Invisible Curtain by Alex Morgan

InvisibleCurtain_100dpi_cvrTitle: Invisible Curtain
Series: A Corey Shaw Mystery, #3
Author: Alex Morgan
Genre: Paranormal/ Mystery/ Suspense
Length: Novella (168 Pages)
Publisher: WildeCity Press (November 12, 2014)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts
Blurb: Paranormal sleuth Corey Shaw is enjoying vacation with his family in the Baltic Sea when terrorists bomb restaurants hosting World Cup parties in London and Copenhagen, just as his cruise ship leaves port. Although the United States isn’t attacked, Corey and his colleagues are unavoidably drawn into the investigation with or without the blessing of international intelligence agencies.

When a third bomb goes off in St. Petersburg, Russia, Corey is convinced the terrorist is aboard his ship, or at least connected with it. Corey is torn between protecting his family and a ship’s dancer whom he’s falling for and helping keep the world safe from terrorism.

ISBN: 978-1-925180-63-3

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Alex has given another amazing Corey Shaw Mystery. I am absolutely in love with Corey. Although I must admit there is some part of me that would not mind smacking him also. This has such a serious tone to it but you can tell that there is just a hint of humor and for me that makes it even better then the average mystery.

I was never one to get into a mystery, give me a good romance any day, but Corey Shaw Mysteries are some of the best ones I have read. The characters are almost perfect and the plots that Alex comes up with are a blessing. I love the fact that Corey and the others have different types of abilities such as telekinesis, Telepathy, and Teleportation.

Corey was going on a cruise with his family. Talk about a pain worse than death. Things started happening and he was getting the scenes in his head. A bombing in London, starts his path down a can’t deny. There was one beautiful sight on this trip. Raul was one of the dancers on the cruise. A gorgeous man who seemed to have more hidden then Corey first thought. He knows that the terrorist on board of the ship. He must protect his family and the man that he is slowly falling for.

I loved the twist that this story gave me. I loved it so much and the fact that the one behind the whole thing was such a surprise made it even better. Usually when I read one I can tell you who the killer is before the ending but this one I had to wait to find out. I mean I was sitting on the edge of my seat and biting my lip waiting for the next chapter. It caught my attention from the moment I started reading and kept it all the way to the end. It also gave me everything I could want in a story. I loved it and can not wait to get my hands on the next book.

I would recommend reading this book especially if you love a good mystery. This book gives you a sexy man with some great powers, twist and turns, excitement, adventure, action and suspense. Trust me this is an amazing book that you will fall in love with.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through *

Wicked Reflection by Hank Edwards

WickedReflection_100dpi_cvr1Title: Wicked Reflection
Author: Hank Edwards
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Length: Novella (110 pages)
Publisher: Wilde City Press (September 17th 2014)
Heat Level: Mild
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts
Reviewer: Tams
Blurb: When Kirk Stanford moves into his new home, strange things begin to happen. Messages appear in the steam on his mirror, warning him of a nameless threat. Then someone keeps breaking into his house, looking for something Kirk can’t identify.

With the help of his boyfriend, Damon, Kirk digs into the house’s history, and discovers not just the previous owner’s brutal murder, but threatening letters written to him from someone named Sam.

As the intruder strikes again, Kirk and Damon find themselves fighting not only to solve the mystery, but also to keep from being murdered themselves.

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Review: Kirk Stanford is a very happy new homeowner. The only downside is that his long-term boyfriend, Damon, can’t move in with him due to the distance between his job and Kirk’s new house. Straight away Kirk starts noticing strange occurrences in the house though. Words appear in the steam left on the mirror when he showers, but then they are gone at second glance, making Kirk think it’s just his overactive imagination. Then he meets one of his neighbours, and to say the man makes Kirk nervous is an understatement.

Days pass and the mystery of Kirk’s new home slowly unravels itself to him. There are the words on the mirror, and letters that Kirk finds written to the previous owner written by someone named Sam. Stranger still, the words on the mirror and in the letters, they are identical. When Kirk does some digging into the history of the house, he learns the previous owner was murdered and starts to feel like the killer is now coming after him.

I literally got goose bumps while I was reading this story. Very mysterious and intriguing, the way the threat was slowly revealed. The anticipation built from the start with those first words on the mirror and Edwards kept me on the edge of my seat throughout. Very much, like reading a good scary movie, with all the action and suspense. I wanted Kirk to trust his instincts just a little more, and I saw the ending coming a mile away, but there were just enough twists to keep me entertained.

Take a nice little cozy mystery, throw in some steam and a dash of spooky and you have Wicked Reflection.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through *

Hotel Pens by Geoffrey Knight

HotelPens_100dpi_cvrTitle: Hotel Pens, 2nd edition
Author: Geoffrey Knight
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Length: Novella (83 pages)
Publisher: Wilde City Press (October 1st 2014)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4.5 Hearts
Reviewer: Tams
Blurb: Travel writer Joe Jordan hasn’t been home to New York since his boyfriend broke up with him. Instead, he’s hopped from hotel to hotel. Collecting pens like a child in a fairytale might leave a trail of breadcrumbs hoping to find his way back.

But now he has an assignment, an article titled “5 Ways to Rediscover New York.” Being back on his home turf is daunting—until he meets Claude Desjardins, a gay romance translator staying in his hotel who, after a night of near passion, leads Joe on a treasure hunt through Manhattan, writing clues on Joe’s skin using hotel pens.

But it isn’t just New York Joe needs to rediscover.

This is a re-release, story initially released October 2012 through Dreamspinner Press

Purchase Link:
Review: Joe Jordan has been miserably single for a while, travelling the world, calling random hotels home. He loves his job, even if the constant travelling did cost him his boyfriend. After losing those roots, the home and the life he shared with Shawn, he hasn’t planted new ones, he hasn’t wanted to. Until now.

Joe first sees Claude in the lobby of his hotel and is drawn to his French accent. It’s almost endearing when Joe notices that Claude has the same obsession that Joe himself has. Collecting hotel pens. There is an attraction between them that Joe is hesitant to explore, for many reasons. But he still finds himself meeting Claude at the Empire State Building the next day, and Claude proceeds to show the New Yorker his city through a different set of eyes.

This was just a fast, fun, sweet and romantic read. The flow of the story was steady from start to finish, and that was just about the sexiest bubble bath ever! Claude and Joe both have lost someone they cared for in their lives, they’ve been alone a long time and so it all seems like kismet when they meet and fall for each other in the same instant. But Claude is determined to romance Joe, writing clues for the next stop on their date on Joe’s body with one of their hotel pens, sending Joe on a romantic scavenger hunt through a New York he has missed all these years.

I kept thinking of Sleepless in Seattle when I read this story, there were several similarities. This is a must read for my fellow hopeless romantics!

The One I Choose by D.H. Starr

TheOneIChoose_100dpi_cvrTitle: The One I Choose
Author: DH Starr
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Length: Novella (90 pages)
Publisher: Wilde City Press (September 19th 2014)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts
Reviewer: Tams
Blurb: Cal and Rhys have been together for three years. Having met and lived together in New York City, their lives were travelling along the same path. That is, until Rhys started working for a jealous chef and got blacklisted in the culinary world of New York City. They move to Boston, Cal using his inheritance to purchase a restaurant for Rhys to get a fresh start. Cal’s biggest challenge is figuring out how to balance work and Rhys. Struggling to make the right choices, will Cal figure out how to accomplish both things without hurting the man he loves?

Purchase Link:

Review: Cal and Rhys gave up their lives in New York to move to Boston and start over after Rhys was blacklisted by a fellow chef at his former job. Cal would do anything to make Rhys happy, so it was a no brainer for him when the opportunity to open a restaurant for Rhys in Reading MA presented itself to them. Rhys, however, wasn’t nearly as enthralled with the idea of pulling up roots and leaving their family and friends behind.

What was supposed to be a fresh start for them, starting a new life and a new joint business venture winds up being more of a curse than a blessing. Cal has to devote a lot of time to remodelling and working on getting the restaurant ready to open, while Rhys is left home, alone. The relationship suffers as a result. Cal has to admit to himself that he has in fact been a little bit selfish, uprooting their lives and relocating them here all in an effort to make life better for Rhys, only making life harder with the separation. Rhys has to realize that sometimes in life you have to make changes and sacrifices to reach a larger goal.

This was just a sugary sweet, sexy read about sacrifice, change and moving forward, together. Cal not only has to contend with his own self-doubt that is only squashed by his need to get the restaurant open and ready. He loves Rhys more than anything. But, he’s so focused on the big picture, he misses a few little portraits along the way. And Rhys doesn’t adjust well, going from a life full of friends and family in New York where he and Cal spent a lot of quality time together to the loneliness he feels everyday in Boston. He lashes out at the only person there to listen, Cal.

It was interesting to see the way they balanced things in their relationship. In the beginning, it was almost as if they fought just so they could have make up sex, but that was the jest of their time together. The story was a little repetitive at times, with Cal having to constantly repeat his intentions, but overall it was a fun read. And the ending left a huge smile on my face.

If you are looking for something fun and romantic with lots of steamy sex and a very happy ending, this is definitely the short story for you!

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through *

A Working Man by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

61M+ogHMmGL._SL1000_Title: A Working Man
Series: Men of Manhattan, #4
Author: Sandrine Gasq-Dion
Genre: Contemporary Gay Romance
Length: Novel (134 pages)
Publisher: Wilde City Press (September 24th 2014)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts
Reviewer: Tams
Blurb: Matthew Hawke’s professional life is soaring as high the powerful bird of prey whose image is inked on his back. He’s at the top of his game as the owner of an advertising agency that is scooping up prime accounts like a mighty hawk wrapping its talons around an unfortunate ground rodent. Yes, work is good. Too bad his love life has more in common with the dying rodent than the triumphant hawk.

When the thought of a sexy man trumps actually being with a sexy woman, Matthew thinks it might be time for a change. And there IS a gorgeous man at the gym he’s noticed.

Drakon Mavros is working his shapely ass off to make ends meet. His administrative assistant job at a messenger service is steady, but the money he gets from his more creative job pays most of the bills. An ex-boyfriend took his confidence, his trust and his self-esteem and Drakon is afraid to take another chance at love. When an adorably goofy man at his gym actually hurts himself trying to flirt with him, Drakon can’t resist falling under Matt’s spell. He makes Drakon feel good about himself again and praises his artistic talent – neither of which his ex ever did.

As the men begin to fall for one another, it appears nothing can go wrong – they seem to be soul mates. Secrets and lies can crack even the firmest foundation, though. It takes a true master to shore it up so that it never crumbles. Is love the mortar that can restore trust and faith and bind men forever? Only time will tell. Can Drakon and Matt take that chance?

Purchase Link:

Review: Matthew Hawk seemingly has it all. A successful business, money and the freedom the latter affords him. The thing he is missing is someone to share it all with. He’s always noticed men, but never pursued a relationship with one, that is until he meets a gorgeous dark-skinned man with a brilliant smile at the gym. Matthew is so rusty at flirting that he winds up running right off the treadmill, it’s absolutely hysterical. Drakon thinks it’s endearing that someone so good-looking would risk a bump on the head and utter embarrassment to ask him out, much less even be interested in him.

Drakon was put through the ringer by a manipulative and cheating ex that squashed his hopes and dreams, telling him he was nothing, he was worth nothing, and would always be nothing. The man was also married with a child. As a result Drakon rarely dates, trusts few people, and cannot stand to be lied to. He makes a comment early on to Matthew that he would never date a ‘big wig’, which makes Matt cringe, and lie about the fact that he is THE big wig of Hawk Advertising.

The question is, when Drake finds out will he push Matt away as just another liar? Or will the way he feels about the successful businessman override his fear or flight reflex?

A fitting addition to the ‘Men of Manhattan’ series. As with the other couplings in previous stories, these two guys have a definitive push and pull, they complement each other well. They just have to figure out how to go about it. Matthew has always dated woman, knowing that he found men attractive as well. He just never acted on that emotion. Drake has deep-rooted trust issues over his past relationship with the worst kind of man. So together, they can show each other how to feel things they’ve never felt. Love, compassion, trust and an equality in their relationship that they both not only crave, but demand from one another.

This is a must read series, hell, a must read author! Gasq-Dion has an uncanny ability to express emotion and passion in her books while still conveying a story. I can’t wait to see what this Motley Crew of friends gets themselves into next. Fingers crossed the fifth book in this series is for Ryan and SID!

Nerdy Little Secret by M.J. O'Shea Blog Tour, Guest Post & Review!

Poppy Dennison - Coconut Cove wcp_coconutcove_fbk

Hey guys, we have M.J. O’Shea popping by with her newest release Nerdy Little Secret, from the series Coconut Cove. M.J. also chats about where she and Poppy got the inspiration for Coconut Cove so enjoy the post. <3 ~Pixie~ 

M.J. O'Shea - Nerdy Little Secret 2_CC_NerdyLittleSecret_100dpi_cvr

Nerdy Little Secret

(Coconut Cove 02)


M.J. O’Shea

Welcome to Coconut Cove where you’ll always find oiled beach bodies, palm trees, tropical drinks, and plenty of drama!

Coconut Cove is the hottest new sensation to sweep the nation — a gay teen drama filled to the brim with hot stars and even hotter action. It’s catching the public’s attention and winning their hearts. But all the drama, heartache, and life lessons aren’t just for the characters on the screen. The fledgling actors behind the scenes have more than their fair share of love and catastrophes. They may only play teens on TV but when it comes to romance, these twenty-somethings still have lessons to learn.

From the scheming ex determined to cash in on a rising star, to the hunky high school crush resurrected from ancient history—from the nice guy with a naughty past, to the snarky diva with attitude—there’s plenty of scandalous hidden affairs and seriously sexy demons hiding in just about everyone’s closet on Coconut Cove.

You just have to be ready to drink it in. Bottoms up … or should we say off?

Continue reading “Nerdy Little Secret by M.J. O'Shea Blog Tour, Guest Post & Review!”

My Favorite Uncle by Marshall Thornton

myfavoriteuncle_100dpi_cvrTitle: My Favorite Uncle
Author: Marshall Thornton
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Length: Novel (312 pages)
Publisher: Wilde City Press (June 25th 2014)
Heat Level: Mild
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 2.5 Hearts
Reviewer: Tams
Blurb: Martin Dixon’s carefully constructed, peaceful life is turned upside down when his super Christian eighteen-year-old nephew Carter shows up unexpectedly on his doorstep and announces he’s gay. Martin’s first impulse is to send him back to his parents. But when he discovers that Carter has been in a mental hospital to cure his gay-ness he realizes he’s stuck with the boy.

Unfortunately, the two get on each other’s nerves, each driving the other to distraction. Independently, however, they each arrive at the same conclusion. The other would be much less annoying if he only had… a boyfriend.

Purchase Link:

Review: Martin Dixon’s predictably scheduled life quickly turns chaotic when his 18-year-old nephew shows up on his doorstop. Young Carter sort of ran away from one of those ‘fix the gay’ places and went to the only person he could think of that would help him. His gay uncle, of course! A sort of dark hilarity ensues as Martin tries to steer his young, inexperienced and naive nephew in the right direction.

Carter quickly makes friends with a transgender woman at work, Buffy, and catches the eye of an older suitor, Henry. At first, Carter looks at Henry as a suitable man for his uncle, but comes to realize that Henry actually has eyes for him. Of course, Uncle Martin does not like the idea of his nephew dating someone who is twice his age, and he has no idea how to talk to the teenager. He winds up doing more harm than good in the beginning, and winds up pushing Carter away.

At the same time Martin is trying unsuccessfully to be somewhat of a parent to Carter, he meets someone and his ex makes a re-appearance in his life. The question remains, can a middle-aged single guy with a loner persona take on the issues and drama that come with a gay, horny teenager? I guess we are about to find out!

While the concept of this story intrigued me, the execution was lacking. I found myself skimming in several places where the story was overly descriptive. There was a lack of romantic connection between any of the couples, and the few times I think, there was supposed to be some passion between characters, it didn’t translate well in the writing. I enjoyed the humour that was peppered throughout though. Whether it was Carter’s snarky comments for his uncle or the friendship between Martin and his best friend, the comedic turns were well done.

I’m torn with this one, it was just an okay read for me. I think, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, that were the story a hundred or so pages shorter and some of the overly descriptive text removed, it would change the outcome of this read for me. If you are a fan of Thornton’s other works and ready for a bit of a funny read, this book might work better for you.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through *

Tales of a Prison Bitch by Ethan Stone

TalesofaPrisonBitch_100dpi_cvr1Title: Tales of a Prison Bitch
Series: N/A
Author: Ethan Stone
Genre: Erotic/ Thriller/ Crime
Length: Novella (64 pages)
Publisher: Wilde City Press (August 6th, 2014)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5Hearts
Blurb: Thomas Grayson is young, handsome and in prison. If he wants to survive, he only has one choice—find someone who will take care of him. Neil Booker is perfect for the job, but Grayson must be willing to pay the price.

Grayson has never been with a man and isn’t thrilled about being a prison bitch but he’d rather be with Booker than be abused by other convicts. He takes to it easier than expected and actually enjoys his time with Booker.

The roles are changed when Booker is paroled and Grayson gets his own boytoy. However, he can’t forget about Booker, not even when he finally goes home.
Product Link:
ISBN: 978-1-925180-31-2
Reviewer: Shorty
Review: 22-year-old handsome Thomas Grayson is sentenced to 5 years in prison for trying to kill the guy his girlfriend was sleeping with. In order to survive he gets the protection of sexy Niel Booker. They settle into their lives and things are going great until Booker is transferred.

Once Grayson is released from prison, he works for his brother. Six months later Booker shows up at his home and confesses that he’s thought about Grayson all the time and wants to be with him. Some very hot and heavy sex is all throughout this wonderfully written story.

An interesting and impressive story about what happens between inmates. Great read.

Vinny, Porn Star by J.P. Barnaby

Vinny-Porn-Star_100dpi_cvr_updtTitle: Vinny, Porn Star
Series: Working Boys, #3
Author: J.P. Barnaby
Genre: Erotica/ BDSM
Length: Novella (56 pages)
Publisher: Wild City Press (August 27th 2014)
Heat Level: Explicit
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 hearts
Reviewer: Tams
Blurb: Vinny is just your typical all-around average guy, well, except for the leather and the floggers, oh and maybe that little room at the back of his house where he likes to take a guy and strap his ass before he before he nails him. Well, maybe Vinny isn’t so average. At least, that’s what Angel thinks. You see, Angel got himself into a bit of trouble by scheduling a fetish shoot with The Sounding Board when he’s never even been tied up.

Who better to show him the ropes than professional fetish model, Vinny D’Forino? The answer will bring him to his knees.

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Review: Vinny D’Forino is a porn star with a few kinks. His particular twist is BDSM. He craves the control and submissive nature of another man, who being a Dom, awards him. And he doesn’t kiss, ever. His reputation precedes him in the business, perhaps because he doesn’t take from the unwilling and there are limits to his domination. When his friend and producer calls in a favour, Vinny is hesitant at first, but finally agrees to mentor a fresh new face to the business that may have gotten in over his head.

Angel has been fantasizing to the video version of Vinny for years. He signs up for a BDSM shoot through a rival company, not fully understanding what he’s getting himself into. Thankfully, Vinny takes on the challenge to show him the ropes, pun intended! The absolute submissive nature of Angel throws Vinny for a loop, but he refuses to budge on a previous promise to himself not to take on another Sub, not to open up or care. When Angel goes through with the shoot anyways and is worse for the wear afterwards, all bets are off.

What I enjoyed about this story to spite the more hardcore aspect of the BDSM genre was the insight into the mind of the Dom, which is solely based on how Barnaby wrote him. I liked how even though Angel didn’t know exactly what he was getting into with the shoot, Vinny explained every little detail of what they were doing when they were together. The only time there was any type of pain involved wasn’t even described, it was just spoken of toward the end.

I can’t wait to see where Barnaby takes these two characters with future installments. They are very yin/yang in their personalities. And Angel may be a natural submissive, but he definitely has a mind of his own, so it was a lot of fun watching the personality clashes and how each man reacted to the other in those situations. I cringed occasionally when Vinny really got into his role as a Dom, but the sex was fucking outstanding, and Angel seemed to love every second of it!
Of course, BDSM fans will love this one, but I think those who sit on the fence will enjoy this title as well. Like I said, it’s not hardcore or crossing over into abuse or pain, but the dominate and submissive roles are clearly lined out and delved into… in an oddly sexy way.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through *

Buck Baxter, Love Detective by Geoffrey Knight

BuckBaxter_LoveD_100dpi_cvrTitle: Buck Baxter, Love Detective
Series: Buck Baxter, #1
Author: Geoffrey Knight
Genre: Historical-esque Gay Romance (Roaring Twenties!)
Length: Novella (28000 words roughly)
Publisher: Wilde City Press (September 3rd 2014)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts
Reviewer: Tams
Blurb: Welcome to Wilde City, 1924—a crane on top of every skyscraper, a party in every club, a romance on every dance floor, a shooting every night, a broken heart on every street corner and a dirty secret behind every window with the curtain drawn. It’s the kind of town that keeps Buck Baxter, private detective, in business.

For despite his fondness for a cold gin and a pipe stuffed with cannabis, Buck is the best gumshoe in Wilde City. Why? Because he has rules: never make friends, never make enemies, and never ever fall in love. That is until the day, playboy nightclub owner Holden Hart, swings into town. He’s suave, he’s charming, he’s chivalrous… and he’s exactly the kind of man who Buck will break all the rules for.

From the romance of the Rainbow Palace atop the Wilde City Tower, to the dazzling debauchery of the gentlemen’s parlor The Velvet Viper—from the history surrounding the sinister convent on the hill better known Hell’s Bells, to the lantern-lit opium barge, The Peking Empress, run by the mystical Madame Chang—could Buck be about to unravel the greatest mystery of them all…

The mystery of love?

Purchase Link:
Review: For everyone that is going to miss the Gin & Jazz series with the final book coming out in just a couple of days, we have a respite! And dare I say… Short, Sexy and Steamy… my three favourite colors!!

Picture this… a sex on a stick, pot smoking, gay private dick in 1920’s New York surrounded by glitz, glamour and the Dick Tracy version of an assortment of Speak Easies. Welcome to Wilde City!
Buck Baxter, private eye extraordinaire, doesn’t do friends or commitments. He doesn’t make enemies either and he is good at his job, which is why he stays in business and avoids any hassles. But his latest job is about to turn his fly under the radar life upside down.Just follow a guy whose wife wants to know if he’s cheating, seems easy enough, right? Then why does he end up staring down the barrel of a gun?? But that is a story for later.

Holden Hart is debonair and stunning with his slicked back blonde hair and movie star good looks. Hart is new in town and the owner of the newest nightclub, the place to be as it were. Buck is enamoured with the man from the first time he lays eyes on him, and Hart seems to not only recognize, but also reciprocate the need. He sets about trying to get to know the brash private eye. But Buck is just that, private. He doesn’t date, especially not charming playboys. Too bad the stiffy in his pants didn’t get that memo.

This was a fast, fun, thrill ride of a story. Knight went into great detail setting the stage for this fascinating new world he’s building around Buck Baxter and the other wildly creative characters that were featured. There were a few flashbacks told in the form of memories as Buck remembers his troubled childhood and the friend he lost. There were several twists and turns along the way, that kept me on my toes, kept me guessing until the very end. And that scene in the bar with the ‘new Nick’ was damn near toe curling.

You have to grab a copy of this one and get familiar with Buck and Holden and the twins and Stella, and so many more neat characters so you’ll be ready for the next instalment. I’m anxious to see what Knight pulls out next for Buck Baxter, the Love Detective.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through *

Life's A Beach by Poppy Dennison Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Contest!

Poppy Dennison - Coconut Cove wcp_coconutcove_fbk

Hi guys, today we have Poppy Dennison popping in with her brand new release Life’s a Beach from the exciting new series Coconut Cove which she is writing with M.J. O’Shea. Poppy let’s us have a peek at an excerpt and she has a very interesting contest! So guys enjoy the post, read my review and take a good look at that contest <3 ~Pixie~

Poppy Dennison - Coconut Cove 1_LifesABeach_cvr

Life’s a Beach

(Coconut Cove Episode 01)


Poppy Dennison

Welcome to Coconut Cove where you’ll always find oiled beach bodies, palm trees, tropical drinks, and plenty of drama!

Coconut Cove is the hottest new sensation to sweep the nation — a gay teen drama filled to the brim with hot stars and even hotter action. It’s catching the public’s attention and winning their hearts. But all the drama, heartache, and life lessons aren’t just for the characters on the screen. The fledgling actors behind the scenes have more than their fair share of love and catastrophes. They may only play teens on TV but when it comes to romance, these twenty-somethings still have lessons to learn.

From the scheming ex determined to cash in on a rising star, to the hunky high school crush resurrected from ancient history—from the nice guy with a naughty past, to the snarky diva with attitude—there’s plenty of scandalous hidden affairs and seriously sexy demons hiding in just about everyone’s closet on Coconut Cove.

You just have to be ready to drink it in. Bottoms up … or should we say off?

Continue reading “Life's A Beach by Poppy Dennison Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Contest!”

The Dog Trainer by Owen Keehnen

22237025Title: The Dog Trainer
Series: N/A
Author: Owen Keehnen
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Novella (70 Pages)
ISNB: 978-1-925180-01-5
Publisher: Wilde City Press (May 21st, 2014)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4Hearts
Reviewer: Lisa

Blurb: Sometimes the last thing you expect is exactly what you need.

Richard is a typical neurotic gay urbanite, a serial monogamist with a domineering peer group and a well-paying dead-end job. That is until one night, while stumbling home drunk, Richard finds a puppy named Hambone. Almost immediately, Richard’s life and his relationships begin to change. At the recommendation of Evelyn, his neighbor across the hall, Richard hires a dog trainer named Abe. From the moment Richard hears Abe’s voice on the phone he feels a connection with this professional pooch-handler. When they meet face-to-face, the attraction is palpable. Richard loves the way Abe treats Hambone. Abe opens Richard’s eyes to a different take on life and what really matters.

Will love conquer all in the end? It will if Hambone has any say in the matter.

Purchase Link:

Review: This was a charming little story. It has wonderful men that you will fall in love with and wish that you were right there with them. Watching and learning from them both. Richard is a typical neurotic gay urbanite with lousy taste in friends and exes. When Richard and his boyfriend broke up, Richard took up drinking and eating lots of carbs. Then one night, while walking home drunk he hears this cry. After his muddled mind lets him focus, he goes to see what is there. What he found about tore his heart out. Three puppies, two of them were dead but one was still alive. The puppy just knows that this man is his hero. He jumps into his arms and Richard takes him home.

When his neighbor Evelyn recommends hiring someone to train Hambone and maybe walk him he ends up calling Abe. However when Richard hears Abe’s voice he is drawn to him. Drawn to him in a way he never expected. Abe has seen Richard out with his friends but they never noticed him.

Abe awakes Richards feelings to a strong point. He shows Richard how good life can be. Even when he is poor, he still feels like he is alive. He wants to show Richard the way. The way starts with showing him that all he has to do to make Hambone happy is to love him. The same way all he has to do is to love Abe also.

It made me cry when Evelyn’s dog had to be put down due to cancer. Both Richard and Abe helped her get through her loss. It just shows how tender both these men are. It is just so cute the way Richard just starts to bond with the pup and when his feelings start getting stronger with Abe. I do wish that this story were just a bit longer, because once I started reading it my attention was caught. I loved it and cannot wait to check out the rest of Owen’s stories. He has a great gift that just seems to make ones day brighter.

Slasherazzi by Daniel A. Kaine Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

Daniel Kaine - Slasherazzi Slasherazzi banner

Hey guys we have a real treat for you all today! We have Wilde City Press’ Daniel A. Kaine and his newest release Slasherazzi that has our Lisa in a tizzy. Daniel talks about his inspiration for Slasherazzi and lets us have a peek at a tantalizing excerpt 🙂 AND you guys also get the chance to win your very own copy and all you have to do is click that Rafflecopter link. So I will leave you to Daniel’s post, enjoy Lisa’s review and good luck with the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~ 

Daniel Kaine - Slasherazzi Slasherazzi_cvr



Daniel A. Kaine

Recently promoted to Detective, Alex is out to prove himself and the Slasherazzi case is the perfect opportunity. Mutilated corpses are showing up across Tampa, and when the team discovers the newest victim was tortured alive, Alex becomes more determined than ever to stop the crazed serial killer before the horrific stabbings escalate further.
With the return of Alex’s ex-boyfriend and journalist, Vince, the investigation takes a dangerous twist: the killer starts showing a personal interest in Alex. Can he stop the murders and salvage his relationship with Vince, or does he risk letting both men get away? 

Continue reading “Slasherazzi by Daniel A. Kaine Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!”

Wilde City Press Butt Ninjas from Hell Anthology

615K9ZF10rL._SL1000_Title: Butt Ninjas from Hell
Series: Anthology
Author: Shae Conner, J.P. Barnaby, Kage Allen, Ally Blue, Eden Winters, Kiernon Kelly, Jevocas Green, T.C. Blue
Genre: Action/Adventure, Anthology, Comedy, Contemporary, Erotic, Fantasy/Paranormal, Romance
Length: Novel (280 Pages)
ISBN: 978-1-925031-95-9
Publisher: Wilde City Press (April 16th, 2014)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts
Reviewer: Lisa

Blurb: Porn stars, holy emissaries, demons, and even just plain humans—ninjas come in all forms and from all kinds of Hell in this erotically charged comedic Wilde City anthology! Whether it’s the world of second-rate television, fluttering ninja stars, obsessions over a bronzy-olive toned soldier, or magic backsides, your authorial guides will take you where few readers have ever dared to go…without protection.
Purchase Link:
Review: This is an anthology and a bit of a bizarre one at that. It gives you ninja’s and hell folk all the way around. I was quite surprised by it but it was missing quite a bit for me to truly love. I love the authors imagination and gift at telling a story. It is pretty amazing, but not enough to make me want to read it again. I will tell you though it kept me laughing through the whole book, which gives it higher points all together. I love the characters you can’t help but fall in love with them. It will catch your attention and keep it all the way to end.
Clean Up On Aisle Me ♥♥♥3Hearts
Jonny’s mundane life gets a stealth makeover when he discovers a band of ninjas fighting off hell spawn in the party store where he works. After a close encounter of the super-gross kind, Jonny and his ninja mentor, Bert, have an encounter of their own, this one much hotter. Jonny’s on board for joining the merry band of good guys in black—and for taking things further with Bert—but first he’ll need to prove he’s up for both tasks.

They go after phantasms, incubi, imps and even wendigo’s but Jonny seems to be going after Bert. This was funny and incredibly weird. One minute he is griping about having to work and the next he is seeing ninja’s.
It is a cute little story, but like I said weird. It is part of this strange but exciting anthology. I would recommend it for the laughs alone. Shae will give you some good stories if this one is anything to go by. A great imagination and a gift for telling a story.

Sheathing His Sword ♥♥2Hearts
It is porno time with two hot and sexy men, lots of sex and ok they never actually get to the sex part because the one who wrote the story never told his family and friends that he makes gay porn or the fact that he is gay.

Aiden and Nicky were supposed to be making a porn about a man in the kitchen getting a big surprise from a ninja breaking into his apartment. Only there is a bit of surprises to both. Well one is the father of course, but then there is this plant on the windowsill that he wasn’t expecting.

I am not sure what to say about this story other than the fact that it was funny as hell. I couldn’t even get any air in my lungs because I was too busy laughing at it. It is a cute little story that when you want a humorous story or need one this is the one to pick.

Twink Ninja Tiger, Flaxen Buns of Fury ♥♥2Hearts
Ok the first two stories in this anthology were funny but this one took the top. I mean at first it seems like it is a group of men swearing chastity, studding the ways of life and being monks, but it is a bunch of guys trying to be ninja’s. Butt Ninjas to be truthful.

“We mean no disrespect,” Master Beard attempted to put the man at ease. “We were simply expecting Father Leviticus, who’s been visiting us regularly for the past several decades, and you took us by surprise. Word is typically sent to us if there’s been a change, even a temporary one.” “This was rather sudden,” the figure explained. “Father Leviticus ate some bad shellfish and is attempting to maintain cleanliness.” “Through prayer and water?” “Mostly with Depends. Anyway, rather than get everybody’s frock and habit in a twist upstairs, he asked if I’d fill in for him since he’s been training me for it anyway. In essence, I’m the emissary for the emissary.” “I’m not entirely sure what that makes you.” “Think of me as Emissary Lite or a cousin by marriage once removed who married one of his brothers or sisters, only in a God-like way, not the Southern Baptist way, but just until I complete my training. Now—” He turned and looked around at the large welcome room, searching for anything that would indicate where the interior doors on the other side led. “Is there somewhere I can freshen up and make myself adorably cute again? I also have to drain my main boy box like there’s no mañana.”

Ashton is an emissary sent to them to study and teach, however everything that comes out of his mouth is very sexual even though it isn’t meant to. Ky is close to the end of his training, but when they are all in the bath water and Ashton is talking about daddies, sexual positions and being a virgin, well let’s just say that night he was not any longer and neither was the head of the place.
It is a funny little story but weird as can be. I am not too sure what else to say about this book, but if you want a short story that will cheer you up then this is the book to pick up.

Twerk It ♥♥♥3Hearts
What happens when a demon slayer goes hunting in Hell? Twerk it, baby.

L’lousche is a minor sex demon with short-shorts, tall boots, a Hell Kitty t-shirt, and a magic backside. When he shakes that ass, no soul in Hell or on Earth can resist the urge to sin. Not even the demon slayer who’s supposed to kill him.
Well this was one of the better stories in this book. I mean it was still funny but it had just a bit of danger to it. A major demon gets caught by a minor sex demon, gets paranoid that Satan will find out so he wants to take out the sex demon. So he hires Hugo who happens to be a demon slayer to kill L’lousche. Only Hugo see’s Llousche and wants him for his own. Now to kill the one who hired him to kill the other.
This is a cool story, better if it had been longer with more detail. It would have made an excellent novella or even a novel if it had been in more detail. It was good and I think that once you start reading it you will want to read the rest of the book.

Hell Is Where the Heart Is ♥♥♥♥3.5Hearts
All he wanted was Diomede but Diomede didn’t want him. Or that was what he was told by his mother Big Deal of the Sixth Level of Hell. However, that was not the truth in fact Diomede had been told by his mother Big Deal of the Fifth Level of Hell and Noorvik’s mother.
Noorviks mother had told him it was time for grandbabies and that he was to have a mate. She started bringing out female demons but all he wanted to do was scream that he was gay. So with the help of a friend he attends a party to find a human male. What he had not expected was Dillon was in fact Diomede.

This was a better story then the others. It actually gives you something to grab on to. It gives you two sexy men or should I say demons that want each other. The problem was each time they had gotten together in the past they ended up with earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters. It is an awesome story.

Ninja, Vanish ♥♥2Hearts
Dallas, Marc, Alec, and Colt were actors. Very bored actors who did rainbow ninja’s shows on Saturday for the kiddies. Now they would do anything to get a real acting job. Although I doubt they meant to work for Hell.

Colt signed the contract that Asmodeus shows him. He works for Hell for one year to show the people who hell is where the action is. It wasn’t till the end that he finds out who not only he is working as, but also it had turned out so were his friends. Now they just have to figure out how to turn it all around.

This was one of the stranger stories, but not as bad as one expects. It has a cool plot to it, but is still very strange. It will definitely have you on the edge of your seat laughing your ass off with it though.

The Soldier and the Vagabond ♥♥♥♥3.5Hearts
This was one of the cuter stories. Kioshi was the vagabond and all he had wanted was food. He was starving so one day he had coned the owner of the store to go look at some other food for him when he had stolen two apples. He had thought he had got away when a soldier caught him. He knew that in Japan the price of stealing is the loss of a hand. He had to get this soldier to spare him.

Tamotsu was a Genin Soldier to Shonin Momochi Sandayu. This is a mercenary for the Shonin. He had stopped the young thief only to find himself wanting this man for his own. He paid the merchant for the apples and let Kioshi go. Kioshi had been attracted once more by a bully. Tamotsu saved him again and then when Kioshi looked for him, he had found himself in a little bit of trouble. Tamotsu wanted him for the rest of his life.

This story is better than a few of the others, because it actually gives you a story line that you can follow and characters that will charm you. It is cute and it will keep your attention through it all. I wished it were longer because it would have made a great long read.

A Ninja Walks Into A Bar ♥♥♥♥3.5Hearts
Nikita sends Akira to bring Delos to hell. He was to do a test but either way he was not going back home. What Nikita had not realized was that Delos, also known as Dallas was actually neutral. He would never choose evil or good. Akira who is also known as Ki wants Dallas for the rest of his life but he knew that Dallas would not survive. He was to die at the hands of Nikita.

Nikita is actually Dallas father and a lord from Hell. He wants his son killed before he takes over the reins. Ki will do everything in his power to help Dallas, but he was not as strong as his lord. He was a demon ninja.

This story has way too many characters to try to figure out. It is a good story but bizarre. I think that had it been an actual novel it would get high points. It has all the major points that brings a story to an amazing end. It gives you sexy men, hot sex. There is a kink factor, danger, excitement and a bit of adventure in it.

Looking After Joey by David Pratt

21863254Title: Looking After Joey
Series: N/A
Author: David Pratt
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Novel (255 Pages)
ISBN: 978-1-925931-93-5
Publisher: Wilde City Press (April 2nd, 2014)
Heat Level: Explicit
Blurb: Wouldn’t it be great if a porn character stepped out of the TV, into your life? Well, be careful what you wish for. Because that’s how Calvin and Peachy end up looking after Joey. And teaching him everything he needs to know to be a gay man in New York City. His final exam? A fabulous Labor Day party on Fire Island. But first, they all have to get invited. This will involve a rogues’ gallery of eccentric Manhattanites, including portly, perspiring publicist Bunce van den Troell; theatrical investor Sir Desmond Norma; studly thespian Clive Tidwell-Smidgin; lubricant king Fred Pflester; and a mysterious young man named Jeffrey. Tender, wise, witty, and often utterly deranged, Looking After Joey will make you wish that you, too, had a porn character at your kitchen table asking, “So, when can I have sex?”

Purchase Link:

LeeAnn’s Review: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

This story took you inside, literally of the porn world. Seriously Calvin somehow gets sucked, no pun intended, well maybe a little, into the porn world where all they do is have sex. Need your pool cleaned? Oops the pool boy won’t have change for when you go to pay him…oh let’s have sex…you know the bartering system. This is awesome for a while, as Calvin looks for Joey, his favourite porn star EVER. However, Calvin realizes that although it is fun to have sex with all these random people, they really have no point other than the sex. And that if anything is not done correctly “them”, the ones who watch, will not be happy!
This story brings, what I always thought about the porn industry, to life. There is a lot of humor, some angst, anger, sadness and want for revenge in this story. You get a little surprise in the book, which I refuse to reveal. You will need to read it to find out what it is. I believe it is worth your time. But don’t take my word for it. Go ahead, buy this, you know you want to. Who wouldn’t with promises of porn with hot sexy guys in it? In the pool, among other various places. So go ahead buy and enjoy your ride…again, pun intended? Maybe…maybe not.

Lisa’s Review: ♥♥♥2.5Hearts

Well I am not really sure what to say about this book. It is way out there in a way I never thought possible. Calvin really didn’t have a life it would seem. However, he has always loved this one character in a porn that he watches. What he had not expected was to get drawn into the porn. One minute he is at home watching it, the next he was having sex with everyone he came across. Sounds like a blast however he was wanting one guy and then he realized all he wanted to do was get back home.

Calvin even manages while doing this amazing porn thing to call his best friend Peachy for help. So he decides to throw in a little attitude and maybe they will kick him out of the movie so he could get home. He did want to take Joey with him but he didn’t think that was possible.

That is until he wakes up to find Joey in his apartment looking completely lost. He has never had anything other than sex, pizza, and beer. Never seen darkness and no women, he was really lost in this world. So Calvin and Peachy try their hardest to show Joey what life will be like here in reality.

It is a funny if not quirky book but it is missing something vital for me to really like it and get into it. I did laugh threw out most of the book, I mean when someone ask you constantly when can I have sex it gets to be a big laugh. I just need a bit more of a plot and story line to really get into it. I did get caught in the beginning but did have a bit of trouble staying with it. It just did not come off as something real to me.

A Fighting Man by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

61bN8lW+DsL._SL1000_Title: A Fighting Man
Series: Men of Manhattan, #3
Author: Sandrine Gasq-Dion
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Length: Novella (125 pages)
Publisher: Wilde City Press (May 7th 2014)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts
Reviewer: Tams
Blurb: Army Ranger Slater Cassidy has a very special – very sexy – target in his sights. Meeting gorgeous, smart, uber-snarky Casper Kennedy was the highlight of Slater’s last trip home to New York. The soldier in him carefully plans his conquest. Unfortunately, Casper’s wearing some seriously strong armor and Slater’s charm offensives bounce right off. Casper’s refusal to fall for him is puzzling – not to mention incredibly annoying. When Slater gets leave again after gruelling back-to-back tours in Afghanistan, all he wants is another shot at wooing Casper. He jumps right into the battle for the other man’s heart, but Casper does not intend to entertain the troops. A heartbreaking revelation changes the rules of romantic warfare, and Slater suddenly realizes he doesn’t just want Casper. He wants to capture his heart, too.

Casper Kennedy is fighting a losing battle. A certain outrageously demonstrative Army Ranger has been a thorn in his side since his last trip home – and the main character in his steamiest dreams. Now he’s back. He launches an all-out sensual assault and no matter how hard Casper pushes Slater away, the man somehow manages to inch closer. So close, in fact, that Casper’s once-impenetrable defenses are in danger of collapsing. Should he throw up the white flag and take a chance at love? Or start firing back and keep his heart protected? When the handsome Ranger shows his true colors, Casper just might have to surrender the fight.

Purchase Link:
Review: Slater Cassidy is just a few days away from his long-awaited leave. On his last leave home, he met an acquaintance of his brother and was immediately taken with the man. Since then he has let loose an all out assault consisting of emails, instant messaging and singing telegrams among other things, in an attempt to gain Casper’s affections. But Casper has a strict no military men rule, so he refuses to succumb to the mutual attraction he feels for the army Ranger.

Slater pursues Casper maddeningly. The man will not take no for an answer. As strong as he comes on though, Casper pushes away. When Slater accidentally walks in on a business meeting and the client wants Slater to be the face of their new campaign, Casper ends up forced into a business relationship with the insufferable, sexy man. Eventually, Slater’s diligence pays off and Casper goes out with him. Persistence pays off and it seems that these two just might get their happy ever after, after all.

Life has a way of throwing you curve balls though, and when Slater is injured when he returns to Afghanistan, Casper fears that the past may be repeating itself.

This was just a fast, fun read with a slight dose of angst and a lot of love and some steam. You learn more about Casper’s past and why he is so adamant in his refusals of Slater’s affection. The courting was a hoot as well! I just loved turning each page in anticipation of what Slater would pull off next in his attempts to woo Casper. And then when things came to a head and the Casper became the strength for Slater, it was so endearing and loving, I shed a tear… or two.

Gasq-Dion is one of those buy now, ask questions later authors for me. If her name is on a book, it’s pretty much a given that it’s going to be fantastic. She has a way of making snarky, sexy. And writing bad boys that make your heart skip a beat, and then make you frown because they are all definitively gay. Well written, perfectly descriptive, a bit of drama and a whole lot of laugh aloud fun!
Lord, I hope the next book in this series is Slater’s out spoken best friend Ramos and the jackass Tiernan. It would be such good fun to watch Ramos whip his ass into shape. And then f**k him senseless!!

** I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through MM Good Book Reviews **

Belligerent Beta by Poppy Dennison Blog Tour, Guest Post & Review!

Poppy Dennison Belligerent Beta blog tour graphic

Hey guys, I’m back and this time I have Poppy Dennison popping in to show off her latest release Belligerent Beta! Poppy also gives us some insight about Alpha’s Vs Beta’s and Thommie explains in her review why this series has enthralled her. <3 ~Pixie~

Poppy Dennison Belligerent Beta

Belligerent Beta

  (Pack Partners 02)


Poppy Dennison

When a human is chosen to lead the pack instead of him, Beta Dan Keller struggles to find his footing in a rapidly changing environment. Committed to his pack and not one to turn away from a challenge, Dan follows his Alpha’s request and works with Nathan Ross, the new pack Omega. Though he is initially concerned that Nathan’s weakness will harm the pack, Dan learns there is more to the shy wolf than meets the eye.

As Dan struggles to balance his growing feelings for the young wolf with his responsibilities to his pack, new threats emerge and Nathan’s loyalty is questioned. Not understanding the basics of being a wolf leaves Nathan vulnerable and the pack at risk. Can Dan embrace the true role of a beta so he can protect the man he has grown to love and save his pack?

Buy Link:

Continue reading “Belligerent Beta by Poppy Dennison Blog Tour, Guest Post & Review!”

In the Absence of Monsters by J.P. Barnaby

61gXVTnyU2L._SL1000_Title: In the Absence of Monsters

Series: (Prev. Forbidden Room/A House of Cards: Deconstructing Ethan)

Author: J.P. Barnaby

Genre: BDSM

Length: Novel (357 Pages)

Publisher: Wilde City Press (January 14th, 2014)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Blurb: Jayden Carter knew the path he wanted his life to take. He wanted to get his Master’s Degree in History and teach. But when he answered an ad for a roommate and met mysterious doctor, Ethan Bryant, he’s brought into a world he never knew existed and his path changes.

It changes again for Jayden and he leaves Ethan with their friend, Lexi, in tow. Ethan loses himself in a haze of self-destruction and pain. With the help of a childhood friend, Gabriel, Ethan battles the demons of his childhood and finds a way to survive. Gabriel and Jayden wage an epic war for Ethan, but in the end, they may all end up losing.

Adapted from The Forbidden Room and A House of Cards: Deconstructing Ethan

Product Link:
Reviewer: GiGi

Review: I actually had not read the blurb for this book before beginning to read, so you can imagine my sense of déjà vu when things started reminding me of the first J.P. Barnaby novel I had ever read. It had been a while since I had read The Forbidden Room, so it took me a bit to realize this was adapted form that book. For the most part, it’s pretty much the same for that first part. I had not read House of Cards: Deconstructing Ethan, so that was an all new surprise for me. Though after reading this book, I do feel these two stories are very separate. They are written from a different POV, in a different style, and with many journal excerpts. It’s also a very long, albeit, very good story. Maybe two books would still be a good idea.

The first part of the story, grabs my curious mind right away, especially the first lines: The Ad: “26 year old SWM seeking disciplined roommate so split 5 BR house. Utilities included, Male pref. Call for appt.”

The word “disciplined” in that ad giving a perfect foreshadowing of what was to come. I felt like Jayden walked right into that scenario, his subconscious must have known, and the saying if something’s too good to be true clearly applied. Only in this case, for the most part, what Jayden steps into turns out to be ultimately good. The submission/bondage is a razor edge between desired and feared, though safe words area always in play, the play was at times seemingly heartless, and cold, then powerful and intimate. The way the scenes were written put me in the moment. I felt both a pain in the pit of my stomach, and the desire for Jayden to do whatever was needed to make Ethan happy. Throughout the story Ethan introduces Jayden to his world of dominance and submission, trains him, introduces him to other masters/Mistresses, and even another sub to interact with.

As the relationships develop between Master, submissive and now Lexi, Ethan’s other sub that he trains Jayden to interact with, the hazy line between sexual identity, sex, and submission gets even more blurred. Jayden questions himself, his sexuality, his attraction to both Ethan and Lexi. He questions whether his play with Ethan makes him gay, or just makes him a submissive, and if it matters what gender he submits to.

Many methods of “play” are introduced in this story. Pain, edging, sexual submission, humiliation, bondage, it’s a very educational plot for those beginning in this genre of reading. I myself enjoy BDSM plots and found it very fascinating.

Now on to the second part of the story, this one being based on House of Cards: Deconstructing Ethan. All through part one I am both frustrated, confused and ultimately in pain for Ethan. I want to know what really makes him tick, I want him to have Jayden, and I want him to have everything. Part two helps explain many things. Both my using Ethan’s POV and by letting us read journal excerpts he kept.

Things get very complicated because both Lexi and Jayden are playing new roles, training the new generation of subs the only way they know how, they way they were trained by Ethan, only to quickly learn one method does not fit all scenarios. That what Ethan did and developed for Lexi and Jayden was special and would not necessarily work for other relationships. Through this part of the story we get a look at a very jealous Ethan and a very jealous Jayden, all the while I want to knock their heads together and tell them to see what’s right in front of them! But there is one big block to their ultimate acceptance, and happiness, problem is its ultimate pain, loss, and sadness that brings it. God, the pain J.P puts all the characters though is enough to make me want therapy, not to mention explaining all the “monsters” these people carry with them. I’m talking pain of loss, pain of abuse, pain of neglect, not pain in the playroom.

Over all this is a great collection. I still feel maybe the two need to be read and digested separately. So give yourself sometime between the two parts. There is a lot to absorb here, so much is deeply moving, heavy, very emotional, and by the very end, cathartic. For those who enjoy the BDSM genre, I highly recommend this read.

Clipped by Devon McCormack Blog Tour, Excerpt, Giveaway & Review!

Devon McCormack - Clipped Tour Banner 4-4

Hello again peeps, I am back and this time I am bringing you something that is a little dark. We have Devon McCormack and Clipped visiting and I have to tell you this story had even my eyebrows raising and my eyes widening, this is one not to miss if you like the dark and dangerous mixed in with your hot and erotic *winks*. So have a good look at what we have today click that Rafflecopter giveaway for a chance for your very own copy and check out my review. <3 ~Pixie~

Devon McCormack - Clipped _Cover1



Devon McCormack


Though mortals have been convinced that God cares about their souls, nothing could be further from the truth. He created the world as a gift for his lover, Satan. But when Satan left him, he decided to end what he saw as his most grotesque creation.

Satan and his army of demons are man’s only hope…

The demon Kinzer and his lover, Janka, have been sent by Satan to spy on The Raze, a gang of rogue demons who are working with God to bring about Armageddon. When someone exposes their true allegiances, The Raze clips Kinzer’s wings and murders Janka. Kinzer manages to escape. He tracks down Satan’s allies to warn them about a mole in their midst when he learns that they’ve located the Antichrist—a powerful weapon that could prevent the apocalypse. Now, he’s on a mission to protect the Antichrist and avenge his lover’s death.

Buy Link 

Devon McCormack - Clipped _Cover


Dedrus scanned Kinzer’s body, admiring his massive biceps, his brown eyes, and his black waves of hair. Even with the wounds and tears that still tainted his face, he was beautiful. Dedrus wanted to press him back against the cushion, rip off his clothes, and provide him with the ease he deserved. But no! He was just wanting it for himself, and he was pretending that it was to serve Kinzer’s pain.

“I loved him so much.” The words cracked through Kinzer’s lips. His cheeks and forehead shivered. Tears filled his eyes. “I know we had so much time, but it wasn’t enough.”

The sting in Dedrus’s chest intensified. His cheeks flashed red as anger washed over him—anger that he loathed because it made him feel like a terrible, selfish creature.

He set his hand on Kinzer’s back, his palm stroking softly across the blue fabric of his polo. He wanted to say, “You’ll find love again.” He couldn’t, because he knew he’d really be saying, “Please find love in me.” He thought of saying, “Everything will be alright.” No. He couldn’t make that kind of promise. “It’ll take time,” felt appropriate, and yet, as an immortal, Dedrus never perceived time as a generous gift as much as a twisted, agonizing punishment.

“I wish I could think of something right to say about this,” Dedrus said, “but I can’t. I know how much you loved him, and I know how much he loved you, and I can’t imagine how hard this is going to be for you. But I’m here. As your friend. I don’t know if that means much, but I know the feeling of having something so perfect and wonderful torn from you.”

Kinzer’s gaze met his. His eyes were sad.

Does he know what I’m talking about?

“Tell me you’ve found someone,” Kinzer said.

“Of course,” he lied. “I’m just being overdramatic.”

“I figured as much. Considering where you work, I’m sure you get a lot of offers.”

It was true, but not the way Kinzer was suggesting. There were nights when Treycore dragged some pathetic mortal back to ease Dedrus’s pain. Those nights were the loneliest. Though he could bring himself to climax, it was an empty relief that just stirred the cruel memories of those moments filled with so much more.

Dedrus hugged him again. “Let’s get to bed,” he said. “You need some sleep.”

Kinzer nodded.

“We have plenty to sort through tomorrow. You can have my room. I’ll just sleep here.”

Dedrus released him.

Kinzer picked the sword up off his lap and stood. He reached his hand out. “Come on. It won’t be the first time we’ve shared a bed.”

The upward curl of his lip let Dedrus know that Kinzer was more than interested.

Dedrus’s dick swelled. “I don’t think I can.” He wanted Kinzer so bad, and if he put himself in that position, he was sure that he wouldn’t be able to resist making a move—especially if Kinzer initiated something.

“I’d rather not disrespect you like that,” Dedrus said.

Kinzer’s hand fell, bouncing against his jeans. His head drooped.

“Then I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Dedrus smiled. “‘Night, Kinzer.”

Kinzer knelt, offering a light peck on Dedrus’s lips.

Don’t tease me with a taste!

“Up the stairs, first room on the right.”

Kinzer walked up the stairs, headed down the hall, and slipped into Dedrus’s bedroom.

Dedrus had hoped that Kinzer’s exit would provide some relief.

It didn’t.

He ached for him. His thoughts dwelled on Kinzer’s lips tickling his nipples, his gaze appreciating his body, his tongue delighting in his body’s grooves. He wanted to run upstairs and throw his arms around him, to hold him for the night, and tell him that no matter what happened he’d be there for him. He wanted more than that, but he wouldn’t press his friend. He wouldn’t dare cross that line…even if Kinzer insisted.

Spreading his limbs across the couch, he rested his head on a lace pillow at the end and rolled so that he was facing the cushions.

He closed his eyes.

A few moments passed before something pressed against his ass.

He flipped over and hopped to his feet, ready for a fight.

Kinzer stood before him, holding his hands out, as if showing a cop that he was unarmed. “Whoa, cowboy. Chill the fuck out.”

“Sorry.” Every hair on Dedrus’s immortal body stood on end. “You freaked the shit out of me. Did you need something? Another cover? Pillows?”

Kinzer wiggled his thumb behind the waistband in Dedrus’s khakis.

“Yeah. I need something.” He pulled their pelvises together.

His hot breath rushed across Dedrus’s lips, settling in the bristles across his cheeks. The warmth combined with a rush of blood that surged to his face and made him feel like his cheeks were about to catch on fire.

Kinzer pressed his lips against Dedrus’s.

Amidst the creases in Kinzer’s lips, Dedrus felt the smooth, subtle dip where Kinzer’s cut was healing.

He trailed his palm over the rough fabric of Kinzer’s polo. As he reached the smooth flesh of his neck, curly black hairs pricked his fingertips.

Kinzer opened his mouth wide. Dedrus eagerly reciprocated, tilting his head and allowing their lips to seal together. A swirling sensation gathered at the back of his spine and rushed to the crown of his skull.

Guilt nagged at his thoughts. He couldn’t do this. Kinzer didn’t really want him. He was just vulnerable and ached for a physical distraction from his grief. It would be wrong to take advantage while he was still recovering from Janka’s death.

Kinzer’s tongue flicked his.

He wanted Kinzer so bad, but not like that. Pressing his hand against the dip between the bulbous, jagged pecs before him, he broke their sealed kiss.

“What?” Kinzer rested his hands on either of Dedrus’s hips.

“This wouldn’t be right. I don’t want to disrespect you.”

“I know. But I want you to.”

Kinzer wrapped both arms around Dedrus. Spinning them around, he pushed Dedrus back against a painting that hung from the wall.

Kinzer’s eyes glistened with that gleam—the one that was so familiar to Dedrus.

Dedrus couldn’t control himself. His lips returned to their passionate embrace. His fingers found their way under Kinzer’s shirt, feeling about fervently, savoring the dips in his torso.

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About Devon

If I was writing an old-school craigslist personal, I’d say (appropriately in code): fit masc wm ddf lookin 4 same. 28yo. Of course, who’s honest with their craigslist personal ads? And who the hell uses craigslist these days? Please. That’s what grindr is for.

On a more serious note, I’m from Atlanta, GA. I work odd jobs. My gay erotic novel Clipped is available through Wilde City Press. I also have a vampire novel coming out through Wilde City in October and a young adult novel being released through Harmony Ink Press in June or July

Author Links:‎ 


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 A signed copy of Clipped if winner is in the US. If not in the US the winner will receive an e-copy

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Devon McCormack Rafflecopter giveaway!

(Ends 23rd May 2014)

Devon McCormack - Clipped _Cover1Title: Clipped

Author: Devon McCormack

Genre: Erotic Fantasy, Paranormal, Dark Erotica

Length: Novel (275pgs)

ISBN: 978-1-925031-94-2

Publisher: Wilde City Press (9th April 2014)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3 ½ Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Though mortals have been convinced that God cares about their souls, nothing could be further from the truth. He created the world as a gift for his lover, Satan. But when Satan left him, he decided to end what he saw as his most grotesque creation.

Satan and his army of demons are man’s only hope…

The demon Kinzer and his lover, Janka, have been sent by Satan to spy on The Raze, a gang of rogue demons who are working with God to bring about Armageddon. When someone exposes their true allegiances, The Raze clips Kinzer’s wings and murders Janka. Kinzer manages to escape. He tracks down Satan’s allies to warn them about a mole in their midst when he learns that they’ve located the Antichrist—a powerful weapon that could prevent the apocalypse. Now, he’s on a mission to protect the Antichrist and avenge his lover’s death.

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Review: Kinzer awakes to find himself chained in the mortal world, his wings removed and his lover dead and his only hope is to escape and warn Satan’s allies that a mole has leaked their location to The Raze. Kid lived on the street after running away from an abusive home life and then was taken off the streets and plunged into the world of sex trafficking, the only thing he dreams of now is freedom. The two are thrown together as they make an escape and Kid is thrown into a war between God and Satan.

This is a very dark erotic story that throws good and evil on its head. God wants to destroy the world, a world he created for his lover Satan, because Satan left him and now it is up to Satan and his followers to stop the destruction of humanity. The Raze is a group of Fallen angels who are trying to get back into God’s good graces and to do that they are planning the destruction of humanity. Kinzer is one of the Fallen sent in to spy on the Raze for Satan, but when he and his lover are discovered Kinzer has to turn to the angel who once broke his heart.

This is a great storyline that has good and evil, danger and escapes, blood and violence and pain filled sex, and terrible betrayal. It is darkly erotic and weaves a tale that is dark from the onset. We meet many characters in this story, some good, some evil and some innocent but all of them know pain in one form or the other whether it is physical pain or emotional pain. This isn’t the story to read if you want happy ever afters or a sweet romance, it’s the story to read when you want dark and dangerous, pain and pleasure jumbled together so it teases the dark reaches of your soul.

Following along after Kinzer or Kid we are plunged into a world where they both have tortured souls, the story pulls around both of them leading you into darker territory and you can’t see any happiness on the horizon. This is a really good storyline that is far from finished, there is nothing that has been resolved except Kinzer discovers the truth of his capture and we are plunged further into the depths of evil that The Raze flourish in.  

If you are looking for a blossoming relationship then there are hints of one but it is far from pretty. There was a slight hope of a rekindling romance that started in punishment and violence but the muses deemed it too easy and leave us feeling sore, now there is a glimmer of vengeance on the horizon but stopping The Raze isn’t going to be easy. Now while I did like this story and thought the storyline was good I really did find all the sex to be a bit too violent for my taste, and I mean all the sex, there isn’t one touch that doesn’t lead to pain being mixed in and while I do like a bit of pain tinged sex there was just a bit too much for me to truly enjoy.

I recommend this to those who love dark sex, dark erotica, dark fantasy and violence, betrayal and hopes dashed, a story that pulls you in even as you want to hit the breaks for a bit and a great storyline that is far from over.        

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Surviving Sin City by Ethan Stone and Daniel A. Kaine

SurvivingSinCity_ZB_cvrTitle: Surviving Sin City
Series: A Zombie Boyz story
Author: Ethan Stone and Daniel A. Kaine
Genre: Post Apocalyptic Zombie Romance
Length: Novella (119 pages)
Publisher: Wilde City Press (December 18, 2013)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts
Reviewer: Tams
Blurb: Board up the windows, push an old dresser against the door and load your shotgun. A zombie apocalypse is about to hit Wilde City, and if you want the best survival tips, six of Wilde City’s boys are here to help.

Gather your friends and fight for the man you love, as Ethan Stone and Daniel A Kaine turn Vegas into a zombie nightmare in SURVIVING SIN CITY.

Previously published as part of the Zombie Boyz Anthology
Purchase Link:
Review: Surviving Sin City is very much your traditional zombie story, with two consenting adult males pounding each other into oblivion as an added bonus! Cooper is a Brit on vacation in Las Vegas when he finds himself smack dab in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. While trying to get out of Vegas and back to England he runs into Kaleb, an American trying to stay alive and hide while he looks for his brother. The sexual chemistry is evident from the start and it doesn’t take long for Kaleb to find a safe place to bury himself, if you catch my drift.

Can these two find Kaleb’s brother, as well as safety, while surrounded by hoards of zombies that get smarter with each brain they eat?

This hard-core zombie story with lots of blood, guts, brains and some sexy guy on guy action when Cooper and Kaleb redefine the term “mile high club”! I’d recommend fans of the M/M genre give this one a go, if you like zombie stories as well, that’s definite plus! This book was just bloody good fun with some hot sex thrown in the mix, you know, just in case.
** I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through MM Good Book Reviews **