The Tradition by Renee Matthews

Renee Matthews - The Tradition CoverTitle: The Tradition

Series:  Forbidden #1

Author: Renee Matthews

Genre: Erotic Romance, Paranormal

Length: Short (45 pages)

Publisher: eXtasy Books (March 3, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate – Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Are traditions allowed to be broken when it leads to finding your soulmate?

Zane was raised to see the evil that was in the world. With monsters surrounding their village on all sides, it seemed very simple what the evil was. Until Zane meets Tancred and starts to question everything that being a villager stands for. 

Tancred knew from the first moment they met that Zane was his other half. Learning that the man was the kin of the humans that destroyed his family caused him to run. Will Tancred learn there is more to Zane than his last name? Or will he lose the man that is the other half of his soul?

ISBN: 978-1-4874-1008-7

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Zane is to follow in his father’s footsteps as the leader of their village. He’s heard the stories of monsters throughout his life and how his family was the ones to take them out then a truce is called.

Now eighteen Zane meets Tancred and feels a connection. Tancred has no love for humans as they killed his family. The Tradition is interesting as when a demon finds his other half he can be hurt by hurting the other half. I found it intriguing that Tancred and Zane were mates. However the exact species of certain individuals was a little vague. For instance it states that Tancred was an elemental and produces electricity and that’s it. 

But, due to Tancred’s anger he refuses Zane for five years until Zane’s father figures out the bond between them.

I like the story and am looking forward to Lucifer’s story with his mate.

The Red Thread by Bryan Ellis

Bryan Ellis - The Red Thread Cover sTitle: The Red Thread

Author: Bryan Ellis

Genre: Contemporary 

Length: Novel (256 Pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (September 2, 2016)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Blurb: After a suicide attempt left him hospitalized for seven months, Jesse Holbrooke is returning home to live with his parents. Despite the treatment he received, his depression hangs like a cloud over his head, casting his life in a perpetual darkness he can’t seem to escape. But just when the obstacles become insurmountable, a glimmer of light appears.

Life hasn’t been easy for Adam Foster, a barista with a bad stutter, but he keeps his chin up and tries not to let the mockery of others get to him. Though shy, Adam is sweet and romantic, and Jesse knows they could be perfect for each other. Adam’s support gives Jesse the courage to face the darkness and believe in the possibility of happiness at last. But if their romance is going to last, both young men will have to look inside and find acceptance—for themselves as well as for each other.

ISBN: 978-1-63477-724-7

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review:  When I first got this book, I wasn’t really sure what to expect.  The author was new for me and I have never really cared for ready books by those I have not heard of.  Also I am more romance then what this story actually is.  It is a very depressing story about a young man with depression.  I suppose in a way it would actually be a great story for those who are dealing with it.  It also shows new love and how each compliments the other.  Although I also can’t figure out why the author fit two kids with mental illness with each other.  For me it didn’t really make a lot of sense. 

The story was a bit dry and was focused on the kid’s illness.  To be a love story, it really didn’t work out the way that I had expected it to.  Our main character, Jesse is nineteen, but to tell you the truth he sounds like an old man.  The story was all over the place and the added in word description really didn’t help much.  The part where he is in a mental hospital it just came off odd also.  The story seemed just repetitive and went over and over to me.  Everything felt like it was forced out of the author.  

Jesse and Adam met at their therapist.  They seem to hit it off, but Jesse seemed more focused on his dark days then he did his boyfriend.  There was some good parts to it, but Adam was more there in heart to me.  Whereas Jesse comes off like an old man, Adam who is older comes off like a teenager.  They didn’t really connect like I felt they should have.  

Adam was my favorite character out of the whole story, but even he came off strange.  I did enjoy his enthusiastic remarks quite a bit, he always seemed happy.  However deep down I wonder how he really felt. 

Over all the story just didn’t flow the way it should have, and the pace was slow going.  I hate to admit that I skimmed over most of this book just to finish it.  I am going to say that it was just not my kind of story at all.  The writing was not bad, but the story just didn’t rock the way I wanted it to. 

A Cook In King Arthur's Court by T.K. Benjamin

T.K. Benjamin - A Cook In King Arthur's Court CoverTitle: A Cook in King Arthur’s Court

Author: T. K. Benjamin

Genre: Fantasy, Historical

Length: Novella (84 pages)

Publisher: Siren-BookStrand, Inc.(March 1, 2017)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.75 Hearts

Blurb: The wizard Merlin saw rot in his beloved Camelot. He asked aid from his Gods. They answered and, after a fashion, along with a bit of complicated magic, he got Alex. 

Alexander Foster, a modern-day chef, fell into bed exhausted and alone. After a Technicolor kaleidoscope of a dream, he wakes up. He’s under a tree, in the great outdoors, and there’s a beautiful man wearing armor watching him.  

Alex learns the beautiful man is Mordred, and apparently Merlin is waiting for him. So, off to Merlin and Camelot they go. On the way, he hears Mordred’s tale and the man’s loneliness breaks his heart.   

He also finds he can’t keep his hands to himself.   

Then, they reach Camelot and Alex meets King Arthur and Merlin and learns why he’s there. So now Alex has a choice to make: sit back and do nothing…or meddle.   

Meddling sounds good. 

ISBN: 9781640100176

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Merlin pulls Alex from his world to help Camelot. Upon waking, Alex is confronted by Mordred, a beautiful man newly a knight. Mordred is King Arthur’s son and a prince yet he is snubbed by others and treated poorly.

Alex sets about making changes to strengthen Camelot and cut out the wrongness that has been going on. The changes are for the good of Camelot and the future. I liked the things he changed as they made perfect sense.

Though I liked the story I was honestly expecting something else. 

Fish Out of Water by Amy Lane

Amy Lane - Fish Out Of Water Cover STitle: Fish Out Of Water

Author: Amy Lane

Genre: Contemporary, Mystery 

Length: Novel (270 Pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (July 29, 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: PI Jackson Rivers grew up on the mean streets of Del Paso Heights—and he doesn’t trust cops, even though he was one. When the man he thinks of as his brother is accused of killing a police officer in an obviously doctored crime, Jackson will move heaven and earth to keep Kaden and his family safe. 

Defense attorney Ellery Cramer grew up with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth, but that hasn’t stopped him from crushing on street-smart, swaggering Jackson Rivers for the past six years. But when Jackson asks for his help defending Kaden Cameron, Ellery is out of his depth—and not just with guarded, prickly Jackson. Kaden wasn’t just framed, he was framed by crooked cops, and the conspiracy goes higher than Ellery dares reach—and deep into Jackson’s troubled past.

Both men are soon enmeshed in the mystery of who killed the cop in the minimart, and engaged in a race against time to clear Kaden’s name. But when the mystery is solved and the bullets stop flying, they’ll have to deal with their personal complications… and an attraction that’s spiraled out of control.  

ISBN: 978-1-63477-379-9

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review:  I have read a few books by this author and have loved the worlds she creates.  This story is on the wall with me.  I am a reader of m/m only and within the first few paragraphs, you guessed it, sex with a female.  So for me that knocked the book down quite a bit.  I had to skim over most of the story just to get away from the girly parts.  Talk about a disappointment.

Now the mystery was a hit, if not a bit drawn out to the point that I almost lost focus.  The story is full of details, twists and turns, complex and then you get right into the heart of it all.  I have not known that Amy writes mysteries, so I was kind of shocked to find it.  But damn if she didn’t give you a heart stopping story of crime, revenge, dirty cops, murder, and so much more.  That is not to mention the hot sex, but that was only between the guys.  

Jackson was one hell of a cop, till a bullet changed his life.  Now he is private investigator who is trying to find out who framed his brother.  His brother is a brother he chose, because let’s face it his real family suck.  Now Ellery is his brother’s lawyer, trying to get him out of a cop killing sentence.  They knew that Kaden had not killed that dirty cop, but they needed to find out who did.  Now Ellery is the exact opposite of Jackson, and I wasn’t too sure if I like him or not.  However he has had the hots for the man for so long and now he gets a chance.  To find out more, well you just have to read it.  It is an action packed story and damn sexy men.

Now I am not really sure if I liked the book or actually hated it, but it sure was quite entertaining.  Once I got past my girly parts section, the story rocked.  I would definitely recommend this story, but I could have done without the females. 

Crash and Burn by Jane Perky

Jane Perky - Crash and Burn CoverTitle: Crash and Burn

Series: Wolves of Emerald Valley #1

Author: Jane Perky

Genre: Paranormal

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (April 27, 2017)

Length: Novella (118 Pages)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Blurb: Alpha Werewolf Crash left his hometown of Emerald Valley a long time ago, along with his five best friends. Now he’s back in town to solve a murder, but the town’s changed, taken over by a vicious wolf pack. Worse, his ex and the only man he’s ever loved is about to be mated to another. Mark’s already broken his heart once, but there are some things that can’t be forgiven. Crash will claim Mark, even if that means his death.

Omega Wolf Mark’s done all he can to survive, including stomaching a man he doesn’t love. When Crash returns to town, unresolved feelings return to the surface and the chemistry between them burns as hot as ever. Crash swears to never let Mark go again, but things are never that simple.

Will Crash challenge an entire pack to win back his Omega? 

ISBN: 978-1-64010-287-3

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review:  I have read a few stories by this author, and I find that I say the same thing pretty much each time.  The story line has great potential as well as the plot itself.  The characters also could have made a great impact into the story, however there was quite a bit missing in the story that would have done that.  The way Crash and the others are written, make them come off both as strong but also as weak.  They might be able to fight their way through many obstacles, but in truth that is about as far as they would get.  There is no heat or passion when it comes to the characters themselves or their relationship or I should say the right heat or passion.  Yes, they are pissed about their omega friend but I don’t see the build-up for any others.

Now they are all friends who left their homes, but they left an omega behind.  Then they all separate which would make them lone wolves.  Now if the author knew about wolves, then they would know that is not the norm.  Now for a book, that maybe would work.  However for me, it didn’t do what the author intended.  I did not like the interaction between Crash and Mark.  It felt forced and a bit harsh to a point.  One minute they are hating each other, and the next in bed just doesn’t fly with me.  I will wait to see how the others work in their story before deciding what to feel about them.  Lets just say an alpha and pack, would not let another group of wolves stay in their pack.  The vampires were a nice addition, but then again you only see them for a bit.  

Crash and his friends are alpha werewolves, yet they are all lone wolves. Except for Larry who was an omega and they just left him behind.  Crash had been in love with Mark, but left him behind.  Both of their hearts were broken, but neither chose the other.  Now they are back for Larry’s funeral and to find out what happened to him.  Mark was to bond with the beta of the pack who is an ass.  If you want to know the juicy details, pick up the book.

Now I have given you my problems with the book, as well as a little description of the story.  Now for me the book felt rushed and not well thought out.  There was a great deal of potential and areas that showed some strength.  However for me, those areas were small compared to the rest of the story itself. I didn’t connect with any of the characters and that was a big disappointment for me. 

Now I will stick with the series to see if they get a better story but for now it is not doing anything for me at all. Just because this is my thoughts doesn’t mean you might not like it.

Country Boy At Heart by M.A. Church

m-a-church-a-country-boy-at-heart-cover-mTitle: Country Boy at Heart 

Series:  States of Love # 1, Tennessee

Author: M.A. Church

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novella (118 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (November 9, 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Hot damn, what more could a country boy want? Bass Pro Shop is finally opening in Tennessee. Nick plans to check out all twelve indoor acres chock-full of hunting, fishing, and boating in the Memphis Pyramid on the Mississippi River.

City boy Sandy wonders yet again how he let himself get talked into attending a grand opening for a hick hunting store. His geeky heart prefers the energy of the city. Little does he know all that is going to change due to a freakishly tall glass elevator—and Nick, the high-school crush who’s suddenly taking a second look at him.

A moment of panic while trapped in the elevator leads to a spark neither expected. Getting out is the least of the challenges they’ll face if they want to try to put their differences aside and find out if love is possible between a city boy and a country boy.

States of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the United States.

ISBN-13: 978-1-63477-735-3

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Nick was outed in school trying to protect Sandy, a boy who had a crush on him, amid harsh words and anger that Nick has regretted ever since, Nick moves on with his solitary life. While checking out the opening of the new Bass Pro Shop he runs into Sandy of all people.

Sandy was hurt deeply by Nick as a result he leaves town as fast as he can. Years later he returns to attend the grand opening of Pro Bass Shop and runs into Nick. Feelings he buried years before come rushing back. But not wanting to be hurt again he guards his heart. When the power goes out and the men are trapped in an elevator together will apologies be accepted or will they go their separate ways?

I loved this sweet read. It tugs at the heartstrings as you feel for both of these men. I was cheering them on to resolve their differences and see they were meant to be together. A delightful read with plenty of emotional and tender scenes.

Fantastic read and highly recommended.

Uprooted by Gillain St. Kevern

Gillian St. Kevern - Uprooted CoverTitle: Uprooted

Series: Thorns and Fangs #2

Author: Gillian St. Kevern

Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy

Publisher: NineStar Press (December 26, 2016)

Length: Novel (232pgs)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Recovering vampire Ben is discovering that life after death is hard work. It will take more than a reflection to impress his boyfriend Nate’s religious mother. And Nate’s twin brother, Ethan, openly resents Ben’s presence at the family farm. Nate is confident they can build a normal life together, but Ben’s not even sure he knows what normal is. He can’t face his reflection, let alone his past, while Nate refuses to divulge his family’s supernatural secret. Can they build a future on such shaky foundations?

When a supernatural hunter is found dead on the family farm, Ethan becomes the main suspect in a murder investigation that puts Ben and Nate at odds. Nate wants to protect his family and stay silent about what he is, but Ben knows no one is safe until the demonic agent responsible for a string of murders is caught. Defying Nate to investigate alone, Ben can’t let the demon claim another victim. But as his investigation continues, he discovers links to a past he thought he’d buried—and a past Nate refuses to acknowledge. With a desperate killer on a deadline, Ben must face the literal demons in his past if he wants to have any chance of saving himself and Nate from a fate worse than death. 

ISBN: 978-1-945952-41-8

Product Link:

Reviewer:  Lisa

Review: It has been several months since I read the first book in this series, so it was like a new experience for me.  This particular story is about the two main characters in book one and where they are now that Ben is not a vampire any longer.  When I read the blurb, it said recovering vampire, but in truth he is now human once more.  The characters are a bit off to me, but still pretty sweet.  In this story you find out more about Nate and let’s just say it is one big surprise.

Nate has talked Ben into coming back to his home town with him.  It is supposed to give him a break from what he had known before.  Ben gets to meet Nate’s brother Ethan and their mom.  Now that is one wacky family.  It also explains quite a bit about Nate.  The problem was there was a murder and Ethan is the main suspect.  

Now the whole town is just down right creepy.  They are one of the most religious place’s ever and just because someone is off, it makes them evil.  And when there is evil around, you can figure out the type of people living there will react.  Ethan is a lover of plants, and is damn good at growing them.  He is closed off and really weird, but his brother is the exact opposite.  Nate is out going and funny as hell, in a way.  This murder might link back to, well I will let you find out when you read the story.  Let’s just say you are in for a big surprise.

It is a very long winded tale that I have to admit didn’t keep my attention like it should have.  I am afraid that I had to take a break from it for a bit.  It has a lot of description and details in it that just didn’t help me along.  It actually took several chapters before I got interested in finding out what else happens.  Other than that this book was a bigger hit with me then the first one was.  I do like the characters quite a bit and can’t wait to see what this author comes up with for the next book.

Dissonance by Shira Anthony ~ Audiobook

Shira Anthony - Dissonance Cover AudioTitle: Dissonance

Series: Blue Notes 07

Author: Shira Anthony

Genre: Contemporary

Narrator: John Solo

Length: 9 hrs 24 mins

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (4th November 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate – Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Narration: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: British noble Cameron Sherrington has hit rock bottom. The love of his life, opera sensation Aiden Lind, is marrying another man, and Cam knows it’s his fault for pushing Aiden away. As if that’s not enough, someone is trying to take away his family business, and the US authorities are pursuing him on charges of money laundering. Fearing for his safety and unable to return to London, Cam runs, but he’s too broke to find a place to stay, and his fugitive’s life doesn’t even remotely resemble a Hollywood thriller.

Desperate and betrayed by the people he thought cared about him, Cam takes refuge in the subway station where Galen Rusk plays his trumpet for tips. Though Cam hears the beauty in Galen’s music, it’s Galen’s firm hand on his shoulder that stops him from throwing everything away. Their unusual relationship takes a turn that surprises them both, and neither man is sure he wants the complication. Galen is fighting the ghosts of his past, and Cam has his own nightmares to face. When Cam’s troubles threaten to tear them apart, Cam figures he had it coming – that it’s all penance due for a life lived without honesty or love. But he never considered the possibility that he might not survive it.

Product Link: Audible US | Audible UK

Reviewer: Gigi

Review: I’ve always enjoyed this series for its depth of character, development of plot, and ability to pluck at my heart strings, and Dissonance delivers the same quality. At first I had a hard time warming up to Cam, as the author very well intends, and I couldn’t put together the mystery of Galen’s persona for the longest time. That actually thrilled me that I couldn’t truly predict every move, and there was not cookie cutter though the premise is familiar. 

There are many instances of suicidal thoughts, attempts, and self hurt in this story as well as sexual abuse, so be warned. IT’s not for the light hearted. 

There were plenty of moments where the author ripped my heart out, but left it carefully mended and hopeful for the future. The sexual content was disturbing in many places, but between Galen and Cam it was beautiful, sensual and slowly simmering. Don’t despair; you’ll get your HEA. 

The narrator did a wonderful job, the characters were defined, the story flowed well, and my imagination combined with his voice put me right in the action, as any good audiobook should. I recommend Dissonance as well as the other top quality well written books in this series!

Forever My Love by Toby Aden

Toby Aden - Forever My Love CoverTitle: Forever My Love

Series: The Melrose Coven  #3

Author: Toby Aden

Genre: Paranormal

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand, Inc. (April 20, 2017)

Length: Novella (187 Pages)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Alistair Costanova never thought he’d have a second chance at love until Sam Hayes blows into town and turns his world upside down. Shock sends him running away from the man wearing the face of his dead lover from several centuries ago, but circumstances and attractions keep drawing them closer.

Sam Hayes is a very complicated man. Impulsive and a total slut, but he has some measure of depth to him. He’s a man with several layers and a deeply buried secret only a select few in his family line know about. A born wizard, Sam had no choice but to keep that part of himself separate from his public life among humans, even his best friend Dorian. Moving to Melrose Town was supposed to be an adventure and a new start for Sam. Nothing had prepared him to be surrounded by a town full of vampires, but a quick adjustment was in order, especially since witches stayed neutral from every other species.

Meeting Alistair sparks his interest and the aloof man brings out emotions he’d never felt before. For Alistair, staying away from Sam is more work than he thought possible, even if he needed to stay away for the man’s own good. But with the increasing problem of made vampires and these two fighting the emotions they feel for each other, who will succumb first?

ISBN: 978-1-64010-285-9

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in The Melrose Coven collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order. There is nothing better than a good paranormal romance with two gorgeous men involved.  

I love the way this author can put together a book that not only fascinates you but draws you in. I had a blast reading this and look forward to reading more by this amazing author. This is one of those types that even after you have read the whole book you just want to go back and read it again.   

Many years ago Alistair’s mate had been murdered right along with his baby brother.  He got his revenge, but he was now alone.  He left his position of a noble person and went to work with for the king of their people.  He had not expected to find another mate, one that was identical to the man he loved.  So what does his dumbass do, he runs.  Now Sam is a sweetie, but he does have his own secrets to hide.  When he went to see a friend, who was like a brother to him, he had not expected to be surrounded by vampires.  Going to shock Dorian when he finds out that Sam does know what they are that is for sure.  He just had not expected to find a sexy vampire of his own, now all he has to do is bide his time.  Either that or kick the man’s ass.  If you really want to know, pick up the book.

I love how it has that serious tone to it but there is so much humor in it that your attention is captivated throughout it all. I loved the cover and that was what caught my attention first.  The characters are beautifully written with big hearts, however if you cross them, they have no problem putting you down. They will protect their mates with their entire lives. I had a blast reading this story.

This story is perfect for when you are trying to take a break or when you just need the sun to shine for you. It caught my attention from the moment I started reading and kept it all the way to the end. It also gave me everything I could want in a book. I can honestly tell you that this is going to be one of those types of series. One that I will have to read over and over.

I love the way all the feelings they felt was involved in this story. It was the perfect story for me and I loved it. I can’t wait to read the next story.

Sons of Devils by Alex Beecroft

Alex Beecroft - Sons of Devils CoverTitle: Sons of Devils

Series:  Arising # 1

Author: Alex Beecroft

Genre: Fantasy, Historical Fantasy, Magical Realism, Action, Adventure

Length: Novel (232 pages)

Publisher: Riptide Publishing (March 13, 2017)

Heat Level: Low – Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥ 3 Hearts

Blurb: British scholar Frank Carew is in Wallachia to study the magic generator on nobleman Radu Vacarescu’s land. There, his party is attacked by bandits and his friends are killed. Pursued by a vampiric figure, he flees to Radu’s castle for help.

Unfortunately, this is precisely where the vampires came from. If allowed, they would feed unchecked and spread their undeath across the whole Earth, but Radu maintains a shaky control over them and keeps them penned in his tiny corner of the country.

As Frank recovers from his assault, Radu finds himself falling for the young man. But loving Frank and not wanting to lose him leaves Radu vulnerable to his demons’ demands. Can he bear to let them feed on the man he loves? Or must he give in to their blackmail and set them free to feast on his entire country?

ISBN: 978-1-62649-554-8

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: This is not going to be an easy review as the story is two parts with separate characters for each. To say it was an easy flowing read would be a lie. While I enjoyed reading about Frank and Radu I felt no connection to them. Nor was their story complete before we are dropped into another half of the book. 

I have never been so totally thrown off a book before. I’m honestly dreading reading the next in the series.

I honestly felt confused when I finished and had trouble separating details of the stories in the book. As a result I have a headache. I am sincerely hoping that things go better in the second book and we get some clarity as to where things are headed. 

If not I may have to give the series to someone else to review. It was an o.k. read.

Gabriel by R.K. Staunton

R.K. Staunton - Gabriel CoverTitle: Gabriel

Series:  Order of the Black Knights # 5

Author: R.K. Staunton

Genre: Mystery, Suspense, Urban Fantasy

Length: Novel (220 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (April 21, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.75 Hearts

Blurb: Gabriel Ingram is running from his past. It’s common knowledge at the college where he teaches that he’s a former CIA technical analyst, but no one knows the things he really did—or about the rage and bloodlust that are his constant companions. He’s holding on to his normal life with both hands, but he knows someday he’ll lose his grip.

Lucas Craig is a social worker studying to become a family therapist. For reasons Lucas can’t understand, the normally reclusive Professor Ingram takes an interest in him, and Lucas secretly hopes their friendship might become more.

Then Eric, Lucas’s roommate, disappears. Lucas is frantic. The police are no help. With nowhere else to turn, Lucas begs Gabriel for his expertise.

What starts as a simple errand to help a friend becomes a journey into a violent world of gangs and human trafficking—one that will bring Gabriel face-to-face with the forces intent on stealing his soul. But Lucas might be the one who can save him—if Gabriel can get them out alive.

ISBN-13: 978-1-63533-393-0

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: I truly enjoyed this series until this book. Where was the action, danger and intense passion? Answer is nowhere. Professor Ingram is ex CIA. He has been living his life peacefully while keeping the killing rage under control. 

Enter student Lucas. Lucas has secret fantasies for Gabriel but does not believe the professor sees him until Gabriel starts giving him coffee. The so called relationship felt forced to me. I mean Gabriel did not want anything to do with Lucas even after he went to him for help about his missing friend. 

I was also disappointed by the lack of action when it came to saving the friend. It seemed over just as it began which was sad to me. I felt this story could have been so much better than it was.

Good read.

Love Stoned by Mya Lairis

Mya Lairis - Love Stoned CoverTitle: Love Stoned

Author: Mya Lairis

Genre: Multicultural & Interracial, Paranormal, Romance

Length: Novel (383pgs)

Publisher: Mya Lairis (October 9, 2015)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: When Farhad discovers the bodyguard known as Bulletproof, he recognizes Devron for exactly what he is- an immature gargoyle. Unable to bring such a youth into the fold without his full height, power, and armaments, Farhad guides the whelp into the Scylla, an organization of supernatural s charged with protecting Earth. Praying that Devron will grow stronger with every day, Farhad can only hope that Devron becomes strong enough to endure what is to come. 

Devron understands little of what and who he is. He is dependent on Farhad’s guidance, but when it comes so sparsely, he suspects that there may be a grave reason behind the elder’s avoidance. With the sparks of attraction igniting every time they meet, Devron knows that Farhad is far more than a tutor. How much may be more than both of them can handle!


Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Devron and Farhad are both gargoyles. Devron wants to be with Farhad and Farhad wants him as well but feels he needs training first so as not to be killed during battles. Though Devron is not happy with this he does as Farhad commands.

There was humor in this story that I liked. I also enjoyed the fact that these two did just jump into a relationship. It was a slow progression as the story continued. The difference between the height of the gargoyle and the dominant party was surprising yet great. 

I really felt the intense emotions these two had for each other. The way the author portrayed the couple interwoven with the twists and turns of the story was perfect. 

Great read.

A Harvest of Dreams and Embers by Belinda Burke

Belinda Burke - A Harvest of Dreams & Embers CoverTitle: A Harvest of Dreams and Embers

Series: Eight Kingdoms # 5 

Author: Belinda Burke

Genre: Erotic Romance, Fantasy

Length: Novel (196 pages)

Publisher: Pride Publishing (February 7, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: What the fire has learned, the ashes will remember…forever.

For the first time in ten thousand years, Myrddin has what he wants—Kas for his lover again. Now that the Black King is his once more, Myrddin is desperate to make sure he keeps him. The vision that came to him in the Spring madness is beginning to come true, and the terrifying loss at the blank end of that vision drives Myrddin to do anything that might prevent it.

He will even live among mortals for a while. Even help the High King of Britain, Uther Pendragon, win the woman he wants.

While Myrddin plots and Kas worries over him, Macsen and Bran have decided to put their own concerns to rest. Macsen is hungry for Dealla’s life and Bran will no longer deny his lover what he wants. Only Dealla herself still stands in their way. To save herself, and make one last attempt on the Red King’s life, she has forged stolen Summer weapons into golden chains.

With Macsen captive, this time it is Bran who must rescue his lover…but the cost may be too much for him to bear.

Is love really worth any price? 

ISBN: 978-1-78651-524-7

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: This complex yet riveting addition to the Eight Kingdom series is about two couples who strive to banish the darkness they all face. Myrddin makes many changes to keep Kas with him after so long apart. I worried for him as it seemed he was taking on so much at times that he left Kas constantly. 

On the other side we have Macsen and Bran along with the always evil Daella who I am thankful to say finally gets whats coming to her. Bran showed remarkable determination when their plans go awry and Macsen is captured. I loved that Bran came to Macsen’s rescue.

This story will not be for everyone. It is dark at times and complicated at others. I found myself frustrated a couple of times but stuck with it. I love the world this story is revolved around. The characters all have their roles to play to make this story pop.

Great read.

Human Instincts by April Kelley

April Kelley - Human Instincts CoverTitle: Human Instincts

Series: Roguefalls #1

Author: April Kelley

Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy 

Publisher: eXtasy Books (May 5, 2017)

Length: Novella (98 Pages)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: If opposites attract, nothing is more opposite than a tough human soldier and an omega wolf shifter cook.

A human soldier and an omega wolf shifter find out they’re mates in a world where segregation between humans and paranormals is standard operating procedure.

Dylan Kole knows how to do one thing, and that’s to be a soldier in the human army. He doesn’t know how to fit in with a bunch of paranormal beings, and he certainly doesn’t know how to be a mate to Rudy Malone, the only omega wolf shifter on Roguefalls Island. One thing Dylan does have going for him is his ability to follow his instincts.

ISBN: 978-1-4874-1239-5

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: I came across April a few months back with her first series came out, and she soon became a favorite of mine.  The worlds she creates are so unique and different then many that are out there that it is an enjoyment when I get my hands on her books.  The characters are fully developed and have a bit of a bite to them.  To top it off they are so damn sexy, makes me want to go out and find one for myself.

In this world humans are segregated away from the paranormal’s.  The humans have their army and the paranormal’s have theirs, although that is about to change.  Dylan was kicked out of his home for being gay.  Thanks to a nice sheriff, he was told to go to the human recruiters and join.  He knew he was destined to die. Then sometime later, he was being given to the paranormal’s army to figure a way to bring them together.  

Rudy is the one and only omega for the paranormal’s army.  He just wanted to get away from his nutty and over protective older brother.  He was their best damn cook, but all that changed when in walked two humans.  One of those humans just so happens to be his mate.  Wow, talk about a shock to them all.

The only complaint I have, is I wished they were longer because I didn’t want to put the book down.  Even right now after having finished it, I want to go read it again.  It caught my attention from the start and kept it all the way to the end.  This story gave me everything I could want in a good story and I cannot wait till the next book gets here.  Way to go April!

Vodka & Handcuffs by Brandon Witt

Brandon Witt - Vodka & Handcuffs CoverTitle: Vodka & Handcuffs

Series: Mary’s Boys 02

Author: Brandon Witt

Genre: Contemporary

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (April 26, 2017)

Length: Novella (112 Pages)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥ 3.5 Hearts

Blurb: Vahin Arora, Hamburger Mary’s sexy bartender, plays the flirtatious role so well even his closest friends—his chosen family at Mary’s—don’t realize Vahin hasn’t had a hookup in months. Then Tall, Dark, and Handsome steps through the door, and Vahin’s libido races back to life.

Being a black cop on the Denver police force is no easy job—Marlon Barton can’t imagine adding being gay to the equation. And while Marlon loves his work as an officer, his life has taken a turn for the hellish because of his new partner, the nephew of a senator.

Fleeing his partner’s company one night, Marlon stumbles into Mary’s for the first time… and wakes up with a hangover in the bartender’s bed. The one-night stand heats up into a budding romance, but not without stress as Marlon’s partner’s actions threaten Vahin’s livelihood and Marlon’s future on the force. Can Vahin and Marlon face the challenges and hold on to the love, friendship, and family they’ve found?

ISBN: 978-1-63533-433-3

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review:  Each book in the Mary’s Boys collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

Marlon is one very sexy cop but he is having the worst time of it.  First off he is black and the second is he is gay.   He has a partner who is not only racist but a homophobe.  Me thinks one doth protest too much, if you get my drift.  Anyhow our sexy police officer needs a good old fashion drink.  Too bad he doesn’t remember drink so much and waking up next to the hot bartender.   Too bad it brings trouble to Vahin and Mary’s boys.

The story starts off pretty damn good, but I am afraid that it also feels like the author just rushed the whole story.  There were so many chances to make it into not only a longer book but to give us something to sink our teeth into.  There is hot sex, but you don’t see it.  There is absolutely no heat between these guys, so no steamy parts either.  There is no passion between these two, or I should say Marlon doesn’t really have any.  He is the one that comes off a bit strange to me.  That’s not saying he isn’t a good character, but with how short the story is, well you get my point.  He just comes off rocky and not a follow thru type of person.  Then there is the ending, well it just seems to stop all of a sudden.

Now the story to me was still cute and I did like the guys.  However it came off a bit like the author was trying to meet a deadline with this particular book.  I also feel that if it had been made into an actual longer book we would have seen a lot more to it.  For now this book failed on many different steps for me to truly love.  It had great potential but for now I am not sure about the rest of the series.

Toxic by Avylinn Winter Blog Tour, Author Note, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Avylinn Winter - Toxic BT Banner

Hi guys, we have Avylinn Winter visiting today with the tour for her new release Toxic, we have a note from Avylinn, a great excerpt and a brilliant giveaway, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Avylinn Winter - Toxic Cover


(Treacherous Chemistry  02)

Avylinn Winter

When true love is a lie and pleasure turns to pain.

Adam Webb spent most of his teenage years in love with his best friend, Gabriel Connor, only to be thrown out of their shared apartment when he finally found the courage to reveal his feelings.

Seven months later, Adam’s effort to save their lost friendship finds him more than he ever asked for. After all, being thrown out has to be better than thrown into a wall. However, Adam isn’t ready to give up. Trapped and isolated in a dangerous relationship, he falls deeper and deeper into Gabriel’s world.

Despite Adam’s attempts to push them away, his friends are determined to help, but the man who fights hardest is Cameron McCain, Adam’s photography teacher—a man who treasures what Gabriel does not.

They say love should conquer all. But when passion breeds fear and love turns toxic, will Adam make the right choice?

Reader Advisory: This book contains scenes of domestic violence and dubious consent.

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Setting The Hook by Andrew Grey Guest Post & Excerpt!

Andrew Grey - Setting The Hook Banner

Hi guys! We have Andrew Grey popping in today with his upcoming release Setting The Hook, we have a short guest post from Andrew and a great excerpt, so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Andrew Grey - Setting The Hook Cover

Setting The Hook


Andrew Grey

It could be the catch of a lifetime.

William Westmoreland escapes his unfulfilling Rhode Island existence by traveling to Florida twice a year and chartering Mike Jansen’s fishing boat to take him out on the Gulf. The crystal-blue water and tropical scenery isn’t the only view William enjoys, but he’s never made his move. A vacation romance just isn’t on his horizon.

Mike started his Apalachicola charter fishing service as a way to care for his daughter and mother, putting their safety and security ahead of the needs of his own heart. Denying his attraction becomes harder with each of William’s visits.

William and Mike’s latest fishing excursion starts with a beautiful day, but a hurricane’s erratic course changes everything, stranding William. As the wind and rain rage outside, the passion the two men have been trying to resist for years crashes over them. In the storm’s wake, it leaves both men yearning to prolong what they have found. But real life pulls William back to his obligations. Can they find a way to reduce the distance between them and discover a place where their souls can meet? The journey will require rough sailing, but the bright future at the end might be worth the choppy seas.

Release date: 12th May 2017

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While You See A Chance by Alexa Milne Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Alexa Milne - While You See a Chance RT Banner

Hi guys, we have Alexa Milne popping in today with the tour for her new release While You See A Chance, we have a great new excerpt and a brilliant giveaway, so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Alexa Milne - While You See A Chance Cover

While You See A Chance


Alexa Milne

As children growing up in South Wales, Sion, Phil and Helen were known as the Three Musketeers, always together and never apart – but time moves on. Sion left to lecture in history at Yale. Phil married Helen because it seemed the obvious thing to do, and they settled down to life in Manchester.

Now all three are approaching sixty. After the death of his partner, and wanting to solve a family mystery, Sion returns to his childhood home to start again. When Helen announces she wants a divorce, Phil also returns home, to a new teaching job, and to renovate the ruin of a house he and Sion once dreamed of living in.

Neither man knows the other is back. Neither man knows how the other feels. With so much unsaid, and so many years apart, can Sion and Phil finally face the truth and take a chance on finding happiness together?

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Jaeger by Evelise Archer Blog Tour, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway!

Evelise Archer - Jaeger RT Banner

Hi guys, we have Evelise Archer popping in for a quick visit with her Order of the Black Knights release Jaeger, we have a great excerpt, a brilliant giveaway and Shorty’s review so check out the post and click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Evelise Archer - Jaeger Cover


(Order of the Black Knights 04)

Evelise Archer

US Marshal Jaeger Tripp is assigned to the Federal Witness Protection Program. The hurt and destruction he’s seen—along with protecting criminals who are only cooperating with the authorities to keep themselves out of jail—have left him with a bleak and jaded view of both life and people. His current assignment is Wren O’Riley, a computer wizard who witnessed a high-profile cartel hit.

To Jaeger, Wren is the same as any other job. He must protect him long enough to get him to testify at trial, and his personal feelings have no place in his work and must be set aside. But that’s easier said than done. On the run and fighting for their lives, Jaeger and Wren can’t help but grow closer. And Jaeger can’t help seeing beyond Wren’s nerdy exterior to a man who might be just what Jaeger needs to settle his soul and capture his heart—if they survive long enough to get that chance.

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Switch Hitter by Cheyenne Meadows Cover Reveal, Intro & Excerpt!

Cheyenne Meadows - Switch Hitter Banner

Hi guys! We have Cheyenne Meadows with the fantastic cover to her upcoming release Switch Hitter, we have a short intro from Cheyenne and a brilliant excerpt, so check out the wonderful cover and enjoy the excerpt! <3 ~Pixie~

Cheyenne Meadows - Switch Hitter Cover
Cover Artist: Reese Dante

Switch Hitter

(Shifter Hardball 03)

Cheyenne Meadows

Tucker Wilde’s life is in a tailspin. Twenty-four hours ago, he was one of the top second baseman in the all-shifter professional baseball league. Now, he’s lost his starting spot to a rookie, been dumped by his girlfriend, and had a night of explosive passion with a man—a teammate at that. He can’t get Dixon out of his mind—even though Tucker still believes himself to be straight. With his career in jeopardy, he’s unsure where to turn or how to fix the mess.

Dixon Foxx is a baseball prodigy, though a perfectionist father stole any joy he might find in the game. He only sticks with it because it’s all he knows—and because of Tucker, the man Dixon’s wanted since they met. His dreams come true one night, only to turn into a nightmare the next morning when Tucker blows off their incredible time together as a drunken mistake, never to happen again.

The life of a switch hitter is all about mixing things up. Tucker excels at it. Only this time, the game isn’t on the line—his heart is.

Release date: 5th June 2017

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