Comes A Horseman by Anne Barwell

Title: Comes a Horseman

Series:  Echoes Rising 03

Author: Anne Barwell 

Genre: Historical, Mystery, Suspense

Length: Novel (230 pages)

Publisher: DSP Publications (August 1, 2017)

Heat Level: Low – Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: France, 1944

Sometimes the most desperate struggles take place far from the battlefield, and what happens in secret can change the course of history.

Victory is close at hand, but freedom remains frustratingly just beyond the grasp of German physicist Dr. Kristopher Lehrer, Resistance fighter Michel, and the remaining members of the team sent by the Allies—Captain Matt Bryant, Sergeant Ken Lowe, and Dr. Zhou Liang—as they fight to keep the atomic plans from the Nazis. The team reaches France and connects with members of Michel’s French Resistance cell in Normandy. Allied troops are poised to liberate France, and rescue is supposedly at hand. However, Kristopher is no longer sure the information he carries in his memory is safe with either side.

When Standartenführer Holm and his men finally catch up with their prey, the team is left with few options. With a traitor in their midst, who can they trust? Kristopher realizes he must become something he is not in order to save the man he loves. Death is biding his time, and sacrifices must be made for any of them to have the futures they want.

ISBN-13:  978-1-63533-666-5

Product Link: DSP Publications | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: I am at a loss for words for this book. It was brilliantly written. Kristopher and Michel evade capture at every turn while at the same time finding out they have traitor in their midst. 

Heart-stopping, heart-breaking at times and dangerous this story is the continuation from the previous books. Kristopher will do anything to save Michel. I found it touching the love these two felt for one another and was cheering them on as they progressed.

The resistance as well as allies are helping in Michel and Kristopher’s journey. There are twists and turns that riveted me and I found myself sitting on the edge of my seat awaiting the outcome.

Fantastic read.

Fire and Granite by Andrew Grey

Title: Fire and Granite

Series: Carlisle Deputies 02

Author: Andrew Grey

Genre: Mystery, Crime

Length: Novel (200pgs)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (10th July 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: The heat is growing from the inside, but danger is building on the outside.

Judge Andrew Phillips runs a tight ship in his courtroom. He’s tough, and when he hands down a sentence, he expects to be obeyed. So when a fugitive named Harper escapes and threatens his life, Andrew isn’t keen on twenty-four/seven protection… especially not from Deputy Clay Brown. They have a past, one that could cause problems in their careers.

But with Clay assigned to Andrew and the two of them together every minute, there’s nowhere to hide from their attraction—or from the fact that there’s much more than chemistry blooming between them. As the threat intensifies, Clay knows he’ll do anything it takes to protect the people who are taking their places in his heart: Andrew and his young niece and nephew.

ISBN: 978-1-64080-722-8

Product Link: Dreamspinner Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: Each book in the Carlisle Deputies collection features a different romantic couple. To enjoy the overall story arc and crossover characters, I would recommend reading the series in sequential order.

Judge Phillips and Deputy Clay have always butted heads and never really got along. So much so that one would think that they would kill each other if stuck in a room together for more than an hour. Then Andrew is threatened by a man he sent to prison and who had escaped. So Clay was sent in to protect him. To top it off his sister tried to kill herself and now he was stuck with two little ones on top of hiding out.

Clay has always thought that the Judge was hot but a pain in the ass. Now they were going to be stuck together twenty-four-seven. His job was to protect but it looks like thing might go in a different direction, at least for them.

I have always loved these type of stories and this author seems to be the best one out there. Adventure, excitement, fascination, hot sexy times, danger and so much more is what you will find in this book. It caught my attention from the start and kept it all the way to the end. It gave me everything I could want in a book and so much more. The characters were a blast to read about and I enjoyed their story. I would have loved to hear what would happen to the kids in the end, but it still ended perfectly.

I would definitely recommend this story and I can’t wait to get my hands on the next book.

Fire and Granite by Andrew Grey Guest Post, Excerpt & Review!

Andrew Grey - Fire and Granite Banner

Hi guys! We have Andrew Grey popping in today with his upcoming release Fire and Granite, we have a short guest post from Andrew, a great excerpt and Lisa’s review so check out the post and enjoy! ❤ ~Pixie~

Fire and Granite

(Carlisle Deputies 02)

Andrew Grey

The heat is growing from the inside, but danger is building on the outside.

Judge Andrew Phillips runs a tight ship in his courtroom. He’s tough, and when he hands down a sentence, he expects to be obeyed. So when a fugitive named Harper escapes and threatens his life, Andrew isn’t keen on twenty-four/seven protection… especially not from Deputy Clay Brown. They have a past, one that could cause problems in their careers.

But with Clay assigned to Andrew and the two of them together every minute, there’s nowhere to hide from their attraction—or from the fact that there’s much more than chemistry blooming between them. As the threat intensifies, Clay knows he’ll do anything it takes to protect the people who are taking their places in his heart: Andrew and his young niece and nephew.

Release date: 10th July 2018
 Dreamspinner Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Continue reading “Fire and Granite by Andrew Grey Guest Post, Excerpt & Review!”

Winter Duet by Anne Barwell (2nd Edition)

Title: Winter Duet (2nd edition)

Series: Echoes Rising 02

Author: Anne Barwell

Genre: Historical, Mystery & Suspense

Length: Novel (224 pages)

Publisher: DSP Publications (December 27, 2016)

Heat Level: Low – Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Germany 1944

Hunted for treason and the information he carries, Kristopher and Michel leave their safe house to journey across Germany toward Switzerland. Caught in a series of Allied bombings, they stop to help civilians and narrowly escape capture by German forces.

While investigating a downed aircraft in the Black Forest, the two men discover an injured RAF pilot. After they are separated, Kristopher and the pilot are discovered by a German officer who claims he is not who he appears to be. Determined to find Michel again, Kristopher has to trust the stranger and hope the man is not connected to those hunting him.

Meanwhile Michel is intercepted by one of the Allied soldiers he met in Berlin. His help is needed to save one of their own.

Time quickly runs out, and loyalties are tested and betrayed as their enemies close in. Michel can only hope they reach safety before information is revealed that could compromise not only his and Kristopher’s lives, but those of the remaining members of the Allied team—if it is not already too late.

First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, 2014.

ISBN-13:  978-1-63477-192-4

Product Link: DSP Publications | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty 

Review: This continues from book one. Kristopher and Michel are on the run yet again. When they stop to help civilian after a bombing they are separated. From here there are two separate journeys so to speak.

We see how Michel is with the resistance and helping them with a fellow member before it’s too late. While at the same time Kristopher is trying to survive his own dilemma. There were many variables and characters interacting throughout this intense story. 

I really felt for Kristopher and Michel as neither knew if the other was even still alive. Still they journeyed hoping against hope to one day be reunited. The Gestapo did not let up in their pursuits for a second. it lead to some raising moments throughout.

Well written and tense at times, this story grabs hold and does not let go until the last word.

Great read.

Vice City by S.A. Stovall

Title: Vice City

Series: Vice City 01

Author: S.A. Stovall

Genre: Mystery, Suspense

Length: Novel (234 pages)

Publisher: DSP Publications (June 20, 2017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: After twenty years as an enforcer for the Vice family mob, Nicholas Pierce shouldn’t bat an eye at seeing a guy get worked over and tossed in the river. But there’s something about the suspected police mole, Miles, that has Pierce second-guessing himself. The kid is just trying to look out for his brother any way he knows how, and the altruistic motive sparks an uncharacteristic act of mercy that involves Pierce taking Miles under his wing.

Miles wants to repay Pierce for saving his life. Pierce shouldn’t see him as anything but a convenient hookup… and he sure as hell shouldn’t get involved in Miles’s doomed quest to get his brother out of a rival street gang. He shouldn’t do a lot of things, but life on the streets isn’t about following the rules. Besides, he’s sick of being abused by the Vice family, especially Mr. Vice and his power-hungry goon of a son, who treats his underlings like playthings.

So Pierce does the absolute last thing he should do if he wants to keep breathing—he leaves the Vice family in the middle of a turf war.

ISBN-13: 978-1-63533-664-1

Product Link: DSP Publications | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Nicholas is a mob enforcer. He’s seen and done a lot for the Vice family. But, one night he feels something when a young man is getting worked over. He takes him home and patches him up. Miles only wants to save his brother from the Cobra’s. He gets himself into trouble time and again.

This a gritty story about life lessons on the streets and when to simply walk away while you can. The journey is not without it’s dangers to both men. I loved ho the story was told and how you could feel the emotions.

I liked that Miles wanted to save his brother but at the same time realized Miles should have asked him whether he wanted to be saved or not. Miles puts himself in dangerous situations until he finally gets it.

Great read.

Wight Mischief by J.L. Merrow Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!

J.L. Merrow - Wight Mischief Banner

Hi guys, we have J.L. Merrow visiting today with her upcoming re-release Wight Mischief, we have a fantastic guest post from J.L., a great excerpt and a fantastic $10 Dreamspinner GC  giveaway so check out the post and leave a comment to enter the giveaway! ❤ ~Pixie~

Wight Mischief


J.L. Merrow

A ghost of a chance at love.

Personal trainer Will Golding has been looking forward to a getaway with his best friend, Baz, a journalist researching a book on ghosts. But on the first day of their camping trip on the Isle of Wight, Will takes a walk on a secluded beach and spies a beautiful young man skinny-dipping by moonlight.  Ethereally pale, he’s too perfect to be real—or is he?

Lonely author Marcus Devereux is just as entranced by the tall athlete he encounters on the beach, but he’s spent the years since his parents’ violent death building a wall around his heart, and the thought of letting Will scale it is terrifying. Marcus’s albinism gives him his otherworldly appearance and leaves him reluctant to go out in daylight, his reclusiveness encouraged by his guardian—who warns him to stay away from Will and Baz.

The attraction between Will and Marcus can’t be denied—but neither can the danger of the secrets haunting Marcus’s past, as one “accident” after another strikes Will and Baz. If they don’t watch their step, they could end up added to the island’s ghostly population.

Wight Mischief was previously published by Samhain, but has been completely re-edited and given a lovely new cover for this second edition by Dreamspinner Press.

Release date: 1st June 2018
 Dreamspinner Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Continue reading “Wight Mischief by J.L. Merrow Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!”

One Word by Anne Barwell

Title: One Word

Series: Hidden Places 03

Author: Anne Barwell

Genre: Mystery, Suspense

Length: Novel (200 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (November 6, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.75 Hearts

Blurb: Ethan Leavitt arrives in the idyllic village of Oakwood to search for a missing friend. Having always prided himself on his ability to find rational explanations, Ethan’s trust in concrete evidence and logic is tested by the mystery of Oakwood and Tomas’s disappearance.

Donovan Campbell’s happy, sometimes flippant, exterior hides a past he’d rather forget. As he struggles with his memories and to hold on to the inn he owns with his best friend, the last thing Donovan needs is for some guy he’s only just met to start getting under his skin. When a bank robbery escalates into a dangerous situation, Donovan must embrace a part of himself he can no longer ignore in order to save a future that might never have the chance to exist.

Ethan learns that often the person you’re looking for is not the one you find. But have he and Donovan both realized that too late…?

ISBN-13: 978-1-63533-752-5

Product Link: Dreamspinner Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Ehan goes in search for a missing friend and ends up in Oakwood Village where he meets Donovan the owner of an inn. Donovan has a mysterious past that he is trying to forget. Along the way these two come together slowly.

Although this story is enjoyable it did not connect with me like I had hoped. I felt disconnected with the characters altogether. It was almost like reading a story and forgetting everything you read afterword. I do not mean that in a negative way, it just did not stick with me like some stories.

There are some interesting things as the story progresses with the disappearance of Tomas. Ethan and Donovan’s romance did not come to completion until the end of the book. I felt as though there was a lot of scenes that were needed in the grand scheme of things.

It was an O.k. read for me.

Shatterproof Bond series by Isobel Starling Blog Tour, Excerpt & Reviews!

Isobel Starling - Shatterproof Bond SERIES TOUR BANNER

Hi guys, we have Isobel Starling visiting today with her Shatterproof Bond series, we have  a great except and Prime’s reviews so check out the post and enjoy! ❤ ~Pixie~

As You Wish

(Shatterproof Bond 01)

Isobel Starling

1 wedding, 2 best men, one hell of a love story!

Declan Ramsay was to be best man at his brother’s wedding in Scotland, sharing best man duties with the bride’s gay kid brother Sam. The best men wouldn’t meet for the first time until a few days before the wedding, so communicated by email for more than a year.

But on meeting Sam Aiken, Declan is surprised to see he isn’t a kid at all, but a striking, athletic blond man with a wicked sense of humor. Declan is alarmed by the ferocious attraction he feels for Sam. And as the attraction is reciprocated, the events at Dunloch Castle change everything Declan has ever believed about himself.

But is Sam Aiken all he appears to be?

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Audible US | Audible UK

Illuminate the Shadows

(Shatterproof Bond 02)

The thrilling, funny sequel to ‘As You Wish’.

“A Scotsman and an Englishman fall in love… After the most amazing week of his life, at Dunloch Castle on the banks of Loch Ness, in Scotland. The charming, mysterious Samuel Aiken has turned Declan Ramsay’s life upside down. Declan has experienced a remarkable change. He has come to terms with the fact he is bisexual, and he has fallen head-over-heels in love with his boss’s son Sam.

However, falling for his boss’s son was never going to be an easy path to happiness, mainly because the boss in question is multi-millionaire property tycoon and former MI5 operative, Sir James Aiken.

Sir James is repulsed by his son’s homosexuality, and so discovering that his employee Declan Ramsay- the man he installed to run his luxury property rental empire- is in a relationship with Sam, does not go down well.

The lovers cannot hide from the looming presence of Sir James Aiken for long! Soon enough James makes his move, and Declan finds out what he will have to endure to stay with Sam, and what he will have to give to feel worthy of Sam’s love.”

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Audible US | Audible UK

Return to Zero

(Shatterproof Bond 03)

The thrilling sequel to “As You Wish” and “Illuminate the Shadows”.

Pulled into a world of secrets and lies for the man he loves, Declan Ramsay’s life has changed immeasurably in the eight months since meeting, and falling for his boss’s son, Sam Aiken. Declan journey of personal discovery is about to take a darker turn, and for Sam, the world becomes more treacherous than he could ever have imagined.

Two agents are missing — presumed dead, while on a reconnaissance mission at an outdoor adventure centre in the Scottish Highlands. Sir James Aiken sends his son and Declan to follow the trail and discover the fate of the agents.

As the mission offers his first chance to use the skills he learned on the MI6 training course in Morocco, Declan is keen to get started. However, Sir James sees to it that the seeds of doubt and discord have been sewn between the couple, as they begin their mission.

The journey to their Highland location, and the discoveries they make when they reach the G’wan Adventures centre, prove that Sir James Aiken has been less than honest with his son. Events in the Highlands force Sam and Declan to face their greatest fears and understand what they both really want from life — and from each other.

Amazon US | Amazon UK | Audible US | Audible UK

Counter Blow

(Shatterproof Bond 04)

After the devastating events in the Scottish Highlands, Sam and Declan have moved on to a new, deeper level in their romance. Their commitment to each other is unquestionable; however, there are plenty of questions that need answering about other aspects of their lives, and those who sought to end them.

Sam is trying his best to deal with the day to day frustrations of his injuries. He’s completely dependent on Declan for everything and hates the way the scales have tipped in their relationship. Although he’s officially on leave, Sam’s mind cannot stop replaying all that happened to him and questioning why, and who is behind it all.

Declan’s relief at having Sam home throws him into house-husband mode. He’s happy to take the reins and care for his partner, however, beneath the surface Declan cannot help but be drawn back to how he felt in the Highlands, and how they were betrayed by a man who was supposed to have their back. Declan had promised Sir James Aiken that he would pay if he hurt Sam, and now Declan has to decide how he can deliver his payback and put his and Sam’s world back on an even keel.

Amazon US |  Amazon UK | Audible US | Audible UK

Catch up with the Shatterproof Bond series in Kindle Unlimited before book #5 “Powder Burns” is released in the spring.

Continue reading “Shatterproof Bond series by Isobel Starling Blog Tour, Excerpt & Reviews!”

Family of Lies: Sebastian by Sam Argent

Title: Family of Lies: Sebastian

Author: Sam Argent

Genre: High Fantasy, Mystery, Suspense

Length: Novel (324 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (March 18, 2015)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 4 1/2 Hearts

Blurb: Sebastian Orwell did the only thing a smart wizard could do when he stumbled upon the wounded Crown Prince: he healed him and dumped him in a tavern where he could continue not being Sebastian’s problem. Unfortunately, the prince isn’t content with being alive, and he hunts Sebastian down to thank him personally. Not only is Sebastian stuck with the prince’s unwanted affections, he’s also confronted by growing evidence linking the assassination attempt to someone from his father’s past.

Lord Orwell is a lot of things: thief, liar, drunk, and all around horrible father, but Sebastian knows he’s no murderer. In order to prove it, Sebastian has to keep the prince alive long enough to discover the truth—a task made considerably harder because the idiot prince prefers wooing Sebastian over securing his own survival. On top of everything, Sebastian needs to save the day without revealing his magical powers and the real reason he hides his appearance.

Sebastian had no intention of playing the hero, but whoever is stirring up shit in his country will pay for destroying his quiet life.

ISBN-13: 978-1-63216-681-4

Product Link: Dreamspinner Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: Sebastian keeps to himself and does not like being around others. His humor is funny to me. I found his snarkiness lovable. Prince Turrin has a way of trouble finding him in the form of assassination attempts on his life. This is how the two meet when Sebastian saves him.

The prince wants to get to know Sebastian better despite his standoffish vibes. He’s persistent an eventually wears Sebastian down. The two are hot together once they actually get together.

The mystery off the assassination attempts and who is behind and to what degree was fascinating and intriguing. I loved how the story flowed and ultimately ended up. Well written with degrees of romance, suspense, action, drama and hot sex all culminated in a story that had me on the edge of my seat.

Great read.

Late in the Day by Mary Calmes

Title: Late in the Day

Series: The Vault 02

Author: Mary Calmes

Genre: Contemporary

Length: Novel (200 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (October 30, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Terrence Moss. Conrad Harris. Gold Team Leader. Darius Hawthorne. The Vault. Juggling all these names would bother some, but for Darius, it’s business as usual. When he closes a chapter in his life, he leaves a name—and the people associated with it—behind. He’s managed to keep a few colleagues, even fewer friends, and no companionship through his forty-plus years… but that’s now changing.

The newest chapter of his life is bringing serious change: a stable home, a recovered identity, an unlikely family, and now a chance encounter with the one man Darius ever loved: Efrem Lahm. The reasons they parted are still valid, and there’s no way they can trust each other. But Efrem has already decided he won’t let Darius go… and Darius will have to decide if he wants to take a chance with his heart this late in the day.

ISBN-13: 978-1-63533-980-2

Product Link: Dreamspinner Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: This story is mostly about the fault and the many names he has been throughout his life. We are also given a preview of how he became the Vault in the first place. I loved that.

Conrad’s character was rather complex at times given the many name changes and the circumstances surrounding this. I loved the story as I got an in depth look at the man and all he has been through.

The actual romance does not take place right away and it is someone from Conrad’s past. My heart broke for these two men who were denied a life together due to the beliefs of the time. I so wanted to shout that it was not fair to these men.

All in all I liked this story much better than the first book.

Great read.

A Day Makes by Mary Calmes

Title: A Day Makes

Series: The Vault 01

Author: Mary Calmes

Genre: Mystery, Suspense

Length: Novel (200 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (April 19, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3 1/2 Hearts

Blurb: Mob enforcer Ceaton Mercer has killed a lot of people in a lot of different ways—he stashed the last two bodies in a toolshed belonging to a sweetheart marine researcher in an idyllic island community—but he’s really not such a bad guy. Over time he’s found a home of sorts, and he even learns he’s found a place in the hearts of the people he works with… at least enough so that they won’t put a bullet in his head because he’s outlived his usefulness to the boss.

But he never thought he’d find one day could change his life, and he’s about to discover how wrong he is.

Because in a single day, he meets the man who looks to be the one, the love of his life. It’s an improbable idea—a man who deals in death finding love—but it’s like it’s meant to be. That single day gets weirder and troubles pile up, forcing Ceaton to take a hard look at his dreary life and accept that one day can change everything, especially himself. His future might be brighter than he expects—if he can stay alive long enough to find out..

ISBN-13: 978-1-63533-574-3

Product Link: Dreamspinner Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: I have mixed emotions about this story. On the one hand Mercer and what all has happened to him throughout his life to where he is now and what his mission is, is really interesting. On the other hand, I really do not want to say this, I thought Brinley, Mercer’s love interest, was over the top. I mean who actually acts like that. I kept rolling my eyes and wishing it would stop especially when tough guy Mercer joined in.

So needless to say I did not enjoy Mercer and Brinley at the beginning of their relationship. It was too corny and over the top for me. Now add in danger from Mercer’s boss, a mysterious man that Mercer knows from his past and battle scenes that I enjoyed and I was happy.

The Vault was fascinating. I was floored because it was not what I thought it was going to be. So I was pleasantly surprised. Well written story that I only enjoyed a portion of.

O.k. read. Sorry but Brinley and Mercer’s beginning ruined it for me.

All In by Ava Drake ~ Audiobook

Title: All In

Series: Wild Cards 03 / Dreamspun Desires 38

Author: Ava Drake

Narrator: John Solo

Genre: Contemporary

Length: 6 hrs 8 mins

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press LLC

Heat Level: ♥♥♥♥ 3.5 Hearts

Heart Rating: Explicit

Blurb: In crime, like in love, there can be no half measures….

Fashion model Zane Stryker needs money – badly. At almost 30, his glory days are behind him, and he needs capital to start over. When his luggage is switched with a bag containing contraband he’s forced to deliver, it’s either the worst thing that’s ever happened to him…or the best.

Enter Sebastian Gigoni, formerly of the British Special Forces, who has to decide just where Zane’s loyalty lies and why. Sizzling attraction erupts between them, but that doesn’t mean they can trust each other. They double down in a race for their lives – and their love – but are their purposes at odds? As they struggle to reconcile their goals, their consciences, and the needs of their hearts, one thing is clear – they must go all in or give up altogether.

Product Link: Audible AU | Audible US | Audible UK | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Prime

Review: All In is the third in Ava Drake’s Wild Cards series and apart of the Dreamspun Desires imprint. The story works as a standalone book, with only a minor appearance from previous characters where you don’t need to know any back story.

The story follows Zane Stryker, a fashion model who battled addiction and got himself back together and is now trying his best to make a come back for what would be the final couple years of his modelling career. He knew he was getting too old for the job but he wanted to make sure he had enough money to see him through a while and end his career on a high note. He’s on his way from Europe to New York where he intends to revive his career when his luggage is lost and he’s pulled up by customs in New York, turning his life upside down.

This is where Sebastian Gignoni enters the scene, he’s ex-British SAS and now working for the protection agency Wild Cards Inc. He’s been sent to the US on a case and Zane and the contraband placed in his suitcase are the direct he needs to break open an international conspiracy. Sebastian is instantly attracted to Zane but he needs to know if the man is in on the crime or if he is an unwilling participant who is being dangled with a most tempting payment.

I’m still not completely sure on my thoughts on this story. Makes me sound a bit boring I suppose, but I felt that it was an effort to suspend my disbelief for this one. I think what I had the most problem with was the insta-love/attraction which meant during some really dangerous moments, the tension was killed with “oh, let’s have sex”.

I enjoyed, I liked the characters, I loved the narration but I suppose I was just not completely grabbed by the main plot line.

Mafia and Magics by Lyn Gala

Title: Mafia and Magics

Series: Aberrant Magic 05

Author: Lyn Gala

Genre: Mystery & Suspense, Fantasy & Paranormal, Urban Fantasy

Length: Novella (175pgs)

Publisher: Loose ID (September 26, 2017)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Angel Zamora has always looked out for numero uno, even after getting sent to prison for robbing a convenience store at knife point. But now two crazy feds show up to tell him he has undeveloped magic. And they want him to inform on a group that has been recruiting and disposing of magic users. When Angel agrees, he expects to play the feds until he can make his own escape plans.

However, once he’s inside the mafia and developing his Talent, he starts to realize that he’s not as concerned about his own skin as he is young Matteo. The only son of the mob boss Mr. Luschese, Matt is even more trapped than Angel. His hot temper, disdain for authority, and deeply in-the-closet attitudes are all so familiar that Angel aches for the young man. A relationship that starts with Angel seeking one more potential advantage quickly turns into Angel’s worst nightmare–a deep sense of commitment to another human being. Escape routes are closing, and Angel fears he is going to end up one more body dumped in the river…and if Angel plays this wrong, Matt could die with him.

ISBN: 978-1-68252-417-6

Product Link: Loose Id | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Shorty

Review: I loved this new couple. Don’t get me wrong I loved Kavon and Darren but at the same time I was getting bored reading about only them as the mc’s so this was refreshing.

Angel, an ex con is recruited by Darren and Rima to be an informant. His task, to infiltrate the Luschesces mafia group that recruits the talented and if they refuse, kill them. This is where he meets Matteo, the mob boss’ son.

I really enjoyed watching these two men traverse in a dangerous world they are in. Some scenes are cring worthy as Angel adjusts to his magic and is tested in his new abilities by the mob. Matt for his part is nothing like his father which I found refreshing.

All in all it was a wonderful start to new characters and new aspects.

Great read.

The City of Rocks by Don Travis

Title: The City of Rocks

Series: A BJ Vinson Mystery 03

Author: Don Travis

Genre: Mystery, Suspense

Length: Novel (280 Pages)

Publisher: DSP Publications (July 18, 2017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Confidential Investigator B.J. Vinson thinks it’s a bad joke when Del asks him to look into the theft of a duck… a duck insured for $250,000. It ceases to be a funny when the young thief dies in a suspicious truck wreck. The search leads BJ and his lover, Paul Barton, to the sprawling Lazy M Ranch in the Boot Heel country of southwestern New Mexico bordering the Mexican state of Chihuahua.

A deadly game unfolds when BJ and Paul are trapped in a weird rock formation known as The City of Rocks—an eerie array of frozen magma that is somehow at the center of the entire scheme. But does the theft of Quacky involve a quarter million dollar duck-racing bet between the ranch’s owner and a Miami real estate developer, or someone attempting to force the sale of the Lazy M because of its proximity to an unfenced portion of the Mexican border? BJ and Paul go from the City of Rocks to the neon lights of Miami and back again in pursuit of the answer… death and danger tracking their every step.

ISBN: 978-1-93707-030-4

Product Link: DSP Publications | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: This series involves our sexy P.I. and quite a bit of crazy charactes. Now this can be read as a standalone, but I would suggest reading in order. It gives you an insight into Private Investigator B.J..

Quacky Quack the second has been ducknapped. She is worth a quarter of a million dollars, well that is what the insurance is at. I think the old bird is in for it, but then again her owner wants answers. She wants her prize duck back, so she wants B.J. to find her. The thing is the insurance agent got to him first, so we will see. Did Lizard lips get murdered for the bird or for something more drastic.

B.J. is on the trail of the ducknapper’s killer. However it could be anyone on either side of the fence. Is it the duck-racing, drugs, guns or something even more sinister, one could only guess. It leads our sexy investigator and his lover on a danger pursuit.

Now who names a duck Quacky Quack, well a woman with the name Mud. She is old bat herself, and prides her downfeathers and if a little racing is done, who is to know. It would seem almost the whole state knows, except for the insurance company. At first I was like B.J., laughing my ass off about a duck being ducknapped. But it got real serious with the murder, attempted murder and well your going to have to read the book on this one.

This has many twists and turns to it, that you will definitely be entertained from it. It was like being right there to witness it all. Is the duck pate now or is she still alive, hmmm never had duck before. It has a very tight mystery going on. I do love the little wisp of romance between B.J. and Paul that you get hints of. There is no real romance going on in the story, just hints and behind the sheets. It caught my attention from the start and kept it all the way to the end.

Fascinating tale with just a bit of humor to it. I never knew one could get insurance on a duck, but I guess anything is possible. I had a lot of fun with it and can not wait to get my hands on the next book.

Tramps and Thieves by Rhys Ford

Title: Tramps and Thieves

Series: Murder and Mayhem 02

Author: Rhys Ford

Genre: Contemporary, Mystery, Crime

Length: Novel (220 Pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (September 18, 2017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Whoever said blood was thicker than water never stood in a pool of it.

Retiring from stealing priceless treasures seemed like a surefire way for Rook Stevens to stay on the right side of the law. The only cop in his life should have been his probably-boyfriend, Los Angeles Detective Dante Montoya, but that’s not how life—his life—is turning out. Instead, Rook ends up not only standing in a puddle of his cousin Harold’s blood but also being accused of Harold’s murder…and sleeping with Harold’s wife.

For Dante, loving the former thief means his once-normal life is now a sea of chaos, especially since Rook seems incapable of staying out of trouble—or keeping trouble from following him home. When Rook is tagged as a murder suspect by a narrow-focused West L.A. detective, Dante steps in to pull his lover out of the quagmire Rook’s landed in.

When the complicated investigation twists around on them, the dead begin to stack up, forcing the lovers to work together. Time isn’t on their side, and if they don’t find the killer before another murder, Dante will be visiting Rook in his prison cell—or at his grave.

ISBN: 978-1-64080-038-0

Product Link: Dreamspinner Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: This series follows our same sexy couple so they need to be read in order. Normally I really can’t stand books that don’t change the main characters, but Rhys just has a way to keep my attention throughout it all, and without tearing my hair out.

Our sexy former cat burglar is getting a bit stir crazy, not going back to doing what he was good at. That is until he bids on a statue and wins, only to have his cousin swoop in and steal it. Well he didn’t steal it, but paid for it, then stole it. All the while grinning like a loon, boy was he going to be in for it. With the help of his cousin in law, he gets the codes and decides to get one more thrill and a bit of revenge. That should have been his first sign that things would not go the way he planned. His cousin was dead and now he is the prime suspect. He seems to always get in trouble, and he needs to learn how to duck. Another detective has a hard-on for him and not in the good way. It would seem his very own detective needs to help keep him alive as well.

Then the boddies start showing up, and damn if that grouchy asshat of a detective, well you will just have to read that part and see. Dante, his sexy cop boyfriend and lover, had always wanted Rook. He might not have wanted him the way he wants him now, but it sure does get interesting between them. He was in love with the charming, sexy, and crazy former cat burglar. Who would have guessed it.

You throw in his nutty family, and I am speaking about a cranky old grandfather who does not think before he opens big mouth. Those two can go at it, but you can also feel the love between them. There are quite a bit of twists to this story that will keep you on the edge of your seat throughout it all. What excitement, danger, hot sex, tender kisses and well you know where I am going with this, all in one dynamite package.

Just don’t eat before reading this, it can get quite grisly. I knew from the moment I read the first book, in another one of her series, that she was going to be my go to author for mysteries. She just has this way of telling a story and keeping you captivated, if not wanting to strangle the guys once in awhile.

I had a lot of fun reading this, even if it kept me up way past my bedtime. I can’t wait to get my hands on the next story. Way to go Rhys Ford for giving us this amazing book. I would definitely recommend it.

Mayhem and Murder by Rhys Ford

Title: Murder and Mayhem

Author: Rhys Ford

Genre: Contemporary 

Length: Novel (236 pages)

ISBN: 9781634762236

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (June 5th 2015)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Reviewer: Tams

Blurb: Dead women tell no tales.

Former cat burglar Rook Stevens stole many a priceless thing in the past, but he’s never been accused of taking a life—until now. It was one thing to find a former associate inside Potter’s Field, his pop culture memorabilia shop, but quite another to stumble across her dead body.

Detective Dante Montoya thought he’d never see Rook Stevens again—not after his former partner’d falsified evidence to entrap the jewelry thief and Stevens walked off scot-free. So when he tackled a fleeing murder suspect, Dante was shocked to discover the blood-covered man was none other than the thief he’d fought to put in prison and who still made his blood sing. 

Rook is determined to shake loose the murder charge against him, even if it means putting distance between him and the rugged Cuban-Mexican detective who brought him down. If one dead con artist wasn’t bad enough, others soon follow, and as the bodies pile up around Rook’s feet, he’s forced to reach out to the last man he’d expect to believe in his innocence—and the only man who’s ever gotten under Rook’s skin

Product Link: Dreamspinner Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Review: If there is one thing in life Detective Dante Montoya hates, it’s Rook Stevens. The pain in the ass, sly thief got under Dante’s skin several years back on a case, and never wormed his way out. His former partner was so certain of Rook’s guilt that he stepped outside of the margins and tried to frame Rook, costing him his badge and damn near cost Dante his as well. Now two years later, Dante is the lead on a call to Rook’s shop, where there just happens to be a body. Oh happy day!

Rook has been on the wrong side of everything, including the law, since the day he was born. His mother was worthless and left Rook the day after he told her “I like boys just like you.” He was eight. Rook may be a thief, and a damned good one, but he also has a conscious and tries to help out his fellow dregs. So when he finds himself on the run first from Dante and the cops that think he killed Dani. Then on the run from someone hell bent on killing him, Rook calls the last person you’d think he had on speed dial, Dante.

Things go from bad to worse real quick, but in the middle of all the murder and mayhem, Rook and Dante carve their own little piece of heaven wrapped in each other’s arms. But Rook doesn’t understand the concept of love, because he has never had it. Can Dante tame the frisky feline he’s sleeping with? Then you have to ask yourself, does he even want to tame Rook, or lead him around on a leash. And let’s not forget about that pesky psychopath blazing through town leaving a trail of bodies and body parts in their wake, trying to get their claws into Rook.

Holy Christ, I think this is hands down the best book Rhys Ford has written to date. Don’t get me wrong, I love everything of hers I’ve ever read. This book went above and beyond though. It’s like she took ALL the Morgan men personalities, bottled them up, shook the shit out of it, and when she let the cap off, out popped Rook! And Dante, if I didn’t know better I would think that Cole finally figured out how to get Jai pregnant and Dante was their love child. I laughed so hard I think I literally pee’d my pants.

But then there was a lot of action, suspense, dry humor and passion. Dante tried very hard to hate Rook in the beginning, but it was cute how much he didn’t hate him, not even a little. There banter back and forth could only be described as foreplay. The writing was off the chain, the storyline solid and the characters were seriously flawed (I can think of a better F word) which gave them depth. Even the secondary characters were so well planned and placed within the story.

Definitely a must read, for so many reasons. Intriguing, engaging, passionate, sexy and hysterical are just a few adjectives I’ll use to describe this book.

Fire and Flint by Andrew Grey

Title: Fire and Flint

Series: Carlisle Deputies 01

Author: Andrew Grey

Genre: Contemporary , Suspense, Mystery

Length: Novel (200 Pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (December 8, 2017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Jordan Erichsohn suspects something is rotten about his boss, Judge Crawford. Unfortunately he has nowhere to turn and doubts anyone will believe his claims—least of all the handsome deputy, Pierre Ravelle, who has been assigned to protect the judge, as he’s been receiving the threatening letters. The judge has a long reach, and if he finds out Jordan’s turned on him, he might impede Jordan adopting his son, Jeremiah.

When Jordan can no longer stay silent, he gathers his courage and tells Pierre what he knows. To his surprise and relief, Pierre believes him, and Jordan finds an ally… and maybe more. Pierre vows to do what it takes to protect Jordan and Jeremiah and see justice done. He’s willing to fight for the man he’s growing to love and the family he’s starting to think of as his own. But Crawford is a powerful and dangerous enemy, and he’s not above ripping apart everything Jordan and Pierre are trying to build in order to save himself….

ISBN: 978-1-64080-272-8

Product Link: Dreamspinner Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: This series is a branch off from the Carlisle Cops series. So I would suggest reading those first, although it is not truly needed.

I will admit that the moment I saw that this was a branch off from Carlisle Cops, I knew that I had to get my hands on it. It is not only entertaining but it starts off with excitement. Judge Crawford has pissed someone off and now is in need of protection. So when Pierre takes the case, his first instincts are usually right. The Judge is getting threatening letters and Pierre is set to find out just who it might be. Although in his eyes this was going to be boring as hell. That is until he gets a sight of the Judge’s assistant, Jordan.

Jordan is a sexy young man who has had an amazing life. He had survived cancer, so when he saw Jeremiah, he knew he just wanted to be his dad. Jeremiah had been abandoned and had been dealing with cancer. Eight months in, he knows he will do anything for this little boy. When the Judge starts getting threatening letters, Jordan is set to help the deputy. That is until he finds something that might stop his world altogether. It would seem the Judge has some nasty secrets he has been keeping.

I have always read romances with a bit of suspense in them and never really gave any other type of book a look at. So when I started reading Andrew’s books, well lets just say it made a big impact in what I read these days. Friendships that strengthen and turn into love, plot twists, quite a bit of suspense, trouble along the way and some hot loving is just a bit of what you get with this story.

The way the mystery was written in was pretty direct and thought out. The story just seemed to flow perfectly and the romance was hot. The characters were a big hit with me and it was like you knew them from the beginning. My only issue was I wanted to see what would happen to the Judge, but guess the might have to wait till the next book. It is a very fascinating story that kept my attention from the start and kept me on the edge of my seat till the very end.

I had a lot of fun reading it and can not wait to get my hands on the next book.

The Bisti Business by Don Travis (2nd Edition)

Title: The Bisti Business

Series: A BJ Vinson Mystery 02

Author: Don Travis

Genre: Mystery, Suspense

Length: Novel (322 Pages)

Publisher: DSP Publications (21st March 2017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: Although repulsed by his client, an overbearing, homophobic California wine mogul, confidential investigator B. J. Vinson agrees to search for Anthony Alfano’s missing son, Lando, and his traveling companion—strictly for the benefit of the young men. As BJ chases an orange Porsche Boxster all over New Mexico, he soon becomes aware he is not the only one looking for the distinctive car. Every time BJ finds a clue, someone has been there before him. He arrives in Taos just in time to see the car plunge into the 650-foot-deep Rio Grande Gorge. Has he failed in his mission?

Lando’s brother, Aggie, arrives to help with BJ’s investigation, but BJ isn’t sure he trusts Aggie’s motives. He seems to hold power in his father’s business and has a personal stake in his brother’s fate that goes beyond familial bonds. Together they follow the clues scattered across the Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness area and learn the bloodshed didn’t end with the car crash. As they get closer to solving the mystery, BJ must decide whether finding Lando will rescue the young man or place him directly in the path of those who want to harm him.

First Edition published by Martin Brown Publishers, LLC, 2013.

ISBN: 978-1-63533-113-4

Product Link: DSP Publications | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: This series involves our sexy P.I. and quite a bit of crazy charactes. Now this can be read as a standalone, but I would suggest reading in order. It gives you an insight into Private Investigator B.J.

This author was one of the first mystery authors that I came across that I truly enjoyed. He goes into a world that is full of deceit, lust, danger and even murder. It caught my attention from the moment I started reading and kept it all the way to the end. I don’t normally read novels this long, but this one kept me on the edge of me seat. I just needed to know the answer to my many questions. And let me tell you the twist was never expected.

B.J. has taken on some creepy clients, but the latest one takes the tip. Alfano is a very wealthy wine mogul and has a missing son. He is also a homophobic asshat and swears that his son is just going through a stage. He want’s B.J. to locate him and bring him home. It sends him into quite a bit of New Mexico. Here he is looking for a gay kid with a boyfriend and a brigh orange porsche. With that kind of car one would stand out. To bad it was stolen and B.J. watches it crash and burn. Leads send him into some shady locations.

With shady locations, you find the perfect people to help you. To top it off, Lando’s brother wants to help. With killers a foot, two men dead, a missing young man, and a rich asshat, well B.J. is in for a long ride.

Now normally I go for romance stories, however this is a true and true murder mystery story. You get a little loving from our sexy character and the man he loves. But the story is based on the murder and mystery, which is a plus. This story was perfect in my eyes. Not to many authors get every bit and piece put together, this author does just that. It was fast flowing and had a tight story line.

Our main character, B.J., is a professional with an attitude of don’t mess with me. He hung up on the old fart when he called the first time, and then took the case. I never guessed who the killer was, or what he had done before that. I was also kind of glad to find out who did it, because that was one sick, well you can guess my next word. Now for the downside, there was much more details about locations and settings that was a bit of a headache to me. Other than that, this was a top rated story.

I had a blast reading it and can not wait to get my hands on the next book.

The Deadly Lies by David C. Dawson

Title: The Deadly Lies

Series: The Delingpole Mysteries 02

Author: David C. Dawson

Genre: Mystery, Suspense

Length: Novel (210pgs)

Publisher: DSP Publications (December 5, 2017)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts

Blurb: Dominic and Jonathan are on their romantic Spanish honeymoon, and things are perfect… except Dominic has kept a secret from his husband. He’s failed to tell Jonathan that he plans to meet his former lover, Bernhardt, who is speeding on his way from Germany to present Dominic with a mysterious gift.

But Bernhardt is killed in a suspicious car accident. Shortly before he dies, he sends Dominic a bizarre text message that will take the newlyweds on a hair-raising adventure.Lies upon lies plunge Dominic and Jonathan into an internet crime that could destroy the lives of millions of people. What is the mysterious Charter Ninety-Nine group? And will their planned internet assault force Dominic to choose between the fate of the world and the life of his lover?

ISBN: 978-1-63533-892-8

Product Link: DSP Publications | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Lisa

Review: These stories always follows Dominic and Jonathan. The first thing I am going to say is I can’t stand books that involve cheating and open relationships. I gave it a higher rating then I normally would do to the fact that it was a very interesting mystery.

Dominic was not having an affair but he was meeting an old lover for some mysterious reason. To bad his old lover is dead, and someone was after them. On their honeymoon that might end if it all goes bad. To bad Jonathan gets a bit over melodramtic when he finds out. Throws a hissy fit, when he is the one who likes to play around.

There are so many characters in this book, that it gave me a headache trying to figure them all out. I was glad to see Steve again, but really way to many characters and to much detail in certain spots. I like Dominic just fine, but Jonathan is a bit of a bitch to me. Wants his cake and to eat it also, but his husband cannot, just doesn’t sit with me. Although like I said above, can not stand cheating nor open relationships in any story.

So many different points of view is great, except for this part, it just gave me a headache. The mystery is top rated though, and quite a bit of secrets to hold. Secret societies, political corruption, murder, suspense and surprises are just a bit of what you get with this story. It is a very entertaining story that can keep you on the edge of your seat. Now the story does progress slow, but it turned out pretty good. It is a twisted game that is played.

Now the story does end in a cliff-hanger which is another reason the story did not rate so well with me. So for me, this story has great potential, but in some aspects of it failed. The mystery was top rated, but the rest could have been left to the side. Get rid of the open relationship, cheating, pissy moods and Jonathan could be a hit, but for now he is a drag. Dominic is a good guy but he also has just a few problems as well. So other than my issues with the story, it is a good strong read.

I did enjoy parts of it, and will keep my final decision for the next story.

Romantic Behavior by L.A. Witt & Cari Z. Blog Tour, Guest Post, Excerpt & Giveaway!

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Hiya guys! We have L.A. Witt & Cari Z. popping in today with their new release Romantic Behavior, we have a fantastic guest post from Cari, a brilliant tasty excerpt and a fantastic giveaway, so check out the post and leave a comment to enter the giveaway! <3 ~Pixie~

Romantic Behavior

(Bad Behavior 04)

L.A. Witt & Cari Z.

Detective Andreas Ruffner is no fool—he’s found a man who loves him, puts up with him, and has stuck with him through hell and back, and it’s time to put a ring on it. Darren Corliss is the love of his life, and he wants the whole world to know it.

Now the fun part—the wedding!

Well, after the not-so-fun part of planning the wedding in between dealing with overbearing and impossible-to-please family members. With future mothers-in-law driving them both up a wall, the guest list growing out of control, and the wedding getting ever more complicated, Darren and Andreas have to wonder if they’re in over their heads.

But they’re going to make it to the altar if it kills them . . . and at this rate, it just might.

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