent reactions before he surrenders to the creature within. To complicate matters, Aiden discovers his transformation might not be complete, and he fears what he will become.

Aiden’s search for answers thrusts him into a frightening world filled with deception, new dangers, and apocalyptic visions. The part destiny intends Aiden to play could alter his relationship with Thad forever. If Aiden, Thad, and the entire magical community are to survive Icarian’s latest scheme, Aiden must interpret the meaning of the prophetic blood drop before it falls and ushers in the destruction of all creation—and the warlock he loves.

ISBN-13: 978-1-64080-040-3

Product Link: Dreamspinner Press

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Everything that has happened throughout the series comes to a culmination in this exciting addition to the Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge. Here we get Adrian’s POV. Not only that we also see him have to make some very hard decisions when push comes to shove as the danger escalates.

I loved Adrian’s character. Yes he is fighting his vampire side but also retains his fairy side which seems to balance him out with Thad’s help. Unfortunately that seems to be losing ground in this story. I really felt for Adrian. His transformation into what he must become to defeat the evil once and for all shocked me as I did not figure that out. I absolutely loved the twist regarding Adrian.

With the help of Allies, friends, family and his mate Adrian faces his fate head on with surprising results that I found quite pleasing. I have never enjoyed reading a series as much as I did this one. It was well written, the plots intriguing and the characters engaging. I was sad to see this series end but happy that I had the chance to read it.

I highly recommend this series to all.

Spell Fall by Jacob Z. Flores

Title: Spell Fall

Series: The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge 04

Author: Jacob Z. Flores

Genre: Mystery, Suspense, Urban Fantasy

Length: Novel (200 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (January 27, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Love and trust made them soul mates, but destiny might have other plans.

Ever since Drake Carpenter fell in love with warlock Mason Blackmoor, his life has been one supernatural battle after another, but Drake doesn’t mind… much. To be with Mason and experience the magical connection they share, Drake would face entire hordes of vampyren, shifters, or fae—and he has. Luckily Drake is immune to magic, though no one can explain his natural ability to negate almost any enchantment. With Drake’s own family gone, Mason is all he has. So why is Drake experiencing disturbing dreams about Mason that terrify him?

A new threat looms on the horizon, and a revelation about Drake’s identity and the true origin of his bond with Mason shatters everything Drake believes. If Drake, Mason, and all of magic are to survive the coming Spell Fall, the most destructive curse in sorcery, Drake must deal with the truth and fight his way back to Mason—because their enemies are gaining strength, and they intend to reach the boy Drake loves first.

ISBN-13: 978-1-63533-216-2

Product Link: Dreamspinner Press

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Oh my was this story so good. Drake is Mason’s mate and has adjusted to the paranormal world well. Drake begins having dreams that are strange and horrifying. They begin to take their toll on the man as time goes on. He does not what to do or who to tell.

What is worse is the enemy that got away is back with a vengeance. This time said enemy has help and Drake is thrust into a nightmare unlike any other when he is forced to remember who he was. It seemed to me that the enemies in these books love to play mind games with others. I was glad Drake saw through it and fought with all his heart when Mason as in danger.

This series is best read in order as each book picks up where the other leaves off. I was happy to read Drake’s POV in this one and see how he reacted and thought in different circumstances.

Chocked full of twists and turns, suspense, mystery and action this book had me on the edge of my seat until the very end.

Fantastic addition to the series. Highly recommended.

Ghoulish by Kat Bellamy Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Kat Bellamy - Ghoulish Promo

Hi guys! We have Kat Bellamy stopping by today with the tour for Ghoulish, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway, so check out the post and enter the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~



Kat Bellamy

Colt Jager never knew what happened to the parents who abandoned him, and he never cared–until he inherited their ghoulish secret.

Raised as a human who had no idea he was anything but a blue-collar construction worker until the night of his 25th birthday, Colt finds it hard to adjust to life in the Kinship, a hidden world woven discreetly into human society.

After a grisly encounter with his true nature, Colt meets a family of human-friendly ghouls who teach him that there’s a way to be inhuman without being inhumane. But things get complicated when he realizes that the “wolf attack” responsible for killing his boyfriend’s brother was actually committed by a ghoul on the hunt.

When an elite family of especially monstrous ghouls called Alphas threatens the man he loves, Colt will have to lie to Jason to keep him safe. Can a predator ever truly be a hero, or will the man he loves become his prey?

Continue reading “Ghoulish by Kat Bellamy Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

Soul Struck by Jacob Z. Flores

Title: Soul Struck

Series: The Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge 03

Author: Jacob Z. Flores

Genre: Mystery, Suspense, Urban Fantasy

Length: Novella (224 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (December 14, 2015)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Like the electricity he commands, Pierce Blackmoor streaks through life on raw power and pure sexual energy. His conquests on the battlefield and in the bedroom form his foundation, but that bedrock crumbles when his younger brothers’ abilities surpass his own. Pierce finds himself at an all-time low, and clawing his way back to the top becomes his only concern.

Pierce’s plan to reassert his dominance, however, takes a backseat when he wounds Kale Aquilo, an emissary of the Beast King, lord of all shifters.

Kale’s beguiling nature shoots like a lightning bolt straight to Pierce’s soul, and when the soft-spoken Kale relays that a virus is killing his people, Pierce abandons his quest for power to do something he has never done before—protect someone other than himself.

As Kale, Pierce, and his brothers struggle to find the root of the magical virus spreading plague across Aeaea, the shifter island, they face a gauntlet of old and new foes. Soul struck, Pierce and Kale must uncover the truth behind the conspiracy gathering in the shadows.

ISBN-13: 978-1-63476-682-1

Product Link: Dreamspinner Press

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Pierce is the oldest of Blackmoor brothers and feels he is no longer on the top. With doubts about himself he seems a bit more abrasive than he was. He meets Kale when he attacks him thinking he is there under suspicious circumstances.

Kale is an emissary of the Beast King, lord of all shifters. He was sent to find the conclave and find help for his people who are dying from a mysterious virus. What follows is one hell of a story with bad guys galore of all species who follow a mysterious mans bidding.

I loved the whole story. I was enraptured from start to finish as I tagged along with Pierce and Kale as they try to find out what is going on and try to get answers from the conclave. I honestly did not like the conclave. It seemed as though they were constantly withholding information for their own gain.

Action scenes, battles, romance and a whole slew of interesting characters made for an awesome journey. I highly recommend this entire series to all.

The Gryphon King’s Consort by Jenn Burke Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Jenn Burke - The Gryphon King's Consort Banner

Hiya guys! We have Jenn Burke popping in today with her upcoming release The Gryphon King’s Consort, we have a brilliant guest post where Jenn shares the recipe to her favourite holiday treat, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway where there’s two $25 store credits for Dreamspinner Press up for grabs, so guys check out the post, enter the giveaway and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

The Gryphon King’s Consort

(Dreamspun Beyond 10)

Jenn Burke

Love takes flight.

The sudden death of the Gryphon King throws the kingdom of Mythos into uncertainty, and Crown Prince Luca rushes both his coronation and an arranged marriage to a man he’s never met. Eirian is young and idealistic, and while they both want what’s best for their people, their philosophies couldn’t be more different. While Luca believes in honoring tradition, Eirian is determined to infuse modern values into their kingdom of magical creatures. When given the choice between loyalty to his husband and his own crusade, Eirian makes a decision that might doom their marriage.

Still, Luca is committed to making their union work, and that means forgiving his brash consort. But when Eirian becomes the target of a deadly conspiracy, Luca must act fast—or forever lose the chance to explore their burgeoning love.

Release date: 15th December 2017
 Dreamspinner Press | Amazon US | Amazon Canada | Amazon UK | B&N | Kobo

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Jackalopes and Woofen-Poofs by Angel Martinez

Title: Jackalopes and Woofen-Poofs

Series: Offbeat Crimes 05

Author: Angel Martinez

Genre: Contemporary, Fantasy, Paranormal

Length: Novel (225pgs)

Publisher: Pride Publishing (October 3, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Hoax animals and a consulting vampire on the prowl—ACO Jason Shen never thought having a cop boyfriend would be this hard.

All Animal Control Officer Jason Shen ever wanted was a quiet life of rescuing lost kittens and helping animals in need. Having a paranormal cop boyfriend guarantees an end to the quiet part. What at first seems like a random encounter with jackalopes in the park might be more than chance and when State Paranormal sends a handsome, charming vampire to consult with the Seventy-Seventh, he finds his relationship with Alex on shaky ground.

Officer Alex Wolf hoped his humaning skills were improving but now he can’t unravel the strange politics at State Paranormal or why Jason’s family seems to hate him. There’s no time to puzzle things out, either. Bizarre animals are loose in the city, Jason’s acting strange—and is the vampire captain from State flirting with him? Wolf’s going to have to keep his head in the game if he’s going to have any chance of putting the pieces together and keeping the city safe from the strange critters terrorizing its streets.

ISBN: 978-1-78651-636-7

Product Link: Pride Publishing | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Continuation of Alex and Jason’s story. Strange things start happening then seem to pick up in intensity for the crew. It delves deeper into Alex and Jason’s relationship plus Jason’s insecurities.

The vampire that was mixed in was not what I would call nice to anyone except wolf who he seemed to be interested in. There is a lot of investigating about different situations in which the crew were involved in. I liked the story but at times I felt bogged down with information.

But overall it was a great addition to the series.

Great read.

Tried & True by Charlie Cochet

Title: Tried & True

Series: THIRDS #10

Author: Charlie Cochet

Genre: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, Thriller, Mystery

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (November 24, 2017)

Length: Novel (254 Pages)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: When THIRDS agent Dexter J. Daley met Team Leader Sloane Brodie, he couldn’t have imagined how slamming into his new partner—literally—would shake both their worlds. Now four years later, they’ve faced dangers, fought battles both personal and professional… and fallen deeply in love. Now their big moment is finally in sight, and they’re ready to stand up together and make it official. Unfortunately, as the countdown to their big day begins, an enemy declares war on the THIRDS….

With their family in danger, Dex and Sloane are put to the test on how far into darkness they’ll walk to save those they love. As secrets are unearthed, a deadly betrayal is revealed, and Dex and Sloane must call on their Destructive Delta family for one last hurrah to put an end to the secret organization responsible for so much devastation.

Dex and Sloane will have plenty of bullets to dodge on the way to the altar, but with happiness within their grasp, they are determined to get there come hell or high water….

ISBN: 978-1-64080-116-5

Product Link: Dreamspinner Press ebook | Dreamspinner Press paperback

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: This story is a sequel to Darkest Hour Before Dawn. With these stories they must be read in order to get the full impact of these stories. They are action packed that will keep you entertained through out the whole thing.

Dex and Sloane are getting married. However as everyone knows Dex just seems to attract trouble. From the moment these two met, things have been a struggle. Dex runs into Sloane on day one, and for some reason it just catches them. Sloane fell in love with his eyes, but because of is loss, he was fighting it the whole way. Four years later, and it is time to tie the knot. They have fought for what they deserve and now we are here to celebrate. To bad someone wants to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Hudson is almost abducted, but Maddock was not as successful. Dex will do everything to get his father back, with his little brothers help. However they get bigger help from Wolf. Sparks past comes to bite her in the ass, but now she looks just a bit more softer. Her relationship with Maddock is on the rocks. But through it all, family is family, and they have each others back.

With many books where the characters are not changed, things get dicey and a bit boring. Too much of one is sometimes old. However with this series, that doesn’t happen. It is as exciting and makes your world rock each and every time you read it. Although with this series, I didn’t read the first book but heard the audio. Lets just say it caught my attention from the start and kept it all the way to the end. That is the way it was with this book as well.

There are some major twists to this story that will shock you all. I was quite surprised to find out who was behind it all. What was interesting was it gave me hope that there will be more love stories in this series, or at least one possible couple I saw in it. These two are perfect for each other. There is nothing about this series that I didn’t love. It is one of my ultimate favorite stories and Charlie Cochet has become a favorite of mine. She has an imagination that will keep one fascinated and entertained.

I enjoyed reading this and can’t wait to get my hands on the next book. I would definitely recommend it.

Brush with Catastrophe by Tara Lain (2nd Edition)

Title: Brush With Catastrophe

Series: The Aloysius Tales 02

Author: Tara Lain

Genre: Other Paranormal, Urban Fantasy

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (14th April 2017)

Length: Novel (208 Pages)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Sammy Raphael is a crappy witch, and on top of that, he can’t seem to get a boyfriend. Where other supernaturals can bring down lightning and manifest wealth, Sammy can paint. Granted, the “prophetic” paintings he creates at night always come true, but they never predict anything important. Sammy feels like a total loser with a worthless ability. One night he paints a gorgeous guy who turns out to be his secret crush, the human Ryder, but Ryder’s changed so much he’s almost unrecognizably beautiful. Then Sammy paints an angel who turns out to be a witch. But is that witch also a devil—a devil who can bring down Sammy’s whole community and everyone he loves? And why the hell does Ryder keep changing? Aloysius, the black cat familiar, always backs a winner. So why is he backing Sammy?

This story was first published with Loose Id in 2012.

ISBN: 978-1-63533-332-9

Product Link: Dreamspinner Press ebookDreamspinner Press paperback

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Sammy is one of a kind. What he draws seems to come true. Although he would wish he could keep his cloths on through a vision. He also never saw the true part of his visions, because to him he had no clue that was what they were. One day in class, the head witch’s cat took a big liking to him. In one of his visions, he sees a very sexy young man. A man that turns out to be the one he has a crush on.

Ryder was a shy kid and pretty damn short. However back on campus, he has grown quite a bit. He likes Sammy, but he takes up with Lucien. Lucien is not who he appears to be and danger has set in. To top it off his whole family wants to see him married, to bad his eyes are on a certain witch.

Very intriguing story and the world that they live in sounds pretty cool. I always loved the magical type stories and no one gets magic like a witch. I loved the black cat, Aloysius. He is a blast and definitely smarter than most humans. The story caught my attention from the start and kept it all the way to the end.

I had a blast reading this and can’t wait to get my hands on the next book. It is fully developed and the plot just rocks. I can see myself reading this more than once. I had a lot of fun and can guarantee that you will also.

Sightlines by Santino Hassell

Title: Sightlines

Series: The Community 03

Author: Santino Hassell

Genre: Suspense, Thriller, Urban Fantasy

Length: Novel (257pgs)

ISBN: 978-1-62649-509-8

Publisher: Riptide Publishing (9th October 2017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Reviewer: Aerin

Blurb: Chase Payne is a walking contradiction. He’s the most powerful psychic in the Community, but the least respected. He’s the son of the Community’s founder, but with his tattoo sleeves and abrasive attitude, he’s nothing like his charismatic family. No one knows what to make of him, which is how he wound up locked in a cell on the Farm yet again. But this time, the only man he’s ever loved is there too.

Elijah Estrella was used to being the sassy sidekick who fooled around with Chase for fun. But that was before he realized the Community wasn’t the haven he’d believed in and Chase was the only person who’d ever truly tried to protect him. Now they’re surrounded by people who want to turn them against their friends, and the only way out is to pretend the brainwashing works.

With Chase playing the role of a tyrant’s second-in-command, and Elijah acting like Chase’s mindless sex toy, they risk everything by plotting a daring escape. In the end, it’s only their psychic abilities, fueled by their growing love for each other, that will allow them to take the Community down once and for all.

Purchase Link: Riptide Publishing | Amazon USAmazon UK

Review: Not sure what I was expecting when it comes to Chase’s story, but I’m not sure I’m satisfied with what I got. There was too much happening at all times and I felt like the romance between Elijah and Chase was left on the back burner to simmer all by itself. I wanted them to be at the front and center, I needed them to be the focal point of this story! Instead, thinking back on it, I remember more the sickening feeling I got when Will’s twisted mind was focused on raping Elijah. Will was certainly a creepy individual, right up there with the fucked up Jasper and his despicable, torturous ways! Yuck!

There was too much happening in this book, too much angst and horror! Too much uncertainty, distrust, and pain. I felt like I never really got to believe in Elijah and Chase as a couple. Chase loves Elijah more than anything, would do absolutely anything to keep him safe! And Elijah adores Chase, despite Chases’s doubts when it comes to Elijah’s feelings. BUT… I needed more intimacy, more opportunities for Chase and Elijah to cement their relationship and prove they can and will stay together no matter what. I needed some romance to counteract the viciousness, and I didn’t get nearly enough.

This is my least favorite book in the series, but Santino’s talent still shines through. I’m not sure if this is the last book of the series, but I feel like we need some closure and a glimpse into the future. Here’s to hoping for one more!

Oversight by Santino Hassell

Title: Oversight

Series: The Community 02

Author: Santino Hassell

Genre: Suspense, Thriller, Urban Fantasy

Length: Novel (245pgs)

ISBN: 978-1-62649-508-1

Publisher: Riptide Publishing (26th June 2017)

Heat Level: Hot

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4.5 Hearts

Reviewer: Aerin

Blurb: Spoiler Alert! The following blurb contains spoilers for Insight, book one of The Community.

Holden Payne has it all . . . or so he thinks. As heir to the founder of the Community—an organization that finds, protects, and manages psychics—he’s rich, powerful, and treated like royalty. But after a series of disappearances and murders rock the Community, he’s branded the fall guy for the scandal and saddled with a babysitter.

Sixtus Rossi is a broad-shouldered, tattooed lumbersexual with a man bun and a steely gaze. He’s also an invulnerable—supposedly impervious to both psychic abilities and Holden’s charms. It’s a claim Holden takes as a challenge. Especially if sleeping with Six may help him learn whether the Community had more to do with the disappearances than they claimed.

As Holden uncovers the truth, he also finds himself getting in deep with the man sent to watch him. His plan to seduce Six for information leads to a connection so intense that some of Six’s shields come crashing down. And with that comes a frightening realization: Holden has to either stand by the Community that has given him everything, or abandon his old life to protect the people he loves.

Purchase Link: Riptide Publishing | Amazon USAmazon UK

Review: So yeah, I think I’ve developed a little bit of a crush on Six…. over 6 feet of muscles, rocking a beard and a manbun, confident, socially awkward and a virgin. YES, I SAID VIRGIN! *thud!*

Sixtus stands out in a community dominated by psychics for his invulnerability; Sixtus cannot be controlled, cannot be manipulated, cannot be influenced and cannot be read. He’s an ‘ordinary’ man who was born with a natural mind shield that keeps him protected from the psychics in the Community and keeps him safe from those who mean to harm him. Six has never known his parents and grew up on The Farm, where psychic after psychic tried to break him and force him to follow realignment. Six has witnessed the true horror that the Community really is.

While his shield keeps him protected from enquiring minds, it also makes Six unable to grasp sarcasm and to read emotions other people might feel. His social awkwardness is endearing and his gift forces him to be brutally honest and blunt. What’s not to love, right?

So I suppose we all remember Holden from the previous book because he stood out for his skills in man-whoring. Holden pretty much liked to fuck everything that moved, and came across as a privileged rich brat. But if I had his empath abilities that would create a loop-feedback from others during sex (fuck and be fucked at the same time!!!) I’d become the biggest slut on earth, so I’m not judging him at all!

There’s a lot more to Holden than meets the eye (thankfully)…. Holden is vulnerable and doesn’t have the confidence he likes to project. He’s relied on his empath abilities when dealing with people his entire life, so when Six comes along, Holden has to rely on his 5 normal senses, which proves to be more complicated than he’d like.

Things between Six and Holden starts out pretty tense, because Holden thinks Six is nothing more than a cyborg who’s loyalty belongs to Holden’s father. But grudging acceptance turns into grudging sexual friendship. Yes, the sex is HAWT! Trust is earned and new feelings come into play, and slowly, the true reality of what The Community really is comes to light. There’s a lot happening from here on out and it’s totally fast paced and fascinating. The world building is so well done, I’ve started to actually believe in it!

I can’t wait for Chase and Elijah’s story even while I dread it; the partial cliffhanger concerning these two is making me wary and impatient at the same time. This book was great, my only complaint (which isn’t really a complaint) is that I wanted more private moments between Six and Holden. Fantastic series!

Insight by Santino Hassell

Title: Insight

Series: The Community 01

Author: Santino Hassell

Genre: Paranormal, Mystery

Length: Novel (331pgs)

Publisher: Riptide Publishing (March 13th 2017)

Heat Level: HOT

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 hearts

Blurb: Growing up the outcast in an infamous family of psychics, Nate Black never learned how to control his empath abilities. Then after five years without contact, his estranged twin turns up dead in New York City. The claim of suicide doesn’t ring true, especially when a mysterious vision tells Nate it was murder. Now his long-hated gift is his only tool to investigate.

Hitching from his tiny Texas town, Nate is picked up by Trent, a gorgeous engineer who thrives on sarcasm and skepticism. The heat that sparks between them is instant and intense, and Nate ends up trusting Trent with his secrets—something he’s never done before. But once they arrive in the city, the secrets multiply when Nate discovers an underground supernatural community, more missing psychics, and frightening information about his own talent.

Nate is left questioning his connection with Trent. Are their feelings real, or are they being propelled by abilities Nate didn’t realize he had? His fear of his power grows, but Nate must overcome it to find his brother’s killer and trust himself with Trent’s heart.

ISBN: 9781626495067

Product Link: Riptide Publishing | Amazon USAmazon UK

Reviewer: Aerin

Review: Holy shit, this book was EVERYTHING I could hope for and worlds more than I expected. I love a good mystery book, and while I’m very picky when it comes to the paranormal genre, Psy stuff is right up my alley! It’s like Santino read my mind and wrote the PERFECT book just for me! (Let me be delusional a little while longer!)

Nate Black came from a family of inbred psychics with a long history of mental illness and suicidal tendencies. When Nate’s estranged twin is found dead and his death is rules as a suicide, Nate has a hard time believing it. Sudden ‘dreams’ that allow him to see and feel his brother’s murder make Nate determined to go to New York and try to find his brother’s killer. Hitch-hiking is not a good idea and Nate rapidly realizes that his poorly developed empath abilities can be a blessing as much as a curse.

Narrowly escaping climbing into the wrong car, Nate is fortunate enough to be offered a ride by Trent, a young engineer whose honesty and sarcasm comes across as brash and somewhat insulting. The heat and chemistry that sparks between them is unlike anything I’ve ever encountered before. Can you imagine what happens when a psychic empath finds his soul mate, the one and only person who he can trust with his feelings and his secrets? Delve into this story and you’ll find a chemistry unlike any other, sex so hot it’s hard to wrap your head around it; a circuit of emotions and lust and pleasure that feeds off both men and loops from Nate to Trent and back until explosive orgasms will blow the reader’s mind right off. I’ve never felt dizzy after a sex scene before but I’m happy this book was my first.

Once arrived to New York, Nate discovers the existence of the Community and meets other people with psychic powers of all kinds. Elijah is a very flirty young man who used to be very good friends with Nate’s twin brother; Holden is a very lonely club owner who’s a good man at heart but who doesn’t think twice about using his persuasive powers to try to get into Nate’s pants; Chase is the most powerful of them all and my absolute favorite secondary character. I suspected Beck wasn’t as close to a void as she led them all to believe, and she was my least favorite of them all (that Bitch!).

This book is full of mystery and suspense and will most certainly keep you on edge. There’s never a dull moment, but the series of events never become overwhelming, they just flow naturally until this beautiful, crazy, suspenseful story is created. I loved everything about it!!! THAT EPILOGUE THOUGH… I loved seeing Trent and Nate happily together in California, but setup for the next book made me lose my damn mind. I need the second book right NOW!

Familiar Angel by Amy Lane

Title: Familiar Angel

Author: Amy lane

Genre: Angels and Demons, Urban Fantasy, Werewolves, Shapeshifters

Length: Novel (200 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (October 20, 2017)

Heat Level: Low – Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.75 Hearts

Blurb: One hundred and forty years ago, Harry, Edward, and Francis met an angel, a demon, and a sorceress while escaping imprisonment and worse! They emerged with a new family—and shapeshifting powers beyond their wildest dreams.

Now Harry and his brothers use their sorcery to rescue those enslaved in human trafficking—but Harry’s not doing so well. Pining for Suriel the angel has driven him to take more and more risks until his family desperately asks Suriel for an intervention.

In order for Suriel to escape the bindings of heaven, he needs to be sure enough of his love to fight to be with Harry. Back when they first met, Harry was feral and angry, and he didn’t know enough about love for Suriel to justify that risk. Can Suriel trust in Harry enough now to break his bonds of service for the boy who has loved his Familiar Angel for nearly a century and a half?

ISBN-13: 978-1-63533-946-8

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Harry and his brothers have a unique bond. They are always helping thse in trouble find a way out of their situations. I found it admirable that these brothers would take on such a huge role.

Suriel, an angel, wants to be with Harry and vice versa but Suriel needs to make sure Harry is for real. I liked the concept of this story and it’s paranormal aspect. However, I found the whole delivery a little lacking. I was confused a lot throughout as I felt as though I missed something but knowing I did not.

Maybe it was just me, who knows. Never the less I did enjoy reading about Harry, his brothers, Suriel and all the other characters that made this book interesting.

Good read.

Sūnder by Lexi Ander

Title: Sūnder

Series: Darksoul 01

Author: Lexi Ander

Genre: Urban Fantasy, Science Fiction, Futuristic

Length: Novel (359pgs)

Publisher: Lexi Ander (September 4, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: If Sūnder Alārd was born female he would have been cherished for being faeborn—born with magick—and his birth celebrated. Instead, his L’fÿn mother insisted on his death. Only his Panthrÿn father’s desperate escape through the forest saved him.

With most Chándariāns uneasy in his presence due to rumors he is doomed to become a darksoul, and unlikely to find a mate because of it, Sūnder has nevertheless carved out an honorable existence as a warrior and commander. Serving as a bodyguard and chaperone, Sūnder accompanies the Chándariān prince to the annual mating festival on Earth, and when the prince is injured, he can’t help but be fascinated by the tongue-tied nurse who attends them at the hospital.

At sixteen years of age, Gabriel St. Baptista came home to discover his parents had taken off into space, leaving him behind to look after himself. Gabe never recovered from the unexpected desertion, and keeps everyone at arm’s length to avoid the pain of being abandoned again. However, after meeting Sūnder, Gabe finds himself unable to resist the bond between them and breaks his carefully crafted rules to spend time with the Chándariāns, regardless of the fact that Sūnder will soon leave. Scared by what he feels for Sūnder, Gabe can only hope his heart won’t be too broken when Sūnder returns to Chándaria.

But deceit and treachery surrounds them both, and when Gabe saves Sūnder’s life, it sets off a chain of events that could either tear Gabe and Sūnder apart… or give them both exactly what they want.

*Sūnder is a 120,000 word standalone with a HEA ending.


Product Link: Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iTunes

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: An amazing story of deceit, betrayal and secrets galore. I absolutely loved Gabe and Sūnder. Sūnder’s story is so sad. His mother at birth wants to put him to death for being a male as faeborn males are supposedly dangerous. Gabe for his part never knew his heritage.

This is a carefully woven story with a lot of twists and turns and many factors coming into to play that simply fascinated me. I was intrigued by the many species and their roles throughout.

I absolutely hated Talia, Sūnder’s mother, she seemed like a spoiled brat who gave no thought for anyone’s well being except for her own. The lengths she went to achieve her place were despicable to say the least. I felt so bad for Sūnder for the way she treated him throughout.

I am so looking forward to reading more about the characters already introduced and seeing how they all turn out as well as the dealings with the aftermath of the faeborn males.

Highly recommended.

Gummy Bears & Grenades by Charlie Cochet

Title: Gummy Bears & Grenades

Series: THIRDS #9.5

Author: Charlie Cochet

Genre: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, Mystery, Suspense

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (October 4, 2017)

Length: Novella (102 Pages)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: THIRDS agent Dexter J. Daley can’t wait to marry his fiancé, Team Leader Sloane Brodie, but first he’s looking forward to celebrating his bachelor party—which he intends to be a shenanigans-free evening of getting his groove on with family and friends.

Of course events don’t work out as planned, but for Dex that’s nothing new. One thing is for sure, dodging drug dealers and hired thugs amid booze, dancing—and even a bear costume—will guarantee it’s a night Dex will never forget. Now he just needs to survive all the fun.

ISBN: 978-1-63533-996-3

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Now normally I start off like this for each book I read that is involved in a series. Each book in the THIRDS collection features a different romantic couple, however that is not the case with this entire series. Most involve Sloan and Dex, but not all. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

Wow, I have heard of many costumes, but never a gummy bear one. No wonder Dex could not resist. Too bad for him there was just a bit more to it. Here he was away from his soon to be husband, trying to enjoy his bachelor party with his friends and family. Boy does he miss his man. So add in a gummy bear costume, drug dealers, a crazy ass hit man/brother, and drunk agents and what do you get? One hell of a fun read.

So what does Sloan do while Dex is going crazy, well he is having fun with his dear old soon to be father in law. Now watch for the light in the sky or maybe smoke signals. I have to say that I actually started listening to these in audible form and not reading the book. Then I decided I needed the book, and damn if I don’t like them both. They are not only very entertaining but have some hot love scenes as well. Add in a little danger and some alcohol, and watch out for the party.

I had a lot of fun reading this and can not wait for the next book. I will admit that it did feel like I missed a book in this series somewhere. So I am going to go see what I am missing. I can guarantee that this is one book that you can not miss. It is a whole lot of fun mixed in with a bit of kinky guys.

The Foxling Soldati by Charlie Cochet

Title: The Foxling Soldati

Series: Soldati Hearts 02

Author: Charlie Cochet

Genre: Angels and Demons, Urban Fantasy, Shapeshifters

Length: Novella (102 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (August 16, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Sequel to The Soldati Prince

Foxling Toka has served the Soldati king for centuries, and now he attends to the kingdom’s cherished Soldati prince. It’s a position of honor, and as Toka helps the once-human prince adapt to their magical realm, he finds joy in their friendship. He also grows bolder in his encounters with Rayner, Soldati warrior and the king’s second. But the laws are clear: servants and Soldati are not permitted to mate. It doesn’t matter that Toka lost his heart to the dashing cad long ago.

Rayner never imagined he would fall in love with a servant, but the clever and beautiful foxling has ensnared him, and he resents the regulations keeping them apart. When an arrogant and spiteful king visits from a neighboring realm, Rayner is in danger of losing everything. But Soldati warriors don’t surrender, and he intends to fight all the harder to keep Toka where he belongs—in Rayner’s arms..

ISBN-13: 978-1-63533-659-7

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: As stated by law a foxling servant can not mate a soldati warrior. That does not stop foxling Toka and soldati warrior and second in command to the king, Rayner, from a relationship. When a king that is disgusting on so many levels decides to visit things go from good to the worst thing imaginable.

Let me say I hated Povani. He was despicable, heartless and thought of no one but himself. I could not believe what he set into motion just to make Rayner suffer because he refused to marry Pavoni’s brother years before.
My heart went out to Rayner and Toka for the injustice and lies told to throw their lives into chaos.

This is a truly wonderful story with plenty of drama, action and suspense. I love this series and looking forward to reading more.

Highly recommended.

Dragon’s Hoard by MA Church

Title: Dragon’s Hoard

Series: Dreamspun Beyond 05

Author: M.A. Church

Genre: Paranormal, Shape shifters

Length: Novel (224 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (1 Oct 2017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: To be loved by a dragon is to be treasured.

A hundred years ago, werewolf Alpha Montgomery took a risk driven by desperation—he borrowed money from the ancient dragon Warwick Ehecatl, putting up the pack lands as collateral. Now the debt is due, and dragons don’t forget—or forgive. Warwick demands Montgomery’s son, Avery, and three businesses as compensation. As an Omega, Avery knows he is basically useless to his pack, so he might as well agree. He soon has second thoughts, though. Warwick is fearsome, and he’s free to do as he likes with Avery.

Warwick knows his race’s reputation, and he even admits some of it is deserved. But he’d rather cut off his tail than let his innocent mate’s light go out. It won’t be easy, but buried deep, there’s something between them worth safeguarding.

ISBN: 978-1-63533-880-5

Product Link:

Reviewer: Prime

Review: This book is two things that I love – MA Church weaving magic (pun intended) and shape shifters (specifically dragons and wolves). I’m also really getting into this new imprint by Dreamspinner Press, Dreamspun Beyond, which is the paranormal version of the imprint Dreamspun Desires, which I also happen to absolutely adore. Needless to say I was looking forward to this story and I was not disappointed.

From the get go, I really enjoyed the back story in addition to the romance and sexual tension that lit a fire between the characters, Avery and Warwick.

Avery is an omega wolf, who is being sold off by his father who owes a massive debt to a dragon, Warwick, which he had taken out around the same time Avery was born. Avery knows where he sits in the big scheme of things – he’s his father’s only son and an omega – he knows he doesn’t have the value that his father wants. However, on the eve of his hundredth birthday, at his coming of age party, Avery’s life changes for the better. Well, his father is trying to find an advantageous marriage that would bring the pack money. However, instead of being sold off into marriage to some other pack, he finds his mate. Who happens to be the dragon his father owes.

Warwick has waited a century for Avery’s father to repay his debt. While crashing the alpha’s party for his son’s coming of age, Warwick sees something in the young (well that’s a relative term) shifter that has him wanting.

Almost instantly, once they meet, the sexual tension between the two is explosive. These guys are mates and it’s awesome. Maybe I’ve been reading too much m-preg lately, but part of me almost wishes the story was longer and went that step further.

Anyone who loves a good shifter romance will be totally into this one. Fans of Marcy Jacks will also find this to be a great read.