A Billionaire's Gamble by Frey Ortega

Frey Ortega - A Billionaires gamble Cover mTitle: A Billionaire’s Gamble

Series: N/A

Author: Frey Ortega

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (140pgs)

Publisher: Evernight Publishing (3 Oct 2015)

Heat Level:  Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb:  Dylan Ferrara is an academic wunderkind whose life just got a whole lot messier. After his academic career comes to a staggering halt, his best friends give him a reality check: join the ‘real world’ and start working, or continue chasing an impossible dream. Reluctantly, he agrees. 

Remington Whitley is a billionaire who’s sick of the monotony of his playboy life. One day, his company invites a geeky little data scientist over for an interview. The man piques his interest enough on a personal level that he decides to take a gamble and invite Dylan out for a date. 

Dylan is conflicted. Remy is a gamble in and of himself, and Dylan’s inexperience makes him cautious. Dylan doesn’t know if he wants to take the bet with such high stakes on the line. 

But what can he do when throwing the dice and leaving his fate up to luck feels so, so right? 

ISBN: 978-1-77233-534-7

Product Link: http://www.evernightpublishing.com/a-billionaires-gamble-by-frey-ortega/

Reviewer: Prime

Review: I have yet to find a Frey Ortega book that I do not enjoy. And I really loved this one – sometimes, when I’m ultra-stressed I love nothing more than reading a book that I describe as a “trashy romance”. Trashy in the fact that the plot line reminds of a typical Mills and Boon novel minus the inevitable pregnancy, because this is neither a paranormal or m-preg book (though I would read that too!).

The plot itself is fun. It’s simple and interesting enough to capture my attention. It’s your usual nerdy, bookish guy meets rich, immature playboy. For me this book did hit close to home because one MC, Dylan, has started his PhD and was left wondering about his academic future. Seriously, if you’re doing your Masters or PhD and close to submitting your thesis, this may not be the best get away from your stress, take it from someone with that exact experience.

Dylan, however, is a sweetheart and for more reasons than his academic pursuits, he is definitely the most relatable character. Then there is Remy, although he is far less relatable he is no doubt a wonderful, dark and brooding rich man who you could just fall for. The fact that he is also a playboy and immature at the start, makes him a bit stereotypical. But his character is redeemed because Dylan comes into his life and he begins to fall in love with the lovable nerd. Remy doesn’t

I adored this book from start to finish. It was fun and honestly, that was all I needed. In fact, I would love to see some of Remy’s friends find their own HEAs in their own stories.

Death and Destruction by Patricia Logan

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Patricia Logan - Death and Destruction CoverTitle: Death and Destruction

Series: The Death and Destruction series 01

Author: Patricia Logan

Genre: Contemporary, Action

Length: Novel (200 pages)

Publisher: Westburg Publishing (May 26, 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Forced to go into witness protection, ATF Special Agent Thayne Wolfe, is less than thrilled. The State’s Attorney needs him to testify against one of the most ruthless and notorious arms dealers in the world. Expecting boredom and lots of daytime television, he instead ends up with a ridiculous new job, a stupid new name, and the world’s most annoying shadow. Jarrett Evans, is nevertheless tasked with keeping Wolfe alive long enough to put Mills Lang and his crew away for the rest of their miserable lives. 

Jarrett Evans, former Marine, has always been a free spirit, doing the dirty work for Uncle Sam whenever and wherever he’s needed. One of the best snipers in the world, Evans is at peace with the man he’s become. That doesn’t mean he’s ever liked the cold-blooded killer who stares back at him from the mirror every day. The moment he meets pretty boy Thayne Wolfe, things start a slow change and redemption begins to sound possible. 

Mills Lang, the world’s most ruthless arms dealer, is little more than a serial killer in his own right. Rotting away in prison with nothing but time on his hands, Lang is determined to destroy the man he allowed into his inner circle. Thayne Wolfe will die in the most painful way… along with anyone he loves. 

*Please Note* Title includes an exciting excerpt from “Flash and Bang” 

(Stay tuned for Thayne and Jarrett’s continuing adventures. “Flash and Bang” Book Two… coming soon!)

ISBN: B01G80B27K

Product Link: https://www.amazon.com/Death-Destruction-Book-ebook/dp/B01G80B27K | https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-deathanddestruction-2047293-356.html | https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/639354

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: I have quite a few books by this author and loved them all. This book was awesome from the start. We have two alpha males thrown together in a time of need to wipe evil out. We have heart stopping scenes, breath taking chemistry between the two that is a slow build up and not an insta love and suspense, action, and whole lot of drama. 

ATF Special Agent Thayne Wolfe has been undercover for two years and is so ready to take down Mills Lang, the world’s most ruthless arms dealer and his gang of thugs so he can move on with his life. While waiting to testify he learns there is a bounty on his head and he must go into the witness protection program to stay alive long enough to testify. 

The man in charge of his protection is ex-Marine Sniper and government agent turned Personal Security Specialist, Jarret Evans. I seriously wanted to be in the same room with these two sexy alpha males. 

I really liked the fact that just because they were attracted to one another that they acted on it straight away, in fact Thayne and Jarret did not like each other at first so they did not act on their feelings. I found the story to be riveting and highly addictive with its action, suspense, drama and two hot males. I am so looking forward to the next book in the series.

Loved it and highly recommend it.

Hot & Sexy by Leah Blake

Leah Blake - Hot & Sexy Cover sTitle: Hot and Sexy

Series: Love Your Dragon #3

Author: Leah Blake

Genre: Gay Erotic Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal 

Length: Novella 

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (June 30, 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4.5 Hearts 

Blurb: Tyrus discovers his mate is Dante, one of four Hynesin heirs. Unfortunately, their first encounter is anything but promising. With Dante the top suspect in the abduction of his close friend, Tyrus finds himself waging war between his loyalty to his friends and the growing desires that consume him in Dante’s presence.

Dante has issues with authority. Losing his initial confrontation to Zhett, captain of the Dalistine, and finding himself prisoner on his grandfather’s ship, Dante has a deep chip on his shoulder. Yet, he is willing to forgo his grudge in order to earn Tyrus’s trust, and claim the sexy, tech-savvy man as his mate.

When Dante’s oldest brother lands in the hands of a dangerous enemy, Dante resorts to betraying Tyrus in order to save his brother. Can Tyrus forgive his mate for the pain he caused and rise above the secret of his past? Or will he sever their mating bond once and for all?

ISBN: 978-1-68295-368-6

Product Link: http://www.bookstrand.com/book/hot-and-sexy

Reviewer: Lisa 

Review: Each book in the Love Your Dragon collection features a different romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

I had not had the pleasure of reading any of Leah’s books until today, when I was given this series. I am not normally one that will start reading an author’s work that I have not heard of right off the bat. However, for some reason the series name was what caught my attention. I can honestly say that I am very glad to have started reading it. 

The characters were a blast to read about, so damn feisty. I love alphas and omegas, but there is something about one who is neither. One whose life had been thrown for a loop when they were younger. As with Tyrus, who had lost his family at a young age, he is the one that calls to me. 

Tyrus and his friends were sent to Earth to bring back the heirs to the throne. He and his friends had not expected the men to be so damn stubborn and feisty that is for sure. His little mate is trouble with a capital T. He has trust issues that might just cost him Tyrus. With Dante being the top suspect in the kidnapping of their team mate, he is in a bit of a pickle. Tyrus knows that with his past, the loss of his mate would tear him apart, he just needs the ass to see that.

Dante doesn’t trust anyone but his brothers. He also doesn’t like to be bossed around and will kick anyone’s ass who tries. However his next stupid move might just cost him it all. Then the doctor tells them the next shocker.

I enjoyed reading this story and cannot wait to get my hands on the next book. It caught my attention from the moment I started reading and kept it all the way to the end. There is a bit of confusion in this book, as with the others though. It can be just a bit hard to follow with the mixture of characters and keeping them apart. Also there are questions that the story doesn’t answer, but it doesn’t really take away from the story itself for me.

I had a blast reading it and can’t wait to read the next book.

Roommate Adventures by Michael War

Michael War - Roommate Adventures Cover sTitle: Roommate Adventures

Series: N/A

Author: Michael War

Genre: Gay Erotic Romance, Ménage a Trios’

Length: Short Story (36pgs)

Publisher: Less Than Three Press LLC (May 28, 2014)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Blurb: Danny has decided it’s time to make his life drama free, and he’s going to start with his living arrangements. The strife caused by a previous roommate is not something he aims to repeat. His plans are neatly shattered, however, when the new roommate arrives. Javier is exactly the kind of temptation he was hoping to avoid—and with him comes a whole new set of problems that leave Danny helpless as to who he really wants

ISBN: 978-1-62004-368-4

Product Link: https://lessthanthreepress.com/books/index.php?main_page=product_bookx_info&products_id=605

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: This author is new to me so I was not sure what to expect. I am always a bit leery of trying out new authors. However this author makes this story fun and enjoyable. Although how a gay man turns a straight man is a bit beyond me, or the fact that Patrick thinks that way.

Danny had two roommates; both were supposed to be straight. Danny however is gay as can be. His other roommate blames Danny for turning the man gay. Danny plans to stay away from them both to save his friendship with Patrick. Then Javi moves in and things are about to heat up. I am thinking Patrick is mad but not for the reasons he said.

This was a short and very hot little story. I think it should have had more character strength and development, but because it is so short, it comes off rushed. I enjoyed reading it and would hope that maybe this author will add some more stories to this story later on.

I had a bit of fun with it and would recommend it. It makes for a perfect story when on taking a break.

Devoted Alpha by D.C. Juris

D.C. Juris - Devoted Alpha Cover sTitle: Devoted Alpha

Series: The Alpha/Omega Verse # 2

Author: DC Juris

Genre: Paranormal

Length: Short (46 pages)

Publisher: Torquere Press (April 27, 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Warning to readers: Contains daddy kink and male breastfeeding.

Sokel and Sebastian from “Broken Alpha” are back. Sokel has long known his Human mate has harbored certain hidden fantasies and desires, but he’s not the kind of Alpha to demand anything of his omega. One night, a whispered word slips past Sebastian’s lips — daddy. Ever the devoted Alpha, Sokel sets out to help his mate understand that these cravings don’t make him a deviant. But when Sokel visits a fellow healer in an attempt to please his mate, has he gone too far? And will their best friends and housemates, Korden and Rennett, be able to accept this new twist to their lifestyle?

ISBN: 978-1-944449-52-0

Product Link: http://www.torquerebooks.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=202&products_id=4640

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: This is the second book in The Alpha/Omega Verse. Sebastian and Sokel are back as the main MC’s in this book.

Sebastian is sweet and kind yet has hidden his deepest desires from his mate. Sokiel learns of Sebastian’s desires and proceeds to give his mate whatever he needs to make him happy.

Though some may find this book uncomfortable I was o.k. with it, it was role playing that the MC’s are doing. I loved the fact that despite Sebastian’s secret, Sokiel went out of his way to accommodate his mate.

That shows true love to me.

Ashley by April Kelley Release Blast, Guest Post, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

April Kelley - Ashley Banner 1 copy

Hi guys, we have April Kelley visiting today with her brand new release Ashley, the fifth book in her Demon Elite series, we have a brilliant guest post where April chats about the Demon Elite team, we have a great excerpt, a fantastic giveaway and Lisa’s review, so check out the post and click that giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~

April Kelley - Ashley Cover L


(Demon Elite 05)

April Kelley

Saving Iain means finding a small bit of redemption, but what Ash gets instead is so much more.

Ashley Wilkins has done some bad things, torturing people until they give him the information he wants, but all that was in his past. Making amends for all those wrongdoings will never happen. He knows that, but that doesn’t stop him from trying, which is why he takes a break from interrogation to save Iain Liron’s life. Iain is a recovering drug addict who understands all too well what finding forgiveness means. Can he make Ash see that he’s more than just his past sins?

Continue reading “Ashley by April Kelley Release Blast, Guest Post, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!”

Obsidian Moons by Jon Keys Cover Reveal, Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Jon Keys - Obsidian Moons FB banner DSP

Hi guys, we have Jon Keys stopping by today with the fantastic cover to his upcoming release Obsidian Moons, we have a short intro from Jon, a brilliant excerpt and a fabulous giveaway, so check out the post and leave a comment to enter the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~

Jon Keys - Obsidian Moons Cover s

Obsidian Moons

(Obsidian 02)

Jon Keys

After achieving the impossible and releasing their people from the Varas slavers, Anan and Terja, a spellweaver and spellspinner, start the arduous journey back to their homeland. A winter trek across the grasslands is dangerous enough, but the traitor, Xain, is tasked with recapturing the slaves, and failure will mean his death. As added insurance, the Varas High Regent hires a Triad of legendary Ubica assassins and assigns a full regiment of his personal guards, along with their captain, to the task. Their mission is clear: recapture the escaped Talac slaves destined for the Varas pleasure houses—and the bed of the High Regent—at any cost.

The newly freed Talac travel toward their homelands with the full knowledge they are likely being pursued. The flight westward is fraught with new and unexpected dangers as Anan and Terja struggle to save their tribe. The battle for shelter, food, and a way to defend themselves becomes an all-consuming task, but they are reminded by the avatars of their gods that all is not as it appears.

Release date: 12th September

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Turning The Page by Andrew Grey Guest Post & Excerpt!

Andrew Grey - Turning the Page Banner

Hi guys, we have Andrew Grey stopping by with his upcoming release Turning the Page, we have a short guest post from Andrew and a great excerpt, so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Andrew Grey - Turning the Page Cover s

Turning The Page


Andrew Grey

Malcolm Webber is still grieving the loss of his partner of twenty years to cancer. He’s buried his mind and feelings in his legal work and isn’t looking for another relationship. He isn’t expecting to feel such a strong attraction when he meets Hans Erickson—especially since the man is quite a bit younger than him.

Hans is an adventure writer with an exciting lifestyle to match. When he needs a tax attorney to straighten out an error with the IRS, he ends up on the other side of the handsome Malcolm’s desk. The heat between them is undeniable, but business has to come first. When it’s concluded, Hans leaps on the chance to make his move.

Malcolm isn’t sure he’s ready for the next chapter in his life. Hans is so young and active that Malcolm worries he won’t be able to hold his interest for long. Just when he’s convinced himself to take the risk and turn the page, problems at the law office threaten to end their love story before it can really begin.

Release date: 19th August 2016

Continue reading “Turning The Page by Andrew Grey Guest Post & Excerpt!”

Change Up by Sloan Johnson Cover Reveal!

Sloan Johnson - Change Up Banner s

Hi guys, Sloan Johnson drops by today with the cover to her upcoming release Change Up, so check out the cover! <3 ~Pixie~


Change Up


Sloan Johnson

Kevin Green has always been the life of the party. He’s the one everyone turns to for a bit of comic relief. With so many of his teammates coming out of the closet and living healthy lives, it’s getting harder for him to keep the secret only one other person knows: that he’s not as straight as everyone assumes when they see him out with his hot girlfriend. Now, the façade is cracking as Amber decides it’s time to follow her dreams, but she doesn’t want to leave until she knows Kevin will embrace the side of him he’s hidden from everyone but her.

Clint Davies isn’t sure what to think of his new road roommate assignment. Kevin runs hot and cold toward him and has zero sense of boundaries. He doesn’t think before he speaks, and worse, before he acts. What starts as one night of throwing caution to the wind is instantly complicated in ways Clint isn’t prepared to deal with. He’s never seriously considered a relationship at all, much less an open arrangement with a teammate.

Having a little fun is one thing, but will Kevin and Clint strike out when things start getting serious?

Anticipated release date 20th – 28th August

Sloan Johnson - Change Up Square

About Sloan

Sloan Johnson Author PicSloan Johnson is a big city girl trapped in a country girl’s life. While she longs for the hustle and bustle of New York City or Las Vegas, she hasn’t yet figured out how to sit on the deck with her morning coffee, watching the deer and wild turkeys in the fields while surrounded by concrete and glass.

When she was three, her parents received their first call from the principal asking them to pick her up from school. Apparently, if you aren’t enrolled, you can’t attend classes, even in Kindergarten. The next week, she was in preschool and started plotting her first story soon after.

Later in life, her parents needed to do something to help their socially awkward, uncoordinated child come out of her shell and figured there was no better place than a bar on Wednesday nights. It’s a good thing they did because this is where she found her love of reading and writing. Who needs socialization when you can sit alone in your bedroom with a good book?

Now, Sloan is a tattooed mom with a mohawk and two kids. She’s been kicked out of the PTA in two school districts and is no longer asked to help with fundraisers because she’s been known to lose herself with a good book and forget she has somewhere to be.

Social Media:

 Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Goodreads | Tsu.co

Sloan Johnson - Change Up Banner s

Expanded Hearts by Logan Meredith

Logan Meredith - Expanded HeartsTitle: Expanded Hearts

Series: Heartland #2

Author: Logan Meredith

Genre: Gay Erotic Romance 

Length: Novel (224pgs) 

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (August 12, 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts 

Blurb: Psychologist Victor Mascari and his partner, spa-owner Derek Jameson, have been together eight years, but their relationship is still evolving. Derek distrusts monogamy because of his parents’ messy divorce, but as marriage equality advances, Victor’s doubts about their open relationship are growing. He doesn’t necessarily want a legal union, but he’s increasingly concerned about how others view them.

When Victor comes home to find Derek with another new conquest, he’s annoyed… at first. As he gets to know Antonio, Victor discovers the young man is intelligent, self-assured, and charming. This time, it’s Victor who is intrigued by someone else and Derek who thinks Victor’s interest is crossing the lines they’ve agreed on. If Victor wants to keep Derek, he’ll have to let Antonio go.

But Antonio is in real trouble and has nowhere to turn. Victor and Derek take him in, and it soon becomes clear how well he fits into their lives and how strong the bonds between all of them are growing. A committed relationship between three men—all very different in age and background—is enough of a challenge, and then the horrifying secrets of Antonio’s abusive past emerge.

ISBN: 978-1-63477-537-3

Product Link: https://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/books/expanded-hearts-by-logan-meredith-7351-b

Reviewer: Lisa 

Review: This story is part of a series but can be read as a stand-alone.

This story was very hard for me to give a rating too. The story itself was pretty good, but one of my pet peeves is cheating, I can’t stand stories with open relationships. To me they take away from the story itself and comes off very much like porn. Now with this it was a bit different, there was an actual story involved in it. My problem was still the cheating and open relationship though. 

Victor and Derek have been together for about eight years and you can feel the love each man has for the other. Derek however doesn’t believe in monogamy so they have an open relationship. Victor is having doubts lately and does not want to continue with that route, so to speak. That comes to head the moment Derek brings Antonio home with him. Victor is drawn to the man and seems to be at a loss. Especially when Derek has issues with Victors increasing desires for the man. However it would seem that Antonio has secrets of his own.

Antonio has not had a great life. Once used as a drug mule, abused when he does something wrong has him taking off. At the age of fifteen, Peter saw something in him and made him his. Now that Peter is in prison, Antonio is left once again on his own. That is until Victor and Derek rescue him. However Peter is causing problems for Victor and accusing him of things that he has not done. 

The plot is pretty much out there, straightforward with no twists to it. However you can see the underlining threat coming at these men from different directions and it takes them all to overcome their problems. Now this book was written quite a bit better than the first one. It is a very good story if you’re into ménage, open relationships and, in my mind, cheating, mix in some danger and you have a story you can’t forget. 

Logan has taken three guys, their problems and somehow made it into a pretty damn good story. I was surprise to say the least, and I absolutely loved the ending. I liked the danger that the men were in and how they got out of it. However I couldn’t get past the need for multiple men and even bringing a third into their relationship. Now I did love Antonio quite a bit, in fact I probably like him more than the other two. I think the fact that Derek was the one who wanted the open relationship, then bitched about Victor taking a liking to the man and that drove me nuts. It just proved to me that I need to stay away from books like this.

I am afraid that this book was definitely not for me. 

Island Counselor by Sue Brown

Sue Brown - Island Counselor CoverTitle: Island Counselor

Series:  Island Medics 02

Author: Sue Brown

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (200 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (20 June 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Counselor Logan Wilde has a successful therapy practice in London, but when a traumatic incident there leaves him suffering from PTSD, he takes refuge in his holiday cottage on the Isle of Wight, unable to face going back to work. Not that he’s allowed to relax. Logan’s time is taken up with helping Liam Owens, plus there’s Nick Brent, whom Logan discovers collapsed on the beach. Nick and Logan spend their time bickering with each other, but that doesn’t alter the attraction they feel.

Logan is forced to make some hard decisions about his future, which entails facing up to recent events. Only he’s not alone—Nick is with him. Unfortunately someone else makes a decision too, and now trouble is on its way to the Isle of Wight.

ISBN: 9781634773362

Product Link: https://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/books/island-counselor-by-sue-brown-7113-b

Reviewer: Prime

Review: Island Counselor is the second book in Sue Brown’s Island Medic series. I swear I have read book 1, Island Medic, the plot and even reading about the MCs of book 1 in the current installment were familiar to me. It is actually the even that happens to the titular Island counselor, Logan, that I remember reading. Though for the life of me I could not actually find said book in my ebook collection. In fact, Island Medics is a spin off series from Sue Brown’s Isle of Wight series (a series that I only just found out about and contemplating if I have the time to back to read it, I would certainly love to).

That aside, Island Counselor works as a standalone book, as do most of Sue Brown’s novels that are part of a series. However, I’m not about to say go back and read book 1 anyway since I only vaguely remember that I’ve read it. Seems a bit contradictory. 😉

Our two MCs are Counselor Logan Wilde, who had been a doctor before becoming a counselor but has escaped reality to not deal with his PTSD on the Isle of Wight, and Nick Brent, who is a native of the Isle of Wight though an accident has left him unable to work for the time being.

Their relationship starts from an odd place. They are both intent to be friends and help the other heal – both physically and metaphorically. Love just seems to come naturally to these two as they help each other. To me, that is the best kind of love story. It’s just so easy to accept them as a couple, as well as be able to see the where their passion comes from and feeling the sexual tension between them. It’s not in your face kind of sexual tension – it’s just nice and perfect for two souls who need some healing.

Darkside by Shannon West

Shannon West - Darkside CoverTitle: Darkside

Series: Mate of the Tyger Prince #2

Author: Shannon West

Genre: Gay Erotic Romance, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Paranormal

Length: Novel (202pgs)

Publisher: Dark Hollows Press LLC (April 5, 2016) 

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: The course of true love never did run smooth. Ryan is settling into his role as a new father and the royal consort of Mikos, the fierce and handsome Prince of Tygeria. He’s still deeply in love and happy—most of the time. But the former Alliance colonel is a bit restless, and even though he loves his child and his mate, he needs a bit more to occupy his time. Mikos thinks giving him more babies to care for will help, but Ryan comes up with a different idea for some diversion and physical challenge by forming his own team for the dangerous Arena Games.

Meanwhile, Haggoz and Kevin are deeply involved in a much more serious game of their own. The king warned Haggoz that punishing his own mate and holding him prisoner would be nearly impossible, but Haggoz can’t bear to be parted from him. Locked in a seemingly endless war between his love for the former marine and his duty to his king, Haggoz is struggling to survive. 

Just when it seems that they’re hopelessly deadlocked, Mikos and Haggoz go on what should be a routine mission against an ARes training facility on a distant moon. When disaster strikes and word gets back to Ryan that Mikos and Haggoz are both in terrible danger, he embarks on a desperate mission to save them and bring them safely home. Ryan finds an unlikely ally in Kevin to help him save the men and discover that even though the course may be rocky, true love will always find its way.

ISBN: 978-1-944054-55-7

Product Link: http://www.darkhollowspress.com/dark-side

Reviewer: Lisa 

Review: Each book in the Mate of the Tyger Prince collection features a different romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order. 

Ryan loves what he is and his life, however he seems to be missing something. Mikos thinks giving him more babies will fix that, but Ryan has other ideas. It is not what you’re thinking, so get your minds out of the gutters. Haggoz and Kevin are in some big trouble. Haggoz is keeping his mate prisoner and is still on the punishing him part. Too bad he can’t seem to stop having sex with the man. He is being torn in two. Then they are sent on a mission that turns bad, it is up to Ryan to save their asses.

I didn’t much care for the jump between all of the guys. Haggor is a total ass, but he will need both his mate and Ryan if he wants to survive what is going on. Here Ryan is getting depressed and needs to make a plan to fix it. What does one expect after having a baby? Ryan wants to play in the war games, yet his mate has other ideas. It would seem that he has forgotten where his mate has come from and who he is. Never get in the way of a marine. Then you have a man who keeps his mate locked up but can’t stay away from him. I just don’t get it. 

I don’t really care for books that are longer. It just seems to drag stuff out that is boring to me. Don’t get me wrong this book rocks, but it didn’t keep my attention like it should have. I just don’t care for multiple characters having trouble in one book. I did like to hear about Mikos and Ryan, but I was hoping that this would just focus on Haggoz and Kevin. Other than my problems with it, this book did exactly what it was supposed to. It entertained me for most parts. I liked how Ryan and Kevin were the ones to get their mates out of trouble. I felt bad for Kevin though. 

Now the story was pretty damn good, but it didn’t set off any explosions for me. It was a fun read but one that I could have done without. My attention was not caught like it should have which was a bit disappointing in the end. I hope that the next book comes off a bit better to me. 

Second Skin by Alex Whitehall

Alex Whitehouse - Second Skin _474x791Title: Second Skin

Series: N/A

Author: Alex Whitehall

Genre: Contemporary, Drama, New Adult, Sci-fi, Alien, Shifter

Length: Novella (103 pages)

Publisher: Riptide Publishing (April 11, 2016)

Heat Level: Low – Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Blurb: When Jay heads to the university’s learning center for help with his math class, he doesn’t expect his tutor to be tall, dark, and handsome. But Roswell is all that and more, and their instant connection over cult movies, books, and TV shows quickly evolves into dating.

That’s when things get tricky.

Roswell might claim he doesn’t have issues with Jay being trans, but when he’s constantly insisting they “take it slow,” Jay’s not so sure. He’s been hurt before, and he’s not going to let it happen again.

But then Roswell reveals that he, too, has a few secrets under his skin.

ISBN: 978-1-62649-416-9

Product Link: http://riptidepublishing.com/titles/second-skin

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: I honestly do not know how I feel about this book. I know for sure Roswell’s character was lacking in depth details about himself especially the alien aspect. Jay confused me as I didn’t understand why he would tell someone he did not know well that he was Trans. I mean he does not know Roswell or how he is or even that if he’s prejudice in some way.

I really wanted to like this story as I love sci-fi and paranormal stories but there were too many head scratching moments for me to get into the story. The story seemed to jump from one thing to the next at times without any resolution. 

It was an o.k. read.

Nate and the New Yorker by Kevin Klehr

Kevin Klehr - Nat and The New Yorker Cover sTitle: Nate and the New Yorker

Series: N/A

Author: Kevin Klehr

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novella (87 pages)

Publisher: Wilde City Press (9th March 2016)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.5 Hearts

Blurb: Cameron has it all. He’s rich, lives in Manhattan, and even has a cross-dressing butler. But then he meets Nate, an Australian who’s bitter about love. Cameron is determined to turn this realist into a dreamer by sharing his world of classy restaurants, Broadway shows and fabulous parties. And while Nate’s friends see the makings of a fantasy romance, it’s Nate who has to learn that in order to open his heart, he has to face a painful secret.

ISBN: 978-1-925313-72-7

Product Link: https://www.wildecity.com/books/gay-romance/nate-and-the-new-yorker/#.V6XNSfl97IU

Reviewer: Prime

Review: This is one of those reads that is short and sexy and satisfying. Nate, from Sydney, Australia meets Cameron while on a trip around Europe with his two best friends. Cameron, as the blurb says, is rich and so at first he is a bit of a douche when he tries to impress Nate.

The story is very quick, part of me wanted there to be a lot of guts to the story, especially towards the end and when we have to deal with Nate getting over his ex Elliot and his conversations with Elliot. I can’t say anything without giving anything away but there is a bit of a twist that completely turns the story on its head. It’s completely enjoyable and a really cool but I just felt that the moment the twist was introduced the story was rushed and I was a little disappointed not to find out more about things.

A quick read this is not for anyone who does not like insta-love. All in all, it’s sweet, fun and sexy, with a bit of a ride around the world. The couple themselves work well together but part of me just wanted more from them, it just felt like the surface of these characters were scratched.

Daniel & Erik’s Super Fab Ultimate Wedding Checklist by K.E. Belledonne

K.E. Belledonne - Daniel & Erik's Super Fab Ultimate Wedding Checklist CoverTitle: Daniel & Erik’s Super Fab Ultimate Wedding Checklist

Series:  N/A

Author:  K.E. Belledonne

Genre:  Contemporary

Length:  Novel (200 pages)

Publisher:  Interlude Press (23 June 2016)

Heat Level:  Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: When Daniel gets caught up in the demands of a cheeky wedding planning app, his ance Erik grows frustrated with his preoccupation with adhering to heterosexual traditions. Will Daniel’s groomzilla ways give them the wedding of their dreams, or ultimately lead to their relationship’s demise?

ISBN: 9781941530825

Product Link: Interlude Press

Reviewer: Prime

Review: This was my first time reading a KE Belledonne book – and I have to say I was completely blown away by the awesomeness of both the story and the writing.

The title says it all – Daniel and Erik, a young couple who have been dating for a few years, are now getting ready to plan their super awesome wedding. The story in itself is quite simple. We get to read how the guys met and their life dating. It isn’t super romantic by any means but it is literally just two guys living a life and trying to become a cohesive couple.

Daniel is down to earth, though he has always dreamed of planning his own wedding. Whereas Erik is a rather deep-thinking academic type who seems like the kind of guy that would let the world pass him if it didn’t interest him. Together they are wonderful and though I loved Daniel more than Erik (he did piss me off a couple times) Daniel is the kind of guy that steps out of his shell when in the presence of the man he loves.

Towards the end we did get an injection of drama. Up until that point it was a real humorous look at how a stupid app and expectations from what we see in magazines, etc. can really become a head fuck if you try to conform. This was one of those times where I found myself feeling sympathy for Daniel and mentally yelling at Erik that he needs to get his shit together and try when it came to his relationship with Daniel. Daniel, after downloading a wedding app becomes overcome and I couldn’t help but think that perhaps Erik needed to intervene before things went to shit.

While I relate to Erik, the whole academic thing and not really completely into planning parties, I did want to hit him on the head. In fact, he did the one thing that academics tend to do when a job offer comes their way and why some academics are completely miserable because they don’t do the whole work-life balance right. I felt sorry for Daniel at that point and I was really annoyed with Erik.

But in the end it’s all good, there is a HEA and it is then that Erik does show, albeit in passing, that he actually did pay attention at some important details when their wedding plans were destroying their relationship.

Learning the Dingo's Quirks by Charlie Richards

Charlie Richards - Learning the Dingo's Quirk CoverTitle: Learning the Dingo’s Quirks

Series: A Loving Nip #10

Author: Charlie Richards

Genre: Gay Erotic Romance, Paranormal

Length: Short Story (74 Pages) 

Publisher: Extasy Books (August 5, 2016) 

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts 

Blurb: Just a little Love Bite: You can’t control how another will respond to adversity.

Mathe Winters knew his coven’s vampire second was bringing several dingo shifters home to their ranch. He didn’t expect one to be his beloved. Still, there’s something about the way Julian looks at him, with a gaze so full of fear and hope. He finds himself instantly smitten. Wanting to show the dingo shifter the wonders of his cattle ranch home, Mathe runs into a snag. While Julian had met Angus shifters, it doesn’t prepare him for the reality of dealing with the non-shifter variety. He gets too close to the wrong animal and ends up injured. Can Mathe earn Julian’s forgiveness—and win his trust—so he can show his dingo how to play safely in his new home?

ISBN: 978-1-4874-0804-6 

Product Link: http://www.extasybooks.com/learning-the-dingos-quirks/

Reviewer: Lisa 

Review: Each book in A Loving Nip collection features a different romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order. In fact I would recommend reading the very first series that leads you to this one. Wolves of Stone Ridge is the starter that many different series branched off, so I would start with that one first. There are about five different series, so you will definitely be entertained. 

I came across Charlie when she wrote her very first book for the Wolves of Stone Ridge series and never looked back. You will meet a group of alpha’s that want the love of their mates. They live many centuries and their mates make their lives better and a bit interesting. Most of the time they have their serious tones but there is quite a bit of humor mixed in with them that make them even more fascinating for me. Each story will have danger, excitement, adventure, and a touch of kink to them that will keep your attention the whole time, like it does for me. 

Mathe had waited for the coven’s second to bring home several dingoes’ that had been hurt and rescued. His second had found his mate, but it would seem that Mathe has also found his. His little mate, was in fact the brother of the mate to the coven’s second. He was over joyed but knew that there were going to be a few issues to deal with, and he was going to show his little mate he was his.

Julian had been used for sex by his pack, as was his brothers. Now they were safe but it didn’t mean he wasn’t scared. Now here he was surrounded by vampires, and mated to one. Now if only he could remember to stay away from the back in of a cow.

I love how Charlie puts together a book that will draw you in and keep you captivated all the way to the end. Now I have to admit that Toni is not one of my favorites but he does come a long way. The poor guy just needs to learn a bit more about demons. I love the little extra snap in this story that will give you an exciting climax at the end.

Charlie has become one of my favorite authors, and I am glad to see that it will never change. This is one book I would recommend.

Starting New by S.C. Wynne Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!

S.C. Wynne - Starting New Tour Banner

Hi guys, we have S.C. Wynne sopping by today with her new release Starting New, we have a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway, so enjoy the post and click that giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~

S.C. Wynne - Starting New Cover

Starting New


S.C. Wynne

Life hasn’t been good to Francis Murphy. He’s survived twenty-one years of homelessness by hooking and taking handouts where he can find them. When the local shelter is vandalized, he’s forced to seek food at the Grace and Light Church, where he runs into the pastor’s son, Randy.

Randy Wright believes the best in others. He’s immediately drawn to Francis, even though Francis is hardened and wary. When Francis is attacked by one of his johns, Randy and his family take him in and offer him temporary work. Randy always thought he was straight, but something about Francis has him yearning for more than just friendship, and realizing he might be bisexual.

Francis is attracted to Randy too, and Randy and his parents say they’ve always believed in gay rights. But talk is cheap. What are the odds that these Christian parents will remain open-minded when it’s their own son in a relationship with another man?

Continue reading “Starting New by S.C. Wynne Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

Blue Moon III by A.E. Via, Blog Tour, Teasers, Review & Giveaway!

A.E. Via - Blue Moon III Banner

Hi guys, we have A.E. Via stopping by with the tour for her newest release Call of the Alpha, Blue Moon III, we have some great teasers,  a fantastic giveaway and Prime’s reviews of all three books, so enjoy the post and click that giveaway link <3 ~Pixie~ 

A.E. Via - Blue Moon III Cover L


(Blue Moon 03)

A.E. Via


It’s been a couple years since Commander John Marion – the US Navy’s most decorated SEAL – hung up his dog tags, choosing his cherished Alpha over war.

Call and Alpha have settled comfortably into their carefree lives nestled in the mountains of South Carolina. No more combat for the Commander and no more ordered killings for the deadliest assassin in the world.

However, nothing stays peaceful forever.

When Alpha’s brother Omega comes to their secluded home with a distressing message from their Order, Alpha has to answer the call.  But what neither of them expect is for the Order to send them a new assassin, one just as deadly as both of them, to seek their counsel and bring them back Persia.

Lion’s commanding presence was not at all what any of them anticipated. Especially Omega. Lion realizes what Omega is to him right away, but the stubborn man fights his every advance. Lion knows he and Omega have to connect if they’re going to be victorious. He was sent to bring back an army but if he can’t get his cherished to yield to him, they are sure to fail.

Call refuses to let Alpha fight a gang of rebel assassins without him. Omega will fight by his brother’s side, no matter what… and Hawk saw them coming for his help before anyone else. Together they’ll fight the toughest opponents they’ve ever faced. As always… these badass warriors are up for the challenge.  


Book 2 is recommended to read first.

Continue reading “Blue Moon III by A.E. Via, Blog Tour, Teasers, Review & Giveaway!”

A Fine Bromance by Christopher Hawthorne Moss & Excerpt!

Christopher Hawthorne Moss - A Fine Bromance FB banner Harmony

Hi guys, we have Christopher Hawthorne Moss popping in today with his new release A Fine Bromance, his new transgender young adult story. Christopher also lets us have a peek at an excerpt so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Christopher Hawthorne Moss - A Fine Bromance cover s

A Fine Bromance


Christopher Hawthorne Moss

When Robby starts his senior year in high school, he meets the new boy, Andy. Although Robby has never been physically attracted to anyone, he instinctively feels comfortable around Andy. As they get to know each other better, Robby realizes Andy is an outsider just like him, and harassment at the hands of the school’s bad boys makes it clear that Andy is a transboy.

When Robby’s eccentric Aunt Ivy finds some of her sentimental treasures missing, the boys put on their sleuthing hats to solve the mystery.

30% off Queer Spectrum at Harmony Ink for limited time

Continue reading “A Fine Bromance by Christopher Hawthorne Moss & Excerpt!”

Foothills Pride Vol 01 & Relative Best by Pat Henshaw Guest Post & Excerpt!

Pat Henshaw - Foothills Pride BannerPat Henshaw - Relative Best Banner

Hiya guys, we have Pat Henshaw visiting today with her upcoming releases Foothills Pride Vol 01 paperback and Relative Best, we have a fantastic guest post and a great excerpt from Relative Best, so check out the post and leave a comment for Pat! <3 ~Pixie~

Pat Henshaw - Foothills Pride Cover s

Foothills Pride Vol 01

(Books 01 – 04)

Pat Henshaw

A Foothills Pride Collection

The tiny Sierra Nevada community of Stone Acres looks benign on the outside, but it’s been a hive of activity since gay men from Silicon Valley began moving in. The Old Town establishment is up in arms as newcomers challenge the conservative community to move into the new millennium. Along the way, gay couples find true love and a new home.

Burly, bald bartender Guy Stone watches barista Jimmy Patterson get dumped by his boyfriend, then swoops in to help Jimmy recover in What’s in a Name? After sporting goods merchant Max Greene hires flamboyant Fredi Zimmer to remodel his mountain cabin in Redesigning Max, closeted Max falls for the out-and-proud Fredi. When contractor Abe Behr hires accountant Jeff Mason to find out who’s embezzling from the company in Behr Facts, little does workaholic Abe know he’s opening his heart as well as his books to the man. In When Adam Fell, renowned chef Adam de Leon thought he’d lost the love of his life, David Fairbanks, to drugs until David reappears in Stone Acres and wants another chance.

Despite the obstacles, happily ever afters are waiting in the foothills.

Release date: 17th August 2016

Pre-order: Dreamspinner Press paperback | Amazon US | Amazon UK | B&N

Pat Henshaw - Relative Best Cover s

Relative Best

(Foothills Pride 05)

Pat Henshaw

Sometimes love sneaks up when you’re least looking for it….

Zeke Bandy, owner of Bandy’s Finest Hotel in Old Town Stone Acres, California, is too busy for love. Not only does he oversee the operations of the historic hotel and uphold his family’s tradition of offering refuge to strays and runaways, Zeke also sings and plays down-home music two nights a week at the Stonewall Saloon and for occasional celebrations. Then Zeke meets Victor Longbow, the man of his dreams.

Vic isn’t looking for love either. In fact, because of his upbringing in a strict, white foster family, Vic’s not sure he believes in love. He’s in Stone Acres to open a branch office of a national brokerage firm. He’s also hoping to find a vintage photo of what might be his Native American ancestor.

After their paths cross, they become friends, then more. Connected by their experiences as orphans raised by flawed fathers, Zeke and Vic realize that some men must find love, hone it, and create families for themselves.

Release Date: 17th August 2016

Continue reading “Foothills Pride Vol 01 & Relative Best by Pat Henshaw Guest Post & Excerpt!”