Ten Mile Bottom by Teodora Kostova

Title: Ten Mile Bottom

Author: Teodora Kostova

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novella (127pgs)


Publisher: Teodora Kostova (19th March 2018)

Heat Level: Low – Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4 ½ Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Hitting rock bottom is just the beginning…

I’m a son, a brother, a friend. 
A writer.
An addict.

Cardiac arrest isn’t enough to keep me dead, though. The doctors brought me back, but for what?

At twenty four I’ve already achieved what most people do in a life time. I’m a successful author, own a flat in the heart of London and drive my dream sports car. 

Or at least that’s what people see.

Once the spotlight fades, I’m left alone with my overactive mind, alcohol and drugs the only way to quiet down the noise.

Until an overdose nearly kills me and drags everyone I love down with me. 

With the help of my best friend, I leave London and its toxic influence behind, moving to a small town in the outskirts of Cambridge to try and put my life back together again.

If only it were that easy.

Purchase Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Review: Finn hits rock bottom the night of his father’s funeral, a night of partying leaves him in the hospital and heading for rehab with a warning ringing in his head… get clean or next time you might die for good. Getting away from London is his only option and quiet Ten Mile Bottom is just what he needs, and meeting the sexy mechanic Ben is a perk.

Ten Mile Bottom is a story that shows a man who has his demons to fight and lay to rest, who discovers love in unexpected places, and who begins to make peace with his past.

This story is beautifully written, it doesn’t pull any punches about addiction or the recovery from addiction, or from showing the emotional trauma of a toxic, dysfunctional family. It shows that even after hitting rock bottom there can still be a glimmer of light to look to.

Finn’s relationship with his mother is extremely toxic, it eats away at Finn even during his recovery but it also eats at his mother. There’s no bad guy in this story just a very complex family dynamic.

Finn’s relationship with Ben starts slowly; building up until it develops into something special. They have some emotional times as they both bare their souls to each other; they connect on a level far deeper than any sexual longing.

This story also doesn’t have a miraculous recovery from addiction, it a long process that Finn works hard to achieve. Ben is a wonderful character who is supportive and sweet, he has a wonderful supportive family who embrace him completely.

Ten Mile Bottom has some fantastic supporting characters from Aiden, Finn’s best friend, Rose, Finn’s young neighbour, and Ben’s family. These characters help build a superb story that is a joy to read, and I can’t wait for Aiden’s story.

I recommend this to those who adore characters who fight their way back from rock bottom, who love an angsty interesting storyline, who love a slow love story and who adore fantastic endings.

No Pain, No Gain by Ari McKay

Title: No Pain No Gain

Series: Herc’s Mercs 07

Author: Ari McKay

Genre: Contemporary, BDSM

Length: Novel (219 Pages)

Publisher: Ari McKay (February 20, 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4.5 Hearts

Blurb: Hunter Callahan loved being a merc. As an explosives expert for Lawson & Greer, he’s dealt with everything from IEDs to rogue nukes. But when a suicide bomber in the form of a seven-year-old boy walks into camp, Hunter learns there are some fates far worse than death.

Payne Gibson recognizes the “thousand yard stare” of the PTSD Hunter refuses to acknowledge, and as a natural caretaker, he can’t resist when his boss, Cade “Hercules” Thornton, asks him to help. Hunter is resistant until their surveillance assignment turns dangerous, and Hunter realizes he’s in danger of losing his career, the only thing in his life that matters to him anymore.

Conventional therapy hasn’t worked, so Payne suggests an unorthodox form of therapy: BDSM. As a Dom, Payne thinks he can help Hunter face the issues he’s been avoiding. Having come to trust Payne and knowing his career is on the line, Hunter agrees to try.

Their relationship as Dom and sub deepens more than either of them expected. Payne knows adding emotions into the mix is dangerous, but he can’t help it when Hunter is both the man and the sub Payne has hoped to find. But Hunter doesn’t feel he deserves love, not when his best friend is dead because of him, leaving behind a wife and child to mourn — and to blame Hunter for their loss.

Payne can help Hunter to stare into the abyss… but what stares back might be more intense than either of them can handle.


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Herc’s Mercs collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

Hunter and Mark were what one would call the best of what they were, merc’s. They would go in and take a bomb apart. That was not the only thing they did but you get the picture. They were best friends and as close as brothers as one could be. Things were looking up for them all, that is until Mark died protecting Hunter and a small child. It destroyed Hunter and made him want to give up. The only thing that kept him from doing so was his promise to his best friend. Now he would not be allowed back into the field, unless his bosses changed their mind. He was given a baby sitter that was a big surprise.

Payne was not only a member of the team but he had some degree’s in him that helped others around him. He had once been a field medic who also helped the mental side of things. Now he sits around watching. So when Cade called him and asked him for his help, he jumped at the chance. Not only was this guy going to be a challenge, but he was attracted to him as well. It would seem that  therapy was not going to work for Hunter, but Payne knew what might.

Most times when one comes across books like this it is usually the client that the body guards fall for, and I was quite surprised and pleased that it was a unique type of story. It is not the usual danger and death brings them together, but PTSD. I could never imagine what one would go thru like Hunter had. I could see where he was going and the pain that would be caused from seeing his best friends wife and godson. He felt guilty but also angry. The author told the story with the perfect tone to it.

I will admit that I never thought BDSM could help someone like Hunter, but it was done with lots of respect from the author. I am not really a fan of it, but if it is not to harsh then it seems like it might just work for me. This author just told the story with beauty and respect for those who have gone thru it.

Now I did notice some grammar mistakes in this book but it didn’t screw the story up like most do. It was just missing words and the sort, just enough for me to notice but then again I was looking for them.

Now you got to know Hunter but Payne was a bit of a mystery. You have a fully developed character like Hunter, but Payne was not as well developed as he should have been. However once again, it doesn’t take away from the story at all. You felt Hunter’s pain and fell in love with him. It just took a bit longer to get to know Payne but once you’re getting into it, he just seems to hit you all at once.

It felt like the read was just a bit longer and it was a bit harder to actually get into. It is a very emotional type of story. So make sure you have your tissues ready.

I did enjoy it quite a bit and can’t wait to get my hands on the next book.

Out of the Ocean by Lynn Michaels

Title: Out of the Ocean

Author: Lynn Michaels

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novella (130pgs)

ISBN: 9781386999409

Publisher: Robicon Fiction, Self-published (15th March 2018)

Heat Level: Low – Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Cal Bigsby spent his life working the fishing boats and ignoring who he really is and what he needs to be happy.

Prescott ‘Scott’ Vandenburton is being primed to take over Daddy’s company, but he craves a life of his own. His only escape is sailing his yacht.

When a freak storm hits, both are forced to think about life from a whole new perspective.

Shipwrecked, fighting for their lives, and finding unexpected love.

Purchase Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK | B&N | Kobo | iTunes

Review: When a storm approaches while Cal is working on a fishing vessel he expects the skipper to turn away and head for land, instead he finds himself the only survivor when the boat sinks after the skipper decided he wanted just a few more fish. Scott just needed time alone away from the expectations of his father, when the storm hits Scott finds himself scrabbling for survival as his boat sinks but his limited experience hinders him.

Finding each other on the vast ocean is a miracle and as Cal and Scott struggle to survive they become close and soon become lovers, but will their relationship last if they get to land and real life interferes?

Out of the Ocean is an interesting story of survival on the high seas, the struggle to find a way to hold on long enough to be found. Cal is an old hand fisherman, the sea is his home but sometimes working for idiots is the only gig available, but this time it’s cost the lives of good men and Cal is stranded in a lifeboat with only his wits to survive. Scott has a job he hates and pressure from his father to do what he wants, Scott escapes to the sea but this time he’s in terrible danger as he has no clue how to survive on a raft by himself.

I liked this story but found that the relationship between Cal and Scott moved very fast, within a space of a couple of hours sexual thoughts and wants are shared, and seeing how the two met and the situation they are in it just felt wrong, too quick too fast. I was expecting them to bond over their experience, get to know and admire each other and then pursuing something between them when they were rescued.

The story is good though, Cal and Scott couldn’t be more different from different walks in life but they connect and want more from life than they currently have. Cal keeps them going while Scott tries his best to help. Cal is fifty while Scott is in his thirties but the age difference doesn’t really come into play, in fact with the way Scott talks about his parents I kept thinking he was in his early twenties and Cal doesn’t come across as fifty, he just comes across as a crusty grumpy no age fisherman. 

I recommend this to those who love stories of finding love during trying times, of determination to survive, of grabbing life by the throat and two men determined to be together. 

Thief of Hearts by E.D. Parr

Title: Thief of Hearts

Author: E. D. Parr

Genre: Erotica Contemporary

Length: Short (47 pgs)

Publisher: Evernight Publishing (12th June 2017)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Blurb: Thirty year-old lawyer, Blake Aster gazes from his high-rise office window wondering if this summer he’ll find love, but deep inside he doubts anyone will ever want him again. He can’t forget the scar he has running the length of his face.

Hunky, daring, Alex Ryan is cleaning the building windows. Struck by the mythical beauty in Blake’s office, Alex sets out to get the other man’s attention. Maybe a striptease outside Blake’s eighth floor window will do the trick.

ISBN: 978-1-77339-310-0

Product Link: Evernight Publishing | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Napoleon A. Chas

Review: Things really pick up in the second chapter. Alex has a solid, distinct voice, and that voice is gushing over how hot Scarface here is. I’m laughing within the first paragraph. Thank you, Alex. This book probably would have done great being told explicitly from Alex’s perspective for the first half.

Hits some lovely exhibitionism notes. Major points for two guys who understand the importance of safe sex in their rendezvous.

Also highlights rich lifestyle, for those who are into that.

From the cheeky blurb, I’d been expecting something less angst and more romcom. It tried to be a thriller and a romance, but where it spent the most details by far was the sex scenes. This style of writing would have been more believable to me as an established, kinky couple.

If You Can’t Stand the Heat by Lisa Oliver

Title: If You Can’t Stand The Heat

Series: Alpha and Omega #5

Author: Lynn Hagen

Genre: Paranormal

Length: Short Story (70 Pages)

Publisher: Lisa Oliver (February 11, 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Stone, an alpha wolf and tracker for the council, was on an unusual but easily completed job; all he had to do was pick up a runaway omega and return him to his home pack. It sounded simple enough when he took the assignment, but when Stone catches sight of Wyatt, living in a derelict cabin in the middle of nowhere, he knows his life is about to change.

Wyatt, omega wolf, has been on the run from a forced mating for three years; living hand to mouth, doing his best to raise his four-year-old sister, Maddie. Always watching over his shoulder, scared to interact with anyone, he has no idea how much his life will change when a stranger knocks on his door during a summer storm.

But Wyatt’s past isn’t about to let him go and when the council gets involved, Stone must do his best to protect the man who stole his heart and the sweet little girl who calls him Uncle. After all, if you can’t stand the heat….


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Alpha and Omega collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

This story was previously published in the SuMMer Heat Anthology. It has been re-edited and lightly added to version of the same story and nothing in the story line has changed.

Stone is sent to hunt down an omega who has ran away from his pack. To bad the little omega is Stone’s mate, and has a few more surprises for Stone. Things are going to get nuts, but Stone must find away to protect his mate and little sister.

Wyatt is an omega wolf whose uncle has decided that he wants him. Talk about a nasty situation but him and his little sister have been on the run for some time. Imagine his surprise when his mate is there to send him back or protect them both.

This story is not only well told but it will keep you on the edge of your seat. This little omega has a backbone of steal. It caught my attention from the start and kept it all the way to the end. Lisa Oliver is one hell of a writer and I can honestly say that this one as well as her other stories are stories that will be read more than once. I get a kick out of them and can not wait to get my hands on the next story.

No Pain, No Gain by Ari McKay Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

Ari McKay - No Pain, No Gain BTBanner

Hi guys! We have Ari & McKay stopping by today with the tour for No Pain, No Gain, we have a great excerpt, a fantastic giveaway and Lisa’s review so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

No Pain, No Gain

(Herc’s Mercs 07)

Ari McKay

Hunter Callahan loved being a merc. As an explosives expert for Lawson & Greer, he’s dealt with everything from IEDs to rogue nukes. But when a suicide bomber in the form of a seven-year-old boy walks into camp, Hunter learns there are some fates far worse than death.

Payne Gibson recognizes the “thousand yard stare” of the PTSD Hunter refuses to acknowledge, and as a natural caretaker, he can’t resist when his boss, Cade “Hercules” Thornton, asks him to help. Hunter is resistant until their surveillance assignment turns dangerous, and Hunter realizes he’s in danger of losing his career, the only thing in his life that matters to him anymore.

Conventional therapy hasn’t worked, so Payne suggests an unorthodox form of therapy: BDSM. As a Dom, Payne thinks he can help Hunter face the issues he’s been avoiding. Having come to trust Payne and knowing his career is on the line, Hunter agrees to try.

Their relationship as Dom and sub deepens more than either of them expected. Payne knows adding emotions into the mix is dangerous, but he can’t help it when Hunter is both the man and the sub Payne has hoped to find. But Hunter doesn’t feel he deserves love, not when his best friend is dead because of him, leaving behind a wife and child to mourn — and to blame Hunter for their loss.

Payne can help Hunter to stare into the abyss… but what stares back might be more intense than either of them can handle.

Continue reading “No Pain, No Gain by Ari McKay Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!”

The Left Hand Of Calvus by Ann Gallagher Retro Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

Ann Gallagher - The Left Hand Of Calvus RTBanner

Hi guys, we have Ann Gallagher stopping by today with her retro tour for The Left Hand of Calvus, we have a great excerpt, a brilliant giveaway and my review, so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

The Left Hand of Calvus


Ann Gallagher

Former gladiator Saevius is certain Fortune’s smiling on him when a Pompeiian politician buys him to be his bodyguard. That is until his new master, Laurea Calvus, orders Saevius to discover the gladiator with whom his wife is having a sordid affair. In order to do that, Saevius must return to the arena, training alongside the very men on whom he’s spying. Worse, he’s now under the command of Drusus, a notoriously cruel—and yet strangely intriguing—lanista.

But Saevius’s ruse is the least of his worries. There’s more to the affair than a wife humiliating her prominent husband, and now Saevius is part of a dangerous game between dangerous men. He isn’t the only gladiator out to expose the Lady Verina’s transgressions, and her husband wants more than just the guilty man’s name.

When Saevius learns the truth about the affair, he’s left with no choice but to betray a master: one he’s come to fear, one he’s come to respect, and either of whom could have him killed without repercussion.

For the first time in his life, the most dangerous place for this gladiator isn’t the arena.

Continue reading “The Left Hand Of Calvus by Ann Gallagher Retro Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!”

The Power of Love by Sydney Blackburn & Lina Langley Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Sydney Blackburn & Lina Langley - The Power of Love RB Banner

Hi guys, we have Sydney Blackburn & Lina Langley popping in today with their new release The Power of Love, we have a have excerpt and a fantastic $10 NineStar GC giveaway, so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

The Power of Love


Sydney Blackburn & Lina Langley

The #1 rule of superhero training camp is you don’t talk about superhero training camp.

Or your parents.

Or their powers, which is the only thing saving Vince’s life—he’s the son of a notorious supervillain. But the secret could become a deadly deception when he falls into a super-powered entanglement with gorgeously heroic cabinmate Locke.

When their instructor disappears, Vince’s father may be to blame. Torn between loyalties, Vince’s greatest fear is that his father’s taint will corrupt him and poison his heart against Locke.

Vince might be doomed to follow in his father’s footsteps, but he hopes love can beat genetics.

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LUNAV by Jenn Polish Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Jenn Polish - LUNAV RB Banner

Hi guys, we have Jenn Polish popping in today with their new release Lunav, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant $10 NineStar GC giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~



Jenn Polish

They don’t have dragons where half-faerie Sadie was born—not living ones, anyway—but in the Grove, everyone knows dragon eggs grow on trees like leaves and need Dreams to hatch. Without faerie Dreams, the dragons won’t survive. And neither will anyone else.

Brash, boyish sixteen-year-old Sadie uses her half-human status to spy on the human monarchy, who’ve made it illegal to Dream. But spying is a risky business. Still, Sadie thought she was a pro until they sent a new human magistrate to the Grove. Evelyn.

Evelyn might be the most beautiful girl Sadie’s ever seen, and Sadie might be betraying her family by falling in love with the ruthless leader who locks them up. But that’s not even the biggest obstacle between the two: Evelyn is leading the charge against Dreaming, and there’s something she doesn’t know. Sadie can still Dream.

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The Luxorian Fugitive by J. Alan Veerkamp Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

J. Alan Veerkamp - The Luxorian Fugitive RB Banner

Hi guys! We have J. Alan Veerkamp stopping by today with his new re-release The Luxorian Fugitive, we have a geat excerpt and a fantastic $10 NineStar GC giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

The Luxorian Fugitive

(Centauri Survivors Second Chance Chronicles 01)

J. Alan Veerkamp

Trying to escape his tortured past, Sergeant Liam Jacks travels aboard the transport vessel, the Santa Claus, as the security chief alongside his best friend and captain, Marc Danverse. Having survived the Civil War, they shuttle amongst the Proxima Centauri planetary cluster, trying to find some modicum of peace. Something of which Liam is in short supply.

During a stopover on the planet Luxoria, they take on a mysterious passenger. Hadrian Jamison’s history is questionable and his effect on Liam is undeniable. The more they learn, the more questions they have. As they are drawn together, Hadrian’s presence threatens to disrupt the quiet.

When Hadrian’s past catches up to claim him, the ensuing conflict is more than any of them expected.

Previously published under the author name Mann Ramblings and series name Ship Logs of the Santa Claus.

Continue reading “The Luxorian Fugitive by J. Alan Veerkamp Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

Souls For Sale by Asta Idonea Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Asta Idonea - Souls For Sale RB Banner

Hi guys! We have Asta Idonea stopping by today with her new re-release Souls for Sale, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant $10 NineStar GC so check out the post and enter the giveaway!  ❤ ~Pixie~

Souls For Sale


Asta Idonea

When demon Saul persuades comic book artist Tom to sign over his soul in exchange for a night of passion, little does he know what lies in store. Demons can’t fall in love—or so he’s been told—but he finds himself smitten and attempts to destroy the contract, desperate to save Tom from an eternity of torture.

With Saul and Tom forced to run, a showdown between Heaven and Hell ensues as the angels and demons argue over who owns Tom’s soul. But does either party have a stronger claim than Saul?

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Blood Monarch by Drako

Title: Blood Monarch

Series: The Dragon Hunters 06

Author: Drako

Genre: Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal

Length: Novel (357pgs)

Publisher: Drako (January 26, 2015)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: A king’s duty never ends, even when his kingdom changes. Vladimir Dracula is one of the most famous and misunderstood figures in all of history. One thing is true, he is a king, and he is a vampire. He is the true king and enforcer of the vampire race. Feared by all of his own kind, he is perhaps the most lethal of the Black Dragon God’s mortal born servants. At the same time, he personifies sex. None can resist his charms, save one.

Vax King is the Chosen of Hecate, the Heir of Mjolnir, and has no plans on a mate. When he’s called on to enter Fae lands, he’s surprised to find the legendary vampire there. Looking to aid the beautiful Fae, Anaya, and her soul mate, Galen, Vax must enter a world of sex of violence with only Vlad to accompany him. Here, there can be no denial, no hesitation. Only truth….and dominance.

A war is brewing in the Fae lands, as the fallen angels rise to lay claim to the power of their goddess, Verlaine and topple their higher brethren. Older than most, Vlad must accustom himself to having a soul mate, and use all his legendary power to stop the forces of darkness long believed to be controlled by him. A new kingdom is the prize, and none knows better than the famed Dracula that the secret to power lies in the blood.


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK | iTunes | B&N | Kobo | Smashwords

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: In this installment we have Vlad and Vax the focus of the story as they travel in the Fae realm. A battle is brewing and time for plans to be made and battles won or lost. Vlad is ruthless, bloodthirsty and violent yet he’s also sweet and tender when the mood strikes. Needless to say he’s a force to reckoned with.

Vax’s character confused me because I thought he was straight. There is no explanation as to when his feelings changed but I assume it has to do with the appealing Vlad. There are some twists and turns as the story progresses.

I found the plot intriguing and interesting.

Great read.

Relinquished Mercy by Drako

Title: Relinquished Mercy

Series: The Dragon Hunters 05

Author: Drako

Genre: Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal

Length: Novel (351pgs)

Publisher: Drako’s Den (October 30, 2013)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: The heavenly war is coming to a head. The gods are ready. All that remains is the final clash between the most dominate forces of nature in existence.
Brandon has come to a decision. He can’t deny who his soul mate is. He’s the god of darkness and shadows, and his soul mate is a werewolf, Phil, the grandson of the very first werewolf. But things are never so simple. He has to get past the wolf’s insecurities in order to give them both a shot at true happiness

Demun wants to fight against his soul mate. He hates having a predetermined mate. And worse, his mate is the phoenix known to be unable to settle down. Vic, the phoenix in question, wasn’t fond of the idea either, but he’s been around enough to know that fighting against what your soul requires is pointless. He just needs a chance.

The twins lead complicated lives, as they must not only deal with their soul mates but fight alongside the Dragon Witch, Victoria, to protect their children, the new Moirae. As always, a new threat lies hidden in wait, attempting to create a monster out of god that will change the world for the worst. And it may cost them one of their own.


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK | iTunes | B&N | Kobo | Smashwords

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: We have two couples in this story finally coming to grips with each other. Brandon and Phil then Demun and Vic. The twins Brandon and Demun worked hard to get their respective other half’s to accept them. These were no insta love.

The battles that are fought in this war are intense. I found myself immersed in the entire story enthralled until the very end.

Well written with plenty of action, drama and love to go around for all.

Great read.

Heir of Mjolnir by Drako

Title: Heir of Mjolnir

Series: The Dragon Hunters 04

Author: Drako

Genre: Paranormal & Urban

Length: Novel (223pgs)

Publisher: Drako’s Den (June 7, 2013)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb:The servants of Hecate have been subject to persecution for many years. They have been misunderstood, accused of worshipping the devil. And Hecate has had enough. The Devil, Lucifer, has finally invaded the human world and his true servants, warlocks, are growing bold. Lucifer’s influence has spread throughout the world and nothing is the same as it was before he came. There are those that can counter the power of the warlocks, and Hecate may have found one.

Vax King had just graduated high school when the world changed. And unlike everyone around him, he saw through the lies. The world was trapped in the spell of the father of all evil and he seemed to be the only one in the immediate area that could see it. Then again, he’s a solitary witch and no one else knows it. But he’s shocked when the goddess Hecate appears to him with a quest to gain a weapon to help fight the forces of evil. The weapon is the legendary hammer of the Norse god, Thor, Mjölnir, and if he can find this he can lead the forces of Hecate against their greatest enemy. But to gain it, he must survive the Rose realm and prove his worth. Should he fail, death is all that awaits. Can he prove to the enchanted weapon of the deceased god that he is more worthy of wielding it than the original owner, and therein become the leader of an army of witches ready and waiting to stand against Lucifer? .


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UKiTunes | B&N | Kobo | Smashwords

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: An intriguing story about a newly graduated witch, Vax, who is given a task by goddess Hecate to stop the evil that is going on. But with the task comes danger. As in he may not come out of it alive.

I loved the details surrounding Hecate. She was an interesting character with a strong will.

Vax, even though he is young was determined in his quest. As with the other books in this series I have enjoyed reading about each and every character good and bad. They all add their own elements to an already fascinating series.

Great read.

Fatal Healing by Drako

Title: Fatal Healing

Series: The Dragon Hunters 03

Author: Drako

Genre: Paranormal & Urban Fantasy

Length: Novella (173pgs)

Publisher: Drako (December 3, 2012)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Odele, the goddess of Healing, has returned to Olympus, once again the direct servant to Hera, queen of the gods. Yet even after the defeat of Eris, her work is not done. The war of the gods is imminent now, with Cronus restored to life and the Titans back at his side. But before the battle can begin, Odele must find her mortal twin brother, who had been captured by the forces of the vampire Kalos years before. She asks Hera for her brother’s whereabouts, and the god queen allows her to attempt to rescue him, but under the condition that she’s accompanied by Apollo.

Apollo has waited ages for Odele’s return to Olympus to heal the heart he’d broken ages before. The process of healing won’t be easy, and Odele’s heart is not the only heart to be healed. Both Apollo and Odele’s lives are at risk, as they join the god of darkness in a battles against two children of Gaea and Odele’s own brothers, Cronus and Typhon. Will Odele’s heart be healed, and most importantly, will anyone survive this unique healing process?.


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK | iTunes | B&N | Kobo | Smashwords

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Action packed adventure. Waring titans, gods and goddesses of my. I loved the action throughout. Eve though there is a romance it is not the main focus. With so many characters playing vital roles I was impressed with how well the story flowed for being somewhat shorter than the previous books.

Apollo has been in love with Odelle forever it seems. Odelle on the other hand has other things to tend to.

I loved the interactions between all the characters as they seemed to draw the reader in more.

Great read.

The Dragon Witch by Drako

Title: The Dragon Witch

Series: The Dragon Hunters 02

Author: Drako

Genre: Paranormal & Urban Fantasy

Length: Novel (327pgs)

Publisher: Drako’s Den (May 19, 2012)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Victoria Damone is the daughter of the Black Dragon God, Jarel, and the goddess of magic and witchcraft, Hecate. Quick tempered and impatient, she strikes fear into the hearts of the rogue creatures rebelling against her father as well as the warlocks, servants of Prince of Darkness, Lucifer.

Ares, the god of war, is often misunderstood. Known only as a brutal god with an insatiable appetite for blood and destruction, as well as passing flings, the son of Zeus and Hera has spent most of his time defending Olympus from any and every threat.

Now the two meet and must combine forces. The Titan King, Cronus, has been resurrected by Lucifer and is quickly resurrecting his brethren to launch war against Zeus and all that stand with him. Not only this, but he’s even joined forces with the legendary beast Typhon, the only creature to ever come close to toppling the Olympian god king. As the gods prepare for an unavoidable war, Victoria must hunt one of the most powerful and cunning warlocks to serve under the Prince of Darkness and simultaneously train her nephew Brandon in her craft. Her pride demands that she do this alone, but Ares is not a god to be denied. Ares clearly has his eyes on Victoria, but can she trust the notoriously wild and unpredictable god’s intentions?.


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK | iTunes | B&N | Kobo | Smashwords

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: First let me start off by saying this story takes place in many places, worlds and anywhere else in between. There was no shortage of a fast paced storyline that took me by surprise. I loved the story except for the m/f, male-female parts as I’m an mm reader. With the exception of that one thing the only other thing I found wrong was the lack of in depth information about the MC, Victoria. Which was fine with me.

There are many characters throughout that add their own elements to this book. I loved reading about each and every one of them. The mythology that was in them story was amazing. I love Greek mythology anyway so I was intrigued at the way it all unfolded.

Twists and turns along with mystery drew me into a world that was truly mesmerising to say the least.

The Lost Dragon by Drako

Title: The Lost Dragon

Series: Dragon Hunters 01

Author: Drako

Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal

Length: Novel (228pgs)

Publisher: Drako’s Den (30th June 2012)

Heat: Moderate

Heart: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4 ½ Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: Andreas was born a Spartan warrior, long before human history even records Sparta existing. He served directly under Ares, until the day his lover was killed on the battlefield in front of him. On that day, he met his father, the mysterious Black Dragon God known as Jarel. From then on, he served his father faithfully, enforcing the laws of the primordial embodiment of black fire and father of the paranormal. Now, in these modern times, he hunts the rogue vampires and their leader. Little does he know, there’s more to this than vampires simply turning against his father.

While protecting the lovely Cassandra Odele, Andreas must battle forces he doesn’t know as he attempts to stop the resurrection of the Titan king, Cronus. Added to his problems, he now has two teenage nephews to see into adulthood. Of course, there’s always a twist when dealing with the gods, and Andreas will come face to face with his past, leaving him to decide which is more important, his soul or the world?

Purchase Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK | iTunes | B&N | Kobo | Smashwords

Review: Andreas has served his father, the Black Dragon God, for thousands of years enforcing the laws for all paranormals. When his father asks him to protect a human from the vampires little does he know what he is about to walk into, as a vampire attempts to resurrect Cronus Andreas is made guardian to his twin nephews who also become targets and with gods causing trouble Andreas past comes into play and Andreas has a choice to make, his loyalty to his father and God or his love for his soul mate.

This is a fantastic fantasy world that immerses us in the world of Gods, Goddesses and paranormals. Andreas held his lover Kazarian in his arms as he died on the battlefield among the Spartans, only to have Ares appear before him, seconds too late to save Kazarian, but not too late to save Andreas from a similar fate because he is the son of the Black Dragon God Jarel. Now in this modern age he serves his father enforcing his laws, but there is an attempt to resurrect Cronus and overthrow Zeus, and Andreas is called upon to guard a mortal and his nephews to prevent it from happening. But the conspirators play dirty trying to force Andreas to do their bidding, but they also make a mistake by showing the involvement of a god or goddess.

I really enjoyed this story of mythical gods and goddesses and the world they live in, Andreas is only one of the main characters in this book with each character bringing a bit of their own story to the table weaving together a wonderful fantasy that has veiled hints for future couples, uncovers a conspiracy and is a touch violent. This is a well written story that draws you in feeding you bits and pieces and making you long for more. There are many characters that you get to know and you begin to wonder what their stories will be. Brandon, Demun, Vic, Apollo, Adonis and Odele along with Jarel, Andreas and Kazarian make this book vastly interesting.

While we don’t get the chance to see much of Andreas and Kazarian together because of the flow of the storyline, the time they do get together is incredible and when they come together in passion it is wonderful and passionate. There’s action and danger that is well described and fits perfectly into the story, the paranormal powers aren’t overused and it actually adds more to the story because of that. Drako has created a world that I want to know more about and although I personally don’t like M/F, I will still be reading the other books in this series because I need to know what happens next with Jarel and Zeus. 

I recommend this book if you love paranormal, fantasy, battles and fights, tastefully placed humour, some fantastic love making, great characters, a wonderful storyline and an ending that is happy for Andreas and Kazarian, but leaves you wanting the stories of other characters.

Cutie Pies by Barbara Bell Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Barbara Bell - Cutie Pies TourBanner

Hi guys, we have debut author Barbara Bell stopping by today with her debut release Cutie Pies, we have a brilliant guest post from Barbara, a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway where you can win your own ecopy of Cutie Pies, so check out the post and leave a comment to enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

Cutie Pies


Barbara Bell

Joey works at Cutie Pies, the smallest adult store in Sydney. After his parents kicked him out years ago, the haphazard shop became his home away from home and is the only place where he can embrace his queer, quirky, and—okay—sometimes a little awkward self.

When Mick, a new-to-town customer, walks in asking for a dildo, Joey thinks it’s all a part of the day’s work. Except Mick’s large dark eyes, shy smile, and kissable lips—along with the ten-inch dildo he bought—quickly win him a starring role in Joey’s nightly fantasies.

Joey can’t stop thinking about him, and Mick’s continued visits to the store make him even harder to forget. Mick is shy and sweet, but also secretive and uncertain. As the two grow closer together, Joey starts to wonder what Mick really wants from him, and whether he can risk falling in love with someone who might not be free to love him back.

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The Dragon Hunter’s series by Drako Blog Tour, Interview, Excerpt, Reviews & Giveaway!

Drako - The Dragon Hunter's banner

Hi guys, we have Drako popping in today with the tour for The Dragon Hunters series, we have a brilliant interview with Drako, a great excerpt, a fantastic $25 Amazon GC giveaway and reviews from myself & Shorty, so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

The Lost Dragon

(The Dragon Hunters 01)


Andreas was born a Spartan warrior, long before human history even records Sparta existing. He served directly under Ares, until the day his lover was killed on the battlefield in front of him. On that day, he met his father, the mysterious Black Dragon God known as Jarel. From then on, he served his father faithfully, enforcing the laws of the primordial embodiment of black fire and father of the paranormal. Now, in these modern times, he hunts the rogue vampires and their leader. Little does he know, there’s more to this than vampires simply turning against his father.

While protecting the lovely Cassandra Odele, Andreas must battle forces he doesn’t know as he attempts to stop the resurrection of the Titan king, Cronus. Added to his problems, he now has two teenage nephews to see into adulthood. Of course, there’s always a twist when dealing with the gods, and Andreas will come face to face with his past, leaving him to decide which is more important, his soul or the world?

Amazon US | Amazon UK | iTunes | B&N | Kobo | Smashwords

The Dragon Witch

(The Dragon Hunters 02)

Victoria Damone is the daughter of the Black Dragon God, Jarel, and the goddess of magic and witchcraft, Hecate. Quick tempered and impatient, she strikes fear into the hearts of the rogue creatures rebelling against her father as well as the warlocks, servants of Prince of Darkness, Lucifer.

Ares, the god of war, is often misunderstood. Known only as a brutal god with an insatiable appetite for blood and destruction, as well as passing flings, the son of Zeus and Hera has spent most of his time defending Olympus from any and every threat.

Now the two meet and must combine forces. The Titan King, Cronus, has been resurrected by Lucifer and is quickly resurrecting his brethren to launch war against Zeus and all that stand with him. Not only this, but he’s even joined forces with the legendary beast Typhon, the only creature to ever come close to toppling the Olympian god king. As the gods prepare for an unavoidable war, Victoria must hunt one of the most powerful and cunning warlocks to serve under the Prince of Darkness and simultaneously train her nephew Brandon in her craft. Her pride demands that she do this alone, but Ares is not a god to be denied. Ares clearly has his eyes on Victoria, but can she trust the notoriously wild and unpredictable god’s intentions?

Amazon US | Amazon UK | iTunes | B&N | Kobo | Smashwords

Fatal Healing

(The Dragon Hunters 03)

Odele, the goddess of Healing, has returned to Olympus, once again the direct servant to Hera, queen of the gods. Yet even after the defeat of Eris, her work is not done. The war of the gods is imminent now, with Cronus restored to life and the Titans back at his side. But before the battle can begin, Odele must find her mortal twin brother, who had been captured by the forces of the vampire Kalos years before. She asks Hera for her brother’s whereabouts, and the god queen allows her to attempt to rescue him, but under the condition that she’s accompanied by Apollo.

Apollo has waited ages for Odele’s return to Olympus to heal the heart he’d broken ages before. The process of healing won’t be easy, and Odele’s heart is not the only heart to be healed. Both Apollo and Odele’s lives are at risk, as they join the god of darkness in a battles against two children of Gaea and Odele’s own brothers, Cronus and Typhon. Will Odele’s heart be healed, and most importantly, will anyone survive this unique healing process?

Amazon US | Amazon UK | iTunes | B&N | Kobo | Smashwords

Heir of Mjolnir

(The Dragon Hunters 04)

The servants of Hecate have been subject to persecution for many years. They have been misunderstood, accused of worshipping the devil. And Hecate has had enough. The Devil, Lucifer, has finally invaded the human world and his true servants, warlocks, are growing bold. Lucifer’s influence has spread throughout the world and nothing is the same as it was before he came. There are those that can counter the power of the warlocks, and Hecate may have found one.

Vax King had just graduated high school when the world changed. And unlike everyone around him, he saw through the lies. The world was trapped in the spell of the father of all evil and he seemed to be the only one in the immediate area that could see it. Then again, he’s a solitary witch and no one else knows it. But he’s shocked when the goddess Hecate appears to him with a quest to gain a weapon to help fight the forces of evil. The weapon is the legendary hammer of the Norse god, Thor, Mjölnir, and if he can find this he can lead the forces of Hecate against their greatest enemy. But to gain it, he must survive the Rose realm and prove his worth. Should he fail, death is all that awaits. Can he prove to the enchanted weapon of the deceased god that he is more worthy of wielding it than the original owner, and therein become the leader of an army of witches ready and waiting to stand against Lucifer?

Amazon US | Amazon UKiTunes | B&N | Kobo | Smashwords

Relinquished Mercy

(The Dragon Hunters 05)

The heavenly war is coming to a head. The gods are ready. All that remains is the final clash between the most dominate forces of nature in existence.

Brandon has come to a decision. He can’t deny who his soul mate is. He’s the god of darkness and shadows, and his soul mate is a werewolf, Phil, the grandson of the very first werewolf. But things are never so simple. He has to get past the wolf’s insecurities in order to give them both a shot at true happiness

Demun wants to fight against his soul mate. He hates having a predetermined mate. And worse, his mate is the phoenix known to be unable to settle down. Vic, the phoenix in question, wasn’t fond of the idea either, but he’s been around enough to know that fighting against what your soul requires is pointless. He just needs a chance.

The twins lead complicated lives, as they must not only deal with their soul mates but fight alongside the Dragon Witch, Victoria, to protect their children, the new Moirae. As always, a new threat lies hidden in wait, attempting to create a monster out of god that will change the world for the worst. And it may cost them one of their own.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | iTunes | B&N | Kobo | Smashwords

Blood Monarch

(The Dragon Hunters 06)

A king’s duty never ends, even when his kingdom changes. Vladimir Dracula is one of the most famous and misunderstood figures in all of history. One thing is true, he is a king, and he is a vampire. He is the true king and enforcer of the vampire race. Feared by all of his own kind, he is perhaps the most lethal of the Black Dragon God’s mortal born servants. At the same time, he personifies sex. None can resist his charms, save one.

Vax King is the Chosen of Hecate, the Heir of Mjolnir, and has no plans on a mate. When he’s called on to enter Fae lands, he’s surprised to find the legendary vampire there. Looking to aid the beautiful Fae, Anaya, and her soul mate, Galen, Vax must enter a world of sex of violence with only Vlad to accompany him. Here, there can be no denial, no hesitation. Only truth….and dominance.
A war is brewing in the Fae lands, as the fallen angels rise to lay claim to the power of their goddess, Verlaine and topple their higher brethren. Older than most, Vlad must accustom himself to having a soul mate, and use all his legendary power to stop the forces of darkness long believed to be controlled by him. A new kingdom is the prize, and none knows better than the famed Dracula that the secret to power lies in the blood.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | iTunes | B&N | Kobo | Smashwords

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The Vampire’s Angel by Damian Serbu Blog Tour, Interview, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Damian Serbu - The Vampire's Angel BT Banner

Hi guys! We have Damian Serbu stopping in today with the tour for his new release The Vampire’s Angel, we have a brilliant interview with Damian, a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

The Vampire’s Angel

(The Realm of the Vampire Council 01)

Damian Serbu

As Paris devolves into chaos amidst the French Revolution, three lives intertwine.

Xavier, a devout priest, struggles to hold on to his trust in humanity only to find his own faith threatened with the longing he finds for a mysterious American visitor. Thomas fights against the Catholic Church to win Xavier’s heart, but hiding his undead nature will threaten the love he longs to find with this abbé. Xavier’s sister, Catherine, works with Thomas to bring them together while protecting the family fortune but falls prey herself to evil forces.

The death, peril, and catastrophes of a revolution collide with a world of magic, vampires, and personal demons as Xavier, Thomas, and Catherine fight to find peace and love amidst the destruction.

Warning: Graphic violence, murder, and mentions of off-page rape

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