Key and Song by Alix Bekins and Connie Bailey

Title: Song and Key

Series: Dreamspun Beyond 11 / The Men from GLEN 01

Author: Alix Bekins and Connie Bailey

Genre: Paranormal, Mystery, Suspense

Length: Novel (218 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (2nd January 2018)

Heat Level: Low

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 3.5 Hearts

Blurb: So-called monsters won’t hold these spies back!

For two secret agents on a mission to a secluded Romanian village, the toughest fight they face may not be against the folktale monsters lurking in the foggy mountains and old ruins, but against their unlikely attraction to each other.

Keller Key is the top operative at the covert Global Law Enforcement Network—and boy does he know it. Sexy half-Ukrainian, half-Korean Sevastyan Song is a close second. When the agents go undercover to investigate an old friend’s suspicious death, it soon becomes clear something sinister is afoot in the ancient forest and decrepit abbey. If an evil organization doesn’t spell the end of them, the angry locals might. But if they’re going to conquer their enemies, they need to keep their hands off each other and their minds on the case, in a rivals-to-lovers paranormal mash-up that gives new meaning to spy-on-spy action.

ISBN: 978-1-63533-391-6

Product Link: Dreamspinner Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK

Reviewer: Prime

Review: Alix Bekins is a new author for me, while I am somewhat familiar with Connie Bailey’s work, although I can’t say I’ve read much of the author’s work either. Needless to say, I felt like I was going into this book blind, which I like to think is a good thing. The blurb had me excited, a good old fashioned spy agency and throw in some paranormal creatures. It had me excited.

Bailey cited that in this new series, The Men from GLEN she was paying homage to The Man from UNCLE. I watched some of that show with my mum after realizing Ducky from NCIS was in it and I have to say, that ramped up my excitement too. My next pop culture reference for this is Archer. The book’s title, Song and Key, had me thinking of British crime shows (e.g. Rosemary and Thyme, Shakespeare and Hathaway, or stealing from Doctor Who the joke name for a duo Sparrow and Nightingale). Obviously, all of my reference points are miles apart from each other and I think that kept with an open mind of what to expect with the mystery/suspense part of the plot.

Song and Key are Keller Key and Sevastyan Song (aka Seva) who are the top agents for the secret organization Global Law Enforcement Network. I found it intriguing to have a half-Ukranian and half-Korean character (Song), it had me intrigued from the start, it’s not a mix of cultures I’d heard of before in fiction and wondered how the two cultures would be blended for Seva.

Keller is a player and he lives life, both professionally and personally, on the edge. He is the exact opposite of his very professional partner. Seva likes to annoy Keller by faking bad English. From the start, it’s clear that, Keller sees Seva as a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma. They’re kinda like enemies to lovers, but they’re enemies that work on the same team.

The story is set up quite efficiently, as we see our heroes sent to Romania on a mission to solve the mystery of how an ex colleague, a Welshman with little knowledge of the Romanian language who only lived there for love, ends up dead and had written a letter in an ancient Romanian language that hasn’t been used in over a thousand years. The mystery has a few clues set up from the beginning, so I found it easy to find what direct the authors were wanting to steer the reader. I don’t want to give too much away, but this is a slick mystery with action and hilarious banter between the MCs. The sexual chemistry is so obvious from the banter, it has to be my favorite part of the story.

The only criticism I have to offer is that this isn’t really a paranormal novel, or at least not one that I’m used to. Here the paranormal element is just background to all the spy games going on in the forefront. However, in saying that I do love how, despite the added romance, The Men from GLEN really do keep their Man From UNCLE inspiration. And for me that made all the fun.

Finding Family by Connie Bailey ~ Audiobook

Connie Bailey - Finding Family Cover AudioTitle: Finding Family

Series:  Dreamspun Desires 11

Author: Connie Bailey

Narrator: John Solo

Genre: Contemporary

Length: 6 hrs, 5 mins

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (4 Aug 2016)

Heat Level: Moderate

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥ 5 Hearts

Blurb: When you find your family, you’ll do anything to keep it.

When Charles Macquarrie inherits a fortune and an international clothing company, he also inherits three young cousins he desperately needs help raising. By a stroke of luck, he discovers and hires Jonathan Lamb, who spent his life in a children’s home due to chronic illness, to be his nanny.

If Jon thought a budding romance with his wealthy boss complicated his life, he has no idea of the hardships awaiting him when he’s charged with embezzlement and kidnapping. But even when threatened by accounting discrepancies and mob connections, Jon and Charles won’t let go of the family they’ve built together without a fight.

Product Link: Audible US | Audible UK  

Reviewer: Prime                              

Review: I’ve read about half of the Dreamspun Desires series, and now I get to hear them to! Finding Family is actually one of the books that I just haven’t got around to reading yet. For me these relatively short novellas cover a guilty desire of sweet romance – to me I liken Dreamspun Desires to the MM version of Harlequin romances. I suppose, in that sense, I can say many of the books have a predictable plot but for me that in no way takes away from the story.

I love Connie Bailey – her writing is so easy to follow and everything, in the end, comes together for a wonderful ending. As I said of the Dreamspun Desires series in general, the ending of Finding Family culminates to an incredibly sweet ending, even if it’s predictable. Okay, so there is a bit of adventure and a pretty serious corporate trouble – but between all that is two strong male leads and three great kids bursting with personality.

On top of all this enjoyment for is that fact that John Solo narrates this particular story. Seriously, I’m in love with his voice. (It’s kind of like the episode of the TV show The IT Crowd where the female lead is in love with the voice of a radio announcer. So not the point, I’m moving on.) I think I’m going to be saying this every time I review a book he narrates – John Solo absolutely nails the characters feelings and in particular for the leads, he really injects a lot of life and personality into the words he is reading off the page.

As for the story itself, everything is there in the blurb. Jonathan Lamb, aka Jon, grew up in a children’s home and raised by nuns (how Sound of Music is that?). He’s twenty and after being constantly sick as a child and then working at the children’s home, it’s time for him to get out on his own. To that end he becomes the manny for Charles Macquarrie. Charles is from a multi-millionaire family, but with a very tragic past. At twenty five he has lost his parents, runs the family corporation (despite events he does it well too) and now guardian to three much younger cousins after the death of his uncle and aunty. As I keep saying, it’s a recipe for sweetness, bordering on a diabetic coma.

There are what I feel to be a few call backs to The Sound of Music and Mary Poppins, aside from the obviously stated ones. It tends to give Jon an around perfect feel, while it is Charles who is flawed, even though he is a young, rich and hot businessman/millionaire. I think it’s a bit of a change from the usual trope. If I must pick at anything, I feel that a lot more could have been made of Charles’ drinking, Jon’s reaction and the implications that alcohol seems to be a genetic problem in the Macquarrie family.

One Pulse ~ Charity Anthology Guest Post by John Amory!


Hey guys, today we have John Amory, one of the authors from the Dreamspinner Press Charity Anthology One Pulse, visiting with an incredible guest post, so check out the post and then I want you to check out the blogs that the other One Pulse authors will be visiting during the next two weeks. <3 ~Pixie~ 


One Pulse


Jon Keys, Alicia Nordwell, Mickie B. Ashling, M.T. Aspen, M.A. Church, Caitlin Ricci, George Seaton, Jayce Ellis, Bree Cariad, Chrissy Munder, Ellis Carrington, Felicitas Ivey, John Amory, Grace R. Duncan, John Goode, J. C. Long, Elizabeth Noble, Renee Stevens, Troy Storm, Connie Bailey, Dev Bentham, Andrea Speed, Laura Lascarso, Lila Leigh Hunter, Emery C. Walters, C.C. Dado, Sera Kane, KC Burn, Vicktor Alexander, Edmond Manning

Stories drive life. Sometimes life is good; sometimes life is bad. But it’s the nature of our community that in the aftermath of an act of hatred, we respond with love. Because darkness cannot exist in the presence of light. Cruelty cannot stand against compassion. Negativity will never overcome hope.

To show our support for those affected by the Orlando shooting, our authors, editors, artists, and staff have volunteered their talents to create this anthology. All proceeds will be donated to LGBT organizations in central Florida. Join us as we celebrate the triumph of love over every obstacle.

Continue reading “One Pulse ~ Charity Anthology Guest Post by John Amory!”

Serendipity Kit by Connie Bailey ~ Audiobook

SerendipityKitAUDLgTitle: Serendipity Kit
Author: Connie Bailey
Narrator: Peter B Brooke
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Length: 6 hours and 38 minutes
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (10-15-14)
Heat Level: Mild
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥4 Hearts
Blurb: Christopher “Kit” Britten drifts through life, partying with friends and spending his parents’ money. He hasn’t told them he’s gay, but he’s told all of his five sisters, and to keep from being harassed about responsibility, he works part-time for one of them.

When she sends him on an errand and his shiny red Ferrari breaks down in one of Houston’s seediest locals, he pushes it to the nearest garage. That’s where he meets Romy O’Keefe.

Romy works hard as a mechanic to provide for his mother and little brother. When Kit pushes his to-die-for Ferrari into Romy’s garage, Romy is wary of falling for gorgeous Kit despite instant attraction. Kit impulsively decides to prove how serious he is about Romy by coming out to his parents—and his father disowns him!

Uptown and downtown clash as the two men share the tiny space in Romy’s Airstream trailer and struggle to make ends meet. When Kit’s former boyfriend comes sniffing around, and Romy gets the bill for his little brother’s surgery, it drives home to him how very different his world is from Kit’s. However, Kit is in love with the velvet-voiced Romy, and he isn’t about to give up.

Product Link(s):

Reviewer: Tams

Review: Kit Britten is the proverbial rich kid. He lives off mommy and daddy’s dime, in an apartment owned by their corporation, driving the car they gave him for his birthday, and having his groceries delivered by the local supermarket. He fears if he ever told them the truth about his sexuality that they would not only cut him off, but also cut them out of their lives. Everything changes when he meets Romy.

Romy O’Keefe is a mechanic that owns his own small shop, lives in a trailer out back, and still supports his mom and little brother. His life and livelihood are at the opposite end of the spectrum from Kit’s. There is something about the surprisingly unspoiled rich kid that quickly gets under Romy’s skin, and soon the two are dating. When dinner at the Britten manner reveals the truth about Kit and Romy’s relationship, Kit’s worse fears are realized as he and Romy go from boyfriends to roommates overnight.

It’s not all sunshine and roses though. Kit has to let go of a lifestyle he has become accustomed to and Romy has to give up a little bit of his independence when Kit moves in. Loving each other is never an issue, but trust and communication doesn’t come quite as easy for two guys that are using to living on their own.

This was just a fast, fun read about the joys of young love. Both men have secrets and they’ve come from vastly different backgrounds, so you spend a good deal of the story trying to figure out if their love for each other will be enough to make them fight for the rest. The writing was youthful and fresh and I thoroughly enjoyed to storyline and the character development.

I haven’t listened to a reading by Peter Brooke before and for the most part, he did a great job. In the beginning, the changes in tone, inflection, and nuances were too subtle. But as the story progressed, Brooke really found his footing and I especially loved the rough around the edges tone he chose to use for Romy.

A great listen for anyone that likes stories for hopeless romantics that are well written and well conveyed.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through *

KICKASS Anthology, Guest Post, Review & Giveaway!

Anthology - Kickass -Tour Badge

Today we have the Mia Kerick & Michael Bower from the Anthology KICKASS stopping by. Mia and Micheal both speak about things worth fighting for, there’s a great giveaway and we have Lisa’s review. So enjoy the post and click that Rafflecopter link… just remember all this is in aid of Eric Arvin so don’t forget to purchase your copy <3 ~Pixie~

Anthology - Kickass Cover



Keira Andrews, Connie Bailey, Sophie Bonaste, Tara Bluhm, Michael J. Bowler, A.L. Boyd, Jade Crystal, Catherine Dair, Fiona Fu, Nancy Hartmann, JP Kenwood, Mia Kerick, Jackie Keswick, Eleanore Pavelle, Kate Pavelle, Jonathan Penn, Tali Spencer, Taomi, Rayne Vogel, Brandon Witt, Scott C. Pavelle

With a special foreword by Eric Arvin’s sisters Angela Arvin-Young and Amy Arvin

Against bad odds, he persevered. Wit, grit, and guile pulverized his scary opponent into a sad pile of dust.

Eric Arvin is Kickass.

Even a kickass hero needs a hand from a secondary

character, and Eric needs that extra power boost right now. This anthology is a volunteer effort organized by Eric’s fans and fellow writers in order to help him raise funds and help cover the cost of his high-tech recovery. His wicked sense of humor is intact, but his body needs a bit of help.

These stories are meant to inspire. They’re a warm hug, a wave from afar, a wink and a nod. Discover new authors and graphic artists as you, too, get revved up to slay whatever ails you!

Illustrated edition !

KICKASS ANTHOLOGY was produced in order to raise funds for the medical recovery of our friend and colleague, author Eric Arvin.

All artwork, both written and graphic, was donated free of charge.

All proceeds will go directly to Eric Arvin and his family.

Continue reading “KICKASS Anthology, Guest Post, Review & Giveaway!”

Three Wise Men by Connie Bailey

ThreeWiseMenLGTitle: Three Wise Men
Series: Dreamspinner Press’ 2014 Advent Calendar: Celebrate
Author: Connie Bailey
Genre: Contemporary/MMM Ménage
Length: Short (29 pages)
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (December 1, 2014)
Heat Level: Moderate
Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥5 Hearts
Blurb:College friends Joon, Tae, and Sangsun parted ways after an aborted attempt at a threesome. Ten years later, life has carried them down very different paths, but Joon misses his friends and decides to invite them to his home in South Korea for Christmas. He believes they belong together, but convincing the others to defy tradition and try again will take faith, hope, and a lot of talking—especially since all three of them are still in the closet.

A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2014 Advent Calendar package “Celebrate!”.
ISBN: 978-1-63216-759-0
Product Link:
Reviewer: Prime
Review: Joon has nervously awaited and prepared for the Christmas he had planned with Sangsun and Tae, the three had not been all together in 10 years, since Tae went and joined the army. Joon has at some point converted to Christianity, hence why he has prepared to celebrate Christmas. I’m not good with working out the origins of different names, but I figured this is set in South Korea, mostly because Joon offered Sangsun and Tae soju (then we are actually told on page 10 that it’s Korea).

This is a great story with three characters that are men and now have their careers as teacher, businessmen and career army but need to come to terms with who they are. All three men are likable characters, too, which meant it had my emotions tossing about. Sangsun is a bit stubborn, but then again there is always someone who needs more than a little convincing.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through *

Serendipity Kit by Connie Bailey

SerendipityKitrevLGTitle: Serendipity Kit

Author: Connie Bailey

Genre: Contemporary Romance

ISBN: 978-1-62798-267-2

Length: Novel (212 pages)

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press (December 6th, 2013)

Heat Level: Explicit

Heart Rating: ♥♥♥3 Hearts

Reviewer: Thommie

Blurb: Christopher “Kit” Britten drifts through life, partying with friends and spending his parents’ money. He hasn’t told them he’s gay, but he’s told all of his five sisters, and to keep from being harassed about responsibility, he works part-time for one of them. When she sends him on an errand and his shiny red Ferrari breaks down in one of Houston’s seediest locals, he pushes it to the nearest garage. That’s where he meets Romy O’Keefe.

Romy works hard as a mechanic to provide for his mother and little brother. When Kit pushes his to-die-for Ferrari into Romy’s garage, Romy is wary of falling for gorgeous Kit despite instant attraction. Kit impulsively decides to prove how serious he is about Romy by coming out to his parents—and his father disowns him!

Uptown and downtown clash as the two men share the tiny space in Romy’s Airstream trailer and struggle to make ends meet. When Kit’s former boyfriend comes sniffing around, and Romy gets the bill for his little brother’s surgery, it drives home to him how very different his world is from Kit’s. However, Kit is in love with the velvet-voiced Romy, and he isn’t about to give up.

Product Link:

Review: Serendipity means a “happy accident” or “pleasant surprise”; a fortunate mistake. Specifically, the accident of finding something good or useful while not specifically searching for it. (Source: Wikipedia)

As Kit go on an errand for his sister, his car simply stops near a garage. Romy, the mechanic falls in love with the Ferrari, but he’s struck as if by lightning with the owner of the car. Two men that couldn’t be more different from each other; one a wealthy brat going through life being supported by his rich parents, the other barely making ends meet and supporting his mother and teenage brother. What they have in common though is their heart. Makes you wonder if that is enough to make a life together.

This story is a classic Connie Bailey one, sweet and full of hope and happy chances. The characters are adorable and quite sexy, approaching each other with caution in the beginning and throttling each other on the nearest bed once, they establish their relationship. The lovemaking is sweet and sensual, going hand in hand with the rest of their life. While there are events that cause trouble in paradise, they are easily conquered and the general feel of this novel is an easygoing love story where love overcomes all obstacles.

Honestly, this is not quite my kind of read where everything is so sweet and verging on corny, but I did enjoy the story. I would have liked it a lot better if the angst and drama there had been a bit more realistic. The ex-boyfriend showing up for example was a weird thing, as he showed up, made all those big exclamations claiming Kit for his own, and then suddenly vanished from the story like steam on a hot day. It felt as if there were unfinished business there. Same goes for Kit’s relationship with his father. I don’t know, the feel of something building yet left in the middle is what I got out of the dramatic part of this story.

Overall though this is a very romantic novel, focuses on the happy chances and the love of two men who don’t give up on their feelings. If this is what you like to read, then I definitely recommend this one to you.

Insert Here by Connie Bailey

InsertHereLGTitle:  Insert Here
Author:  Connie Bailey
Genre:  Contemporary
Length:  Novella (79 pages)
Publisher:  Dreamspinner Press (December 26, 2012)
Heat level:  Explicit
Heart rating:  ♥♥♥3Hearts
Blurb:  John Garros, known to his fans as Spanish Joe for his dark good looks, makes his living as an actor in porn films. As a perfect body double for Hollywood superstar Jason Forrester, he acts in XXX-rated scenes that are inserted into Forrester’s blockbuster movies. He makes good money from the profits of the modified films and spends most of it on parties and vacations, never feeling a twinge of guilt. At least not until he bumps into Jason at a party.

The two men have an instant physical attraction, and Jason surprises Spanish by calling him afterward. Spanish is even more surprised when the one-night stand turns into a budding relationship. Things are going great for him until Jason’s management stumbles over the thriving traffic in “enhanced” Jason Forrester movies. When Jason tells Spanish how much the deceptive DVDs hurt him, Spanish knows he has a big decision to make: keep his mouth shut and hope Jason never sees the footage, or confess and risk losing everything.
Product link:

Reviewer:  Heart
Review:  What is it about me and porn that I have to grab each book that just mentions it and add it to my read list? Maybe it’s the expectation of naked men making sacrifices for the money they eventually earn, or the resulting conflicts when they find that perfect someone and need to explain what is it that they actually do.

In this case, Spanish/John is a body double for a movie star who makes pornographic covers of movies for the Asian and European market. He has a great body, and resembles the actor he imitates enough that he is in demand, making good money. It doesn’t hurt that the man he portrays on-screen is someone he admires.

Then comes the party where the two men meet, with an instant mutual attraction, resulting in sex and the eventual beginning of something more. What ensues is the everlasting question – to come clean or hope for the best?
The content of this story isn’t all that explicit, or for that matter deep, and certainly was not what I was expecting. There are some details about filming, and very rapidly developing relationship, but the main conflict passes just as quickly, and at the end there’s not much to this story. The characters aren’t explored enough to give them the necessary complexity. Although I saw the potential, the plot went too fast to make it significantly enjoyable.

The Raw Prawn by Connie Bailey

Title:  Raw Prawn

Author:  Connie Bailey

Genre:  GLBT Action/Adventure

Length:  Novella

Publisher:  Dreamspinner Press (August 23, 2011)

Heat Level:  Explicit

Heart Rating:  ♥♥♥♥4Hearts

Blurb:  When backpacker Jarold Lake runs out of money in Australia, an acquaintance gives him an address where he can find an under-the-table job without needing a work visa. He’s greeted by Russ Bridger, who none too subtly lets him know that the “job” involves being filmed having sex… with a man. Jarold is open to new experiences, but when he decided to take a trip Down Under, he never expected this!

Before long, Jarold is tangled up in the underworld dealings of Russ’s boss, Jason Leith. Leith runs an empire on betting, pornography, and prostitution, and he is devoid of sympathy, among other human feelings. When Leith shows too much interest in Jarold, Russ decides it’s time to get out of the low life, something much easier said than done. But for Jarold, Russ will take the risk.

Reviewer:  Portia

Review:  Raw Prawn makes me think of the kind of porn a woman would write and direct…lots of hot, nasty sex with a plot.  A damn good plot.

Jarold is a bit of a lost soul.  He’d wandered around until his money ran out.  That’s how he ends up in Australia willing to perform in an x-rated flick for some quick cash.  Something about Russ seduces him into crossing from bi-curious to full on bisexual in one afternoon.  The chemistry between Russ and Jarold is off the charts.

There is a tad bit of insta love, but it’s not too sappy.  Russ seems to temper Jarold’s wanderlust.  While Jarold helps Russ to value himself and believe there is still good in the world.

Throw in a crazy man trying to kill them and more hot sex and you have an excellent erotic romance.

Moonlight, Tiger and Smoke by Connie Bailey

Title: Moonlight, Tiger and Smoke

Author: Connie Bailey

Genre:  Mystery/Suspense

Publisher:  Dreamspinner

Heal Level:  Moderate

Rating: ♥♥♥3.5 Hearts

Reviewer:  Natasha

Blurb:  Taken from their families and raised to be assassins, Moonlight and Tiger are the perfect weapons and secret lovers. Even when they are sent into service with different clans, their love remains pure and strong until a more insidious threat divides them.

When Moonlight realizes his master is manipulating people for his own ends, the discovery threatens not only Tiger, but their entire society. Betrayed by a fellow assassin, the men are tortured and broken. If their love and their people are going to survive, one of them will have to defy everything he knows and stand up for the only thing he believes is real: Love.

Review:  I’ve read some books by the author before so I knew it was risky choosing this book. And I was right.
I will not lie. The first chapters were difficult to read. There is a lot of information to assimilate, powerful scenes that brought many emotions to the surface. But that was really what made ​​me love this book.
The story begins with the kidnapping of six children by Kagehito. Just to clarify, Kagehito is not a person (out of curiosity: this part reminded me of the movie Wanted with Angelina Jolie). These children are taken to an island and there they start a training that will destroy them and molded them to serve a purpose. I know that the summary is very vague but I do not want to spoil the book.

The story is quite interesting. The existence of different clans and their roles were well developed and I caught my attention early on. Add to that the complex characters and you have the reason I like Moonlight, Tiger, and Smoke.

As for the characters, Moonlight is my favorite. Even after all the trials and sufferings he endured, he still retained his humanity. The final placement was perfect for him. But that does not mean I do not like the Tiger or Smoke (actually Smoke won additional points for his altruism at the end).

If you like intrigue, action, paranormal elements in your story, I recommend you give Moonlight a chance.  Give  Tiger  and Smoke a chance.   I did  and I do not regret it.