Operation Toy Rescue by Sarah Hadley Brook

Sarah Hadley Brook - Operation Toy Rescue CoverTitle: Operation Toy Rescue 

Author: Sarah Hadley Brook

Genre: Fantasy, Christmas

Length: Short (66pgs)

ISBN: 9781634867801

Publisher: JMS Books (15th December 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖 4 Hearts

Reviewer: Pixie

Blurb: When Jules Evergreen lands in trouble at the North Pole and gets shipped off to Snow Hope Island for ninety days, he never expects to take up the cause of the forgotten toys waiting for new homes. Falling for his new boss is not on the agenda either, but his heart has other ideas.

Felix Winterson has grown up on Snow Hope Island and now runs the place. He isn’t thrilled when party boy Jules arrives, and Felix tries hard to ignore the man’s charms. He has other problems, anyway. For years he’s tried to get Santa to look at the growing inventory of damaged toys in the warehouse, to no avail.

When Jules comes up with a plan to save the toys, the men find themselves working closely together. As Christmas Eve looms, there’s a lot at stake. Can they save Snow Hope, convince Santa to rescue the toys, and fall in love all at the same time?

Purchase Link: JMS Books | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Review: I was pleasantly surprised by Operation Toy Rescue it turned out to be a delightful story with a well-balanced love story mixed with a brilliant storyline.

Jules has been exiled from the North Pole to Snow Hope Island for ninety days for his naughty behaviour. After a short time at Snow Hope he begins to get ideas for saving the misfit toys that are banished there, his passion for his new job leads him to a close working relationship with Felix.

Felix loves Snow Hope Island it’s all he’s ever known but he feels sad at all the toys who will never have a child to love them, when Jules challenges him to consider fixing the toys and finding homes for them it gives him hope. Working closely with Jules has him admiring him and it’s not long before he’s hoping for more.

This is a lovey story that warms your heart as Jules and Felix fall in love while rescuing the fate of damaged toys. It’s a gentle love story that has a touch of tension in it, not only is it a race to prepare the toys for Christmas but a figure from Jules past surprises them both.

I thoroughly enjoyed this entertaining story and think it’s a perfect Christmas story. It’s sweet, cute and while there are not huge amounts of passion there are still some sexy times that are just perfect for the relationship and a story of this length.

I recommend this to those who adore cute Christmas stories, for characters discovering love, a brilliant storyline and a very happy ending for all.

Operation Toy Rescue by Sarah Hadley Brook Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

Sarah Hadley Brook - Operation Toy Rescue RTBanner-16

Hi guys! We have Sarah Hadley Brook popping in today with the tour for her new Christmas release Operation Toy Rescue, we have a great excerpt, a fantastic giveaway and my review so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

Operation Toy Rescue


Sarah Hadley Brook

When Jules Evergreen lands in trouble at the North Pole and gets shipped off to Snow Hope Island for ninety days, he never expects to take up the cause of the forgotten toys waiting for new homes. Falling for his new boss is not on the agenda either, but his heart has other ideas.

Felix Winterson has grown up on Snow Hope Island and now runs the place. He isn’t thrilled when party boy Jules arrives, and Felix tries hard to ignore the man’s charms. He has other problems, anyway. For years he’s tried to get Santa to look at the growing inventory of damaged toys in the warehouse, to no avail.

When Jules comes up with a plan to save the toys, the men find themselves working closely together. As Christmas Eve looms, there’s a lot at stake. Can they save Snow Hope, convince Santa to rescue the toys, and fall in love all at the same time?

.•.•.**❣️ JMS Books | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Kobo ❣️**.•.•.

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Operation Toy Rescue by Sarah Hadley Brook Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Sarah Hadley Brook - Operation Toy Rescue RBBanner-24

Hi guys! We have Sarah Hadley Brook popping in today with her new Christmas release Operation Toy Rescue, we have a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

Operation Toy Rescue


Sarah Hadley Brook

When Jules Evergreen lands in trouble at the North Pole and gets shipped off to Snow Hope Island for ninety days, he never expects to take up the cause of the forgotten toys waiting for new homes. Falling for his new boss is not on the agenda either, but his heart has other ideas.

Felix Winterson has grown up on Snow Hope Island and now runs the place. He isn’t thrilled when party boy Jules arrives, and Felix tries hard to ignore the man’s charms. He has other problems, anyway. For years he’s tried to get Santa to look at the growing inventory of damaged toys in the warehouse, to no avail.

When Jules comes up with a plan to save the toys, the men find themselves working closely together. As Christmas Eve looms, there’s a lot at stake. Can they save Snow Hope, convince Santa to rescue the toys, and fall in love all at the same time?

.•.•.**❣️ JMS Books | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Kobo ❣️**.•.•.

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Gateway To Love by Sarah Hadley Brook Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Sarah Hadley Brook - Gateway To Love RTBanner

Hi guys, we have Sarah Hadley Brook stopping by today with the tour for her new release Gateway To Love, we have a fantastic guest post from Sarah, a great excerpt and a brilliant $10 Amazon GC giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

Gateway to Love

(States of Love 45: Missouri)

Sarah Hadley Brook

Ten days to finally make the leap from friends to lovers….

Craig and Mitchell have been friends for years, but each of them reached a point where that camaraderie became… more. Mitchell’s kept his feelings close to his chest. So has Craig, but now that they’ve graduated from UMKC, he knows it’s his last chance to show Mitchell they’re meant to be before their careers take them to opposite sides of the country.

He insists they can’t leave Missouri behind without one last adventure. Mitchell agrees to a road trip to visit all the touristy spots and say goodbye to their home state.

As they spend their days and nights together, buried feelings rise to the surface and hope blossoms. When their journey ends with a dance beneath the Branson stars, will they find love and a future together at the end of the road?

.•.•.**❣️ Dreamspinner | Amazon US | Amazon UK ❣️**.•.•.

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Gateway To Love by Sarah Hadley Brook Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Sarah Hadley Brook - Gateway To Love RBBanner

Hi guys, we have Sarah Hadley Brook popping in today with her new release Gateway To Love, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant $10 Amazon GC giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

Gateway to Love

(States of Love 45: Missouri)

Sarah Hadley Brook

Ten days to finally make the leap from friends to lovers….

Craig and Mitchell have been friends for years, but each of them reached a point where that camaraderie became… more. Mitchell’s kept his feelings close to his chest. So has Craig, but now that they’ve graduated from UMKC, he knows it’s his last chance to show Mitchell they’re meant to be before their careers take them to opposite sides of the country.

He insists they can’t leave Missouri behind without one last adventure. Mitchell agrees to a road trip to visit all the touristy spots and say goodbye to their home state.

As they spend their days and nights together, buried feelings rise to the surface and hope blossoms. When their journey ends with a dance beneath the Branson stars, will they find love and a future together at the end of the road?

.•.•.**❣️ Dreamspinner | Amazon US | Amazon UK ❣️**.•.•.

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Love In The Clouds by Sarah Hadley Brook Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Sarah Hadley Brook - Love In The Clouds RBBanner

Hi guys! We have Sarah Hadley Brook popping in today with her new release Love In The Clouds, we have a great excerpt and a fantastic $25 Amazon GC giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

Love In The Clouds


Sarah Hadley Brook

Rafael Patino has a great life in Rain Valley. He’s a teacher at the high school, has a great group of friends, and enjoys the occasional baseball game. Other than the sporadic call from his drunken mother, he’s pretty content.

He’s also been in love with his best friend Dustin for nearly a decade. Years of keeping those feelings under control are put to the test when they begin a summer project together.

Dustin Vance builds furniture for a living, has just earned his pilot’s license, and has an amazing best friend. When he buys a 1976 Cessna Skyhawk, he asks Rafael to help restore it, then travel with him to Wisconsin for the largest aviation convention in the world.

As they spend their days working on the plane, they begin to spend their nights together. Will they find love in the clouds, or will they stall out before they even take off?

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A Love To Remember by Sarah Hadley Brook Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Sarah Hadley Brook - A Love To Remember RTBanner

Hi guys! We have Sarah Hadley Brook popping in today with the tour for her new release A Love To Remember, we have  a great excerpt and a fantastic $25 Amazon GC giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

A Love To Remember


Sarah Hadley Brook

Graham Hayes decided long ago he’d never be in a relationship. It was better to stay single than to fall in love only to be left alone, which he was certain would happen to him. He’d seen Alzheimer’s ravage his family members all his life, leaving their loved ones to deal with the fallout. Some of them stayed, but some didn’t. Graham isn’t going to risk it.

When he hires nurse Sam Morgan to take care of his dad during the day, his pledge to stay single is put to the test. He soon finds it difficult to maintain a professional distance.

Graham’s guarded his heart for so long, but his resolve is crumbling. Will he be able to conquer his fear to give himself a chance at love? Can he trust Sam to stick around for better or worse?

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A Love To Remember by Sarah Hadley Brook Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Sarah Hadley Brook - A Love To Remember RBBanner

Hi guys! We have Sarah Hadley Brook popping in today with her new release A Love To Remember, we have  a great excerpt ad a fantastic $25 Amazon GC giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

A Love To Remember


Sarah Hadley Brook

Graham Hayes decided long ago he’d never be in a relationship. It was better to stay single than to fall in love only to be left alone, which he was certain would happen to him. He’d seen Alzheimer’s ravage his family members all his life, leaving their loved ones to deal with the fallout. Some of them stayed, but some didn’t. Graham isn’t going to risk it.

When he hires nurse Sam Morgan to take care of his dad during the day, his pledge to stay single is put to the test. He soon finds it difficult to maintain a professional distance.

Graham’s guarded his heart for so long, but his resolve is crumbling. Will he be able to conquer his fear to give himself a chance at love? Can he trust Sam to stick around for better or worse?

Continue reading “A Love To Remember by Sarah Hadley Brook Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

Holding On by Sarah Hadley Brook Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Sarah Hadley Brook - Holding On RTBanner

Hi guys! We have Sarah Hadley Brooks stopping by today with her release Holding On, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway for a chance to a backlist ebook of Sarah’s! <3 ~Pixie~

Holding On


Sarah Hadley Brooks

Eighteen-year-old Aaron Pickard is dealing with a lot: he’s falling for his straight best friend, his mother has ended up in the hospital after a violent assault by his father, and he’s trying to decide when to come out. Tack on the stress of an upcoming prom and graduation, a part-time job, and the possibility he could lose his best friend, and he’s an emotional wreck.

Aaron’s best friend Jeff Leaton provides a soft place for him to fall when his life is thrown into chaos, literally holding him each night as they fall asleep. As Jeff helps Aaron navigate through the mess that has become his new normal, Aaron’s feelings for Jeff intensify.

Aaron’s pretty sure it’s all going to end badly, but he’s holding on to hope.

Continue reading “Holding On by Sarah Hadley Brook Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

Fate Heats Things Up by Sarah Hadley Brook Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Sarah Hadley Brook - Fate Heats Things Up Banner

Hi guys! We have Sarah Hadley Brook popping in today with her new release Fate Heats Things Up, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~

Fate Heats Things Up


Sarah Hadley Bradley

Scott Dwyer meets hot, new fireman Adrian Campbell in an embarrassing incident one evening and can’t stop thinking about him. While bartending at the local hangout for Station 39, he sees Adrian with this colleagues about once a week. He thinks Adrian might be interested in him, too, but every time they find a chance to talk, something gets in their way.

When rash of arson fires begins the same week Adrian starts at the station, the rumors fly about whether or not he is responsible for them.

Things are heating up in town, but will they heat up between the two men as well? Will Fate ever allow them to be together?

NineStar Press | Amazon | Smashwords | B&N | Kobo

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Matthew’s Present by Sarah Hadley Brook (Bah Humbug Giveaway!)

Bah Humbug MMGBR Giveaway gifSarah Hadley Brook - Matthew's Present Cover sTitle: Matthew’s Present

Series: 2016 Advent Calendar- Bah Humbug

Author: Sarah Hadley Brook

Genre: Contemporary, Holiday

Length: Short (25 Pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (December 1, 2016)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Matthew Blick is almost thirty years old, and he hates the thought of another holiday alone. He has become a bit of a wet blanket when Christmas rolls around every year. So much so that even his five-year-old niece, Hannah, knows something needs to change. She asks the department store Santa to bring her uncle a man to love, and when Santa sees her uncle, he formulates a plan to set that possibility in motion.

Santa shows up at Matthew’s house and at first Matthew can’t place him, but then the memories of his first kiss flood his mind and he is shocked to find that Santa is the man he has carried a torch for since high school. Will this twist of fate help Matthew change his view on the holidays? Only a kiss can tell.

ISBN: 978-1-63533-168-4

Product Link: https://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/books/matthews-present-by-sarah-hadley-brook-7935-b

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: What does a child normally ask for when placed on Santa’s lap, well Matthew was wondering this answer also.  Let’s just say he will definitely be up all night long.  You just have to read this story for the full crazy details.  However let’s just say I wished I had gotten this gift instead.  A gift from the past comes forward.

This was a very cute little story that was a lot of fun to read.  It was not to depressing but let’s just say that Matthew’s idea of Christmas might be changed forever. 

I enjoyed this quick little read.   

Sarah Hadley Brook - Matthew's Present Square

1st prize $100 DSP credits!
2nd prize $50 DSP credits!
3rd prize $25 DSP credits!
4th prize $25 DSP credits!

(Winners will be picked by a dart on 1st January 2017)

Sarah Hadley Brook’s question!

In “The Great Pretender” (previous release), what kind of motorcycle does Gene Milgram ride? 

(Just leave a comment with the answer on this post)

MMGBR Bah Humbug Giveaway!

Sarah Hadley Brooks - Matthew's Present Banner gif

Bah Humbug MM Good Book Reviews Giveaway Coming Soon!


Hey everyone! I’m just here today to give you the heads up for MM Good Book Reviews upcoming month long giveaway which starts on the 1st December 2016. 

MM Good Book Reviews has asked each of the Bah Humbug Advent Calendar authors to submit a question which you readers will be able to answer. And most of them agreed! So throughout the month of December EVERY DAY we’ll have a review from the Bah Humbug Advent and the books author will ask a question… all you have to do is to answer the question in the comments for that review.

What will you win? Well I’m feeling very generous this year so MM Good Book Reviews has the most AMAZING prizes… especially for those of you who will be feeling the pennies pinching in the New Year! 4th & 3rd prizes are $25 Dreamspinner Press Credits, 2nd prize will be $50 Dreamspinner Press Credits and 1st prize is an astounding $100 Dreamspinner Press Credits!  

I know you’re thinking ‘what’s the catch’. Let me assure you there’s no catch whatsoever other than needing a Dreamspinner Press account if you win, oh and needing to get the answers correct 😉

The best thing about the giveaway is… there’s 31 chances to win! Yep if you comment on every Bah Humbug review with the correct answers then your name will be pinned 31 times to the corkboard (darts! It’s gonna be so fun on New Years Day) if you get 26 correct answers then your name will be pinned 26 times on the corkboard, easy.

And while it would be nice if you visited us every day in December you don’t have to, that’s right you could just visit once a week or if you’re really pushed for time then just once on the 31st Dec, I’ll be creating a page with all the links to the reviews and questions so you won’t have to miss any 🙂

So guys why don’t you nip over to Dreamspinner Press, check out the Bah Humbug Advent and take a look at the stories that have made me feel super generous this year <3

Don’t forget the MM Good Book Reviews Bah Humbug Giveaway starts on the 1st December! 

Lots of huggles & snuggles ~Pixie~


Bah Humbug

There’s always that one guy for whom the holiday season is anything but jolly. It’s a bother, a trial, or in a few cases, a downright misery, but in the end, the holidays bring hope, love, and cheer to even the darkest of days. What else but love would get Scrooge willingly under the mistletoe?

Holiday reading fun! A story delivered automatically to your bookshelf each day in December. More than 400,000 words of romantic fiction in 31 stories that would sell individually for a total of $85.69. Buy the package early and save:

November* – $49.99

*Sale of packages for daily delivery ends Nov. 25.

Beginning December 1, stories will be available individually as priced or as a bulk package for $64.99.

Dreamspinner Press


Summer Lovin' Anthology Book Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Anthology - Summer Lovin' Banner

Hi guys, we have Torquere Press stopping by with several of it’s authors to celebrate the upcoming release of it’s newest MM & FF anthology Summer Lovin’, we have a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway so enjoy the post and click that giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~

Anthology - Summer Lovin' Cover s

Summer Lovin’


LJ Hamlin, Janelle Reston, Eric Thornton, Jessica Chase, A. M. Leibowitz, Sarah Hadley Brook

Back in the 1950s, leather jackets, white t-shirts, and poodle skirts were the biggest styles, and going “parking” was all the rage. Summer flings were the thing to do, whether it be with the cute tomboy that caught your eye in school, your older brother’s friend, or the hot mechanic who fixes your car just right. In Summer Lovin’, love doesn’t only have to last the summer.

These six stories are penned by both seasoned scribes and new authors; the anthology provides readers with the perfect opportunity to explore offerings from their favorite storytellers as well as find a new favorite or two.

Containing F/F and M/M stories from authors LJ Hamlin, Janelle Reston, Eric Thornton, Jessica Chase, A. M. Leibowitz, Sarah Hadley Brook, Summer Lovin’ is sure to have something for fifties loving readers.

Release date: 20th July 2016
Pre-order: Torquere Press

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