How to Be A Movie Star by T.J. Klune

Title: How to Be A Movie Star

Series: How to Be 02

Author: TJ Klune

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (342 pages)

ISBN: 978-1-64080-782-2

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (12th February 2019)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Reviewer: Prime

Blurb: Josiah Erickson wants to be a movie star. The problem with that is so does half of Los Angeles. But he’s on his way, what with memorable roles as a TV show background cadaver and a guy in a commercial for herpes medication. All he needs is his big break. And that break may come in the form of a novelist who goes by the enigmatic name of Q-Bert.

Q-Bert, who is ready to make his directorial debut in a film Josy would be perfect for. Q-Bert, who Josy may or may not have a friend-crush on, and potentially something more. Being demisexual can be confusing.

From the City of Angels to the small mountain town of Abby, Oregon, Josy will give his all to make sure his dreams come true—even the ones he never thought possible.

Purchase Link: Dreamspinner | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Review: Putting it out there: I love first book in this series, How to Be A Normal Person, is my favourite book that I’ve read in past couple years. I also adore just about everything that TJ writes, or to be more honest, I have different degrees of love for the various titles. I love his quirky characters, all their flaws and eccentricities, as well as the style of writing which makes these characters so damn lovable and accessible to the reader.

While this is the second book in the How To Be series, it is not vital to have read How To Be A Normal Person first. It would give readers new to the world or to TJ’s writing an introduction to all the vital and quirky secondary characters in this book, like Lottie, The We Three Queens, Xander and Serge, and of course the stars of book one who are also there, Casey and Gus. My love for Gustavo Tiberius, aka Gus or Grumpy Gus, is massive and probably because I identify strongly with some of his quirks. I also love Casey, Gus’s asexual hipster best-selling author boyfriend, but not-so-secretly, my heart belongs to Gus. We also met Josiah for the first time in book one when he made the trip from LA to Abby, Oregon to visit Casey while Gus and Casey were becoming the beautiful (and often hilarious) couple that they are.

Annnnnnnd I got way off track. Sorry, not sorry.

How to Be A Movie Star is the story of Josiah Erickson (Josy), he moved from small town Ohio to the bright lights of LA to, you guessed, become a movie star. More accurate would be to say that Josy loves the stage and transforming to become someone else for the entertainment of others. He loves his craft and while fame and stardom would be great, he is happy and puts all his passion into every role he gets or auditions for. Josy is all sweetness and innocence, with perhaps a little bit of naivety and enjoys the high he gets from marijuana (I’m only saying this because this leads to some pretty hilarious scenes). He identifies as demisexual and so he finds himself quite confused in that he can’t always read romantic situations properly because he needs that strong emotional connection before forming that romantic/sexual bond with a perspective partner. He is a sweetheart and within the first few chapters I fell in love with his curiosity and positivity. One of my favourite things about Josy is that he just decides that someone must be his best friend (as someone who is both shy and introverted I kind of envy this ability at times though can’t imagine anything more horrid at the same time – this is where I identify with Gus). Josy did this with his friends Casey, Xander and Serge, and then he did so with Gus. And gruff, grumpy Gus may act like he hates, but he really loves it, especially when Josy goes to Gus because he needs help with some important decision.

It is one of these times where Gus “needs” to help Josy with a decision, not really but Josy tends to over think things and possibly have a penchant for drama from time to time, that leads us into Josy’s story. Josy loves radio competitions and often rings and wins things (alright, that is something that Josy and I have in common). One such competition was a poetry slam, or so Josy thinks, and he needs one of his friends to go along with him. However, Josy is shocked when he finds out that it wasn’t a poetry slam he won tickets to (maybe read the fine print before entering!).
This is where Josy meets quiet author who goes by the name of Q-Bert.

But life as Q-Bert is a small part of Quincy Moore. He is also an aspiring screen writer and with the help of his grandfather, who is basically Hollywood Royalty, Quincy is making the terrifying step to have his directorial debut. Quincy also deals with sometimes crippling depression and anxiety, but he also uses this to be a voice of hope for many that live with the sinister thoughts by writing a blog that is popular among his readers. Quincy is showing that it is alright to be different and that life may be hard but it is worth the fight. This is a theme that is central to many of TJ Klune’s stories, but it is the most important theme in both books of this series.

Josy being awkward and naïve and unable to read signals, bungles his first attempt at getting to know Quincy. But Josy needs to make right on that because he knows that he has to be friends with Quincy because he feels that is right. And so when the opportunity arises, Josy is swept into his first major film acting role, and is ready to give Quincy and his movie his all to become friends, hopefully more, and maybe at the end he could even become a movie star. His connections that bring him back to Abby, Oregon means that he has a whole host of friends that want to help Josy make his dreams come true. Quincy is in for a ride but he soon finds out, as he gets to know those closest to Josy, that this wild ride is probably one of the most important things in his life.

I had high expectations for this story, and I was not let down. This was the sequel that so many Klunatics wanted but were told by TJ that we wouldn’t get. But then his awesome brain gave him no choice but to write Josy’s story. I’m saying that because I really do hope we get to hear more about the people in Abby, Oregon – even if it was just for a novella to catch up, instead of a full length novel for Xander or Serge. I have my dreams, but you know what? I really don’t care what happens because as it is I love Normal Person and Movie Star, and just like Normal Person, I know that I will be rereading Movie Star multiple times.

Seen by A.M. Arthur

Title: Seen

Series: Breaking Free 02

Author: A.M. Arthur

Genre: Alternative Universe, Omegaverse

Length: Novel (308pgs)

Publisher: Briggs-King Books (September 26, 2017)

Heat Level: Low – Moderate

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: Hell is a six-by-six jail cell and no hope for the future.

Kell Iverson has never raised his hand against another person in his entire life—and yet somehow he’s been arrested and charged with the murder of his alpha mate Krause. Sure, Krause brutalized him on a daily basis, and Kell hated his mate, but he never wanted the man dead. Not fighting the charge and accepting his fate is the easiest path—except Kell doesn’t think he’ll survive a week in prison, and he doesn’t want to disappoint his younger brother Braun by giving up. He also doesn’t expect to recognize the lawyer who shows up to defend him.

Ronin Cross was barely eighteen when he felt the mating bond with then-fourteen-year-old Kell, but his family moved away before Ronin could decide what to do. For the last ten years, he hasn’t forgotten teenage Kell, hasn’t mated, and now he’s in Sansbury Province to defend adult Kell from a capital murder charge. The mating bond is still there, but now isn’t the time to pursue anything with his fragile, battered, emotionally-damaged client.

For Kell, the term “kind alpha” is a contradiction, because he’s never known one. He went from abusive father to abusive mate, and for twenty-four years, he’s simply done what he’s told. But Ronin asks Kell what he wants. What he likes. Ronin sees him, and it’s both confusing and delightful. But Kell is facing prison time at best, execution at worst, and as his trial date looms, he can’t indulge in a fantasy that will never come true…or can he?

NOTE: This is a non-shifter Omegaverse story with alpha/omega/beta dynamics, heats, knotting, and mpreg. In this world, omegas are second-class citizens with few civil rights and almost no protections under the law. Trigger warnings for physical, emotional, and sexual abuse.


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Kell is in jail awaiting trial for murder. His lawyer is a man from his childhood, Ronan cross. Ronan is protective of Kell given that he is Ronan’s mate. Years ago these two were separated when Ronan’s family moved away all of a sudden. Jumping at the chance to be around Kell again, Ronan springs into action doing what he does best.

The trial was heartbreaking and the details of the abuse Kell suffered by his husband horrific. Braun, Kell’s brother, is a rock for the young man in his time of need. As the trial drags on Ronan and Kell grow closer.

I loved these two as a couple. Kell, despite all he’s suffered is strong. Though it does take him time to come to grips with all he’s suffered throughout his life.

An emotional and amazing addition to the series as new evidence is brought to light as well as new leads to other cases.

Great read.

Baily’s Ninth Life by Stephani Hecht

Title: Baily’s Ninth Life

Series: Lost Shifters 34

Author: Stephani Hecht

Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy

Length: Novella (99 Pages)

Publisher: Stephani Hecht (January 22, 2019)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: Baily learned to distrust other shifters through their treatment of him. As a Housecat shifter, he’s not exactly the strongest shifter. To compensate, he’s become one of best soldiers for the Coalition. He’s made a place for himself with friends but he doesn’t truly believe they won’t turn on him.
Caden learned to distrust other shifters from birth. His grandfather taught him and his brother to avoid all Packs, Clowders, and Coalitions no matter what. All those lessons will be challenged when a stray cat claims a spot in his bar and maybe his heart.
Together, Baily and Caden, must re-learn the lessons of their lives. That not all shifters are against them. A trip with the leadership of the Coalition to a secret cabin might be the turning point. That maybe they can believe in other shifters, each other, and love.


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Lost Shifters collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

Housecats are so shifty, sneaky and they don’t trust many. Which makes them a favorite of mine. Baily is one cutie in his cat form but he is also deadly in his own way. Which is a kick for him since he feels that many see him as weak. However he is a soldier for the Coalition and has found a home. When captured he escapes and seeks refuge in a bar full of shifters, but here is the problem. He can’t shift back to his human form.

Caden and his brother own a very nice bar that has quite a bit of sifters coming him but not many know they are shifters. When a stray finds his way in and seems to want to stay, well you can imagine Caden’s expression. Imagine his expression when he finds out that the cat he is starting to care for is actually a shifter.

There were some small problems that I found in the story, however it didn’t take the story away from me. It does need some good proofreading and editing, but I know which direction the story was going so I still had a blast reading it. Talk about snarky shifters, these guys have it in spades. Exciting and danger filled is just a bit of what I got in this book and so much more. I love this world and was quite surprised when this book came out. I had thought for sure that the series had stopped for awhile. I was glad that I was wrong.

I had a blast reading this and can’t wait to read the next book. I can guarantee that this will be one of those stories that will be read many times over.

Repetition by J. Scott Coatsworth

Title: Repetition

Author: J. Scott Coatsworth

Genre: Science Fiction

Length: Short (27pgs)

Publisher: Other Worlds Ink (January 9, 2019)

Heat Level: Nil

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: What if you wanted to go back into the closet? What if you could?

Need a little something tweaked in your past? Davis is your guy, as long as it won’t screw with his own t-line. He’s your typical everyday past-pathing time nerd, and he’s seen it all.

Then one day he gets an unorthodox proposal, even by his standards. And when he finds out who his new client is, things quickly go from complicated to crazy-dangerous, challenging his mantra:

You’re not God.

Never mess with your own past.

Remember, you’re not God.


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Davis has a unique job in going back in time to change certain events for clients. When a client comes in wanting to change an event Davis does his research and discovers that he has a dilemma as to change this mans timeline means changing his own as they intersect.

I loved the whole story. It was interesting, intriguing and fascinating to read the events that unfold.

Fantastic read and highly recommended.

Bitten by Mistake by Annabelle Jacobs

Title: Bitten By Mistake 

Series: Regent’s Park Pack 01

Author: Annabelle Jacobs

Genre: Paranormal, Urban Fantasy

Length: Novella (169pgs)

Publisher: Annabelle Jacobs (July 28, 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: From animosity to searing passion in a lunar cycle… but can their bond survive? 

Wolf shifter Nathan Kohl’s pack is his whole life. Arrogant and handsome, he avoids commitment to anything or anyone outside of his pack. He works hard, plays hard, and pursues humans as lovers because there’s little to no chance of him forming a permanent bond. However, when Jared Taylor comes into Nathan’s life, every rule is broken.

After a bad experience, Jared vowed to never get involved with another shifter, no matter how much they got under his skin. Despite being physically attracted to Nathan, who’s all kinds of hot, Jared only sees an arrogant, domineering bastard.

A disastrous case of mistaken identity throws Nathan and Jared together until the next full moon. Forced to spend the next twenty-eight days in close proximity, they can no longer ignore the powerful attraction between them. Passion ignites, and their relationship takes a turn neither of them wanted. 

But when the full moon comes, everything might change again. 


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: This author was new to me so I wasn’t really sure what to expect. I really wasn’t sure when I saw the cover, talk about a bit creepy. The blurb made the story sound quite different, if not a bit dark. However I was pleasantly surprised to find out just how different this book is from many others. It is not the instant attraction, fall in love, and mating that one normally finds. They don’t scent each other as their mates; in fact I almost believe they have no clue about mates at all. 

This story caught my attention from the start, although I must admit that it had not kept my attention throughout though. As I said before it has this dark tone to it but not so much to distract me. I haven’t really been one for stories like this but I loved the way it just seemed to come together. The characters were delightful but different. I didn’t really connect with them like I should have, but it didn’t take away from the story itself.

Nathan is an arrogant shifter who never really wanted to bond with anyone. He was not really interested in dating either, sex was fine but something more was a definite no. He did however show some interest in the human at the club though. He just had not expected what to happen, to happen. On the night he came across Jared, he got turned down. Getting called away might have been the best, if it didn’t mean their shipment was attacked. 

Jared was as human as can be, and he had a definite hate towards shifters. After one disaster of a relationship, he really did not want anything to do with them. That ended the night Nathan bit him. There was a law, to bite a human meant major punishment, banishment or even death. He didn’t want that on his head, but it would mean close contact for a short period of time. Passion, fire and attraction ignites during their time together. 

I loved the way they interacted with each other, and how their bond strengthened. I liked how Nathan was with Jared; even throughout his attitude Nathan was still pretty sweet to him. I also loved how Jared would react when Nathan had to go somewhere without him. Although there were some parts that were a bit off, as with the fact that a human could not be in the packs home, yet later on it was ok. It just seemed strange to change it. These two have loads of sexual tension flowing around, and when they are together damn can it get hot.

This story just seemed to rock for me. I was surprised to find out that this was not a series because I can see a few characters that just might be perfect for the next story.

I had a lot of fun reading this and cannot wait to see what other stories this author has out.

Laurent and the Beast by K.A. Merikan

Title: Laurent and the Beast

Series:  Kings of Hell MC 01

Author: K.A. Merikan

Genre: Horror, Action & Adventure, Gothic

Length: Novel (489pgs)

Publisher: Acerbi & Villani Ltd. (April 29, 2017)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: — Nothing can stop true love. Not time. Not even the devil himself. —

1805. Laurent. Indentured servant. Desperate to escape a life that is falling apart. 

2017. Beast. Kings of Hell Motorcycle Club vice president. His fists do the talking.

Beast has been disfigured in a fire, but he’s covered his skin with tattoos to make sure no one mistakes his scars for weakness. The accident not only hurt his body, but damaged his soul and self-esteem, so he’s wrapped himself in a tight cocoon of violence and mayhem where no one can reach him.

Until one night, when he finds a young man covered in blood in their clubhouse. Sweet, innocent, and as beautiful as an angel fallen from heaven, Laurent pulls on all of Beast’s heartstrings. Laurent is so lost in the world around him, and is such a tangled mystery, that Beast can’t help but let the man claw his way into the stone that is Beast’s heart.

In 1805, Laurent has no family, no means, and his eyesight is failing. To escape a life of poverty, he uses his beauty, but that only backfires and leads him to a catastrophe that changes his life forever. He takes one step into the abyss and is transported to the future, ready to fight for a life worth living. 

What he doesn’t expect in his way is a brutal, gruff wall of tattooed muscle with a tender side that only Laurent is allowed to touch. And yet, if Laurent ever wants to earn his freedom, he might have to tear out the heart of the very man who took care of him when it mattered most.

Erotic content: Scorching hot, emotional, explicit scenes

WARNING: This story contains scenes of violence, offensive language, and morally ambiguous characters. .


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: Oh what a riveting, fantastic story. I was entranced from the beginning when Laurent, a servant from the eighteen hundreds, finds himself in the present. The man who finds him is called Beast, a badly scarred man the result of a fire. 

The thing I liked was the differences between them. The past and present collide in a well written story that is mysterious, suspenseful and oh so good. These two souls have been through so much yet together they must continue to fight if they both want to survive. 

I loved things were different from Laurent’s perspective. I cannot imagine how I would be if I were in his shoes seeing things I have never seen before and trying to process everything. The mystery was outstanding and well thought out.

I don’t want to give anything away so no spoilers from me sorry. Needless to say I was hooked from start to finish. I could barely put it down for any reason until the very end.

Amazing story that I highly recommend to all. 

An American In Venice by Luca Domani

Title: An American In Venice

Series: World of Love 15: Italy

Author: Luca Domani

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novella (52 pages)

ISBN: 978-1-63533-344-2

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (19th July 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖 3 Hearts

Reviewer: Prime

Blurb: Tom has always been steady and predictable—a formula he’s sure will lead him to success in his career. When his method fails him and he loses his job, he throws caution to the wind for the first time in his life and books a European holiday.

Maybe Tom shouldn’t be surprised that Cupid’s arrow finds him in one of the most romantic cities in the world: Venice, Italy. When he encounters Giovanni working in the family pizzeria, it’s lust at first sight. Their time together touring the city is so magical it feels like a dream. But Tom is shy while Giovanni is charming and flirtatious. Tom has a newfound freedom with his unemployment, while family burdens weigh heavily on Giovanni. Add culture differences and miscommunication into the mix, and their brief romance might fade as quickly as the beautiful dream it resembles.

Purchase Link: Dreamspinner | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Review: I’ve been holding off writing this review because I’m really not sure what to say. Luca Domani is a new author to me and for the most part I did enjoy the experience. The story was sweet, and the romance was on point. However, I can’t say that I was entirely grabbed by the story, which is what has left me confused. Perhaps its because me being a very practical person isn’t happy with a happily ever after without being told the nitty gritty details?

Because of this, this is going to be quite a short review. I have nothing that I want to specifically praise or complain about. The MCs are wonderful and relatable, although due to length we don’t really get to go deep into their psyches. I enjoyed the chemistry between the two men as well, that too was relatable. There was no specific reason for me to suspend my disbelief, although the subject of visas and working visas, etc. did come to mind because practical me has to over think everything, even in a romantic fiction. All I can say for sure is that this is a sweet romance is one of the romantic cities in the world. It is something that could be the subject of any number of romantic comedies and dramas.

The story starts with Tom, the titular American. He has always done the right thing, he had been studious with his studies and has been steadfast and reliable to build a successful career. However, when he loses his job, he comes to the stunning realisation (at least for him and his situation) that his career success and failure isn’t just down to him doing his best and doing his job properly. And so he does something that he never did before, he decides it is time for him the seize the day and goes on a European holiday, knowing that he had to return home to get his life back on track after he has his fun.

While in Venice he meets Giovanni. He’s a local and works in his family’s restaurant. The two of them have instant chemistry and quickly find a physical connection that is set to become a lot more with little effort. The challenge for these guys is that Tom is from America and Giovanni from Italy. Distance relationships are difficult. But before they can think about that part, there are also culture differences and even some miscommunication. Miscommunication storylines sometimes, well often, annoy me, but I will admit with the cultural and language differences it works well in this novella.

When the Band Came to Town by H. Lewis-Foster *Retro Review*

Title: When the Band Came to Town

Author: H. Lewis Foster

Genre: Historical, New Adult

Length: Novella (84 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (8 April 2015)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: In the swinging Sixties, life gets rockin’ for Jeff McInnery when a new band plays at the local pub. Caught up in lead singer Danny Speed’s cool, Jeff sneaks a kiss. But being found out as homosexual could stop Danny’s hot career fast, and even land him in jail. With harsh words, Danny leaves to head for fame and fortune while Jeff starts university. On campus, Jeff meets Archie Ballatine, a history student living as openly as possible. It’s an exciting new world of sex and friendship for Jeff, but then the band comes back to town.

ISBN: 9781632168276

Product Link: Dreamspinner | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Prime

Review: This is a nice, short and exceedingly charming story which I realised once I got to the end is actually meant to be more like a memoir of Jeff McInnery.

In a time where in the UK one could get arrested and gaoled for being homosexual, it’s a bit like a journey of discovery into love for Jeff and his two love interests – rock star Danny and fellow student Archie.

It’s a very light hearted/rose coloured view of this time in history but the ending is just perfect!

Dark Empathy by Katy Morgan

Title: Dark Empathy

Series: Compound 01

Author: Katy Morgan

Genre: Urban Fantasy, Military

Length: Novel (284pgs)

Publisher: Katy Morgan (October 26, 2018)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: These are the rules:

1.Extremely rare and powerful empaths never escape the compound.

(Bastian Lucas escaped a year ago, and just because he’s been dragged back doesn’t mean he won’t escape again at the first opportunity….and cause as much trouble as he can while doing it.)

2.Officers do as they’re told and never ask questions.

(Captain Henry Mortimer has followed orders his entire life, but Bastian’s arrival—and the disappearance of one of Henry’s team—have gotten him wondering.)

When Major Valentine orders Henry and Bastian to investigate a series of murders committed by an asset with powers very similar to Bastian’s, it brings to light more than just a cover up. Things like why an empath who shouldn’t exist is killing senators, what exactly Valentine has been doing with the sinister asset program, and whether or not Henry and Bastian will live to see the end of this case.

Because they’re in danger of breaking rule number three as well:

3.Don’t fall in love.


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK 

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: A compound, evil intentions and two men who are drawn toward each other. Bastian is an empath who has spent his life being experimented on at a compound run by Major Valentine. Henry is a captain of the retrieval team who goes out and retrieves assets for the major. When he meets Bastian he realizes there is more going on that he knew about. He has a decision to make, ask questions or continue being oblivious.

I loved this story. Henry is painfully oblivious of a great many things. Bastian on the other hand knew what was going on in that dreadful place. My heart wept for the many cruel things done to Bastian and other assets at the whim of an evil major and Dr.

The mystery and suspense of the story mixed with the secrets as they were revealed were edge of your seat worthy. I loved that despite the danger to himself Henry wanted answers. The allies of Bastian helped immensely in obtaining further information to move forward.

Fantastic read. I am looking forward to the next book and hopefully learning about other assets that the compound had in their grasp and seeing what else happens.

Beguiling His Timid Waiter by Charlie Richards

Title: Beguiling His Timid Waiter

Series: A Paranormal’s Love 25

Author: Charlie Richards

Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy

Length: Novella (112 Pages)

Publisher: eXtasy Books (December 7, 2018)

Heat level: Low

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖 4 Hearts

Blurb: Into the Paranormal World: While seeking out his brother to resolve family conflict, a gargoyle brought up to be a warrior discovers the opportunity for a little fun in his life.

Kinsey has watched for centuries as his father’s bigoted views tore his family apart. Seeing the rift between his parents grow wider than ever, he does the only thing he can think of to fix it, even knowing it could very well cost him his enforcer position. Sneaking into Falias clutch territory, Kinsey searches for his estranged brother, Conchlin. He finds him at a bowling alley. Once he gets in there, the scent of another quickly distracts him—the human Jimmy. For the first time in Kinsey’s life, he puts his own desires first. With some help from Conchlin, he meets Jimmy and slowly begins to woo him from the shadows. Just when Kinsey prepares to reveal the existence of paranormals and that he’s a gargoyle, his worst fears manifest—his father discovers where he’s been going and beats Kinsey to sharing the truth with Jimmy—terrifying him in the process. To top it off, his father offers Kinsey an ultimatum—stay out of Falias clutch territory forever or be labeled rogue. Can Kinsey find a way to fix the damage done by his father, or will he lose not only his family, but Jimmy as well?

ISBN: 978-1-4874-2395-7

Product Link: eXtasy Books | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the A Paranormal’s Love collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order. This series is branched off from many different series. I would start off with Wolves of Stone Ridge first.

Kinsey knows his father is truly loosing his mind. It is destroying his parent’s mating and does the one thing that might just get his ass kicked. He goes to his brother Conchlin who is at the Falis clutch. Sneaking in is never a good thing, but he needs to see his brother for help. Then he smells the best smell of all, his mate.

Too bad his father finds him and gives him an ultimatum. Ditch the human and go home or be called a rogue. Man his father is one hell of an asshat. If you want to know what truly happens, even the sexy parts, read the book.

Charlie Richards has always been a favorite author of mine. Lets just say that she is an automatic buy for me. I have a few favorite characters in these books and they seem to always be. Excitement, action, danger and some hot sexy times are just a bit of what you get in this story and so much more. As always my attention was caught and kept through out the story.

However, and there is an however, there is a downside showing up. This story seemed rushed and a bit on the dull side to me. It just didn’t spark the same old same old with me and I missed it. It just felt like something was a bit off with the story. That being said, I still had fun reading it and look forward to reading the next book.

Saved by A.M. Arthur

Title: Saved

Series: Breaking Free 01

Author: A.M. Arthur

Genre: Alternative Universe, Omegaverse

Length: Novel (243pgs)

Publisher: Briggs-King Books (September 12, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: He didn’t want an alpha to save him, but fate had other ideas…

Braun Etting was raised to know his place as an omega by his alpha father’s cruel words and fast fists, and he expects nothing but violence from the alpha who may one day mate him. His older brother Kell mated a cruel alpha who abuses him daily, and Braun is terrified of that seemingly inevitable future. When Braun’s father dies in a car crash, leaving Braun an orphan, he’s sent to a halfway house for omegas. But on his fourth night there, he witnesses a horrifying crime that sends him fleeing to the streets alone—and edging into his first heat.

Tarek Bloom is settled in his workaholic, single lifestyle, even if it is somewhat embarrassing to be a twenty-eight year-old unmated alpha. He enjoys his job as a constable, helping people and solving problems, so he isn’t prepared for his life to flip upside-down when he walks into his beta friend Dex’s apartment to help with “a problem.”

The problem turns out to be an unmated, nearly in-heat omega orphan who Dex and his husband rescued off the street last night. The even bigger problem is that Tarek feels the mating bond for this terrified omega immediately—and he’s pretty sure the omega feels it, too. But Braun hates alphas as a general rule, and no way is he giving in to the bond. All mating leads to is violence and suffering, so no thank you. But Tarek’s gentle kindness slips under Braun’s emotional shields, and Braun begins to want. To dream. All Braun has ever known is violent alphas, but Tarek is determined to make Braun trust him—and to trust in the idea of their happily ever after.

NOTE: This is a non-shifter Omegaverse story with alpha/omega/beta dynamics, heats, knotting, and mpreg. In this world, omegas are second-class citizens with few civil rights and almost no protections under the law. Trigger warnings for physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. 67,000 words.


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: I loved this story. Braun, an omega, has lost his abusive father to a car accident. Braun and his brother Kell have not had the easiest lives. They have been abused and made to feel like they do not matter simply because they are omegas. To make matters worse the laws in their province provide no protection for omegas what so ever. This made me mad as hell. My heart broke for all the injustices these two have been through not to mention what other omegas have been made to suffer.

This is an intense and emotional story about an omega who wants all omegas to be heard and treated with respect by all instead of second class citizens with no rights. Tarek is a constable who recognizes Braun as his mate when he meets him. Through patience and understanding he lets Braun get to know him. There was a lot of cases popping up in this story. I hope we get to see the conclusion of the ones that happened near the beginning as I want to know who kidnapped all those teens and what the man running the halfway house knew about the omegas going missing and where the omegas went.

The saddest part about the entire story is Kell, Braun’s brother. He’s mated to an evil abuser alpha. At the end of this book Kell is in jail for the murder of his mate. I honestly wouldn’t shed a tear if the man did kill him as the things he put that man through for years was despicable. Not to mention giving Kell’s baby away because it was not an alpha.

The funniest thing in the book was what the mean narrow-minded alphas are called: Alphahole. I am looking forward to reading the next in the series about Kell.

Colina de Lavanda by August Li

Title: Colina de Lavanda

Series: Dreamspinner’s Warmest Wishes Advent Calendar 2018.

Author: August Li

Genre: Historical Americas, Western, Mythology, Other Paranormal

Length: Short Story (57 Pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (1st December 2018)

Heat level: Low

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖 4 Hearts

Blurb: Lord protector of whores, thieves, sorcerers, and deviants.

Owning a parcel of land the railroad needs to cross means Edward gets to run the border town around the station as he sees fit. What starts as a place to indulge his varied appetites becomes a haven to society’s castoffs, and if Edward encourages legends about its founder to flourish, well, he’s not so much a liar as a man who wants to protect all the cultures living in peace. Being mayor means folks might ignore his vices, but they also expect him to fix what goes wrong.

When a crushing heat wave and drought threaten not only the town’s diverse holiday celebrations but its very existence, Edward must turn to the one man he’d rather french kiss a timber rattler than face—the icily elegant Cantonese mage Edward walked out on but never stopped loving.

ISBN: 978-1-64405-056-9

Product Link: Dreamspinner | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Edward is in need of some big help and he turns to the one man who would be willing to do it, his ex. A heatwave is on them and it is natural. A beautiful town created for those that most would not except and they need to fix it.

Magical and mysterious this story gives you that. It was just a taste though and I do hope that this author turns it into a pretty cool story. The story flowed just like one would like and the characters were quite a hit with me.

I enjoyed it quite a bit. Lets just say that it was not what I expected.

Roam by Dez Schwartz

Title: Roam

Author: Dez Schwartz

Genre: Paranormal

Length: Novel (208pgs)

Publisher: Nine Star Press (October 1, 2018)

Heat Level: Low – Moderate

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖 3 Hearts

Blurb: Ethan Roam suffers from night terrors and vivid daydreams, which lead him to the doorstep of the eccentric Dr. Grady Hunter, who thrusts him into a world of supernatural misfits. Ethan quickly learns that there’s more reality to his dreams than he suspected.

As Ethan unravels the truth behind his nightmares and falls into his first experience with love, he also finds himself the target of a sinister plan.

Ethan’s trust in his new companions will be tested and he’ll have to decide who he can rely on and who he must defy in order to survive a fatal Halloween night.

ISBN: 978-1-949340-83-9

Product Link: NineStar | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Ethan is more than he seems when he’s introduced to Grady about his night terrors.

Now I have a huge pet peeve that actually affects my real life. I can not stand people lying. I see no point in it as it only brings pain. This was my problem with Grady. He tells a lot of lies and that completely threw me out of the story in horror.

I was expecting much more besides two characters moving in together while one follows blindly and does not ask questions when needed. There are too many beings introduced at once so you really do not get a feel for each ones place in the story. I figured this was just the introduction and the rest will fix itself as the series continues.

I did like some aspects of the story.

I honestly have no words for how I felt after reading this story. I was just left with a lot of questions.

O.k. read.

Beneath the Palisade: Courage by Joel Skelton *Retro Review*

Title: Courage

Series: Beneath the Palisade 02

Author: Joel Skelton

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (318 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (14 Jan 2013)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖 3.5 Hearts

Blurb: Theodore Engdahl’s sexual identity crisis clashes with his faith. Raised to believe homosexuality is a sin, Theo finds himself on the ropes with his girlfriend as well as his straight coworker, whom he can’t stop staring at. Luckily, before he can panic too much, Theo discovers the support system provided by the Men’s Center. 

At the center, he meets Alex, and the two hit it off. Unlike Theo, Alex wears his sexuality like a favorite shirt. Alex is also easy on the eyes, but for Theo, following his example is anything but uncomplicated. 

With a little help from Alex and his mentors, Ian and Harper, Theo realizes that living well requires courage. While he struggles to take the next step with Alex and to come out to his conservative parents, life beneath the palisade goes on. But when Alex and his boat disappear during a terrible storm, Theo must find the strength to hope

ISBN: 978-1-62380-294-3

Product Link: Dreamspinner | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Prime

Review: Courage is the second book in Joel Skelton’s series Beneath the Palisade. While the main story is based around different romantic couples, it is best to read this series in order.

As soon as I finished book 1, Reliance, I had to start Courage. I had thoroughly enjoyed the first book so much I wanted to know where the set up that was given there would lead to in the next book. Ian and Harper from Reliance are back, offering fatherly advice and basically wanting to make the world a better place. However, this is really Alex’s story, who was introduced as Ian and Harper’s protégé who they had started to think of as almost like a son. (It’s all very sweet).

Wherein the first book there was the main story of Ian and Harper, then we were randomly introduced to Alex and it took a while to realise that he was going to be important – it does happen here in Courage, though it is far less confusing as the story opens up quickly. While Alex and Theo’s relationship is front and centre, as well the important subplot of Theo coming to terms with his sexuality and coming out to his highly religious parents, there are plenty of other couples we hear directly from. However, I can’t help but think that much like Reliance, the main romantic story line is rather thin in terms of plot and it is everything that is happening in Alex and Theo’s immediate surrounds that propels the story forward.

The story for the most part is set at the Palisade B&B which Ian and Harper had opened by the end of book 1. However, Harper and Alex’s plan to help the local men by opening a men’s centre has also been realised, which is where Alex meets Theo for the first time.

Occasionally, Ian and Harper pop up, mostly as a guide and bringing together all the parts of the story, especially when it comes to Alex. Then we meet Petra, a lesbian who works at the Palisade who finds love with Betsy when she checks in on day. Then the more important story line is that of older couple Harold and Quentin. It is an absolutely beautiful story and might well make you cry (I will admit, I did cry when they popped up). Their function as characters, I think, is to be something of a role model to Alex, adding on from all the positives he has learnt from being with Ian and Harper.

Overall, this is a really sweet love story. I love Alex – he is strong in that he is a great support to Theo and not about to push the bounds of the start of their relationship. Theo is sweet and cute, though he is also strong in his own way. Both these guys seem so real and they are just a joy to read.

John Inman’s Greatest Hits

Title: John Inman: Greatest Hits

Series: Dreamspinner Press Bundles

Author: John Inman

Genre: Various – Contemporary, Murder Mystery, Paranormal

Length: Novella bundle (978 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (25 Sept 2015)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: Hit author John Inman presents five novels of romance, from tongue in cheek to seriously chic

—Shy: Funny what a couple of guys can accomplish when they’re crazy about each other. Not even nine hundred chickens can stand in the way of true love.

—Loving Hector: Hector’s evil ex is dead set on holding on—even if it means kidnapping Hector to keep him from Dill forever! Now Dill has to pull an army together to rescue Hector, and just where the hell is he supposed to find an army? Gads, if only Dill could write books this interesting!

—Hobbled: Danny had plans to come out this summer—maybe even get laid! He doesn’t have time for ankle monitors and serial killers! Then ginger-haired Luke Jamison moves in next door. Gee. If Danny can survive it, this summer might not be so bad after all.

—Serenading Stanley: Welcome to the Belladonna Arms, a rundown little apartment building perched atop a hill in downtown San Diego, home to the city’s lost and lovelorn. While Roger tries to batter down Stanley’s defenses, Stanley turns to his new neighbors to learn about love.

—Spirit: Toss a murder, a hot young stud, an unexpected love affair, and a spooky-ass ghost with a weird sense of humor into Jason’s summer plans, and you’ve got the makings for one hell of a ride.

ISBN: 978-1-63476-719-4

Product Link: Dreamspinner | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Prime

Review: This is the best hits collection bundle for John Inman and I have to say, this is truly a collection of brilliant book from an assortment of genres. I’ve read maybe one or two other John Inman books but to be quite honest, these ones have completely blown me away. I’ve rated this overall 5 out 5 – however, I am just going to make note that I also rate all of the featured novellas 5 as well.

All these stories are in the first person but brilliantly written – not once did I wonder what the other MC was thinking while reading all of these stories. The bonus is that they are all set in San Diego and I absolutely adore that city!

There are 5 stories featured, which are as follows:

Shy: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

The story is told by Tom – he is a mild mannered banker with a debilitating case of shyness. At an ex’s part he meets Frank – who also shares the same social anxiety. What ensues is a comedy of errors as the two guys overcome their anxiety and get to know each other.

This is funny and irreverent. The guys share a wonderful attraction which is over and above their shared disorder. Throw in a hilarious Chihuahua with a mind of its own and you got the start of a great relationship. Both Tom and Frank some bad apples in their lives but they can overcome any obstacle. I had kind of guessed the ending – at least part of it – but it is a tad gruesome and had me thinking of the TV show Deadwood. (Any fan of Deadwood will know what I mean when I say pigs!).

Loving Hector: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

The person telling this story is Dillard Brown – he has a nutty family including a mother who insists he’s straight and a grandfather whose sexuality seems to be fluid. He finds a stray dog – which he saves – and affectionately names it Chester while he half heartedly tries to track down the owner. Then enter, Hector, owner of said dog and actually made a brief (albeit nameless) appearance before the dog came onto the scene!

This book is nothing short of hilarious. Chester is on one escapade to another and quickly attaches himself to Dill after being returned to Hector. Dill and Hector’s relationship is nothing but bumpy but the attraction between the guys and their personalities – they are made for each other (quite literally). Then there are the minor characters, Dill’s boss’s and his grandfather take the prize for hilarity while his parents are simply nutty. His mother is completely adorable even if she is in her own little world.  Then there is Hector’s ex (Valdemaro, though I kept thinking Voldemorte), the only thing not funny about this book: it was a good storyline though and brought the characters together wonderfully.

Hobbled: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

This is basically Rear Window re-told (which had been re-told as the movie Disturbia, too) with two young nineteen year old gay guys who happen to be developing a romantic relationship on the side. The narrator is Danny – he had something of a tantrum at work and now has not only a cast one leg from the incident but he also has a police ankle device from the judge after his ex-boss pressed charges.

So we have a bored teenager alone because his father has to go away for work and there are reports of a serial killer on the rampage after young guys. I don’t want to give away the back story because I think the whole “Rear Window” thing is a big give away. When a new neighbour moves in and Danny meets with some precocious young boys the drama and the mystery escalates rapidly. I will admit that it took me some time to figure things out but I will admit the side story with Danny’s father I had figured out as soon as the first clue was handed out.

Luke and Danny are really sweet together and their story is a great ride!

Serenading Stanley: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

This is book 1 of John Inman’s series Belladonna Arms and after reading Serenading Stanley I definitely want to (need to) read the rest of the series. Shy archaeology student, Stanley, moves into the fairly cheap Belladonna Arms so that he could be closer to uni (against the wishes of his mother who lives in the city). There he meets the hot and newly graduated nurse, Roger. Stanley is very reticent when it comes to Roger’s advances and so Roger has no choice but to woo the man.

This is another funny story (though still did not laugh as much as I did in Shy and Loving Hector). Besides Stanley and Roger, there are a whole host of quirky characters including transgender, transvestite queens, and just a few oddball gay men that all call the Belladonna Arms home. This is a lot of fun and very sexy.

Spirit:💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Time for a bit of a spooky story! Again, this is another book where I had elements of the story figured out where it comes to the ghost. I don’t want to go into too much details because it is a really interesting story that you will enjoy – even if, like me, you have figured out some of the major parts of the big picture, the smaller details are really great.

The story is told from the POV of Jason, who has been left as the carer of his nephew, Timmy, for a month while his sister and her less than stellar boyfriend go off on a holiday. Immediately Timmy starts talking about the man in the walls of his uncle’s house. Then Jason runs into the brother of his sister’s ex-husband, Sam. Sam and his family have not seen Timmy since his brother disappeared. That is where the true mystery starts. It also helps that there was a definite spark of attraction the moment that the two guys met.

There is some drama, romance, mystery, some of the hysterical one liners that I now come to expect with John’s writing and add into that a dash of horror. This is one spectacularly spooky story! It is so damn creepy that I love it!

Iggy’s Gargoyle by Jo Penn

Title: Iggy’s Gargoyle

Series: Milson Valley 15

Author: Jo Penn

Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal

Length: Novella (105pgs)

Publisher: Siren-Bookstrand (21st Januasry 2019)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖 3.75 Hearts

Blurb: Berk Surkov hadn’t wanted to move to Milson Valley. He loved Prague. It was his home.

And he wasn’t a fan of change. He liked to take his time, think things through, and fly helicopters. They said he’d get used to it, he disagreed. He had to admit Milson Valley had some good points though, like his mate, Ignacio Hebert.

Iggy hadn’t been to a ball before, but he was happy to go along, chat, and give away copies of his e-books, especially as it was for a good cause. He didn’t expect to meet a hot gargoyle with unusual eyes, adorable curls, and a brooding attitude, but Iggy happily accepted his mate!

He could see Berk needed time to get used to the idea they were mates, and to Iggy’s chatter, so Iggy would wait until Berk was ready. Unfortunately Iggy may not have the opportunity to win his gargoyle over for soon after they meet, he is attacked.

ISBN: 978-1-64243-618-1

Product Link: Siren-Book Strand

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Iggy, a paranormal gay romance writer, meets Berk, a gargoyle at a charity event he’s invited to attend by Urian Starters. Iggy is a likable guy and enjoys talking to everyone he’s also adventurous. Berk gets into trouble at times with his stunts so the two were well matched. A fae tries to hurt Iggy at the request of a group but Noel is just a teenager with a unique ability that has no where to turn when the group threatens him to do their bidding.

I liked the story but wanted more information about Noel and what exactly happened to him. Iggy and Berk were likable characters that I enjoyed reading about.

Good read.

That Turtle Story by C.S. Poe

Title: That Turtle Story

Series: Dreamspinner’s Warmest Wishes Advent Calendar 2018.

Author: C.S. Poe

Genre: Contemporary, Holiday 

Length: Short Story (41 Pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (December 1, 2018)

Heat level: Low

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖 4 Hearts

Blurb: Nor O’Brien spends his days in sunny Key West caring for and rehabilitating sea turtles. He doesn’t need anything else in life, expect maybe a significant other to cuddle with after a long day. But recent heartbreak has left Nor salty, and he’s not in the mood for anything, Christmas included.

Then Eugene Montgomery walks into Turtle R&R, claiming to have found a clutch of eggs in distress. Nor is smitten with the tourist at first sight, and at the suggestion of his screwball colleagues, indulges in some no-strings-attached fun. Nor and Eugene are quick to get along, happily enjoy each other’s company, and take in the island’s unique holiday pleasures together.

But Nor would never leave his turtles, not for any man. So when his rebound fling turns into strong romantic feelings for Eugene, it’ll take a Christmas miracle to keep the two together forever in Key West.

ISBN: 978-1-64405-039-2

Product Link: Dreamspinner | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Nor relationship has broken up and lets face it, he is a bit of a grump. That is until he meets Eugene. When Eugene comes into the rescue to report some turtle eggs, lets just say Nor is all on it. Not the only thing he will be all on.

It is cute, sweet and just plain fun to read. The characters were quirky and quite interesting. I enjoyed reading it and look forward to reading more from this author. The story was a bit too short for me though and I hope it turns into a full size novel.

The story made me smile quite a bit.

His First Family by Victoria Sue

Title: His First Family

Series: His First

Author: Victoria Sue

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novella (172pgs)

Publisher: Victoria Sue (January 21, 2019)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: Thrown out and thrown away.

Lorne Austen—on the very day his alpha’s youngest children were fifteen—was told to pack his bags and leave the only real home he had ever known. Heartbroken and alone he takes shelter from the snowstorm with other stranded travelers, miles away from the family he had always considered his.

Doctor Jonathan Owens has personal reasons for never wanting to mate an omega, but all his good intentions are tested to the limit when he meets Lorne. After spending the night together he is devastated to find Lorne has vanished without a trace.

Soon enough, Lorne discovers the impossible has happened and he is pregnant. But the law says unmated omegas cannot keep the babies they give birth to. Eventually, realizing something is badly wrong with his pregnancy, he goes to the clinic and comes face to face with Jonathan again.

All Lorne has wanted is a family he won’t lose. Jonathan has spent years making sure he never needed one. Faced with the real danger that the babies won’t even survive long enough to be born, can these two find love and the strength they need in each other or will their differences always pull them apart?

ISBN: B07N16H845

Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: I absolutely loved this story about Johnathan and Lorne. Lorne’s situation broke my heart yet at the same time I had hope for these two. I realize Lorne was leery of trusting anyone but he should have asked Johnathan about certain things instead of just believing a conniving woman’s word.

These two struggle with a dangerous pregnancy as well as those who would cause trouble between them. Still it was a wonderful story of hope and love in a world where doubts are prevalent. I do want to know more about Cal and Shay and how their lives turn out considering their situations.

Fantastic read and highly recommended.

In the Cards by Charlie Cochet *Free Read*

Title: In the Cards *Free Read*

Series: Four Kings Security 04.5

Author: Charlie Cochet

Genre: Contemporary, Suspense

Length: Short Story (43 Pages)

Publisher: Charlie Cochet (February 8, 2019)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: Love is in the air, and what says ‘romance’ more than a Valentine’s Day wedding? Anston “Ace” Sharpe’s is down in South Florida for his cousin’s wedding, and with his boyfriend Colton accompanying him, Ace has some Valentine’s Day plans of his own. Surrounded by his huge Cuban family, his brothers-in-arms from Four Kings Security, and a groom with a penchant for chaos, what could possibly go wrong?


Product Link: Free Link

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

Spencer and Quinn are getting married and the guys are going to have a blast. A few surprises and it looks like Colton is going to be the one with the biggest surprise, or maybe King is going to be.

I always get a kick out of Ace. He is a blast to read about. I would love to read Quinn and Spencer’s story and hope that Charlie will write soon. As for this story it was a blast and I loved the little twists that it had going on. I can’t wait to read the next story by this amazing author.

The Darkling’s Kiss: Part Three: On a Nightmare’s Wing by Charlie Richards

Title: The Darkling’s Kiss: Part Three: On a Nightmare’s Wing

Series: The Daemon’s Descendants 03

Author: Charlie Richards

Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal

Length: Novella (105pgs)

Publisher: Gargoyle Expressions, Inc. (January 7, 2019)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: 💖💖💖💖💖 5 Hearts

Blurb: For decades Philippe has lived the life of a thief, keeping apart from society. He steals items for customers…for a fee, of course, which has earned him wealth enough for several lifetimes. Due to his mixed heritage, a volatile mixture of human, angel, and daemon blood—a creature called a darkling—his job is his solace. After a disastrous encounter with a wizard, Philippe has a choice to make—live the rest of his life on the run or commit to a single task to gain a clean slate. Either way, his thieving days are over. Philippe accepts the Council of Wizard’s terms.

He finds himself traveling with Kalylle, a wizard of the second order. Their task is to clear up a disagreement between the dwarf and elven nations, as a war between their peoples would tear Fidelia apart. To Philippe’s surprise, he discovers an unexpected kinship with Kalylle—an attraction that offers both danger to their mission and hope for a future. Except as they run up against one obstacle after another, it becomes clear that a third party is involved, someone with powerful magical resources. Can Philippe overcome the urges of his daemonic heritage so he can complete his quest with Kalylle, or will the machinations of rogue wizards cause him to lose himself to the daemon living inside him?

Warnings: This is part three of a three-part epic fantasy adventure. It is highly recommended that the parts be read in order. This story includes wizards, magic, men learning to have a sense of humor while overcoming dark elements, and a HFN ending. There are erotic m/m scenes suitable for adults only.


Product Link: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: This is part three and the continuation of the Darkling’s Kiss. Philippe and Kaylelle both suffer multiple injuries due to different battles in their quest to find the Dwarves blade and the culprit who wants a war between the elves and Dwarves.

While I truly enjoyed the adventure, action and danger of the story I was disappointed that it ends with Philippe accepting an assignment from the council in tracking down the main culprit who got away.

I assume there will be another book as this story is unresolved. Aside from that it was a fantastic edge of your seat journey with plenty of passion to go around.

Fantastic read and addition to the series.