One on One by V.L. Locey

Title: One on One

Series: Cayuga Cougars 05

Author: VL Locey

Genre: Contemporary, Sports

Length: Novel (182 pages)

Publisher: V.L. Locey (14th January 2019)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: The past few years have been a bit chaotic for Cougars new associate coach, Lancaster Hart. After an amiable divorce he began living his life as the gay man he’d kept closeted for far too long. With the recent move to Cayuga, he’s away from his support system and properly made sweet tea. Despite a roster filled with new friends and associates, he’s spending his nights alone.

As his team gears up to make a run at the Calder Cup, Lancaster discovers that not everything in upstate New York is wine, woodlands, and chilly conservative ideals. At a summer music festival, he first lays eyes on Townsend Harris, folksy/blues singer by night and mayoral office assistant by day. Lancaster is enraptured with the man’s powerful sultry voice. Also, Town just might be the most beautiful man he has seen in all his forty-one years.

The two hit it off at an informal meet and greet after the show, where they spend the night talking and sipping wine. One evening of conversation and an incendiary goodbye kiss leads them into a scorching love affair that might be exactly what Lancaster has been searching for his whole life. Can his team pull off professionally what he’s hoping to do privately as well? Or will capturing their dream evade both the Cougars and Lancaster?


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Prime

Review: One on One is the fifth and final book in VL Locey’s series Cayuga Cougars, I love a good MM hockey romance and I particularly love Locey’s own brand of style when it comes to romance between these awesome alpha male athletes she creates. I don’t want to go too much into things, because this was awesome end to a completely wonderful and somewhat surprising series for me. Surprising in the way that I had never thought to completely love the series, as well as a certain character (cough Vic you lovable, unlovable rogue).

This series has had a roller coaster of emotions, particularly when it comes to the characters Dan and Vic who we met at the start. And while we do get to check in on them and their little family again (and there will be more books around these guys separate to the series), I really loved the sweet romance as we were introduced to Townsend and Lancaster. While you can probably get away with not reading the entire series, I think it’s an injustice to you as the reader as well as to the author to not appreciate the full scope of the characters. All characters, including the newest couple, are really well fleshed out and were very relatable.

One on One is a very sweet, low key and low drama romance that shows two ordinary guys find their own happily ever after. Lancaster Hart is the new associate coach for the Cayuga Cougars ice hockey team and moving to the new team is just the start of things. He’s newly out of the closet and being divorced means he can finally live as the real version of himself. He is still friends with his ex-wife as well as her partner, which is totally nice, I’m over the usual trope of a vengeful ex who hates the fact her ex is gay and becomes some sort of harpy. Lancaster is down to earth and I felt an instant connection to his character, I wanted him to find the man of his dreams from the get-go.

A chance meeting after a concert with Townsend Harris, folk musician by night and mayoral assistant by day, sets the scene as we begin to explore Lancaster’s journey to be the man that he is. In a way, this is gently guiding us to not only get to know Townsend, but to realize that Townsend is the man that Lancaster needs in his life and in his bed. They don’t just fall into bed and then into love in the space of two minutes, instead they get to know each other.

The story is told completely from Lancaster’s POV, but I don’t feel that I lost anything in terms of getting to know Townsend. I keep using the word gentle to describe this story, but it truly is. A beautifully sweet and gentle romance that just happens to be set with some fast pace hockey and wonderful secondary characters we’ve known all along for the most part.

A Little Side of Geek by Marguerite Labbe

Title: A Little Side of Geek

Series: Geek Life 01

Author: Marguerite Labbe

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (306 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (22nd May 2018)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: When opposite worlds collide, it’s anyone’s game.

Proud geek and comic book artist Morris Proctor wants nothing more than to live in semiseclusion with his devil cat and gamer friends. Despite what his well-meaning family thinks, he’s perfectly content with his status quo. The last thing he needs is to date another nongeek hell-bent on changing him.

Then he meets his adorkable new neighbor, Theo Boarman, who doesn’t know Star Trek from Star Wars, but who tempts him like no other.

Theo has spent the last year recovering from the loss of his parents and trying to play both roles for his teenage brother, while working to keep the family restaurant afloat. Dating is the last thing on the menu, especially with a man who thinks the height of dining is shoving a packaged meal into the microwave.

But if Morris gives him one more shy smile or flaunts that kilt he wears so well, Theo will be forced to convince him that a hot summer fling is just the recipe to let off a little steam.
When that fling gets serious fast, Morris has to decide if he’s willing to give his heart to Theo on the chance that they’re a perfect mix.

ISBN: 978-1-64080-474-6

Product Link: Dreamspinner Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Prime

Review: A Little Side of Geek is the first book in Marguerite Labbe’s series The Geek Life.
Being something of a geek I was instantly attracted this novel (cue the mental image of the Willem Dafoe meme of “You know, I’m something of a scientist). No, I can’t say that I am of the comic book/graphic novel set, although I do dabble, I’m more of a science nerd. However, it’s nice when “nerd culture” is portrayed properly; I sometimes find the science type books unbearable because I know the life of a scientist in both commercial or academic settings.

Look, it’s difficult to explain, let’s just go back to its nice when things are portrayed with a decent amount of realism, which therefore makes the characters that bit more relatable. All this is because Labbe herself is part of the comic book culture and her insights are obvious because of how well written this book is. On top of that, her characters are excellent and well fleshed out. I don’t think that I’ve read anything else by Labbe in the past, although I have heard of her. I didn’t expect to love this book as much as I did and so I went into this book not knowing what to expect.

The story is about somewhat reclusive comic artist, Morris Proctor. He has his work, his cat, his sister and niece, and his gamer friends that keep him from being a complete hermit. He’s happy with the life he has, despite the fact that his sister especially loves to worry about Morris social life.

It is at this point that we meet Morris’s neighbor, Theo Boarman. Theo is completely different to Morris, mostly because he doesn’t do the whole geek thing, but he tries for the sake of the teenage brother, Lincoln. Theo’s responsibilities don’t make him more mature than Morris, it just makes him different. Theo’s parents died recently and so not only does he take on the responsibility of raising his underage brother, he also takes on most of the responsibility of running his family’s restaurant. Two of his siblings don’t appear interested in the restaurant, and his sister Jill is heavily pregnant and so Theo plays the protective brother to her as well. The restaurant as well as the comic convention circuit is key settings in this book, because this is where we get to know the guys, and partly where they get to know each other.

Morris’s family, his geeky friends (who I’m sure will get their own stories) and Theo’s baby brother Lincoln make this little world more colorful. I love the atmosphere that added to the lives of the MCs. They are well throughout characters that do justice to the overall storyline of Morris and Theo’s romance. I can’t wait to get read more from this series, I might even investigate more of Labbe’s work.

Trapped in the Valley of the Kings by Blue Jones

Title: Trapped in The Valley of the Kings

Series: Dreamspinner’s Warmest Wishes Advent Calendar 2018

Author: Blue Jones

Genre: Contemporary. Holiday

Length: Short Story (24 Pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (December 1, 2018)

Heat level: Low

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖 4 Hearts

Blurb: Rival archaeologists Will and Jude slept together a year ago, on the night of the Summer Solstice at a dig in Stonehenge. But they were both wearing masks, so Jude has no idea it was Will he slept with, and Will’s been harboring a powerful, one-sided crush ever since.

Now they’re in Egypt, competing to find the lost tomb of Queen Nefertiti. Jude falls through a crack in the cave floor, and when Will reluctantly climbs down to help him, they find themselves in Nefertiti’s tomb, surrounded by archaeological treasures—where they must spend Christmas stranded by a sandstorm.

Will a few sultry hours stripped almost bare from the heat and sharing a bottle of whiskey sort out who should get credit for the discovery—and the real reason for the tension between them?

ISBN: 978-1-64405-044-6

Product Link: Dreamspinner | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Jude and Will had a great night together but they didn’t know that it was with each other. They are not exactly enemies but they are not friends either. They were searching for the same thing, but one small accident leads them to something they realize they should have been searching for, each other.

I was amazed that I had not read this author before but this was one fantastic read, for such a short story. I can’t say that I truly liked it but it was still pretty good. I liked the guys attitudes and lets face it, who wants a romance with not a bit of trouble. Feisty is one word for it.

I will definitely be checking this author out.

The Darkling’s Kiss: Part Two: The Daemon Unleashed by Charlie Richards

Title: The Darkling’s Kiss Part Two: The Daemon Unleashed

Series: The Daemon’s Descendants 02

Author: Charlie Richards

Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal

Length: Novella (109pgs)

Publisher: Gargoyle Expressions, Inc. (January 7, 2019)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: For decades Philippe has lived the life of a thief, keeping apart from society. He steals items for customers…for a fee, of course, which has earned him wealth enough for several lifetimes. Due to his mixed heritage, a volatile mixture of human, angel, and daemon blood—a creature called a darkling—his job is his solace. After a disastrous encounter with a wizard, Philippe has a choice to make—live the rest of his life on the run or commit to a single task to gain a clean slate. Either way, his thieving days are over. Philippe accepts the Council of Wizard’s terms.

He finds himself traveling with Kalylle, a wizard of the second order. Their task is to clear up a disagreement between the dwarf and elven nations, as a war between their peoples would tear Fidelia apart. To Philippe’s surprise, he discovers an unexpected kinship with Kalylle—an attraction that offers both danger to their mission and hope for a future. Except as they run up against one obstacle after another, it becomes clear that a third party is involved, someone with powerful magical resources. Can Philippe overcome the urges of his daemonic heritage so he can complete his quest with Kalylle, or will the machinations of rogue wizards cause him to lose himself to the daemon living inside him?

Warnings: This is part two of a three-part epic fantasy adventure. It is highly recommended that the parts be read in order. This story includes wizards, magic, men learning to have a sense of humor while overcoming dark elements, and a HFN ending. There are erotic m/m scenes suitable for adults only.


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Philippe runs into trouble in Croo and has a piece of his soul taken. In the aftermath he struggles to reign in his daemonic half without his angel half. It seems that whoever wants a war is trying to make sure Philippe is taken out of the investigation. With Kaylelle’s help Philippe finds some measure of control as the continue their investigation of the missing blade and the culprit wizard trying to start a war.

I loved this story. Adventure and mystery surround Philippe and Kaylelle as the two grow closer. I like the way the investigation is coming together as the pieces are aligning slowly pointing to whoever is behind everything.

Fantastic addition.

Hot Mess 9 by Stormy Glenn

Title: Hot Mess 9

Series: Hot Mess 09

Author: Stormy Glenn

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novella (170 Pages)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (February 7, 2019)

Heat level: Low

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: Lany

Life doesn’t always ask us what we want. I knew that was true when Sal announced he wanted a divorce. I was devastated, especially considering I had no idea why, and he refused to speak to me except through his lawyer. When my world continued to go to hell, I had to wonder if someone had it out for me.


Life doesn’t always ask us what we want. I knew this was true when someone sent me undeniable proof that Lany had been sleeping around on me. I was devastated, especially considering I had the proof on video. When my world continued to go to hell, I had to wonder if someone had it out for me.

ISBN: 978-1-64243-676-1

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: This is one of those series that must be read in order.

Lany and Sal are the perfect couple, loving, gentle and just plain sexy together. They almost have enough kids to start their own basketball team. But when Sal comes home demanding a divorce it pretty much destroys Lany. He has no clue what is going on and lets face it when he does he is going to hand Sal his balls for breakfast.

Sal is loosing his mind. He has received letters, pictures and video of his sweet sexy man cheating on him. In his eyes that is betrayal and divorce. However he needs better eyes considering he is SWAT or he would have seen the truth.

This is one of the only series that are connected with the same main characters that I truly love. The characters are truly a sight to be seen and you can’t help but love the quirky guys. This story has quite a bit of heart ache in it and I wanted to beat the tar out of Sal. There is some pretty awesome twists and turns that will have you sitting on the edge of your seat.

I had a blast reading this book and can’t wait to get my hands on the next book.

Gideon by Lee Quail

Title: Gideon

Author: Lee Quail

Genre: Science Fiction, Dystopian

Length: Novel (321pgs)

Publisher: Mongwadi Publishing (December 21, 2018)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖 4 Hearts

Blurb: It’s the year 2400. Toba has erupted and plunges the earth into a cold, dark volcanic winter. The world is divided into two factions, Denizens who opted to go underground, and the Solarians who remain on the surface. But there is something more than sinister in the air; children have developed kinetic powers, which, used in the wrong hands, could decimate all of humanity. Governments all around the world want them.

But Commander Gideon Kinsman won’t have any of that. He’s prepared to do anything to stop them in their tracks and risk losing friends and colleagues. More than this, he must be prepared to face the ultimate choice; choose the children, or lose the man he loves more than anything in the world.


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: This is a hard story to review as so much happens throughout. The relationship between Callum and Gideon is not what I would call romantic but it worked never the less. At times I found myself drifting as I struggled to comprehend what was going on and why. But as the story drew closer to it’s conclusion I understood better what had happened.

This is a complex and interesting book that captured my attention from the start. Gideon and Callum worked well together as secrets are revealed about one of the MC’s. I do not want to give away too much in my review though I would never be able to cover everything that happens anyway.

Action packed and mystery surround this story in a unique plot with twists and turns that are unraveled slowly as the book progresses.

Great read.

Diamond in the Rough by Charlie Cochet

Title: Diamond in the Rough

Series: Four Kings Security 04

Author: Charlie Cochet

Genre: Contemporary, Suspense 

Length: Novel (292 Pages)

Publisher: Charlie Cochet (February 15, 2019)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: For Ward “King” Kingston the role of protector, forged by fire and tragedy, is one he takes seriously. When King is asked to safeguard the son of a four-star general and friend, he is pulled back into the world of government black ops on a mission that raises painful memories from his past. The moment King meets Leo, amid the chaos of a lockdown at a secret black site, it’s clear he’s never faced a challenge like this—one that will test his unwavering sense of control.

Leopold de Loughrey is a misunderstood genius whose anxiety and insecurities are sent into overdrive when he is forcefully recruited to work on a top-secret project. Terrified of what his role as invaluable asset means, Leo’s stress leads to disappearances, arguments, and blowups that threaten the project and Leo’s future. King’s arrival is a calm in the storm for Leo and his frenetic thoughts.

King and Leo couldn’t be more different, yet as they navigate the dangers of a secret multi-agency operation and face unknown threats, their differences could be what saves them. Neither man believes happy ever after is in the cards, but their hearts might just prove them wrong… if they can survive a deadly betrayal.

ISBN: 978-1-73153-214-5

Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the collection features a different romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

King has always been the one the guys, his brothers, depended on. He had felt guilty for an op gone wrong and felt like he was not what everyone thought he was, a hero. When an old friend and General asked him to protect an asset he had not expected that asset to be the general’s son.

Leo is smarter than pretty much anyone and everyone. His father had hid him away from the government and tried to keep him safe. Then Leo made a mistake and now the government wanted him to work for them on one project, but he knows what will happen in the end. His father sent King to protect him. The thing is, Leo is unlike so many others that only King can understand him.

I was waiting for King’s story and sure do hope this is not the last book. It is fascinating and entertaining with quite a bit of danger added in. I enjoyed the surprise twists that come with the story and definitely had a jolt when I figured out the bad guys. This story caught my attention and I just couldn’t put the book down. This is one of those stories that will be read many times over.

I had a blast reading this and can’t wait for this author’s next book to come out. There are two more sexy men in the group that need their stories told,. I loved the guys and their stories quite a bit and would definitely recommend it.

Hat Trick by R.J. Scott & V.L. Locey

Title: Hat Trick

Series: Harrisburg Railers 08

Author: VL Locey & RJ Scott

Genre: Contemporary, Sports

Length: Novella (101pgs)

Publisher: Love Lane Books (10th February 2019)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: Stan Lyamin has seen many of his dreams come true. He’s found his soulmate, loves Noah like his own, hoisted the Cup, and has his Mama living with him in his new country. But his fantasies of a loud, loving, madcap home overflowing with childish laughter linger. When a distant family member passes, Stan and Erik immediately agree to take in the two orphaned children, but that means a trip back to Russia for Stan, an idea that both exhilarates and terrifies him.

Erik’s world tilts on its axis when a phone call wakes him and Stan in the middle of the night. Abruptly, Stan is returning to Russia, making deals, working with people who know people, and fully intending to bring two orphaned children home. The red tape is overwhelming, and Erik is alone in Harrisburg with the nearly impossible task of finding a nanny who can speak fluent Russian. Being on his own is one thing, but add in fears about Stan’s safety and team issues, and Erik is finding everything hard to balance; not least of which is spending quality time with Noah.

ISBN: 9781785641466

Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Prime

Review: Holy Hell! I’ve been waiting for this novella ever since I read book 4 in this series, Poke Check, where I completely fell in love with the big, cuddly Russian goalie, Stan Lyamin, and wicked fast Swede, Erick Gunnarsson. Needless to say, Stan and Erick are the main characters in this novella.

Let me rewind a bit for those not in the know. The series I’m talking about is RJ Scott and VL Locey’s totally addictive Harrisburg Railers. The series follows new NHL team when it seems to become something of a haven for a number of gay players and coaching staff, although there are some straight guys there too so you don’t need to completely suspend your disbelief. Firstly, read this series, it’s awesome and I love it and can rave about it for a long time to come. Secondly, there’s no point reading this novella without reading the series because there is a lot of stuff that has happened. Some of it is indirectly referred to, being that it is not the main focus of the novella, so there will be some confusion. There are six books to date in the series, with a Christmas novella and now this Valentine’s novella (well, Valentines insofar that is was released on Valentine’s day). So basically, I’m just here to strongly recommend reading this series in order.

Hat Trick is a heartbreaking journey for Stan. Taking from current issues faced by the Russian LBGTQI community, Stan must make the potentially dangerous journey back to his homeland to get a deceased cousin’s children, who it now falls to him to be their guardian. Stan has so much love to give. You see it in his love for his lover, Erick, and Erick’s little son Noah. On top of that, Stan has his mother and sister now residing in the US, so the antics become hilarious when you add in two sweet but fiery Russian ladies. However, their world is turned upside down and there is a lot to be done to get the children safely from Russia to Harrisburg.

I absolutely adore Stan’s broken English and obsession with Elvis. He’s a big man with a big heart. Yes, there could have been more angst when it came to taking in two orphaned kids who have had a bad life but it wasn’t necessary for a story this length. Erick doesn’t seem to get as much time in this novella, and while I would have loved to have heard from him more and his struggle with adding two new children into the family, but again I realize that it would have been beyond the scope of the story. This story was all about the sweetness.

Beneath the Palisade: Reliance by Joel Skelton *Retro Review*

Joel Skelton - Reliance CoverTitle: Reliance

Series: Beneath the Palisade 01

Author: Joel Skelton

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (300 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (23 Mar 2012)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖 4 Hearts

Blurb: Rising star attorney Harper Callahan hires Ian Burke to landscape his backyard, but it’s his heart that gets the real makeover. Cautious at first, Ian is soon won over by Harper’s good looks and charm, and before they know it they’re on the fast track to romance. 

Then a brush with death makes Harper and Ian reassess their plans for the future… and offers them an opportunity for adventure. What starts out as a casual fantasy of owning and operating a B&B on Lake Superior soon explodes into reality as Harper and Ian realize that when they rely on each other, they can accomplish great things.

ISBN: 978-1-61372-404-0

Product Link: Dreamspinner | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Prime

Review: This is the first book I’ve read by Joel Skelton and if this is any indication of his writing style, I cannot wait to get to the next two books in this series. In fact, I’m rather glad that I picked it up now with 3 books already available and not when this book was first released. I’m selfish like that. 😉

The first thing that I’m going to say is not an actual criticism but more as an observation. So if you read the blurb it’s in two paragraphs, which I finally realised splits the book in its two halves. I was a couple chapters in and I was thinking “where is this brush with death?”, “what do the… where is this Palisade?” and “Will Ian and Harper just get together and do what they’re meant to?”

This book is a bit of a slow burn and is the perfect set up for the next two books in the series. The opening in fun and dragged me right in immediately as we meet Ian as he is filming his first TV ad for his landscaping company. Immediately you know that he is a great guy and that he is surrounded by some fun, if not interestingly quirky, people. Then we meet Harper. He’s a successful lawyer, but he’s involved in defending a criminal case which has had more than its fair share of local and national media attention. Late one night, Harper see’s Ian’s ad and figures he might as well get his garden fixed. Oh, he had actual reasons, but being that he was attracted to “the actor” on the ad probably doesn’t help his sleep deprived state.

I don’t want to go too much further into anything in terms of plot. As I said, this is a slow burn and for that reason it might not appeal to those that only have the attention span for fast pace. However, where there is not a lot of plot going in, the author makes up for this in spades with the brilliant character development. Shaping the world and the characters in a way that is easily relatable and where the reader will probably recognise pieces of their lives as “oh, yeah, that’s what real people do”. It also helps that the attraction between the guys is both subtle and hot.

One thing I will say though is that I was really confused when a character, Alex was first introduced. If anyone finds this off putting, just hang in there. I’m still sceptical about how he was introduced but by the end of the book it is clear that Alex is an important character in both Ian and Harper’s lives.

This will probably appeal to a broad range of readers but as I said earlier, it is a slow burn so some may find it a tad boring since all the action tends to happen in the second half.

Ithani by J. Scott Coatsworth

J. Scott Coatsworth - Ithani Cover sTitle: Ithani

Series: The Oberon Cycle 03

Author: J. Scott Coatsworth

Genre: Science Fiction

Length: Novel (290pgs)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (February 19, 2019)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: Time is running out.

After saving the world twice, Xander, Jameson and friends plunge headlong into a new crisis. The ithani—the aliens who broke the world—have reawakened from their hundred millennia-long slumber. When Xander and Jameson disappear in a flash, an already fractured world is thrown into chaos.

The ithani plans, laid a hundred thousand years before, are finally coming to pass, and they threaten all life on Erro. Venin and Alix go on a desperate search for their missing and find more than they bargained for. And Quince, Robin and Jessa discover a secret as old as the skythane themselves.

Will alien technology, unexpected help from the distant past, destiny and some good old-fashioned firepower be enough to defeat an enemy with the ability to split a world? The final battle of the epic science fiction adventure that began in Skythane will decide the fate of lander and skythane alike. And in the north, the ithani rise….

ISBN-13: 978-1-64405-111-5

Product Link: Dreamspinner | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: In this exciting conclusion Jameson and Xander head to a place where someone helps them in their quest to stop the events from unfolding and destroying the world. At the same time their friends go on their own journeys to help stop the takeover for good. Each discover secrets that help unravel the mystery of the first humans, Nimfeach, Ithani and Skythane.

I was in awe of well this story was told and brought to life with each page. The details were amazing and made me feel as though I was there witnessing everything that was and will come to pass. The leader of the Ithani was a ruthless leader with plans in the making that only helped himself and enslaved others.

I loved the information of how everything was started so long ago. The Nimfeach were truly done wrong by Jirron and the Ithani. My heart went out to them and everything they had gone through.

The ending was a fascinating and dangerous mission to put a stop to Jirron and his plans once and for all.

Amazing read and highly recommended.

Snow Kisses For My Omega by C.W. Gray *Dual Review*

C.W. Gray - Snow Kisses For My Omega CoverTitle: Snowy Kisses For My Omega

Series: Hobson Hills Omegas 02

Author: C.W. Gray

Genre: Holiday

Length: Novel (189 Pages)

Publisher: C.W. Gray (December 5, 2018)

Heat level: Low

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖 4 Hearts (Combined)

Blurb: Greyson Bishop is a hot mess. He’s pregnant, and his alpha dumped him. His boss is stealing his work and claiming it as his own. His roommate is abusive, and his landlord just gave him a week to move out. Most importantly, he’s in love with a man that’s way out of his league. He needs to get his shit together so he can be a good father and maybe, just maybe, catch the alpha of his dreams.

Harper Wilson has his shit together, but desperately wants the omega he’s fallen in love with. Grey knows Harper is a demisexual and accepts him, lock, stock, and barrel. All he needs to do is figure out how to get his omega out of Florida and into Harper’s home in Maine.

The two men are meant for each other, but vile exes and lying bosses do their best to ruin the happily-ever-after Grey and Harper deserve.


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa & Shorty

Lisa’s Review: 💖💖💖💖💖 4 1/2 Hearts

Greyson is a pregnant omega who had lost his alpha. His alpha had decided he didn’t want Grey any longer nor did he want the baby. He works a job he loves but is about to get evicted from his home, because an asshat doesn’t like pregnant omegas with no alpha’s in sight. To top it off someone is stealing his work and his roommate was an abusive jackal. He wants to trust his best friend with his baby news, but hell he hasn’t even told his abuela. Too bad he forgot that he left his computer part on, Harper found out.

Harper has wanted Greyson with all of his heart. When he found out what was going on with Greyson and the fact that he was pregnant, well lets just say the family is going to help. First he had to figure out how to Greyson to move to Maine.

Then there is a jealous omega who is nuttier than all hell out to get Harper back. Plus someone out to kill Greyson.

Action packed, excitement overload, sexy times, and pets out of your ears is what you get in this story and so much more. My attention had been caught from the start and kept all the way to the end. Now I was actually quite surprised, because there are very few stories like this that I truly like. I am not a fan of alpha and omega stories with mpreg, where there is no actual shifting. It usually comes off bizarre to say the least. However I found that I liked this quite a bit.

It does have it little problems but they are not truly noticable. I would have liked the first part of the story defining a bit more on who they are and how they met. A little bit more back ground was needed but not so much. I still found myself enjoying the guys quite a bit. It flowed quite evenly and the pace was pretty good . I would love to get my hands on the next book.

Shorty’s Review: 💖💖💖💖 3 1/2 Hearts

Harper and Grey seem to be pulled apart around every turn they attempt to make with each other. Grey had it the worst though. But eventually the achieve their happy ever after.

I liked the story. It was sweet and cute between Harper and Grey when they were together. I was cheering for them throughout the story.

Good read.

Siege Weapons by Harry F. Rey

Harry F. Rey - Siege Weapons Cover sTitle: Siege Weapons

Series: The Galactic Captains 01

Author: Harry F. Rey

Genre: Sci-Fi, Fantasy

Length: Novella (143pgs)

Publisher: Nine Star Press (September 24, 2018)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖 3 Hearts

Blurb: Captain Ales is a lonely smuggler at the galaxy’s Outer Verge, and the last of his people. He’s been trying to move on from a life of drugs and meaningless sex, but finding love in this forgotten corner of the galaxy is difficult.

When he’s sent on a mysterious smuggling mission to a world under siege, he’s enticed by promises of the domination he craves. But soon Ales finds himself entwined in a galactic power struggle that could cost him everything.

ISBN: 978-1-949340-77-8

Product Link: NineStar | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Ales is a smuggler, the only one of his home world left after invading forces destroyed the entire planet. He is sent to a planet on the brink of war with a cargo to deliver. Though I understood what was going on up to this point his interactions with Turo confused me. His sudden about face to agree to do whatever Turo wanted was baffling. Yes I understood him wanting to save Jansan but at what cost?

Turo confused me as I was honestly not sure exactly what he was fighting for. Maybe it’s just me though. There is a lot of sex but the scene with Turo and Ales being tied up left me disturbed.

Freedom always comes at a price as someones idea of freedom may not be someone elses. I liked the conflict and the battles. The descriptions were amazing.

Good read.

One Bullet by Casey Wolfe

Casey Wolfe - One Bullet CoverTitle: One Bullet

Author: Casey Wolfe

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novella (152 Pages)

Publisher: NineStar Pres (March 27, 2017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: When Ethan Brant was shot, he found himself dealing with severe PTSD and unable to do his job as a police officer any longer. With the aid of Detective Shawn Greyson, the man who saved his life, Ethan not only finds himself again but discovers love as well.

Shawn’s life growing up was less than ideal, however, he overcame that to become who he is today. That doesn’t mean he isn’t missing something in his life. What Shawn hadn’t realized, upon first meeting, was that Ethan could give him all that and more.

One bullet changed both their lives.

ISBN: 978-1-9455-281-4

Product Link: NineStar | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Ethan had been a police officer until he was shot by a cop. It had been an accident but it sent him into a spiral. He could no longer do his job nor could he handle being around them any longer. That is except for the one that saved him.

Shawn had been there when Ethan had been shot and it sent him back to another shooting, one where he lost his partner. But he save Ethan. He saved him in more ways then one. But I guess you could say that Ethan saved him right back.

This was not what I had expected, it was so much more. It brings a tear to ones eye at the pain that they felt. Their love brings them together and makes them stronger. This story caught my attention from the start and I found myself intrigued more and more. It is fully developed and quite an interesting tale. I loved the characters and their chemistry was off the chart. I really like the secondary characters in this story, and hope that they get their own stories.

I enjoyed reading this and look forward to more stories by this author. I would definitely recommend this book.

Questioning Quain by Amber Kell

Amber Kell - Questioning Quain CoverTitle: Questioning Quain

Series: Moon Pack 17

Author: Amber Kell

Genre: Fantasy. Paranormal

Length: Novella (159pgs)

Publisher: Amber Kell (November 20, 2018)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖 3.75

Blurb: In a the race to warn the snow cougars, Peter Woods and Quain Ilves use Peter’s newly renovated car to reach the mountain lions before the wizards get there first. Along the way, Quain learns all about the warmhearted man he’s been bound to and the increasing importance of pack and family.

Peter Woods, mechanic and mate to seer Quain Ilves, wouldn’t change a single hair on his beloved. However, certain situations make it perilous for Quain to keep up his visions, and Peter worries over his mate’s sanity in these tumultuous times.

The clock is ticking while they compete with the magic wielders to save as many shifters as possible. Will they succeed, or will the wizards get their hands on other shifters to experiment with?


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: I loved reading about Quain and Peter as they head out on their journey to warn others of impending dangers. Adventurous and tense at times this story adds to the series. However, I felt at a loss at it’s abrupt end with no resolution.

I am looking forward to the next book to see what happens next with Quain and Peter.

Good read.

The Hockey Player’s Heart by Jeff Adams & Will Knauss ~ Audio Review

Jeff Adams & Will Knauss - The Hockey Player's Heart Audio CoverTitle: The Hockey Player’s Heart

Series: Hockey Hearts 01,  Dreamspun Desires 50

Author: Jeff Adams & Will Knauss

Narrator: Finn Sterling

Genre: Contemporary, Sports

Length: 4 hrs, 56 mins

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (30th March 2018)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: Hometown hero. Hockey superstar. Perfect boyfriend?

When hockey star Caleb Carter returns to his hometown to recover from an injury, the only thing he’s interested in is a little R&R. He never expects to run into his onetime crush at a grade school fund-raiser. Seeing Aaron Price hits him hard, like being checked into the boards. The attraction is still there, even after all these years, and Caleb decides to make a play for the schoolteacher. You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take, right?

Aaron has been burned by love before and can’t imagine what a celebrity like Caleb could possibly see in a guy like him. Their differences are just too great. But as Aaron spends more time with Caleb, he begins to wonder if he might have what it takes to win the hockey player’s heart.

Product Link: Audible US | Audible UK | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Prime

Review: The Hockey Player’s Hearts is a wonderfully sugary sweet friends to lovers book tale that just happens to involve a professional, out and proud, NHL player and an equally out and proud small town school teacher. Neither author was known to me before listening to this audio, nonetheless I looked forward to a sports themed romance.

The story sends professional NHL player who is the Captain of the New York Rangers, and one of few out and proud hockey players (including his best friend and team mate Dimitri), Caleb Carter back to his small hometown in upstate New York. He broke his ankle on the ice and desperately wants out of New York so he can recuperate in peace. While his parents are away on a around the world tour, he gets to spend time with his big sister, who is now the principal of the elementary school they attended. Tagging along, helping his sister he encounters her best friend and Caleb’s school crush. Aaron Price.

Aaron is portrayed as a nerd. When they were kids, Aaron helped Caleb pass math by tutoring him. It was what gave Aaron his passion to become a teacher. College had taken him to California, where he could be himself (i.e. explore his sexuality). He had stayed in LA until a failed relationship with a closeted baseball player and then losing his job, but luck was on his side when his best friend, the principal of his hometown elementary school and Caleb’s sister, handed him a lifeline with a job at the school. Aaron has a lot of baggage from his time in LA and renewing a friendship that could lead to more with Caleb forces Aaron to examine his feelings.

The narration of this audio was done by Finn Sterling, I looked up my audio bookshelf to find out that I’ve only heard Sterling’s narration sometime last year and then again just the other day. Finn Sterling is another wonderful narrator for the Dreamspun Desires house line. The narration for The Hockey Player’s Heart was great, Sterlings put a great voice onto both main characters, as well as a number of minor characters (especially Caleb’s sister and his best friend). He puts the right tone into the main character Aaron, who has a lot of baggage that could sabotage his HEA so that his indecision and his desperate need not to caught by another pro athlete.

Over all this was a fun story. I loved the hockey aspect of the story, it was weaved perfectly throughout and not just used as incidental background information. Caleb and Aaron have a lot of history together, yet these guys developed a lot throughout the story. The only criticism I have is that I occasionally found Aaron’s need to protect his heart because Caleb is a pro athelete a little frustrating and I wanted to shake him. This looks like it’s going to be a series (I’m hoping Caleb’s best friend, Dimitri, will have his own story).

A Courageous Ride by Andrew Grey ~ Audio Review

Andrew Grey - A Courageous Ride Audio CoverTitle: A Courageous Ride

Series: The Bullriders 03

Author: Andrew Grey

Narrator: John Solo

Genre: Contemporary, Cowboys

Length: 8 hrs, 26 mins

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (17th July 2018)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 4.5 Hearts

Blurb: Aspiring orchestra conductor Marshall is exhausted after months of auditions without a single job offer. Marshall’s friend Terry recommends a change of scenery and points Marshall in the direction of a dude ranch run by former bull rider Indigo Santana. Marshall is understandably skeptical, but his friend is convincing, and Marshall needs a break, so he agrees to go.

Indigo captures Marshall’s attention but leaves him confused. Indigo’s confidence is shot after an injury ended his rodeo career, and he walks with a slight limp. He hasn’t been anywhere near a bull since he was hurt, and he’s not the most accommodating host. After all, the only reason he keeps guests is because his family ranch is all but bankrupt.

Marshall’s attraction doesn’t go unanswered, which leaves him with a huge dilemma. He’s torn between the possibility of love, something he’s searched for all his life, and the career he’s worked toward for as long as he can remember, which is miles away. From his side of the fence, Indigo doesn’t see how the ranch could ever be enough.

Product Link: Audible US | Audible UK | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Prime

Review: A Courageous Ride is the third book in Andrew Grey’s cowboy/western series, The Bullriders. Any fans of cowboy romances will love this book. I recommend reading books 1 and 2 if you haven’t already because there are a few well developed characters that pop up from the previous books. I love this series for the simplicity of the story, leaving plenty of room for the characters to develop and fall in love in a way that seems to be more organic than quickly falling into bed and bam, they’re in love. Although, in saying that, the men in these stories also have enough baggage that there isn’t a dull moment.

I think, though, that this book is my favorite in the series, I think because there seems to be a lot more at stake in this one than the previous books. Although the over arching theme of the series continues to be moving on and learning how to let love in. it’s really a beautiful thing.

This story takes place on a different ranch than books 1 and 2, a dude ranch that also happens to be a working ranch that is run by Indigo Santana. The Princess Bride and Santana went through my head, especially at the point where Indigo himself talks about the character Inigo Montoya in The Princess Bride.

Indigo is an ex rodeo rider who has was forced to retire after he was severely injured. Now he works his guts out trying to keep his family ranch above water, which is why he has set up the dude ranch part of his business. He is your typical gruff cowboy with a heart of gold, but unlike the previous books, he is a cowboy who isn’t exactly in the closet, but he certainly doesn’t advertise himself either. However, he hides his goodness because his confidence took a real blow when he got the career ending injury, so he likes to act like a grumpy bear and he hasn’t even been near a bull since the accident. In fact, if he wants his guests to meet a bull riding champion, he invites his friend and neighbor, Dante Rivers, over (yep, that’s the guy from book one).

Marshall is a mentally and physically exhausted when we first meet him at the start of the book. He has been going to countless auditions to become an orchestral conductor. However, he is not having much luck. So of course he isn’t at his best, and it is his friend Terry that convinces Marshall to go to a new dude ranch he knows about instead of going back to his difficult parents in New York. Marshall goes to the ranch and quickly finds himself feeling better and within a short time he is starts to be able to access his career options carefully. Even though his controlling mother finds a way to disrupt him. In between all that, he finds a deep connection with Indigo, which brings in a whole lot more complications.

These guys have a long and winding road ahead of them but I particularly found it very easy to relate to Marshall. Although Indigo is a pretty damn awesome character who I only just wanted to give a warm hug!

As usual John Solo has done a fantastic narration, giving each character their own individual voice, which conveys the emotions and assaulting the ear with all the feels you could possibly want. I love to hear Solo’s narration on any book I get on audio and I am rarely disappointed.

Patterns Uncharted by Suede Delray

Suede Delray - Patterns Uncharted CoverTitle: Patterns Uncharted

Series: Patterns 04

Author: Suede Delray

Genre: Contemporary, Mystery

Length: Novel (180pgs)

Publisher: eXtasy Books (June 9, 2017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: Dominick and Rob face challenges. Can their marriage survive them?

At this point in their lives Dominick and Rob are sure of only one thing, they love each other and nothing will ever change that. But there are challenges and compromises to be made. Will the sacrifices they make to please each other end up making them miserable?

ISBN: 978-1-4874-1042-1

Product Link: eXtasy Books | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Wow, Rob has taken a liking to a young man named Logan. Logan had had a life pretty much like Rob when he was younger, and Rob can see a bit of him in him. He wants to give Logan a home, but it is going to take a bit to talk Dominick in to it. That is until Dom saves a four year old boy. Family might just grow by two.

They just have to keep Logan safe when his old pimp tries to get him. A pimp that owes money to Dom’s sadistic father, a father who is sitting in prison for murder. How a man raised by a mob boss such as his father, it is a wonder how Dom turned out so fine.

I love how this story is just told. You get excitement and danger mixed in with a cop trying to keep his family safe, plus so much more in this book. It not only caught my attention from the start but I was sitting on the edge of my seat throughout it. I can tell you that this book is one of those that will be read more than once.

I absolutely loved these guys and their big hearts. I wasn’t to sure about Dom’s reaction to Logan but he did prove himself in the end. I had a blast reading it and can’t wait to see what more stories this author has out. I would definitely recommend it and can guarantee that it is one of those stories that will be read more than once.

Right to Bare Fangs by Jools Louise

Jools Louise - Right to Bare Fangs CoverTitle: Right to Bare Fangs

Series: Spirit of Sage 16

Author: Jools Louise

Genre: Paranormal, Menage

Length: Novella (80pgs)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand (3rd January 2019)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: Mags is on the run, and returns to Sage fleeing a hitman and a stalker, after stealing crucial information from Flashpoint. In the middle of a volatile political situation involving the president himself, Mags finds his mates, prison guard Chad, and President Sheldon’s personal bodyguard, Austin. With a bullseye on his back, Mags, a drag queen and singing sensation, is terrified that he’s put his friends and mates in danger. He’s not wrong. Flashpoint are determined to eradicate shifter rights, and will stop at nothing to achieve their endgame…the destruction of Sage, the epicenter of the entire shifter movement. Flashpoint look set to win the battle, and have their people in place, at the highest levels of power. Sage is ready for them, and has already evacuated ahead of the storm. Now it’s time to exercise their rights…to bare fangs.

ISBN: 978-1-64243-573-3

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Intense and brazen Flashpoint is at it again with the endorsement of certain high ranking members of the us government. It seems Sage can not catch a break and this time it looks as though Sage will be no more after the dust settles. Mags meets his mates Chad and Austin who are both badass. But they meet during a crisis so each do what they can to support the other.

I love this series and all the others connected to it. It’s a wonderfully written saga that has love, despair, action, suspense, secrets, love and the determination of people who will fight for their right to live and defend themselves against those that would see them dead for no other reason than who they are.

Fantastic read. Highly recommended.

Wanted by Lynn Hagen

Lynn Hagen - Wanted CoverTitle: Wanted

Series: Bound Forever o2

Author: Lynn Hagen

Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy

Length: Short (79pgs)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (November 26, 2018)

Heat level: Low

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖 4 Hearts

Blurb: Kidnapped off the street and thrown into a dark cage, Austin feels like his world is ending. He hasn’t the first clue why someone took him, until a stranger is tossed into the cage next to him. Frightened, Austin reaches out and is soothed by the man’s deep voice. After Holton rescues him from the lab, Austin’s life is never the same. They have to keep moving, staying one step ahead of those who hunt them, but what started out as a terrifying situation turns into hot nights with his dragon warrior.

When Holton is recaptured and returned to the lab, he curses Alric for being led astray. If his leader hadn’t fallen for Tristan, Holton wouldn’t be in this situation. But a small voice in the dark sends his heart skyrocketing, and Holton will risk everything to free Austin, unaware just how much the man will change his life.

ISBN: 978-1-64243-525-2

Product Link: Siren-BookStrand | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Bound Forever collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

Holton was lied to and experimented on along with his teammates. His leader had honestly thought what they were going to do was not what they went through. They escaped and his leader found his mate. Holton has lost faith not only in his leader but other things. Then he was recaptured after trying to save Alric’s mate’s family. A family they didn’t even have.

Austin had been abducted right off the street after work. Now he had no clue what was going on and the man in the cell right besides him could be an ass. However what an ass he has. It would seem when they escape that he will follow that man anywhere. That is until he shows him his new and deadlier side. It would seem Holton was now a dragon. Well light a fire under Austin’s butt.

Great and new type of story in a way, but in another it isn’t. It is a unique type of story because the men are human who are turned into dragon shifters. Now how they could do that who knows. Anyway, they seem to act strangely and not very military, so they come off a bit odd to me. It is a very action pact and danger filled story with a bit of sexy times going on. However there are parts to the story that are missing and some that really should have been left out. For one, in book one a human newspaper writer sneaks into a top-secret lab so easily and then gets out. Too flimsy for me. In this book, there was two small humans who save the dragons from getting taken back. Dragon’s that should have shifted out the drug, whereas the humans just knew. Still a bit off.

Over all the book is a good read, however it is not one of my favorites from this author. I was a bit disappointed in it.

The Darkling’s Kiss: Part One: The Quest by Charlie Richards

Charlie Richards - The Darklings Kiss The Quest CoverTitle: The Darkling’s Kiss: Part One: The Quest

Series: The Daemon’s Descendents 01

Author: Charlie Richards

Genre: Fantasy

Length: Novella (118pgs)

Publisher: Gargoyle Expressions, Inc. (January 7, 2019)

Heat Level: Low – Moderate

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: For decades Philippe has lived the life of a thief, keeping apart from society. He steals items for customers…for a fee, of course, which has earned him wealth enough for several lifetimes. Due to his mixed heritage, a volatile mixture of human, angel, and daemon blood—a creature called a darkling—his job is his solace. After a disastrous encounter with a wizard, Philippe has a choice to make—live the rest of his life on the run or commit to a single task to gain a clean slate. Either way, his thieving days are over. Philippe accepts the Council of Wizard’s terms.

He finds himself traveling with Kalylle, a wizard of the second order. Their task is to clear up a disagreement between the dwarf and elven nations, as a war between their peoples would tear Fidelia apart. To Philippe’s surprise, he discovers an unexpected kinship with Kalylle—an attraction that offers both danger to their mission and hope for a future. Except as they run up against one obstacle after another, it becomes clear that a third party is involved, someone with powerful magical resources. Can Philippe overcome the urges of his daemonic heritage so he can complete his quest with Kalylle, or will the machinations of rogue wizards cause him to lose himself to the daemon living inside him?

Reader Advisory: The Prologue of this tale was offered as a free read in 2014 during the GRNW Conference. Finally available, here’s the rest of the story…

Warnings: This is part one of a three-part epic fantasy adventure. This story includes wizards, magic, men learning to have a sense of humor while overcoming dark elements, and a HFN ending. There are erotic m/m scenes suitable for adults only. .


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: I loved this story about Philippe and Kalylle. Philippe is a Darkling, part angel, daemon and human. He struggles to control his daemon urges on a daily basis. To satisfy the daemon part he turns to stealing. This is where he is caught by wizards and tasked to help stop a war between elves and dwarves.

Kalylle is the wizard tasked with finding a way to stop the war on the horizon with Philippe’s help. They start their investigation with the dwarves and find the reason for the threat of war is a sacred blade being taken when the elves last visited them.

Though this story is not complete it was good beginning. However I would like to know exactly what the wizards told Philippe as we are never told this. Other than it was a fantastic read with two men slowly getting to know one another while danger lurks around every corner and several attempts are made on their lives.