Southernmost Murder by C.S. Poe Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!

C.S. Poe - Southernmost Murder Banner

Hiya peeps! We have C.S. Poe visiting today with the tour for her upcoming release Southernmost Murder, we have a brilliant guest post, a great excerpt and a fantastic exclusive giveaway where you can win a bag key lime jelly beans & Southernmost Murder swag! So guys, check out the post and enter the fantastic giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~ p.s. Make sure you visit the other blogs on the tour to take part in each blogs giveaway  😉 

Southernmost Murder


C.S. Poe

Aubrey Grant lives in the tropical paradise of Old Town, Key West, has a cute cottage, a sweet moped, and a great job managing the historical property of a former sea captain. With his soon-to-be-boyfriend, hotshot FBI agent Jun Tanaka, visiting for a little R&R, not even Aubrey’s narcolepsy can put a damper on their vacation plans.

But a skeleton in a closet of the Smith Family Historical Home throws a wrench into the works. Despite Aubrey and Jun’s attempts to enjoy some time together, the skeleton’s identity drags them into a mystery with origins over a century in the past. They uncover a tale of long-lost treasure, the pirate king it belonged to, and a modern-day murderer who will stop at nothing to find the hidden riches. If a killer on the loose isn’t enough to keep Aubrey out of the mess, it seems even the restless spirit of Captain Smith is warning him away.

The unlikely partnership of a special agent and historian may be exactly what it takes to crack this mystery wide-open and finally put an old Key West tragedy to rest. But while Aubrey tracks down the X that marks the spot, one wrong move could be his last.

Release date: 9th January 2017
 DSP Publications | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Barnes & Noble | GooglePlay | iTunes | Kobo 

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Reckless Behavior by L.A. Witt & Cari Z. Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!

L.A. Witt & Cari Z. - Reckless Behavior TourBanner

Hiya guys! We have L.A. Witt & Cari Z. popping in today with their new release Reckless Behavior, we have a brilliant tasty excerpt and a fantastic giveaway, so check out the post and leave a comment to enter the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~  😛 

Reckless Behavior

(Bad Behavior 03)

L.A. Witt & Cari Z.

After too many years of putting his job first, Detective Andreas Ruffner is getting his priorities straight. He’s ready to spend some quality time with his adult kids, not to mention come clean about some things he should’ve told them a long time ago. And introduce them to his partner and boyfriend, Darren Corliss.

But in a heartbeat, a family dinner turns into Andreas’s worst nightmare. When the dust settles, one of his kids is hurt, and the other three have been abducted.

Andreas is going to find his kids, and nothing, not even a broken ankle, is going to stop him. Thank God for his sharp, level-headed partner . . . who has a crisis of his own pulling him away when Andreas needs him the most. As both men try to support—and lean on—each other, they get no closer to finding the kids. And the longer the children are missing, the less likely it is they’ll ever be found.

Continue reading “Reckless Behavior by L.A. Witt & Cari Z. Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

Extrasensual Perception by Rayne Vause ~ Audiobook

Title: Extrasensual Perception

Series:  Dreamspun Desires 26

Author: Rayna Vause

Narrator: John Solo

Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal

Length: 5 hrs, 45 mins

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (22nd February 2017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.5 Hearts

Blurb: If a stalker doesn’t kill them, the heat between them might.

Christopher Vincent is desperate enough for a job that he accepts an offer to entertain as a psychic in a friend’s nightclub. Jackson Whitman, one of the club’s co-owners, is less than thrilled by the new act. To him, psychics are ridiculous and a liability. But when they come face-to-face, attraction flares to life between them.

Someone is watching Jack and Chris from the shadows. What starts as a series of creepy encounters leads to deadly attacks.

Jack and Chris must set aside their differences and work together to survive a homicidal stalker. But can they survive their explosive connection?

Product Link: Audible US | Audible UK

Reviewer: Prime

Review: Extrasensual Perception by Rayna Vause is something that is very tricky for me to review. The blurb drew me in, the plot itself I enjoyed and I really did love the two MCs. I’m totally sure if I’ve read anything by Vause in the past, but I have to say that I liked the writing style too. However, there was something about it that left me feeling flat and just a tad bit … well, meh.

The story starts out with Christopher Vincent, he’s a good guy but down on his luck – like many MCs in books – and just like many MCs in romance books he’s desperate to find a job. And just like many other romances, the second MC and love interest is the best friend’s brother, the very hot, very macho and serious businessman Jackson Whitman. Christopher gives in to his best friend’s pleas to act as psychic in her new co-owned club which gimmick is a carnival. The trouble being that Christopher, much like his mother, does actually has legit psychic ability. I don’t suppose this book really falls into the realm of Dreamspinner Press’s new line, Dreamspun Beyond, but the whole psychic thing was a little quirky and a very enjoyable side to the story.

This is where all the drama starts. With Jackson’s sister, Chris’s best friend, being the target of a stalker Chris is a race against time to understand the glimpses his gift gives him in order to save the day. The romance between Jackson and Chris gives off massive sparks from the get go, I will admit that there is good dose of insta-love, but the romance rolls along well with the rest of the plot. In short, I’m just trying to say that it all rolls up in a neat package that makes sense.

As always I found the narration by John Solo flawless. I have loved his narration of every book I’ve heard him do. He just has a knack for nailing the voices and emotions of the main characters, as well as the secondary characters. I honestly don’t know what left me feeling a little flat about the whole story. I did enjoy it and personally I think it would the perfect book to listen to when you’re trying to unwind – especially if you’ve just read an intense book that leaves you utterly shattered.

Getting His Man by B.G. Thomas Guest Post & Excerpt!

B.G. Thomas - Getting His Man Banner

Hi guys! We have B.G. Thomas popping in today with his upcoming release Getting His Man, we have a fantastic guest post from B.G. and a tantalising teaser of an excerpt so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Getting His Man

(Getting His Man 01 / Dreamspun Desires 48)

B.G. Thomas

A love story worthy of an old movie… with a new twist.

Artie needs a hero, a man like those he’s always revered in Golden Age films. His drug-dealing jerk of a roommate got him arrested, and since his savior isn’t likely to sweep in and save the day, Artie calls a bail bondsman.

August has always imagined himself a hero from a black-and-white movie, but he’s never found a man willing to let him play that role—at least not until he gets the call from Artie.

Both of their dreams might come true, but not before August must use his skills as a bounty hunter as well as a bondsman. Artie is on the run for his life, and August must protect him and help him clear his name. Only then can they both finally get their man.

Release date: 15th December 2017
Pre-order: Dreamspinner Press ebook | Dreamspinner Press paperback | Amazon US | Amazon UK

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Tried & True by Charlie Cochet

Title: Tried & True

Series: THIRDS #10

Author: Charlie Cochet

Genre: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, Thriller, Mystery

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (November 24, 2017)

Length: Novel (254 Pages)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: When THIRDS agent Dexter J. Daley met Team Leader Sloane Brodie, he couldn’t have imagined how slamming into his new partner—literally—would shake both their worlds. Now four years later, they’ve faced dangers, fought battles both personal and professional… and fallen deeply in love. Now their big moment is finally in sight, and they’re ready to stand up together and make it official. Unfortunately, as the countdown to their big day begins, an enemy declares war on the THIRDS….

With their family in danger, Dex and Sloane are put to the test on how far into darkness they’ll walk to save those they love. As secrets are unearthed, a deadly betrayal is revealed, and Dex and Sloane must call on their Destructive Delta family for one last hurrah to put an end to the secret organization responsible for so much devastation.

Dex and Sloane will have plenty of bullets to dodge on the way to the altar, but with happiness within their grasp, they are determined to get there come hell or high water….

ISBN: 978-1-64080-116-5

Product Link: Dreamspinner Press ebook | Dreamspinner Press paperback

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: This story is a sequel to Darkest Hour Before Dawn. With these stories they must be read in order to get the full impact of these stories. They are action packed that will keep you entertained through out the whole thing.

Dex and Sloane are getting married. However as everyone knows Dex just seems to attract trouble. From the moment these two met, things have been a struggle. Dex runs into Sloane on day one, and for some reason it just catches them. Sloane fell in love with his eyes, but because of is loss, he was fighting it the whole way. Four years later, and it is time to tie the knot. They have fought for what they deserve and now we are here to celebrate. To bad someone wants to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Hudson is almost abducted, but Maddock was not as successful. Dex will do everything to get his father back, with his little brothers help. However they get bigger help from Wolf. Sparks past comes to bite her in the ass, but now she looks just a bit more softer. Her relationship with Maddock is on the rocks. But through it all, family is family, and they have each others back.

With many books where the characters are not changed, things get dicey and a bit boring. Too much of one is sometimes old. However with this series, that doesn’t happen. It is as exciting and makes your world rock each and every time you read it. Although with this series, I didn’t read the first book but heard the audio. Lets just say it caught my attention from the start and kept it all the way to the end. That is the way it was with this book as well.

There are some major twists to this story that will shock you all. I was quite surprised to find out who was behind it all. What was interesting was it gave me hope that there will be more love stories in this series, or at least one possible couple I saw in it. These two are perfect for each other. There is nothing about this series that I didn’t love. It is one of my ultimate favorite stories and Charlie Cochet has become a favorite of mine. She has an imagination that will keep one fascinated and entertained.

I enjoyed reading this and can’t wait to get my hands on the next book. I would definitely recommend it.

Obsession by Theophilia St. Claire Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Theophilia St. Claire - Obsession Banner

Hi guys, we have Theophilia St. Claire visiting today with her new release Obsession, we have a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway where there’s a chance to win an ebook of your choice from NineStar Press, so check out the post and enter the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~



Theophilia St. Claire

Nick has a hard life. Not only is he working at an East Harlem bar to make ends meet and pay for his sister’s medical expenses, he’s also on the run from a shady past that’s surely catching up to him.

Most people think Claude has it easy due to the money and luxury surrounding him. But they would be wrong. Firmly trapped beneath his stern father’s thumb, Claude’s pre-determined life took a nosedive when his lover, Christian, left him a year ago.

When the two meet, sparks do not instantly fly between them. Claude thinks Nick is his ex-lover returned to him. Nick thinks Claude is crazy.

However, circumstances bring these two men together. And despite Claude’s jealousy and possessive nature, Nick is falling for him. Sick of being mistaken for Claude’s ex, Nick is willing to find out what happened to him—the real Christian. He’ll have to if he wants a stable relationship with Claude. How Claude takes the truth, however, is the only thing that scares him.

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Fire and Flint by Andrew Grey Guest Post & Excerpt!

Hi guys! We have Andrew Grey popping in today with his upcoming release Fire and Flint, we have a short guest post from Andrew and a great excerpt so check out the post and enjoy! <3 ~Pixie~

Fire and Flint

(Carlisle Deputies 01)

Andrew Grey

Jordan Erichsohn suspects something is rotten about his boss, Judge Crawford. Unfortunately he has nowhere to turn and doubts anyone will believe his claims—least of all the handsome deputy, Pierre Ravelle, who has been assigned to protect the judge receiving the threatening letters. The judge has a long reach, and if he finds out Jordan’s turned on him, he might impede Jordan adopting his son, Jeremiah.

When Jordan can no longer stay silent, he gathers his courage and tells Pierre what he knows. To his surprise and relief, Pierre believes him, and Jordan finds an ally… and maybe more. Pierre vows to do what it takes to protect Jordan and Jeremiah and see justice done. He’s willing to fight for the man he’s growing to love and the family he’s starting to think of as his own. But Crawford is a powerful and dangerous enemy, and he’s not above ripping apart everything Jordan and Pierre are trying to build in order to save himself….

Will their fledgling romance dissipate like fog in the sun before it has a chance to burn bright?

Release date: 8th December 2017
 Dreamspinner Press ebook | Dreamspinner Press paperback

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Hell and Back by Dirk Greyson

Title: Hell and Back

Author: Dirk Greyson

Genre: Mystery, Suspense

Length: Novel (200 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (October 27, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Seventeen years ago, Forge Reynolds fell in love… and had his heart broken. When Staff Sergeant Gage Livingston was brought into Forge’s Army field hospital, temporarily paralyzed, Forge sat with him, read his letters, answered his mail, and formed a connection he thought would last. But Gage was sent home, Forge transferred to a new post, and his letters to Gage went unanswered.

Now in the middle of a bitter divorce, Forge is sick and tired of his husband’s manipulation. He’s almost ready to make any sacrifice to get closure—then he finds Granger murdered execution-style in their home. Forge had no idea about Granger’s illicit activities, but the killers don’t believe that. They think Forge has something they want, and they’re coming after him.

When Forge’s lawyer arranges for professional protection, the last face Forge expects to see is Gage’s. Can he even contemplate a second chance for them after almost two decades, or will hoping only lead to more heartache? Before they can explore the possibilities, they must figure out what information Granger had—that others are willing to kill for—or that possible heartache could become a certainty.

ISBN-13: 978-1-63533-906-2

Product Link: Dreamspinner Press | Amazon USAmazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Murder, loss, a rekindled love and mystery. This book had no shortage of all this. Gage and Forge find themselves in the middle of an investigation into Forge’s husbands murder. What he thought he knew is being turned upside down as new details about the man he was married to come to light.

I loved all the details surrounding all the characters. I felt as though I knew them all with no questions at the end. The investigation was off the charts. I learned a lot about puzzle boxes that I never knew. I appreciated the extra effort put into letting the readers know.

I loved that Gage and Forge rekindled their love years later. Though I was a bit confused at how quickly Forge jumped into it seeing as his husband had just been murdered. Gage and Forge were hot together.

Fantastic read.

Bone to Pick by T.A. Moore

Title: Bone to Pick

Author: T.A. Moore

Genre: Mystery, Suspense

Length: Novel (240 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (August 14, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Cloister Witte is a man with a dark past and a cute dog. He’s happy to talk about the dog all day, but after growing up in the shadow of a missing brother, a deadbeat dad, and a criminal stepfather, he’d rather leave the past back in Montana. These days he’s a K-9 officer in the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department and pays a tithe to his ghosts by doing what no one was able to do for his brother—find the missing and bring them home.

He’s good at solving difficult mysteries. The dog is even better.

This time the missing person is a ten-year-old boy who walked into the woods in the middle of the night and didn’t come back. With the antagonistic help of distractingly handsome FBI agent Javi Merlo, it quickly becomes clear that Drew Hartley didn’t run away. He was taken, and the evidence implies he’s not the kidnapper’s first victim. As the search intensifies, old grudges and tragedies are pulled into the light of day. But with each clue they uncover, it looks less and less likely that Drew will be found alive.

ISBN-13: 978-1-63533-839-3

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Special Agent Merlo and K-9 Deputy Cloister Witte are assigned to work together to solve a missing child case. These two have worked together before and are attracted to one another yet at the same time cannot stand each other. Tensions abound as the two work closely with one another.

They decide to put their differences aside and focus on the case. The case and mystery itself is complicated as the missing child is related to Javi’s FBI mentor. Needless to say the higher ups want the case solved quickly but it turns into so much more as previous events are connected.

I have to say I loved how the author did not make this story about a romance and side story about the mystery. It was a great read with two MC’s fighting their attraction for each other while at the same investigating the disappearance. There was mystery, suspense and some very hot scenes between the MC’s.

Fantastic read and highly recommended.

Tracker Hacker by Jeff Adams

Title: Tracker Hacker

Series: Codename: Winger 01

Author: Jeff Adams

Genre: Mystery, Suspense, Teen Fiction

Length: Novel (194 pages)

Publisher: Harmony Ink Press (October 17, 2017)

Heat Level: Low – Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4.75 Hearts

Blurb: Theo Reese is just an average high school student with a passion for hockey and an uncanny talent when it comes to computers… at least on the surface.

What his teammates, fellow students, and even his boyfriend don’t realize is that Theo leads a double life. When he’s not putting up his facade of normal, Theo is working as an agent for Tactical Operational Support, where his technical genius is more than just a hobby. At sixteen he is responsible for helping agents in the field and keeping the TOS network secure.

It’s a secret he has to keep—from everyone.

But secrecy becomes even harder when a hacker compromises the system TOS uses to track its agents and Theo’s dad goes missing. Theo must find him and stop the hacker, which means leaving the comfort of his computer screen and venturing into a very real and very deadly world.

And if that’s not enough to deal with, all the secrecy is really putting a strain on Theo’s love life.

ISBN-13: 978-1-63533-715-0

Product Link:

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Theo has his plate full being a student, boyfriend, hockey player and working for a secret agency. The problem is there is never enough time in the day for everything so some things have to put on the back burner like quality time with his boyfriend, Eddie, who has no idea he works for a secret agency.

I liked the explanations as to what Theo was doing throughout the book or I would have been lost. TOS is kinda like other agencies that work for the government but who go in and do things the FBI, CIA, etc can not do. In this case it’s to take down Blackbird.

I really liked that despite the danger Theo wanted to help in any way he could. Though he did not come out unscathed it felt realistic as opposed to the MC always managing to avoid being hurt. The cast of characters throughout added an extra element of suspense and mystery. I especially loved the codenames they were awesome.

I am looking forward to reading more in the series.

Great read.

Kindred Truths by M.D. Grimm

Title: Kindred Truths

Series: The Shifters 12

Author: M.D. Grimm

Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (October 25, 2017)

Length: Novella (140 Pages)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Agent Poe loves being part of the Agency—an organization devoted to protecting shape-shifters—and he especially loves his mate of only a couple of months, Nordik, the nigh immortal master bear shifter. He has the best of both worlds—the man he loves and the job he loves. But when Nordik reveals he’s ready to rejoin society and accompany Poe on his missions, Poe must take the next step and make them a full partnership.

After the Agency intercepts a message from Arcas, the leader of the Knights of the Dawn—a cult bent on the annihilation of shifters—meant for his followers, their job gets a whole lot harder. The Knights don’t bother keeping their activities hidden anymore, stretching the Agency’s resources thinner than ever.

After a near-fatal mission almost costs Poe his life, Nordik insists on a break for both of them. They visit Poe’s family in Ireland and learn that true danger lies not without, but within. There’s no greater betrayal than that of a loved one.

ISBN: 978-1-63533-843-0

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in The Shifters collection features a new romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

Poe has been apart of the Agency since the beginning it seems. He has fought the darkest of evil to keep all safe from harm. His mate is a master bear shifter by the name of Nordik, a man he loves with all of his heart. A man he wants to protect, but the war to keep the shifters safe is heating up. Now they must combine the Agency and shifters alike to keep all alive.

The problem is Poe is slowly burning out, especially with the latest injury and is forced to go on vacation with his mate. A vacation to see the family back in Ireland. It also leads them right into danger once more, and a deception within the family. It seems Arcas, the leader of the Knights of the Dawn, has stepped up his game and his recruits follow him till the end.

M.D. Grimm’s stories seem more like mystic tales to me. It is a very fascinating world of good versus evil, and so far evil is winning. The characters are fully developed and are quite interesting to hear about. I will have to say to follow the story one must definitely start with the first book. Even with time going past, I still got a bit lost for a moment there. This is one of those stories you would probably want to read back to back.

I first read this author’s work as it so happens with the first book in this series. It has a dark tone to it, but you can find just a hint of humor mixed in. I will admit that this is not a series that is memorable to me though. Not to say I don’t love the story, it is just that I had not remembered it, until I read a bit into it. I can’t say I have a favorite character yet, but the guys do pull you into their world pretty easy. It has some pretty wicked twists and turns to it that will definitely keep your interest.

I enjoyed reading it and can imagine you will also.

Gummy Bears & Grenades by Charlie Cochet

Title: Gummy Bears & Grenades

Series: THIRDS #9.5

Author: Charlie Cochet

Genre: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, Mystery, Suspense

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (October 4, 2017)

Length: Novella (102 Pages)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: THIRDS agent Dexter J. Daley can’t wait to marry his fiancé, Team Leader Sloane Brodie, but first he’s looking forward to celebrating his bachelor party—which he intends to be a shenanigans-free evening of getting his groove on with family and friends.

Of course events don’t work out as planned, but for Dex that’s nothing new. One thing is for sure, dodging drug dealers and hired thugs amid booze, dancing—and even a bear costume—will guarantee it’s a night Dex will never forget. Now he just needs to survive all the fun.

ISBN: 978-1-63533-996-3

Product Link:

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Now normally I start off like this for each book I read that is involved in a series. Each book in the THIRDS collection features a different romantic couple, however that is not the case with this entire series. Most involve Sloan and Dex, but not all. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

Wow, I have heard of many costumes, but never a gummy bear one. No wonder Dex could not resist. Too bad for him there was just a bit more to it. Here he was away from his soon to be husband, trying to enjoy his bachelor party with his friends and family. Boy does he miss his man. So add in a gummy bear costume, drug dealers, a crazy ass hit man/brother, and drunk agents and what do you get? One hell of a fun read.

So what does Sloan do while Dex is going crazy, well he is having fun with his dear old soon to be father in law. Now watch for the light in the sky or maybe smoke signals. I have to say that I actually started listening to these in audible form and not reading the book. Then I decided I needed the book, and damn if I don’t like them both. They are not only very entertaining but have some hot love scenes as well. Add in a little danger and some alcohol, and watch out for the party.

I had a lot of fun reading this and can not wait for the next book. I will admit that it did feel like I missed a book in this series somewhere. So I am going to go see what I am missing. I can guarantee that this is one book that you can not miss. It is a whole lot of fun mixed in with a bit of kinky guys.

Tracker Hacker by Jeff Adams Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Hi guys, we have Jeff Adams popping in today with the tour for his upcoming release Tracker Hacker, we have a fantastic guest post from Jeff  where he chats about his new Codename: Winger series, a great excerpt and we also have a brilliant giveaway, so guys, check out the post and then click that giveaway link! <3 ~Pixie~

Tracker Hacker

(Codename: Winger 01)

Jeff Adams

High school student. Hockey player. Computer whiz kid. Covert agent?

At sixteen Theo Reese is the youngest agent for Tactical Operational Support. His way with computers makes him invaluable. He designs new gadgets, helps agents (including his parents) in the field, and works to keep the TOS network safe. But when a hacker breaches the system TOS uses to track agents, Theo is put to the test like never before.

Thrust from behind the safety of his desk, Theo must go into the field to put a stop to the hack. He’s scared but resolved because one of the missing agents is his father. And just to make it more interesting, he has to keep everything a secret from his boyfriend and teammates.

Can Theo get the job done, save his dad, and make things good with his boyfriend?

Release date: 17th October 2017
Harmony Ink Press | Dreamspinner Press | Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo

Continue reading “Tracker Hacker by Jeff Adams Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

As Sure As The Sun by Elle Keaton Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Elle Keaton - As Sure As The Sun RBBanner

Hi guys, we have Elle Keaton stopping in today with her new release As Sure As The Sun, we have a great teaser excerpt and a fantastic giveaway, so check out the post and enter the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~

As Sure As The Sun

(Accidental Roots 04)

Elle Keaton

The universe is trying to tell Sacha Bolic something. A fire escape collapses under him, he lands in crap, and a killer barely misses his target… all in the same few seconds. And that’s on top of a long list of mishaps and job dissatisfaction. Not one to ignore signals when they’re shoved in his face, Sacha retires and uses his savings to buy an old building in Skagit, Washington. With a little help from DIY videos, he’s going to bring it back to its former glory. And, yeah, it’s a metaphor. If he makes one change, others will follow…

Seth Culver avoids entanglements, romantic or otherwise. Who needs them? He’s learned the hard way that people betray you or leave. Still, Seth finds people compelling. He kind of collects them, learning their secrets before letting them go their own way. His commitment to no commitments may have met his match in Sacha. Handsome and hot, Sacha seems to offer a permanence that scares Seth more than anything ever has. Seth will have to decide if he’s going to grab it by the balls or keep watching from the sidelines.

The old building harbors a secret from the past. A box of inconsequential belongings hidden for decades hints at lives imagined but not lived, reminding them both there are no guarantees in love, or this thing called life.

A standalone in the Accidental Roots series.

Amazon US | Amazon UK

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Tea or Consequences by K.C. Burn Release Tour, Intro, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Hi guys! we have K.C. Burn stopping by for a visit today with her upcoming release release Tea or Consequences, we have a short intro from KC, a great excerpt and an awesome 5x $10 Amazon GC giveaway, so check out the post and enter that giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~

Tea or Consequences


K.C. Burn

Riley Parker: temp, twink, geek… sleuth?

Maybe Riley isn’t living up to his full potential, but being a temp executive assistant suits him. He’s never bored at work, he’s got friends who let him geek out, and he’s got a carefully crafted twink exterior… which might be getting constrictive now that he’s on the other side of thirty. Life isn’t perfect, but it’s comfortable.

It all unravels when he takes a job working for a tea-obsessed cosmetics queen, the owner of Gautier Cosmetics. During the launch party for a new product, Riley finds his boss dead under suspicious circumstances, and the homicide detective is none other than Tadeo Martin, Riley’s high school obsession who never knew he was alive.

Tad drafts Riley to get the scoop on the inner workings of Gautier, and for Riley, it’s like a drug. His natural inquisitiveness is rewarded with more and more Tad. Unfortunately, his snooping puts him in the running for two other roles: suspect and victim. The killer doesn’t care which.

Release date: 22nd September 2017
Pre-orderDreamspinner Press ebook | Dreamspinner Press paperback | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Continue reading “Tea or Consequences by K.C. Burn Release Tour, Intro, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

Tramps and Thieves by Rhys Ford Blog Tour, Intro, Blog Story Part 1 & Giveaway!

Rhys Ford - Tramps and Thieves Tour Banner

Hiya guys! We have the ever lovely Rhys Ford visiting today with the tour to her upcoming release Tramps and Thieves. We have a short intro from Rhys, a fantastic part of her blog story for this tour and a brilliant $20GC giveaway! So guys check out the post and leave a comment to enter the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~

Tramps & Thieves

(Murder and Mayhem 02)

Rhys Ford

Whoever said blood was thicker than water never stood in a pool of it.

Retiring from stealing priceless treasures seemed like a surefire way for Rook Stevens to stay on the right side of the law. The only cop in his life should have been his probably-boyfriend, Los Angeles Detective Dante Montoya, but that’s not how life—his life—is turning out. Instead, Rook ends up not only standing in a puddle of his cousin Harold’s blood but also being accused of Harold’s murder…and sleeping with Harold’s wife.

For Dante, loving the former thief means his once-normal life is now a sea of chaos, especially since Rook seems incapable of staying out of trouble—or keeping trouble from following him home. When Rook is tagged as a murder suspect by a narrow-focused West L.A. detective, Dante steps in to pull his lover out of the quagmire Rook’s landed in.

When the complicated investigation twists around on them, the dead begin to stack up, forcing the lovers to work together. Time isn’t on their side, and if they don’t find the killer before another murder, Dante will be visiting Rook in his prison cell—or at his grave.

Release date: 18th September 2017
Dreamspinner Press ebook | Dreamspinner Press paperback | Amazon US | Amazon UK

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Full Disclosure by D.J. Jamison Release Blast, Excerpt & Giveaway!

D.J. Jamison - Full Disclosure Tour Banner

Hi guys! We have D.J. Jamison popping in today with her new release Full Disclosure, we have a great excerpt and a brilliant $20 Amazon GC giveaway so check out the post and enter the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~

Full Disclosure

(Real Estate Relations 01)

D.J. Jamison

A new real estate agent gets more than he bargained with his first client ….


I’m desperate to make a fresh start as a real estate agent after leaving my alcoholic boyfriend of way too long. Getting a call to list a house while parading as a hot dog for a few bucks seems like my lucky break. Then things go sideways. My apartment is broken into and burglarized. Getting caught half-naked while squatting in my own listing is a low point. Seeing the sexy-voiced stranger who is now my client — and his gorgeous, cold boyfriend? — major bummer. But hey! I might sell a house … if we can ever get it in decent shape for the market and all the odd questions surfacing about my client don’t get in the way.


I’m a washed up US marshal turned bodyguard, and even that’s lost its appeal. A leave of absence to deal with a house I inherited from my great-uncle seems like a good opportunity to get my head straight. But then my boss pulls me aside and asks me to take on a witness in danger. We’d be off the grid, so to speak. The guy is a criminal, but he’s young and gay, so we set up a cover as a couple. Might seem risky in Kansas, but all the gossip about those gay guys will make a great smokescreen to our true secret: Lee is a target of the Dragon Boyz gang, and I have to keep him safe until trial. Of course, I wasn’t counting on the gorgeous blond, blue-eyed Realtor who makes me want something more in my life. When he starts asking questions, do I set him straight or risk losing him for good? And then there’s still those gang members to think about.

Story includes inappropriate attire, gunfights, flirting while in a fake relationship and male/male naughtiness.


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All In by Ava Drake

Title: All In

Series: Dreamspun Desires 38 / Wild Cards Inc 3

Author: Ava Drake

Genre: Contemporary, Suspense

Length:  Novella (228pgs)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (15th July 2017)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.5 Hearts

Blurb: In crime, like in love, there can be no half measures….

Fashion model Zane Stryker needs money—badly. At almost thirty, his glory days are behind him, and he needs capital to start over. When his luggage is switched with a bag containing contraband he’s forced to deliver, it’s either the worst thing that’s ever happened to him… or the best.

Enter Sebastian Gigoni, formerly of the British Special Forces, who has to decide just where Zane’s loyalty lies and why. Sizzling attraction erupts between them, but that doesn’t mean they can trust each other. They double down in a race for their lives—and their love—but are their purposes at odds? As they struggle to reconcile their goals, their consciences, and the needs of their hearts, one thing is clear—they must go all in or give up altogether.

ISBN: 978-1-63533-651-1

Product Link: Dreamspinner Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Prime

Review: I really enjoy reading Dreamspun Desires – this imprint by Dreamspinner Press is a guilty pleasure for me because it speaks to the me that got obsessed with reading certain types of Mills and Boon/Harlequin books before seeing the light and finding MM. I also enjoy reading Ava Drake’s work. They are usually, sweet, totally steaming hot and sexy novellas with a fast paced plot.

The books in this series are all standalone, with some throw back to familiar characters. I have to admit that All In, the third installment of the Wild Cards Inc, series left me a little short. However, with this one I found the plot a little too convoluted and that unfortunately took away from my enjoyment of the book. And I have to admit, after loving the first Wild Cards Inc. novella, the second and third don’t quite reach the same bar of awesomeness. I’m not sure if the action got too much in the way of the rest of the story or what.

The story itself is about Zane, a fashion model that is reaching the end of his career in a young, cut throat industry. He’s on his way back home to the States after going to Europe in an effort to get fashion labels interested in him once more. He soon meets Sebastian; he’s helping out a friend by using his skills as an ex- SAS in a case for the Wild Cards. Cue Zane becoming the damsel in distress as he unwittingly gets caught in the middle. Unfortunately for me, Sebastian and Zane, while both likable characters, didn’t really have a lot of chemistry except when they were having out of this world fantastic sex.

Stalking Buffalo Bill by j. leigh bailey Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Hi guys, we have j. leigh bailey popping in today with her upcoming release Stalking Buffalo Bill, we have a brilliant guest post, a great excerpt and a fantastic giveaway, so check out the post and leave a comment to enter the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~

Stalking Buffalo Bill

(Dreamspun Beyond 03 / Shifter U 01)

j. leigh bailey

A smitten coyote isn’t the only one stalking Buffalo Bill.

A buffalo walks into a cafe. Sounds like the start of a bad joke, but for coyote shifter Donnie Granger, it’s the beginning of an obsession. Donnie is a little hyperactive and a lot distractible, except when it comes to William. He finally works up the nerve to approach William but is interrupted by a couple of violent humans.

While William—don’t call me Bill—is currently a professor, he once worked undercover against an international weapons-trafficking ring. Before he can settle into obscurity, he must find out who leaked his location and eliminate the thugs. He tries keeping his distance to protect Donnie, but the wily coyote won’t stay away.

It’ll take both Donnie’s skills as a stalker—er, hunter—and William’s super-spy expertise to neutralize the threat so they can discover if an excitable coyote and a placid-until-pissed buffalo have a future together.

Release date: 1st September 2017
 Dreamspinner Press ebook | Dreamspinner Press paperback | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Barnes & Noble |Kobo | iBooks | GooglePlay

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Suspicious Behavior by L.A. Witt & Cari Z Blog Tour, Excerpt & Giveaway!

Hiya guys! We have L.A. Witt & Cari Z. popping in today with their new release Suspicious Behavior, we have a brilliant tasty excerpt and a fantastic giveaway, so check out the post and leave a comment to enter the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~

Suspicious Behavior

(Bad Behavior 02)

L.A. Witt & Cari Z.

Detective Darren Corliss is hanging by a thread. In between recovering from a near-fatal wound and returning to work at a hostile precinct, he’s struggling to help care for his ailing brother. His partner and boyfriend, Detective Andreas Ruffner, wants to help, but doesn’t know how. And with his own family crises brewing, Andreas is spread almost as thin as Darren.

For cops, though, life takes a backseat to the job. When a stack of unsolved homicides drops into their laps, Andreas and Darren think they’re unrelated cold cases. But when a connection surfaces, they find themselves on the tail of a prolific serial killer who’s about to strike again.

Except they’ve got nothing. No leads. No suspects. Just a pile of circumstantial evidence and a whole lot of hunches. Time is running out to stop the next murder—and to pull themselves back from their breaking points.

Riptide Publishing | Amazon US | Amazon UK

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